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I, Monster
I, Monster
I, Monster
Ebook22 pages20 minutes

I, Monster

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In the middle of all the concrete and pavement and downright busy-ness that calls itself Manhattan sits a place of refuge where city people can come and experience a little bit of countryside. Where dogs and children run and play. Where even a monster can find a slice of serenity and possibly even a friend. Friendship comes in all shapes and sizes.

So does Evil.

The outcasts of Society, the freaks and the monsters, shamed and beaten into submission, know that Good doesn’t always triumph over Evil. When a little girl’s life hangs in the balance, however, the question doesn’t hinge on right or wrong, but whether such an outcast—cocooned in darkness that exists halfway between fear and despair—can step into the light and save his new friend’s life?

Watch the battle between good and evil in this suspense-filled crime story that carries the reader on a dark journey along the wooded paths of Central Park back in the day when goodness was buried beneath layers of pain and Evil charmed the day with his smile.

Release dateFeb 1, 2012
I, Monster

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    I, Monster - Lisa Gaines

    I, Monster

    Lisa Gaines

    Published by Eye of the Eagle Press at Smashwords

    Copyright by Louisa M. Swann 2011

    Smashwords License Statement

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    # # #

    I, Monster

    In the middle of all the concrete and pavement and downright busy-ness that calls itself Manhattan sits a place of refuge where city people can come and experience a little bit of countryside. Where dogs and children run and play. Where weather is predicted from a castle tower. Where even a monster can find a slice of serenity.

    A container of chicken stares up at me from a can behind the Tavern. Baked, not fried. Stomach growls as I close the lid, glance around. This is not my territory, but no one watches. No faces filled with suspicion. No eyes filled with envy. I tuck the box beneath my oversized coat and scuttle back to the tree shadows.

    It isn't often I find such a treasure. Less often that the meal inside is untouched as this one is. Usually I feed on bits and scraps, sucking marrow from bones, grinding gristle beneath my teeth. Sometimes, when the wind blows

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