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Love's Reservations
Love's Reservations
Love's Reservations
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Love's Reservations

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A handsome, mysterious guest arrives at Nell Turner's beautiful - and fully booked - hotel in rural Yorkshire, demanding a room, any room. He must stay in this particular hotel on this particular night and just won't take 'no' for an answer. Nell, seeing he is at the end of his tether, takes him in, despite her reservations. This is just the start of their intriguing and volatile relationship.

Release dateNov 1, 2011
Love's Reservations

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    Book preview

    Love's Reservations - Chrissy Thompson

    Love’s Reservations

    Published by Chrissy Thompson at Smashwords

    Copyright 2011 Chrissy Thompson

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Chapter 1

    Luke Preston’s arrival had already impacted on Nell’s consciousness before the disturbing sounds of heightened voices took her hot-foot into reception. She had been upstairs in her suite, gazing dubiously into the mirror, smoothing down the lines of a very expensive black number that dipped seductively front and back. The scrunch of gravel and slam of a car door brought her to the window. A man emerged from the murk of the car park, completely sodden in the driving rain, wearing no coat, his white shirt plastered to his chest. Tough, she thought, he can hardly expect to arrive at the best hotel in the area in the middle of the season and expect a room. She returned to contemplation of the dress. It fitted beautifully, it was sexy and revealing. Why was she having second thoughts about unleashing it on James?

    Her brain suddenly took in the altercation below. Young Janie was on duty this

    evening - only eighteen and lacking the presence to deal with an awkward client. Nell walked quickly down the back stairs, past the kitchens and into the foyer. The man in the white shirt was standing with his back towards her, his dark hair glistening wet, towering over Janie who was clearly doing her best, making conciliatory hand gestures and shaking her head.

    Nell approached softly and Janie gave a smile of relief, and, as she took in the dress, a wink of approval. She rolled her eyes in the man’s direction and made a face.

    I’ve just been explaining, Miss Turner, that we’re completely full. He … he just won’t accept it.

    The man turned. He had about three days’ growth of stubble and looked decidedly rough. His appearance was certainly no commendation and she could understand Janie’s desire to get rid of him as soon as possible.

    I’m not drunk. God knows I have been, but right now I’m extremely sober.

    His voice was low but she caught the note of bitterness in it. He spread his hand on the desk and looked directly at her. I need a room, in this hotel, tonight.

    I’m afraid it’s impossible. I’ve simply nowhere to put you. There are other hotels, perhaps you -

    No! He had raised his hand and was about to slam it forcefully down when he stopped himself. He gripped the edge of the desk.

    Look, I have to be here. Put me in a broom cupboard - anywhere. Just find me something.

    His eyes demanded and entreated in turn. Quite what prompted her she did not know. It might have been the exhaustion that she saw in him or those wonderfully expressive brown eyes. Nice eyes, she thought.

    We have no vacancies, as my receptionist explained, but … she hesitated, then cleared her throat. I have a suite here. I’m going out so you can use it, tonight. I’ll get some linen.

    Janie goggled and came out hurriedly from behind the desk. She said in an urgent undertone, "Nell, are you crazy! We know nothing about him and you’re offering your own room. We don’t even know his name!

    Well, that’s easily rectified. Nell strode over to the desk and found the book. She watched as he signed in. Luke Preston. The signature was large and clear. In the address section he simply wrote ‘London’.

    Card? she asked and he produced a wad of plastic. He flicked through and she noticed a little ironic smile on his lips. That disquieted her more than any of the rest. However, it was too late now.

    She gestured to him to follow her. No luggage, I take it? He opened his hands and shrugged.

    Janie shot forward, next to Nell. Er, shall I come with you, Nell? She eyed Luke Preston significantly and he grinned with an effort.

    Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’m harmless. I’ve just been successfully neutered.

    Janie scowled indignantly and Nell said, No, you’re needed here.

    She looked at the girl’s troubled face and took her on one side, saying quietly, Look, he’s obviously at the end of his tether - sometimes you just have to take a chance. Janie turned on her heel and stalked back to the desk. Nell called out over her shoulder, Do me a favour and ring James? Tell him I’ll be a little late.

