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Rodeo Dayz
Rodeo Dayz
Rodeo Dayz
Ebook68 pages47 minutes

Rodeo Dayz

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About this ebook

A book of short stories about 9 rodeo contestants and their love for rodeo.
This book also has a short history of Rodeo in New York, which is co-authored by Donnie Baxter, Wayne and Leo Martin. Author biographies are also inside to learn about each contestant.

This collaboration of short stories tells the story of nine rodeo contestants, and their dream of chasing a championship belt buckle. Through stories of heroic rides to spills, thrills,and injuries, Rodeo Dayz will keep you on the edge of your seat to the very end. So hang on tight, and get a good seat for the 8 second ride of a lifetime. You surely will feel, as if you were strapped to a 1500 lb. bull,or running barrels for a fast 12 second run.

Release dateMar 26, 2012
Rodeo Dayz

Richard White

Richard was born and raised in country Australia. Throughout his adult years he experienced recurring depression. To the neck and rising is a blending of personal reflection and observation of King David as he penned Psalm 69. Richard has a degree in Biblical Studies and many years of pastoral ministry experience. This is his first book. He lives in Melbourne with his wife, Jenny. They have 3 children, 4 grandchildren and counting.

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    Book preview

    Rodeo Dayz - Richard White

    Rodeo Dayz

    By Ritchie White



    Rodeo Dayz

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2012 By Richard White

    Published by Smaswords

    ISBN: 9781476019215

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author


    Tamara Nalley

    Timothy Bultman

    Eric Berghammer

    Ritchie White

    Joshua Mead

    Leo Martin

    Wayne Martin

    Chris Mead

    Donnie Baxter


    Larry Van Valkenburgh

    John S. Black

    Thank you for your wonderful images.

    Cover Image by Larry Van Valkenburgh

    Without these wonderful Photographers

    we couldn’t bring our faces to the stories.


    Chris Ledoux Horsepower copyright 2003

    A Cowboy Was Born Quoted page

    Double M Rodeo Website

    Painted Pony website for history of rodeo.


    This book is especially dedicated

    To Jimmie Martindale 1965-2005

    You always believed in me

    You will always be missed.

    And I’ll be sure to see you in the

    Rodeo in the sky.

    And in addition

    For John and Donita,

    Wayne and Cindy,

    Leo and Jen,

    Ron and Kathy,

    Steve and Dawn,

    Donnie Baxter

    And, all the families that guided

    me through the last 8 years of my life.

    Most of all

    For Max, Jessica, Clayton, and Maddie

    May all your dreams come true.

    Table of Contents

    Split Finger Wrap

    Do Premonitions Exist

    90 Point Ride

    My First Bronc

    Dear Cowboy

    Girls Point of View

    Third Place

    Racing time

    Reality check

    Cow- town

    Shattering Moments


    Rodeo History in New York

    Rodeo Dreams that Come True

    Ritchie White

    Tamara Nalley-

    Eric Berghammer

    Tim Bultman

    Wayne Martin

    Leo Martin

    Chris Mead

    Josh Mead

    Donnie Baxter

    Personal Thank You

    Split Finger Wrap

    By Ritchie White

    The air was cold and damp, as I hooked the last strap to my chaps. Something in my guts told me not to, but I did anyway. Some, call it a split finger wrap, or even a suicide knot. I was about to find out.

    I made the rope a little tighter this time, as I sat forward on my bulls back, I could feel the heat in his body go through my legs, and it felt comfortable in an odd way. I took one more look, and I was ready.

    I pushed myself up closer to my rope, slid my chaps to the side, and centered my legs on the bull sides. Not sure if I am ready now, I thought, but I still gave a nod and yelled LET’S GO BOYS, LET’S GO BOYS.

    With the sound of the chute gate my bull blew, he went left, great I thought, right into my hand. His first jump had wrenched my guts, but it was a good feeling at the same time.

    I gave him a hard spur to his right side, he’s gonna go left again. I anticipated too soon. In midair, he rolled hard to the right, and I began to lose my balance, but it only took a second to get back to my rope, and get another good seat.

    I went to spur him on the right side, but before I could, he turned back to the left. Not good to second guess your bull, dad would have said. By the time I found my seat again, I heard the buzzer. Great I made it what a sigh of relief.

    I had a new problem, I’m hung up. I couldn’t untie my rope. It is stuck, and I began to panic. When I went to exit again, he turned right hard. There was no time I fell to his side, and he

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