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Serial Justice
Serial Justice
Serial Justice
Ebook233 pages3 hours

Serial Justice

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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Agent Miriam 'Mac' Mackenzie is called to listen to the deathbed confession of a serial killer. The accused killer spent twenty years hunting and killing the most horrific criminals . The case is even more bizarre in that the killer took her daughter, Dana, with her on her mission to destroy evil. After two FBI agents are killed Mac finds herself in the center of an internal investigation. Worse yet, she's beginning have feelings for Dana, who may or may not be a killer like her mother. As the clock ticks down to the final showdown, Mac realizes nothing is as it seems.

PublisherTammy Whaley
Release dateMay 15, 2012
Serial Justice

Tammy Whaley

Tammy Whaley has worked as a waitress, a cook, a corrections counselor and a registered nurse. Throughout the years her jobs may have changed but her passion for writing has remained consistent.

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    Book preview

    Serial Justice - Tammy Whaley

    Serial Justice

    By Tammy Whaley

    Published by Tammy Whaley at Smashwords

    Copyright 2011 Tammy Whaley

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This book is available in print from most online retailers.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    This book is dedicated to Sharon

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21


    Author’s Note


    Under the harsh reality of the hospital lights the woman appeared slight and pale. If she had to guess, Mac would put her age near forty. A balloon bouquet floated up from its anchoring weight on the windowsill. IV lines snaked out from under the sheet, stretching up the pole to bags containing mysterious liquids. A heart monitor beeped rhythmically. An overpowering antiseptic smell almost covered the odor of dying flesh. The patient sipped from a cup of ice water, watching her two visitors enter the room.

    Both wore dark business suits that met the FBI’s dress code requirements, though the woman’s had a more feminine cut. The man looked to be an ex-marine who still hadn’t realized he was allowed to grow out his buzz cut. At six two and two hundred pounds he probably felt invincible. The woman in the bed had killed many invincible men just like him. The female FBI agent was medium height, with short blond hair and brilliant green eyes. Both had a 9mm Glock strapped to their right hips.

    Taking the agents off guard, the woman in the bed spoke first, You must be the FBI Agents I requested. Please come in, have seat. She indicated the recliner and hard backed visitor’s chair next to it. Both agents remained standing.

    Ms. Davidson, I’m special Agent Mackenzie and this is special Agent Ford. the female Agent nodded toward her partner. We’re here because of a telephone call you made to our Boulder office.

    Yes, I called four days ago, what took you so long? the patient asked.

    Well ma’am, as compelling as your story is, we had to check a few facts before coming here. Agent Ford replied.

    So tell me Agent Ford, was it the death of Santos or Jimmy the geek Delany that caught your attention? Because I know damn well you don’t really give a shit about any of the other scum I’ve scrubbed away. The last sentence was said between bouts of coughing into a tissue covered with specs of blood.

    Of course we at the FBI are concerned with any suspicious deaths of all US citizens. Agent Ford began.

    Honestly Ms Davidson, it was the details of the Delany case that caught our attention, Agent Mackenzie cut in before Ford could hand out more of the company line.

    I thought so. When I killed that little bastard I knew the FBI was conducting surveillance from the top floor of the bakery across the street. Word on the street was that you’d had him in your sights for two years prior to his death. He used to brag about running you around in circles. the woman laughed.

    Before Ford, who was beet red and stuttering by this time, could speak, Agent Mackenzie asked, So what can you tell us about the murder of Jimmy Delany?

    I’m going to give you all the answers you want and then some, but I just want to be clear on a few rules. One, I’m going to tell this my way, in my time. Two, this is a death bed confession; I’m never walking out of this hospital. The only concession I’ve given is that I’ve temporarily lifted my Do Not Resuscitate order until I have finished this confession. That means that the doctors can keep me alive by any means possible until you eek out every fucking detail. Three, my daughter is an innocent, she may or may not chose to talk to you. Four, I will get my pain medications and have frequent rest breaks. Do you understand?

