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DB2 Interview Questions, Answers, and Explanations: DB2 Database Certification Review
DB2 Interview Questions, Answers, and Explanations: DB2 Database Certification Review
DB2 Interview Questions, Answers, and Explanations: DB2 Database Certification Review
Ebook253 pages2 hours

DB2 Interview Questions, Answers, and Explanations: DB2 Database Certification Review

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About this ebook

Because DB2 is is known for its broad spectrum of functionality, the DB2 specialist must be comfortable handling the diverse situations that arise when managing such a system. No other guide walks the administrator through the common challenges to be faced on the job like DB2 Interview Questions, Answers, and Explanations.
Use this book to evaluate your candidate or to prepare yourself for the interview. Either way, this guide will keep you current! No other guide aids the administrator in preparation for actual complications with system maintenance and troubleshooting quite like this one — from the perspective of the administrator. More than just a walkthrough for 'dummies,' this guide explains the highest lever of user knowledge to help you secure that administrator title.

Key interview topics include:

• Daily administration tasks
• System performance monitoring
• DB2 integration
• System backup
• Common performance errors

Release dateNov 7, 2011
DB2 Interview Questions, Answers, and Explanations: DB2 Database Certification Review

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    DB2 Interview Questions, Answers, and Explanations - equitypress

    DB2 Interview Questions, Answers, and Explanations: DB2 Database Certification Review


    Equity Press

    DB2 Interview Questions, Answers, and Explanations: DB2 Database Certification Review

    ISBN: 978-1-60332-259-1

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright© 2006 Equity Press and IBM COOKBOOK all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without either the prior written permission of the publisher or a license permitting restricted copying in the United States or abroad.

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    Table of Contents

    Question 1: Finding out the total number of rows in a DB2 table

    Question 2: Eliminating duplicate values in DB2 SELECT

    Question 3: Selecting a row using indexes in DB2

    Question 4: Finding the maximum value in a column

    Question 5: Retrieving the first 5 characters of FIRSTNAME column

    Question 6: Aggregate functions

    Question 7: MAX on a CHAR column

    Question 8: SQL statement yields inaccurate results

    Question 9: Concatenate the FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME

    Question 10: The use of VALUE function

    Question 11: UNION and UNION ALL

    Question 12: Restriction on using UNION in SQL

    Question 13: BETWEEN and IN in the WHERE clause

    Question 14: BETWEEN is inclusive of the range values

    Question 15: Use of LIKE and its wildcard characters in WHERE clause

    Question 16: Use of LIKE statement

    Question 17: Meaning of underscore in the LIKE statement

    Question 18: GROUP BY and HAVING clause

    Question 19: list of employees who are not assigned to any project

    Question 20: result of query if no rows are selected

    Question 21: SELECT is not preferred in SQL programs

    Question 22: Ways to see the table definitions

    Question 23: Cursor and its use

    Question 24: Retrieve rows from a DB2 table in SQL

    Question 25: Meaning of Dedicated and Pool Threads

    Question 26: Specify and use a cursor in COBOL program

    Question 27: Function of OPEN CURSOR

    Question 28: DECLARE CURSOR

    Question 29: more than one cursor open in a program

    Question 30: COMMIT and the cursor

    Question 31: leaving the cursor open after issuing a COMMIT

    Question 32: Definition of a VARCHAR field

    Question 33: the physical storage length of DB2 data types

    Question 34: COBOL picture clause of DB2 data types

    Question 35: COBOL picture clause for DB2 column

    Question 36: meaning of DCLGEN

    Question 37: Contents of a DCLGEN

    Question 38: Use of DCLGEN

    Question 39: Use of DECLARE TABLE in DCLGEN

    Question 40: Pre-compile of DB2-COBOL program

    Question 41: Typical DB2 batch program executed

    Question 42: SQLCA fields

    Question 43: Updated rows after update statement

    Question 44: Meaning of EXPLAIN

    Question 45: Things needed to do EXPLAIN

    Question 46: Storage location of EXPLAIN

    Question 47: Meaning of EXPLAIN with MATCHCOLS = 0

    Question 48: EXPLAIN in SQL statement

    Question 49: Simulate the EXPLAIN in SQL statement in SPUFI/QMF

    Question 50: Possible isolation levels

    Question 51: difference between CS and RR isolation levels

    Question 52: ISOLATION LEVEL

    Question 53: Use of ISOLATION LEVEL

    Question 54: Locking levels

    Question 55: Determining lock size in DB2

    Question 56: Disadvantages of PAGE level lock

    Question 57: LOCK TABLE on a view

    Question 58: Lock escalation

    Question 59: Locks available

    Question 60: Function of ALTER

    Question 61: Meaning of DBRM and PLAN

    Question 62: Use of ACQUIRE/ RELEASE in BIND

    Question 63: The access path

    Question 64: Dropped index in PLAN

    Question 65: Content of PACKAGES

    Question 66: The advantages of using a PACKAGE

    Question 67: Meaning of COLLECTION

    Question 68: The SQL codes

    Question 69: Printing the output of an SQL statement from SPUFI

    Question 70: Retrieving nth row

    Question 71: Command to reorganize indexes

    Question 72: Meaning of dynamic SQL

    Question 73: Determining the access path for dynamic SQL

    Question 74: Causes of deteriorating performance in dynamic SQL

    Question 75: DB2 store NULL physically

    Question 76: Retrieval of data from a null column

    Question 77: Picture clause of the null indicator variable

    Question 78: Meaning of null indicator with value –1, 0, and -2

    Question 79: Inserting a record in a null column

    Question 80: Function of RUNSTATS

    Question 81: Function of RUNSTATS

    Question 82: Example of statistics collected during RUNSTATS

    Question 83: Meaning and function of REORG

    Question 84: Meaning of IMAGECOPY

    Question 85: Function of IMAGECOPY

    Question 86: Meaning of COPY PENDING

    Question 87: Meaning of CHECK PENDING

    Question 88: Function of QUIESCE

    Question 89: Clustering index

    Question 90: Number of clustering indexes defined for a table

    Question 91: Diff. between primary key & unique index

    Question 92: SQL code -922

    Question 93: SQL code -811

    Question 94: SQL code of -818

    Question 95: updating views

    Question 96: updating a view of two or more tables

    Question 97: 4 environments to access DB2

    Question 98: Meaning of inner and outer joins

    Question 99: Meaning of FREEPAGE and PCTFREE

    Question 100: function of simple, segmented and partitioned table spaces

    Question 101: meaning of filter factor

    Question 102: meaning

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