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Spanked Princesses: The Pianist
Spanked Princesses: The Pianist
Spanked Princesses: The Pianist
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Spanked Princesses: The Pianist

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Kristina Blackthorne is a trophy wife, and she is spoiled. No doubt about it. Jack, her wealthy husband, gives her everything she wants - an unlimited shopping budget, an exclusive membership at the finest country club in town, and a new Porsche. Kristina tries to help him get over his first wife by learning to play the classical music that was her life, but it’s a lot harder than she expected. She wants to give up, but an unpleasant argument with Jack leaves him ready to divorce her. Now she’s stuck with a very expensive piano, a no-nonsense teacher who’s already spanked her with a hairbrush, and a husband returning to the dominant life she never knew he had. Can she learn quickly enough to escape punishment? Or does she enjoy the sexual arousal it provokes too much to behave herself? This full-length novel is the first in the Spanked Princesses series. Please note that the story includes mature situations, spanking, and delicious lovemaking.

PublisherErika Moran
Release dateDec 21, 2011
Spanked Princesses: The Pianist

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    Spanked Princesses - Erika Moran

    Spanked Princesses:

    The Pianist

    By Erika Moran


    Amethyst Publications

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2011 Erika Moran


    My profound thanks to the people who made this story possible: My Beta Readers @Aphrodite44, @Crowe, and @FloraFlowers, and Critique Partners Chellesie and Skylar, my Editor Lisa, and my RWA Chapter mates who are so supportive. Special thanks to my art and PR person Maureen, who made it all look easy.

    But most of all, thanks to soulmate – nothing would make sense without you.

    Published 2011 Amethyst Publications

    If you’d like to know about new stories coming out, or anything else about me and my life please visit my website

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used ficticiously. Any similarity to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This E-book is licensed for your personal use only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. . If you are reading this book and you did not purchase it, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    ISBN 978-0-9849787-0-0


    Chapter 1

    He looked delicious in the sleek Brioni suit, his dark ponytail a contrast to the investment banker image, and she wanted him right then and there. She snuggled her arms around his neck and her face into his chest, loving the scent of him. She couldn’t help it – every night when he came home from work she waited in the hall and greeted him like he'd been gone for weeks. He was hers. She was his. It couldn’t be any better.

    Hi Sweetie. How was work today? Her heart beat wildly, and deep within she felt her body tensing with desire.

    Usually he held her tight, his muscular arms trapping her. She shivered. If he had any idea how wet she was he’d be carrying her up the stairs. This was their nightly ritual since they’d returned from their honeymoon. She’d made her deal with the devil – trophy wives didn’t necessarily expect to be treated tenderly, and any problematic emotions were eased by an unlimited clothes budget, but he’d surprised her with his gentle touch. It may have been a gilded cage, but at least it was nicely gilded.

    But instead he pushed her away from him, anger flashing in his eyes. There’s a small matter of your piano lessons, Kristina.

    Kristina tried to keep the tears back. Why couldn’t tonight be like last night: Why did this have to come up? Her heart was racing – each thundering beat echoed in her ears. She was amazed Jack couldn’t hear it. He had never raised his voice in fourteen months of marriage, but when he looked at her there was power in his eyes, the power of a man who had complete control and was confident in his control – all he had to do was glare at her and her whole body shook. His carmel eyes were chips of ice as he held the email printout under her nose, but his voice was dead calm, a frightening contrast to his words.

    So now, after I’ve spent ninety-five thousand dollars on a piano that takes up our half our great room, and several thousand dollars more in lessons, now, when I can't get any of it back, now you decide you've changed your mind? Don't you think you could have thought it through at the beginning? Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a good teacher? And you’re rude to her on top of everything else?

    She wrung her hands and shifted from one foot to the other, sinking into the deep, soft carpet. Changing her mind had been the wrong approach. There had to be a way out of this, something she could bring up in her defense that would magically make him stop. She could unbutton her blouse – it had always worked before whenever he was the slightest bit unhappy with her behavior. She reached for the top button and he raised his left eyebrow. His voice was quiet acid.

    Don’t even think about it, young lady.

