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Sky Guys to White Cat
Sky Guys to White Cat
Sky Guys to White Cat
Ebook126 pages1 hour

Sky Guys to White Cat

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About this ebook

Fifth-grader Alison loves Sharkey, her adopted stray cat. But where did his mysterious collar come from, and why is he acting so weird? At the same time, Alison's best friend, Denise, seems to be ditching her for a mean but "popular" girl. Can Alison save her friendship, or at least her cat? Science genius Marvin thinks he has the answers, but no one foresees the hilarious outcome.

Release dateApr 12, 2012
Sky Guys to White Cat

Beatrice Gormley

Beatrice Gormley was born in Glendale, California and attended Pomona College from which she graduated magna cum laude. She is the author of many popular books for young readers. As a writer, she admires the drama of Bible stories and is intrigued by their people. She lives in Westport, Massachusetts. Visit Beatrice Gormley's website:

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    Sky Guys to White Cat - Beatrice Gormley

    What readers say about

    Sky Guys to White Cat

    Readers will laugh out loud at this outrageous adventure. Booklist

    An odd but enjoyable story. Clever and entertaining. Cat lovers just have to read this story! Goodreads, Krista the Krazy Kataloguer

    Sky Guys to White Cat

    by Beatrice Gormley

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 1991 by Beatrice Gormley

    All rights reserved.

    The cover design uses the photos 2695626 © Nessli Orpmas, 1127210 © Jose Manuel Gelpi, and 24139031 © Sandra Brunsch under Fotolia licenses.

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    Other e-books by Beatrice Gormley:

    Fifth Grade Magic

    More Fifth Grade Magic

    Richard and the Vratch

    The Magic Mean Machine

    Mail-Order Wings

    The Ghastly Glasses

    This book is dedicated to my cat Claude, without whose help this story could not have been written.


    The Beginning: The Aliens Arrive

    Chapter 1: Guess What!

    Chapter 2: Sharkey

    Chapter 3: Love at First Bite

    Chapter 4: The Mysterious Collar

    Chapter 5: The Weekly Informer

    Chapter 6: Secret Reading

    Chapter 7: Collar Trouble

    Chapter 8: CodeCracking

    Chapter 9: Not Pretending

    Chapter 10: Big Mama

    Chapter 11: Sharkey in Danger

    Chapter 12: Don’t Panic

    Chapter 13: Mature Activities

    Chapter 14: Poised ‘n’ Pretty

    Chapter 15: A Surprise Audience

    Chapter 16: Miss Preteen Rushfield

    The End: The Aliens Depart

    About the Author

    Discover Other Books by Beatrice Gormley

    The Beginning: The Aliens Arrive

    Settling the spacecraft into an orbit above the blue-green planet, Commander Xorple reached out a tentacle to turn on the light repellers. Now the explorers from the system of the giant red star Aldebaran were protected. If there were any intelligent beings on the planet below, the light repellers would prevent them from seeing the spaceship.

    Instruments Operator Phtui leaned forward in his can-like rester—not a chair, because the hill-shaped, butterscotch-colored Aldebarans had no rear ends—to peer through the remote scanner.

    A likely life-form directly below, Commander, he signed to Xorple with his side tentacles.

    In the field of the scanner, a small gray four-legged creature made its way across a flat stretch of green.

    Xorple’s rubbery yellow-brown eyelids sank reprovingly. Only the psychic sensor can tell whether this life-form will serve our purposes, she signed back.

    Phtui’s snail-like foot clenched with indignation, but he signed nothing. Although this was Phtui’s first mission, he considered himself well trained in the procedure for exploring new planets. The first step was to find the dominant life-form and harness it to do the exploring for the Aldebarans. Phtui knew, without being reminded, that the dominant life-form was supposed to give out a high level of psychic energy.

    Activating the remote psychic sensor, Phtui poked his two minor tentacles, used for sensing rather than grasping, into the jacks. Immediately he sensed from the creature below the long, confident pulses of a dominant life-form.

    This is it, Commander, he signed.

    You are sure?

    No doubt about it. This creature sends out the vibrations of one who knows it is superior.

    Commander Xorple blinked a nod, then swiveled in her rester to program the small, automated capture craft. The capture craft, also shielded by light repellers, would pick up the gray creature and bring it to the main ship, where the Aldebarans would Collar it. Other individuals of this species would be found, and they, too, would be Collared. Then the stage of exploration by remote control could begin.

    Chapter 1: Guess What!

