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Ebook33 pages30 minutes


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About this ebook

A collection of light hearted short stories which could be set any where in the world. We can find humour and interest in any situation and possibly reflect on the absolute joy of living.
These little anecdotes have been the result of some of the wonderful quirks of our human nature.
Take a moment to read and look around you and find other classic moments of our fantastic world.

PublisherKate Loveday
Release dateApr 4, 2012

Kate Loveday

Kate Loveday grew up in the seaside suburbs of Adelaide, South Australia with a love of books and always wanted to write. Her career has included publication of travel articles and short stories, as well as full length novels. She previously worked in real estate and building, as an office manager, and finally as a natural beauty therapist, running her own natural therapy business with husband Peter for many years. In 1988, Kate and Peter moved to Sydney for business reasons and, after thirteen years in that city, they spent three years caravanning around Australia, spending much of that time in Far North Queensland, an area which she came to love, before settling in the mid-north coast of NSW. However, after years of being separated from family, the pull of blood ties became too strong to resist and they returned to Adelaide. When not writing, Kate enjoys reading, listening to music, good food and wine, and 'hanging out' with family and friends. She takes part in writing groups, as well as being the financial manager of a Community Association. Kate says, 'I just want to write good stories; stories you can lose yourself in, with real characters you can love - or hate - that will keep you engrossed to the end. And if I can manage to touch your heart along the way, I'm happy.'

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    Book preview

    Reflections - Kate Loveday


    A Short Story Collection


    Kate Loveday


    * * * * *


    Kate Loveday on Smashwords


    Copyright © 2012 by Kate Loveday

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    * * * * *

    For Isabella and Beatrix


    A Valentine’s Day

    Janie’s Triumph


    Small Town Blues

    Where’s there a Will…

    The Shed


    A Valentine’s Date

    Stephen brushed a speck from his jacket and turned this way and that in front of the bathroom mirror, liking what he saw. He smoothed his hand over his freshly washed and dried blond hair and noted how the summer sun had turned his skin golden brown. His blue eyes looked clear and, as he inspected his teeth, he saw they gleamed white. All in all, he was ready for his special Valentine’s date.

    He’d first seen Michelle when he went to the coffee bar near the office for his morning cappuccino, three months ago. Normally the office boy brought it up for him, but he’d called in sick that day, so Stephen had to fetch his own coffee. She was new since the last time he’d been there, and her long dark hair, brown eyes and perfect features quite took his breath away.

    Deciding to drink his coffee there, instead of taking it back to the office, he gave her his order and took a seat. He couldn’t take his eyes off her as she manipulated the hissing machine, filling a cup with the strong black liquid then frothing the milk to top it up.

    When she brought it to the table he thanked her with a smile. ‘You’re new here, aren’t you,’ he asked.

    ‘Yes, that’s right,’ she replied as she walked away.

    Stephen took to going out for coffee each day, making an excuse that he wanted to stretch his legs. Each day he tried to engage Michelle in conversation and each day she gave him a polite reply and walked

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