    She hated it when he called her young lady. It made her powerless, childlike. She wished he would get angry and get it over with, even if he was mad enough to punish her for wasting the money. She could handle anger, but this calm control was unbearable, something she couldn’t understand. She took a deep breath. She's a hard teacher and she can’t accept the way I play. It's never good enough for her...

    His voice was almost mocking. Oh, so it's the teacher's fault?

    Damn, that was the wrong thing to say. What would work? I just want him to drop it, to forget I ever tried this. I feel so stupid.

    She shook her head. Perspiration chilled her forehead and she bit her lower lip. There had to be a way out of this. No. I just have a hard time learning from her. Maybe we could get someone else?

    Get someone else? He smiled, the grin of a crocodile contemplating lunch. Yes, I suppose we could do that.

    How can he be calm? If he throws me out or takes away everything, I’ll be back where I started, with nothing. Please God, let me figure out something.

    Jack, I’ll try. Honest, I’ll try. She wanted to sound sorry. She stood, wrapping her long blond hair around her fingers. At six foot three he towered over her. There were times when being five feet tall was a drawback. It wasn’t only his size – he was always in charge. She couldn’t describe it exactly, but the rules were clear. She had to do what he wanted, almost – she shivered – obey him. He had an ability to awaken her guilt. If she didn’t please him she would be in trouble, the way she was now. One angry look and her tummy twisted and turned – she had no idea how he did it, but she needed to please him. She had avoided unpleasant situations before, but there didn’t seem to be a way to skip out on this.

    His voice brought her back from her daydreaming. Bah...All right, but I will interview her and choose her, do you understand? You may be twenty, Kristina, but sometimes you act half as old. And when you do, I have half a mind to treat you like a ten year old. He stood there, so desirable – for a second she wanted to strip out of her clothes, wrap her naked body around him. Lust had always diverted him before. He always forgot about the issue at hand, instead stopping to ravish her. He glared at her again, giving her another glimpse of the anger within. Before she could do anything he turned on his heel and stalked off.

    She stood, tiny in the huge living room, trembling and trying to pull herself together. She took a deep breath – one of many tonight. Usually he pampered her, but this time she had made a mistake. She had angered her husband and… paid the price. Most of the time she was able to manipulate him, but music, the core of his relationship with his beloved lost Jan, was more important to him than she realized. She had wanted to replace his wife in his mind, but it turned into one big mistake. It would take a while, but she could maneuver him away from the idea she ought to play the piano well. Couldn’t she?

    * * *

    The whine of the garage door finished their argument. Jack's parting shot hurt – he was leaving for his club and he would be late. She didn't even know what or where his club was. She tore off her sweaty clothes and threw them at the hamper. The scent of fear was heavy on them – she hadn’t been so afraid since she was thirteen. If he left her it would be no different from her childhood, maybe all men were the same, and she fought the tears. She could never forget that night – her daddy and mom screaming, until he swore he was leaving – they were on their own. He didn’t care anymore. The door slammed behind him, and she and her mom clung to each other, alone and crying, neither sure where the rent money would come from. She grew up. At thirteen a girl shouldn’t have to grow up so fast.

    Kristina trudged into the sparkling bathroom struggling for control over her emotions. She stared at herself in the mirrored wall, her blue eyes wide long after the disagreement. The naked body she gazed at was the only currency she owned and she played the game well. Not the cheap tricks her high school girlfriends had pursued – Mom had taught her to hold out for a man well-off enough to keep her in style, and, blessed with movie star looks she succeeded. Mom had managed to keep a membership in the country club, although the dues were killing, and Kristina was paraded through a number of events – club beauty pageants, golf tournaments, and swim teams – fishing for a man, a man of appropriate means. Persistence paid off and she’d netted Jack, a grieving widower. It took her six months to convince him it was okay to like her. Finally he believed her when she told him Jan wouldn’t mind. They visited the stone marker together every Sunday.

