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Adaptability, a Blessing or a Curse?
Adaptability, a Blessing or a Curse?
Adaptability, a Blessing or a Curse?
Ebook11 pages9 minutes

Adaptability, a Blessing or a Curse?

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This essay reveals how our brains adapt to painful situations by taking comfort in illusions. By finding fulfillment in beliefs and dreams, we have "normalized" a way of life that is not sustainable. Our eventual survival requires a way of life based on intimacy. Finding comfort in the moment, we would no longer be dependent on dreams, and thus also on the "truths" by which we hope to realize them

PublisherChet Shupe
Release dateNov 29, 2011
Adaptability, a Blessing or a Curse?

Chet Shupe

Chet Shupe is a successful electronics engineer who once suffered profound attention deficit disorder (ADD). With ADD, social relationships baffled him. After years of bewilderment and depression, his condition was finally diagnosed, and successfully treated by the drug Ritalin. Suddenly, at 43, everything made sense. Shupe emerged from ADD with a unique perspective on the way society functions. His engineer's mind forced him to ask basic questions about how the brain is organized, why feelings exist, the origin of good and evil, and the true dynamics of every relationship — whether person-to-person or country-to-country — and how all of this relates to the wellbeing of humanity. For years, Shupe has pursued his inquiry with passion and conviction, ranging far into the intricacies of the modern social contract to question how well it is sustaining us, both individually and collectively. As a scientist, he bolsters every conclusion with logical and compelling examples. As a person of feeling and intuition, he expresses his hopes for humanity with genuine compassion and sincerity. As a whistleblower to the world, he speaks with urgency about the need to make fundamental, radical changes in our way of life, if we are to assure the eventual wellbeing of humankind.

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    Adaptability, a Blessing or a Curse? - Chet Shupe

    Adaptability, a Blessing or a Curse?

    By Chet Shupe

    Copyright 2011 Chet Shupe

    Smashwords Edition

    We humans take pleasure in the fact that our brains are highly adaptable. But could that be our problem? Have we unknowingly adapted to an unsustainable way of life? Furthermore, have we done it so well we are unable to notice something is fundamentally wrong? If so, then most of the problems we are trying to solve, such as domestic violence, poverty, religious and political strife, economic instability, and habitat destruction are only symptoms of the real problem, which is: In our attempt to fix the future by force of law, we have outlawed the human spirit by which we

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