    As they entered the lift Nell felt his gaze on her. Boyfriend? She pursed her lips and he held up a hand. OK, none of my business. He paused and leant his head against the back wall. That was very generous of you. Thank you.

    Don’t mention it. I’ve been there myself.

    He looked at her curiously but said nothing.

    Nell’s suite had previously been her mother’s accommodation in the hotel. When Caroline retired four years ago and she took over it had seemed logical to move out of her modest flat in town and redecorate to her own taste. She had transformed it into a tasteful space, airy and light and accessorized perfectly. Her mother had been rather lukewarm as she gazed around the former sitting-room, now her daughter’s office. Isn’t it a bit … clinical, darling?

    Nell had smiled. No chintz, you mean? She had ushered her mother into the bedroom. Take a look at this.

    Luke Preston, in his turn, gazed approvingly at the dramatic Andalusian prints and gorgeous calico throws. Your sanctum? he asked lazily. It’s very you.

    She stared at him, startled. How can you possibly know what’s me? You don’t know me.

    He looked her up and down. You’re wearing that dress. That tells me all I need to know. He yawned. Anyway, I’m trading on your time and I should shut up and let you go. I hope he appreciates you.

    You hope … who? she stammered, off balance.

    Why, James, of course.

    She looked at him coldly and suddenly took in the state of his shoes and clothes. He was standing marooned in the middle of the room, dripping. She quickly scooped up a spare robe from the bathroom and thrust it at him. Take off your clothes and put this on, she ordered. I don’t want you ruining my sanctum, as you put it.

    He smiled wearily as she left the room to find some fresh linen in Housekeeping. Everything was laid out in immaculate order in the linen room, freshly pressed and smelling sweet. She gathered up a duvet and some pillow cases.

    Luke was sitting on the bed when she returned, with his head slumped against the bed-head. He was totally asleep. She stood for a moment, considering, then clasped his long legs and pulled them onto the bed. He did not stir for an instant. The robe she had given him was barely adequate for such a big man and was open to his waist revealing quite a lot of muscled and tanned chest. She looked down at him. The tension that she had sensed in him was gone in sleep, the lines smoothed out. He had a strong face, yet when she had first seen him he had seemed so vulnerable. She piled his wet clothes into the wash bin then picked up her purse and wrap. As she was leaving she caught sight of herself again in the mirror. She bit her lip then flung open the wardrobe. After hunting rapidly through the rows of clothes she changed into a pretty linen shirt-waister and let herself softly out of the room.

    As she drove the ten miles into York she mulled over the odd events of the evening that had culminated in an attractive man in her bed. The laugh caught in her throat as she thought about James’s reaction to such news. A high stickler, he would be appalled by her impulsive action. The city looked splendid in the late evening sun, the grass fresh beneath the recent showers and the river sparkling. James had just acquired a penthouse apartment in one of the recent riverside conversions. Nell parked her car in his bay then made her way over cobbles to the entrance security.

    James’s voice was flat and cold over the intercom, his face, when he let her in, expressionless.

    I see Janie told you rather more than I intended, said Nell dryly.

    She has told me some wild story about you accommodating a violent drunk in your own room, yes.

    He was not violent or drunk, just tired and stressed. I performed a compassionate act. You should try it some time.

    James spun round quickly and the cocktail that he was mixing for her shot out of the glass and onto the stripped pine floor. Furiously he mopped it up.

    Don’t try to push this one back on me, Nell. You know it was unwise.

    Unwise, Nell repeated and removed her wrap. James never did anything unwise. As a successful financial advisor he couldn’t afford to. Money wasn’t exactly his god, but it played a large part in his life. She looked round the apartment, purchased as part of a careful strategy. James was already into year five of his ten-year plan - she wondered if she figured in year six.

    And foolhardy. However … His face had softened and he was advancing towards her. …since you’re looking so fantastic, I’m prepared to ignore it this once. He pulled her towards him and kissed her lightly on the lips.

