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Vocabulary Turbo German 33 Easy Ways to Make Hundreds of German Words from English Words without Memorizing
Vocabulary Turbo German 33 Easy Ways to Make Hundreds of German Words from English Words without Memorizing
Vocabulary Turbo German 33 Easy Ways to Make Hundreds of German Words from English Words without Memorizing
Ebook76 pages29 minutes

Vocabulary Turbo German 33 Easy Ways to Make Hundreds of German Words from English Words without Memorizing

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Fast and easy German Vocabulary Building using English as a basis - no more need for memorizing! Many words are identical or very similar in English and German. But which ones? Vocabulary Turbo shows how to recognize them and therefore know hundreds of German words instantly, simply by already knowing English.

PublisherJulia Evers
Release dateApr 12, 2012
Vocabulary Turbo German 33 Easy Ways to Make Hundreds of German Words from English Words without Memorizing

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Reviews for Vocabulary Turbo German 33 Easy Ways to Make Hundreds of German Words from English Words without Memorizing

Rating: 3.6 out of 5 stars

10 ratings4 reviews

What our readers think

Readers find this title to be amazing, interesting, and good for learning English-German cognates. It provides a low-cost list of words that can be easily converted from English to German. However, it may not be useful for learning to speak German in a meaningful way.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I really want to say "thank you" to you. This is a very interesting book and you are one of the best.

  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Not sure what this book is useful for. Wasn't useful for me.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    amazing book . pls write more books so that beginners can learn quickly
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book is good for what it is, namely, a low-cost book that provides a list of English-German cognates. Cognates are words that are very similar between the two languages. In this case it's usually because they share a Germanic root. With little or no modification, any of these words can be converted from English to German. This means that the student can easily learn dozens of words by learning a conversion rule. For example, English words that end in -ive can generally be converted to German by dropping the e, so aggressive, attractive, and impulsive become agressiv, attraktiv, and impulsiv.

    However, this book will not by itself teach you to speak German in any meaningful way. Knowing a thousand words is not the same thing as speaking German. Also, while the 1,000 or so words presented here are situationally useful, the kind of words you'll use every day are generally not cognates. This book is best used as an add-on once you've already learned the basics. It's not that useful to know a few isolated adjectives like the -ive words I mentioned earlier. However, if you know how to say "He is...", "She is...", "I am..." then you can drop those adjectives in and make more sentences.

    If you're looking for a more comprehensive book that uses similar methods, I'd suggest "Madrigal's Magic Key to German" (also available for French and Spanish). Many of the early chapters are based on conversion rules like this, but the author interleaves them with lessons about how to build sentences.

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Vocabulary Turbo German 33 Easy Ways to Make Hundreds of German Words from English Words without Memorizing - Julia Evers

Vocabulary Turbo German

33 Easy Ways to Make Hundreds of German Words from English Words without Memorizing

Julia Evers

Smashwords Edition

Copyright 2012 Julia Evers

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.




Part 1 - Identical words

Turbo 1 : -ade = -ade

Turbo 2 : -al = -al

Turbo 3: -at = -at

Turbo 4: -ant = -ant

Turbo 5: -ent = -ent

Turbo 6: -ion = -ion

Turbo 7: -ist = -ist

Turbo 8: -ive = -ive

Turbo 9: -or = -or

Turbo 10: -rm = -rm

Turbo 11: -um = -um

Part 2 - Shorter ending

Turbo 12: -ary => -ar/ -är

Turbo 13: -ate => -at

Turbo 14: -ete => -et

Turbo 15: -ite => -it

Turbo 16: -ive => -iv

Turbo 17: -ure => -ur

Part 3 - Longer ending

Turbo 18: -am => -amm

Turbo 19: -id => -ide

Turbo 20: -sm => -smus

Turbo 21: ./. => -ieren

Part 4 - Changed ending

Turbo 22: -e => -ieren

Turbo 23: -ate => -ieren

Turbo 24: -ize (also: -ise) => -isieren

Turbo 25: -ance => -anz

Turbo 26: -ar => -är

Turbo 27: -le => -el

Turbo 28: -ence => -enz

Turbo 29: -y => -ie

Turbo 30: -ic => -isch

Turbo 31:

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