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The Exodus
The Exodus
The Exodus
Ebook65 pages45 minutes

The Exodus

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On 20 July 2010, the Lord said the following to me: “You are going to write a book about the end-time. It is your creation purpose.” I then sensed the Lord saying that it was not going to be easy, because people would not take it, except for the remnant. The book will be for the remnant, for His Bride. The book will be about the preparation for the King’s return and for those who did not know, to be warned. “This will be a gift for My Bride. It is for those who love Me, for those who are seeking the Truth, who called out ‘Lord, tell us more, only the truth Lord’. The book will be about Jesus. Jesus is the key, Jesus must be your focus and Jesus is your destiny.”

All this is recorded in the first book, The Final Call, which started on 22 April 2011 when the Lord instructed me to write down all He says. The second book, The Exodus, which started on 1 July 2011, reveals how the Lord is calling out His children out of Egypt (the world) to prepare them for the Promised Land (Millennium). The book you are holding in your hand, My son David, is the third book.

I am only obedient in doing the will of the Father. In 2009, I started praying that the Lord will show me the absolute truth about Him and the end-time. He is indeed revealing the truth to me. And, as I freely received, I should freely give.

Release dateDec 29, 2011
The Exodus

Deborah Melissa Möller

The Lord said the following to me: 'You are going to write a book about the end-time. It is your creation purpose.' I then sensed the Lord saying that it was not going to be easy, because people would not take it, except for the remnant. The book would be for the remnant, for His Bride. The book would be about the preparation for the King's return and for those who did not know, to be warned. 'This will be a gift for My Bride. It is for those who love Me, for those who are seeking the truth, who called out 'Lord, tell us more, only the truth Lord'. The book will be about Jesus. Jesus is the key, Jesus must be your focus and Jesus is your destiny.' My name, Melissa, means honey bee. The Lord revealed to me that in the Millennium my name will change to Deborah, which surprisingly also means honey bee. Thus my fruit will be the same. I sensed the Lord saying that as a honey bee, I would give honey to the Bride. 'It will be like Rebecca. This book will prepare the readers for the King, because the King is coming. Because you were prepared to stand up before people and tell them what I have delivered you from. So had I lifted you up before the Father. 'Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; And before you came forth from the womb, I sanctified you. I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations.' (Jer. 1:5)

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    Book preview

    The Exodus - Deborah Melissa Möller


    by Deborah Melissa Möller

    Published by Deborah Melissa Möller at Smashwords

    ©Copyright 2011 – Deborah Melissa Möller

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    Thank you for downloading this free ebook. You are welcome to share it with your friends. This ebook may be reproduced, copied and distributed for non-commercial purposes, provided the book remains in its complete original form. If you enjoyed this ebook, please return to to discover other works by this author. Thank you for your support.

    All Scripture reference and notes are from the Recovery Version Bible.

    Text editors: Adri Malan & Ellie Landman


    I want to thank God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son and His Holy Spirit for entrusting me with this task to do the will of the Father. Thank You for calling me before the foundation of the world to help call forth Your precious Bride. Thank you for Your grace and mercy. Thank you for being my God, for being my Father, for being my King, for being my Helper for You inspire and bless me daily. I love You, my Lord!

    I want to thank those who pray for me daily and always loving me and accepting me for being me. I especially want to thank my family and friends.

    I want to thank Adri Malan and Ellie Landman for their help in editing this book.

    Glory to the Father!

    Glory to the Son!

    Glory to the Spirit!

    These Three are One!



    Chapter 1: COME OUT OF EGYPT

    Chapter 2: LET MY PEOPLE GO!

    Chapter 3: THE PROMISED LAND

    Chapter 4: MY MANNA


    Chapter 6: THE SEED IN GOOD SOIL

    Chapter 7: MY PRECIOUS BRIDE


    Chapter 9: MY COMMANDMENTS

    Chapter 10: MY TORCHBEARERS



    While reading in Matt. 3:3 For this is he who was spoken of through Isaiah the prophet, saying, A voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare the way of the Lord; make straight His paths.'', the Lord started speaking to me.

    The Lord said: This is it, My child. You stand on the brink of your creation purpose. This I created you for. Keep in step with Me, I shall refine you, for the task you are about to do requires great responsibility. Like My servant Moses.

    I then said to the Lord that I have so many faults and weaknesses and sin – and that He just cannot use me for this.

    The Lord replied: "I choose you. I created you for this purpose, which is about to swing open like double doors. You will be My representative. I will anoint you as My end-time Moses. Many you will lead out of Egypt. The seeking ones will listen.

    This will be the introduction for the second book you are about to write. You will be My voice for many cannot hear Me because of idols and hardened hearts and many do not make time for Me. As in the days of old, I will again rise up My prophets and they will speak with authority given by the Father.

    Many things are about to happen on earth. Truly, we are at the beginning of the end. My John the Baptists will cry out of the wilderness: "…Prepare the way of the Lord; make straight His paths.''

    My child, just obey and love Me as you do. I will lead you and speak to you. Do exactly as I instruct you. Religion will came against you, but learn from Me. Religion also came against Me. The more I told the truth, the more religion questioned

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