    Nell knew what was expected: she would respond, the kiss would deepen, he would draw her into the bedroom and, after some preliminary minor love making they would fall into bed. He was a considerate and skilled lover - not that she had much to compare, apart from her one other disastrous affair five years ago. His mouth was moving against hers and she touched his cheek. He grasped her hand and it suddenly occurred to her that they had never made love in her own bedroom. In the six months of their relationship he had never even been in her bedroom; she realized that she had always deliberately avoided that possibility. She drew back sharply from him and knew, all at once, why she had not worn the dress. She gazed at him. You don’t know me, she thought in panic, then realized that she had spoken aloud.

    What? He was looking thoroughly perplexed.

    She pulled herself together. I - I’m sorry, I was thinking of something else.

    That’s not very flattering Nell.

    No - I don’t know what’s the matter with me tonight. I feel a bit - on edge. Forgive me?

    He relaxed at once. Of course, darling. Look … He took her hand and led her to one of the low leather sofas. … there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.

    His face was deadly serious. Oh dear God, she thought, he’s going to propose.

    Immediately she stood up and clutched her bag and wrap. I’m so sorry, James, I feel really off. I should go.

    But you’ve only just arrived! he protested.

    She kissed his cheek and made for the door. I shouldn’t have come. It was a mistake.

    But …

    She waved to him in the half-open door. Ring me.

    That’s what I was intending, he said to himself in a savage undertone, fingering the small jeweller’s box in his pocket.

    Nell was metaphorically kicking herself all the way back to the hotel. What on earth had got into her? James was handsome, intelligent and solvent, why was she having doubts? You don’t know me. That phrase had come up twice tonight, in quite different contexts. Perhaps I don’t know myself anymore, she thought. Deep down, if she were honest, she knew that she had created an entirely new persona five years ago, one that could dovetail nicely with someone like James. She had left the living and breathing, but broken twenty-two year old Nell far behind. That Nell had been destroyed by a man - she had been determined that she would never be hurt like that again. Some part of the old fearless Nell existed, however, in her choice of a daring little black dress and her wild bedroom. And in her spontaneous kindness to a stranger.

    By the time she re-entered the hotel it was nearing 10.00. Will, her night-porter and gardener who lived in the annex to the hotel was just starting his duty. She made her way up to her suite and carefully slid in. She tip-toed to the bedroom. Luke was lying exactly where she had left him. She looked around and found the duvet and pillows that she had brought in from Housekeeping and slung them on to the Chesterfield in the office. Her compassionate act had certainly rebounded on her this time. Of course if she hadn’t thrown a wobbler at James’s she could now be safely ensconced in a comfortable bed herself.

    Nell sighed and began to undress. She pulled an old tee shirt from a drawer and went into the bathroom to dispose of her lingerie in the wash bin. She wrinkled her nose as it absorbed the smell of damp clothing and remembered that she had thrown Luke’s trousers and shirt there. As she pulled them out she noticed a soggy piece of paper in his trousers and rescued it from the saturated pocket. On impulse she unfolded it and read the words Decree Absolute between Luke Marcus Preston and Kay Meredith Preston. It was dated five days ago.

    Nell turned her head quickly and discovered the crick in her neck. A Chesterfield was definitely not the best surface on which to spend the night. She spun her legs to the floor and met the gaze of Luke Preston. He was standing framed in the doorway with his arms folded.

    "Have you been watching me?’ she asked indignantly.

    Yes, he answered baldly. He strode into the room and bent down to pick up the linen dress that she had stepped out of last night and left on the floor. So Cinders, I see the ball dress has disappeared; lost your shoe as well?

    The ball was cancelled, she said tartly, owing to circumstances that have absolutely nothing to do with you. She watched him in exasperation as he padded round the room. Shouldn’t you be getting ready to leave, Mr Preston? she asked, looking pointedly at her watch. It was 8.30.

    Yes, indeed, Miss Turner, however, there is just the small matter of my clothes - oh, and breakfast.

    Nell flushed a little as she thought of the scrunched up clothing in the bathroom and that crumpled piece of paper that she had so unashamedly read.

    Oh, yes, she answered lamely. "I’ll see if I can find you something to wear whilst

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