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Word and Deed
Word and Deed
Word and Deed
Ebook59 pages48 minutes

Word and Deed

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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"Word and Deed" is a short story set in the Medieval time period.

Death or an arranged marriage, Verity refuses to accept the choices.

Verity Favian's father dies unexpectedly. Her half-brother, Verdon, lays claim to all their father left behind: title, castle, and her. Verdon cannot touch the land set aside for her dowry so he offers her hand for sale to the highest bidder. Lord Silvanticus, a man renowned for his military power and close ties to the king, makes the winning bid. Despite the rumors of Silvanticus’ madness and cruelty, Verdon accepts.

Verdon locks her away in a tower. She is not sure if he seeks to prevent her from fleeing the marriage or spreading the truth only she seems willing to speak: Verdon killed their father. Either way, her time is running out.

Release dateJan 12, 2012
Word and Deed

Rachel Rossano

Rachel Rossano is a happily married mother of three children. She spends her days teaching, mothering, and keeping the chaos at bay. After the little ones are in bed, she immerses herself in the fantasy worlds of her books. Tales of romance, adventure, and virtue set in a medieval fantasy world are her preference, but she also writes speculative fantasy and a bit of science fiction.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Beautifully written. A tale of honor, duty, and true love.

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Word and Deed - Rachel Rossano

Word and Deed

By Rachel Rossano

Published by Rachel Rossano at Smashwords

ISBN: 978-1-4661-8594-4

Copyright 2012 Rachel Rossano

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form without the prior written permission of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a newspaper, magazine, or journal.

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Word and Deed is a work of fiction. Though actual locations may be mentioned, they are used in a fictitious manner and the events and occurrences were invented in the mind and imagination of the author. Similarities of characters to any person, past, present, or future, are coincidental.

Cover by Rachel Rossano

Discover other titles by Rachel Rossano at Smashwords

The Theodoric Saga Book One

The Crown of Anavrea

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Chapter One

You are weak, Verdon. You kill like a woman! I glared at my half-brother.

His narrow shoulders tensed. A hush fell over our late father’s great hall. The dog lying before the hearth groaned loudly.

Sick with anger and helplessness, I gloried in his reaction. He condemned me to a living death, marriage to a man some considered unsettled. Still I could evoke fire in my frigid sibling. I knew his soft places where the words would sting most. Rage prodded me on.

Your mother would writhe in her grave if she saw the slovenly murderer she brought forth. It would be better for her if you never lived.

Hush, Verity, hush. My old nurse’s hands trembled where they gripped my arm. Ealdine served more as a companion now that I reached adulthood.

She had good reason to cower. My cheek still stung from Verdon’s last loss of composure. Wisdom urged me to let go of the burning emotion in my gut. Yet the anger demanded I rant or sob.

I refused to give Verdon the satisfaction of tears.

His fingers closed on the hilt of our father’s sword. My sword. Our father promised it to me, yet Verdon refused me even that. I unleashed the final blow.

Our father would rise up and call you coward for this act. Selling me to a mad man will not silence my tongue.

The impact of his fist snapped my head back. I welcomed the pain. It grounded the anger, distracting me from the agony in my chest that began with our father’s death. The grief ached with every breath those moments I missed him most. I was helpless without Father’s protection, a fact never more clear than now.

Another blow, this time behind my right ear, rocked my sense of the earth. The crack of my skull on the stone echoed, preceding searing pain. A fog blanketed my senses. The hand I lifted to my scalp came away red.

Foolish move, Ravenridge. Sir Hirion’s face wavered above me. I blinked, but he remained out of focus. Lord Silvaticus paid for a living bride, not a corpse. If you wish to remain in Silvaticus’ favor, she should be well and whole when he arrives.

"A fortnight is time enough for her to heal. I have not left a lasting mark on her features,

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