    Now listen, you can’t just, before Agent Ford could finish the patient stated

    Yes, I can, and you will. The paperwork is on my bedside table. You’ve got enough damn lawyers working for the FBI that between my lawyer and yours, this should be set by tomorrow. One other condition, I don’t like you, Agent Ford, so I will only talk to Agent Mackenzie. Now I have a couple of questions. Do you want the details of only the Delany murder or all one hundred and seventeen murders I’ve done? Do you want only US citizens? Only US citizens in the US? Or every murder I’ve committed around the world?

    After a stunned pause, Agent Mackenzie replied, We’ll have to get back to you on that ma’am.

    A nurse in navy blue scrubs entered the room pushing a cart loaded down with supplies. You have to leave now, she needs her rest. she stated as she began scanning the IV bags on the cart.

    The Agents nodded to one another, We’ll see you tomorrow Ms. Davidson. Agent Mackenzie said as she walked out the door.

    As they turned to walk toward the elevators, Agent Mackenzie heard the nurse ask, "Are you having any pain Ms. Davidson?

    Every day dear. the woman replied.

    Neither Mackenzie nor Ford said anything as they rode the elevator to the ground floor. As they were exiting the hospital, a petite young woman with long dark hair and big brown eyes nearly ran into Mackenzie. Mackenzie felt a tug at her heart as their eyes locked for a split second. Of course, while she’s working, she has that chance encounter. Since Ford had paused when Mackenzie had all she could do was say, Excuse me. And go on.

    That’s the story of my life, Mackenzie thought. Beautiful women pass me by like I’m this black Taurus we’re driving. Once safely inside the car she and Ford began talking.

    What do you think? Mackenzie asked.

    She is definitely a woman who is used to being in control. If she has killed as much she says she has, she would have had to maintain strict self discipline to keep from decompensating. She hates men. I was surprised when she immediately cut off my line of communication. This lays a big burden on you Mac. I’m sorry, I was trying to provoke her just not to that level. Ford stated. Anyone looking at Ford would be surprised by his articulated speech. Then again, who could guess that the ex marine also had a Master’s in Psychology and Criminal Justice?

    As long as I have you and the rest of the team backing me up I think I can handle this interview. With an ear bud and microphone you can guide me. Honestly Tom, I’m having a hard time believing this woman killed over one hundred people. Mackenzie said.

    Don’t let looks fool you Mac. I served with nineteen year old girls in Iraq who killed insurgents with just as much, if not more, gusto than some of the guys., Ford said as he pulled out of the hospital parking lot.

    Neither Agent noticed the dark haired girl standing just inside the hospital entrance. Taking what looked like a Bluetooth ear bud out of her left ear she turned and headed toward the elevators. On the Oncology floor she stood outside her mother’s room watching her sleep.

    She had two visitors today. She refused to let me give her pain medicine until they had left. I finally talked her into a shot of dilaudid with her phenergan. She should rest comfortably for at least two hours. The day shift nurse said as she walked up to the open door.

    Then I’ll come back later when she is awake. Dana said, turning away from the room. This is good, she would be able to run her errands and still not miss any of mother’s waking hours. Dana thought this all out confession was a bad idea, but this was her mother’s final wish, so she would see it through.

    Chapter 1

    At ten o’clock the next morning, agents Mackenzie and Ford entered Ms Davidson’s hospital room. Mac and Tom had arrived at the hospital at eight o’clock with the other two members of their team. Dean Fong would cover the electronics and research from a Doctor’s lounge down the hall. Casey Pearse would be conducting research and interviewing witnesses as dictated by the suspect’s statement. Ms Davidson’s lawyer, Janet Prescott was present as was the dark haired girl from the hospital lobby the day before. Ms Davidson introduced the young woman as Dana, her daughter. The lawyer left as soon as the paperwork was signed. Another chair was brought in so everyone could have a seat. Looking at her daughter Ms Davidson asked, Are you sure?

    Dana smiled weakly and said, You taught me that I have nothing to be ashamed of. Tell the story the way you want to Mother

    Looking around the room, Ms. Davidson began, I’ve often wondered to myself when it all began. Did something happen to me in my mother’s drunken, drug addled womb? Some psychedelic cocktail that cut off the DNA sequence that prohibits killing? Or maybe it was one of the thousands of times I was raped between the ages of four and fourteen that sent my mind on some strange mission. I know it didn’t start the day I bagged my first kill; well, actually my first four kills. No, whatever made me what I am, happened long before that day. Philosophical ponderings aside, I’m sure you would like me start with the day that led to the first killings. That beautiful fall day in Columbus, Ohio.