    The warm stinging spray of the shower felt good, and she closed her eyes. Her muscles loosened, and she drooped against the cedar shower wall, loving every second of release. She focused on her life, the good parts. She could walk into any store she wanted and buy a complete new wardrobe and Jack wouldn’t flinch. He wanted her to be happy. She could walk down to the garage and climb into her new Porsche. She could walk into the best country club around – she grinned, she probably should get dressed first. He gave her everything, the best there was, and he didn’t care how much it cost.

    She reached down and shut off the water. She had no idea how Jack kept all the towels so fresh. There was a maid of course, but unless she bought replacements every week how could they always feel so new and fluffy? She wrapped herself in a lovely pink towel, her favorite color. Jack seemed to know what she loved even though they never discussed it.

    Her life was easy, and it wasn‘t just the surface things like shopping. Jack loved her. A look from him lit her up, left her wet. In seconds she craved his touch, anticipating his way of taking her to new levels of passion. He was different from the few lovers she’d had. It wasn’t only his skill – he was older and experienced and she’d expected that. It was the caring, the sure and certain knowledge she was his and he would always cherish her. When they married it was the happiest day in her life, and she thought nothing would ever change. And until now, it hadn't.

    No, it was the music that came between them. He’d loved his wife’s artistry at the piano, but until she died it was Jan’s life, her focus. She had been a child prodigy, playing for crowds from the time she was five. Jack had showed off the albums and played several recordings, and Kristina had listened in awe.

    Jack, rich as he was, was damaged. He still loved a woman who had passed on. Kristina loved him anyway, and she thought she was the only woman in the world who could help him. Because he loved her, she could heal his pain. So she formulated her plan – become a pianist. Jack would go for it, and the longing look in his eyes told her how badly he wanted her to succeed. And she had tried. As much as she was going to, at least.

    But the expression on his face as he left tonight told her everything. She had raised his expectations, and then left him bitterly disappointed. She lay over the bed wrapped in her thick terry towel, staring at his pillow. All the lovely expensive bed linens she had bought didn’t mean a thing if his pillow was empty. Tears flowed, she couldn’t help it. She truly loved him. She had taken advantage of his love and caring, but he was so kind, so gentle… how could she keep hurting him? There had to be a way she could make this work. There must be. Her throat tightened – he deserved more than she was giving him. She rolled over and tore a tissue from the bedside table, blotting her eyes, willing the tears to stop. She rolled back onto her tummy, and her head dropped onto her arms. She would find a way. She had to.

    * * *

    Jack looked up. Another, please.

    Lisa, the bartender, poured a glass of single-malt and Jack sniffed it, enjoying the scent of a good whiskey. Like a good woman. He set down the glass, staring at it. Damn, what am I going to do with her?

    You haven’t been here for a while. Little lady giving you a problem, Master?

    He turned. Marika was so damn cute, dressed in a skimpy outfit showing more than it hid.. She brightened up the dark room and he couldn't help smiling.

    I told you, I’m married now. And it’s Sir, Missy. You know that.

    Yes, Sir. I’m sorry, I just thought maybe you might want to…

    Her usually cheerful face looked depressed and Jack felt bad. They had been an item for a long time. She was one of the most submissive girls he'd ever met, but she didn’t fit into his life the way Kristina did. He wrapped his arms around her. He hated himself some days. Maybe a little later. I have some things to work out right now.

    She brightened, Yes Sir. If you want me, I’ll be here.

    She walked off. Why had he married a woman who had no idea of the lifestyle? He must have been seven kinds of idiot to fall for a vanilla. But he had. Much of the time she took his mind off it, except for nights like tonight, when all he wanted to do was turn her over his knee and ...

    My, aren’t we maudlin tonight? As usual, Dani was slightly sarcastic. He’d know that voice if he was blindfolded. Which she’d enjoy, he was sure.

    Maybe it was the scotch, maybe it was the iron self-control he'd required of himself during their fight, but her perfume was appealing. It would have been even more exciting except for the leather outfit she wore and the whip coiled at her waist.

    Good evening. Yes, I suppose, a little bit. He nodded at the Domme, one of the best friends he had. They'd shared several submissives. Not to mention his darling wife. Late wife.

    "Jack, I'm truly sorry. Jan had to be one of the most special people I've ever known. I don't

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