    The afternoon was cool and drizzly, but the weather wasn’t keeping Alison Harrity from enjoying the Rushfield Fourth of July parade. Sitting on a fence with her friend Denise Farino, watching the bands and the acrobats and the floats roll by, she’d been thinking about her good news. The secret felt sweet and juicy in the back of her mind, like the wisps of cotton candy melting in her mouth.

    As the last float rolled by, Alison offered her cotton candy to Denise. Guess what!

    Pulling off a pink strand, Denise raised her eyebrows. "What? A new Weekly Informer is out?" The Weekly Informer was a tabloid paper that Denise and Alison liked to read together.

    No . . . Alison laughed. It was even more exciting, now that she was actually telling Denise. "I mean, maybe there is a new Weekly Informer at the 7-Eleven, but this is much better. She paused to let the suspense build up. I’m getting my orange-striped kitten today!"

    Your kitten? Denise’s voice squeaked, and she pitched so far forward that she had to grab the fence railing to keep from falling off. Today? Can I come?

    Sure. A giggle bubbled out of Alison’s throat. I said you could, when I got my kitten.

    Yes! Denise leaned over to give Alison a high five. They both lost their balance and slid down from the fence, laughing.

    Then Alison caught sight of Marvin Smith, an eighth-grade boy, farther down Main Street. It was easy to pick out Marvin in a crowd, because he looked so much like curious George. Whoops, there goes Marvin, leaving the parade. We have to follow Marvin and Maureen to the Thompsons’ house, because that’s where this kitten—

    Alison saw that Denise wasn’t listening. She was looking across the street, but in the direction of the vanishing parade.

    Hey, there’s Sonia. Denise waved with her hand high in the air. "Didn’t she look mature on that football float, in her cheerleader outfit? Did you notice Sonia looks a lot like Heather Hartley—you know, the girl who gets scalped in High School Horror?"

    Alison couldn’t imagine why Denise was interested in Sonia Best. Alison knew who Sonia was, of course. She was that girl in the other fifth-grade class who’d worn huge dangly chartreuse earrings, like plastic saucers, to school last year. She’d also passed around a picture of some nearly naked rock star. Alison hadn’t seen the picture, but all the kids had been talking about it. In very poor taste, the teacher had said as she took the picture away.

    What did you wave to Sonia for? Alison asked Denise. Now she’s coming over here. We have to go.

    Sonia was pushing her way through the people milling around the street. As she turned this way and that, she swung her pom-poms and twitched her short, twirly skirt. Had Sonia really gotten curvy hips, wondered Alison, or was that just the way the cheerleader skirt made her look? Her legs were as skinny as ever, but glossy—she must be wearing panty hose.

    Yo, Denise! called Sonia, raising a pom-pom.

    Alison grinned, thinking how much the rippled, messy pom-poms looked like Sonia’s hair. She seemed to be shaking a wig in each hand.

    Denise’s round face beamed as Sonia came up to them. I can’t wait for jazz dancing to start tomorrow, can you? breathed Denise.

    Yeah—it’s going to be so mature. The teacher dances in the dinner-theater shows, it said in the booklet. Sonia did a few steps to one side, then to the other.

    That’s the ball-and-chain step, Denise explained to Alison. Sonia’s picked up some jazz dancing steps, just from watching TV. Our class is going to put on a show, with costumes and everything, at the end. It might be on Rushfield TV. It’s too bad you signed up for chess instead of jazz dancing, Alison.

    Before Alison could answer, Sonia said casually, I don’t know. She swung her pom-poms and glanced from Alison’s faded jeans to her own twirly skirt. "The teacher says you have to have a kind of flair for jazz dancing."

    "Well, you have to have another kind of flair for chess, said Alison. I won the fifth-grade chess tournament, remember? That’s why the teacher let me into intermediate chess."

    Oh, really? Sonia’s made-up eyes opened wide. I thought for getting into chess you just had to be a geeky boy. Then she slapped her hand over her mouth as if she hadn’t meant to say that and pushed her masses of moussed and scrunched-up hair over her sharp features as if she were dying of embarrassment. Guess not! Sorry.

    Denise burst into a loud giggle, then clapped her hand over her own mouth with an uneasy look at Alison.

    Alison couldn’t believe what was happening: Denise acting so friendly toward Sonia, a girl Alison would never want to talk to in the first place. And Alison couldn’t believe she, Alison, was standing there taking it. I have to go get my kitten, she said curtly. Bye.

    Without waiting to see if Denise was coming,

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