    Jan sat on the bus stop bench outside the campus bookstore. Turning her face toward the warm autumn sun she smiled. Four years ago when she escaped the hell that was her home, who would have thought that she would be here, a freshman in college, studying pre-law. OK, so she had to dance in a gentleman’s club three nights a week. The money was decent and she wasn’t the only college girl working there. She was just happy to finally feel like her life was moving forward. Jan knew that she would soon be making her mark on the world. Brushing her light brown hair out of her hazel eyes she frowned when a plumber’s van pulled into the bus stop space in front of her. The large white guy in blue overalls was out the sliding side door and halfway toward her before her mind registered what was happening. She barely screamed before the first punch connected with her nose. Four face hits later she gratefully passed out.

    Oh, God, what the fuck is that smell? Jan could smell shit, piss, cum and something coppery. She tried to open her eyes, but the light from the table lamp was sending waves of pain through her skull. Her head was not the worst of the pain. Her vagina and anus were screaming with every small movement she made. Off in the distance she heard whimpering. Part of her brain said she should recognize the voice, yet she just couldn’t grasp it before she passed out again.

    The next time she woke up she realized she was lying on a mattress that was on the floor. Beside the bed was a plastic milk crate that held small lamp. Looking up she saw a wooden rod stretching across the space above her head. It took a moment for her to realize she was in a closet. Slowly she sat up, eyeing the single door. At that moment the door burst open. A looming figure filled the open space.

    Hey, it’s awake. Now we can really have some fun. Monster number one called out to those behind him.

    This time her body wouldn’t cooperate and she stayed awake for the entire miserable night. When finally the monsters left her so they could go play with their other toys, Jan curled into the fetal position and slept. There were no tears to cry. Other monsters had stolen all her tears a very long time ago. As she drifted off to sleep she thought she heard a little girl scream, but like the whimpering from earlier maybe this too was in her head.

    Time was kept by counting meals and cycles of rape. The occasional beating was thrown in just for kicks. It wasn’t long before Jan realized that her captors had made a mistake in being predictable. Once she saw the pattern a plan began to form. She only had to wait for two more cycles, and then it would be monster number three’s turn again. Monster number three was the smallest of the four ogres holding her captive. He was also was the only one that frequently left the door open while raping her.

    Jan took inventory of her resources. She had the wooden closet rod, a lamp and somehow her bikini underwear had survived intact. Every other piece of clothing she had been wearing when she was abducted had been shredded. A sudden calm washed over psyche as she realized that either they or she would die today and she didn’t care which it was. No matter what, this would end.

    Monster number three staggered into the room reeking of beer. Reaching for the lamp he cursed when it failed to switch on. He opened the closet door wider to allow light from the hallway to illuminate the cell. The fuckin’ bitch smelled rank. They were either gonna have to let her wash or kill her because she was smelling too funky to fuck. Still, he thought as he unzipped his pants, a man’s gotta do what a .."

    Sudden pain kept him finishing that thought. He fell across the mattress with a grunt, the wooden clothing rod protruding from his neck. Wrapping his hands around the rod, he solved the problem of why the lamp didn’t work as the broken light bulb was rammed deep into his eye socket. Still holding the clothing rod, Jan twisted and turned it until the gush of blood subsided and the monster stopped moving.

    A small giggle escaped from Jan as she realized she had killed the monster. Putting her foot on his chest she removed her wooden spear. Five minutes ago this lump of clay had been terrifying her on a daily basis. Now she was the one who would terrify. With this epiphany came a feeling of power unknown to her before. A smile formed as she thought of the further terror she would bring.

    Jan must have gone into to pure animal mode because her next conscious thought occurred when she awoke standing the kitchen holding a butcher knife dripping blood. Flashes of memory filled with horrific screams tried to surface, but were quickly suppressed. She was rinsing the knife when she heard a quiet movement behind her. Whirling around she raised the knife and saw a little

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