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Eyes on Tango (The Evans Family, Book Three): The Evans Family, #3
Eyes on Tango (The Evans Family, Book Three): The Evans Family, #3
Eyes on Tango (The Evans Family, Book Three): The Evans Family, #3
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Eyes on Tango (The Evans Family, Book Three): The Evans Family, #3

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To escape a humiliating breakup, Dr. Danielle Ryan packed her bags for the beautiful Mayan Riviera in search of a peaceful, sunny vacation. What she found instead was a dangerous drug lord, and he is hot on her tail to silence her after she witnesses a crime. Her only hope lies in the dark, mysterious Good Samaritan who saves her from a bullet and drags her to safety. However, can she trust the sexy man with the dancing eyes, a gun in his hand, and too many secrets he's unwilling to share?

Known to his family as the unreliable one, happy-go-lucky Hayden Evans allows them to think what they will. The truth of the matter is that he's not who he appears to be. All was going well with his double life until he suddenly finds himself responsible for a beautiful doctor, and he realizes that his house of cards is about to come crumbling down. When ally turns to enemy, and he becomes a target, he knows he should cut the beautiful doctor loose to save her life. Then she becomes a target as well.

Although a danger to each other and to themselves, as Danielle and Hayden's adventure begins, the chemistry deepens. While fleeing up the scenic Mexican coast, Hayden develops a plan. It is risky, but his increasing feelings for the brave and beautiful doctor outweigh his concern. After calling in the Evans troops to help, he learns that he is in the middle of their unfolding case, and more than Danielle's life is on the line.

Release dateJun 5, 2012
Eyes on Tango (The Evans Family, Book Three): The Evans Family, #3

Collette Scott

Always composing stories in her head, Collette began her first novel at the age of eight. Since then, she has obtained her bachelor's degree in English literature and master's degree in education while squeezing in her writing whenever possible. The author is currently hard at work on her best-selling Evans Family Series and Lemieux series. Her previous novels include Hannah's Blessing and the critically acclaimed Forever Sunshine, which was voted #35 in the Heart Press Publishing's Best Women's Fiction poll. The New England native now resides in Arizona with her family and multiple family pets.

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    Eyes on Tango (The Evans Family, Book Three) - Collette Scott

    Also by Collette Scott

    Forever Sunshine

    Hannah’s Blessing

    If We Dare to Dream (The Evans Family, Book One)

    Through Winter Skies (The Evans Family, Book Two)

    Eyes on Tango (The Evans Family, Book Three)

    Kat’s Last Chance (The Evans Family, Book Four)

    Terri’s Gift (The Evans Family, Book Five)

    Cooper’s Choice (The Evans Family, Book Six)

    Sunshine Rising (The Evans Family, Book Seven)

    Hope is Calling (The Evans Domination, Book One)

    A Blessing in Disguise (The Evans Domination, Book Two)

    Deception’s Kiss (The Evans Domination, Book Three)

    Eyes on Tango

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

    Copyright 2012 by Collette Scott

    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Cover design by Laura J Miller

    Gun image licensed by

    Landscape image licensed by

    All rights reserved.

    For information address Marimay Publishing, P.O. Box 11821, Tempe, AZ 85284

    ISBN-13: 978-1475264814

    ISBN-10: 147526481X

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22


    Chapter 1

    Until 11 am on a sunny but humid morning, Doctor Danielle Ryan was on a long-overdue vacation.

    Though traveling alone, she was determined not to allow that daunt her. After an early morning massage that had left her relaxed and refreshed, she hopped a bus for a sightseeing tour. It was a glorious day, with blue skies littered with puffy white clouds that did not, unfortunately, provide much shade from the strong rays of the sun. However, the sight of the magnificent ruins perched on a cliff above the deep-blue sea helped her forget about the sweat trickling down her back and making her top cling uncomfortably to her skin.

    Their guide had done a superb job sparking their imaginations with the history behind the ruins, and she stood in the midst of the ancient sentinels of rock as in awe as the natives surely were when they built them. For the first time since her arrival, she was truly enjoying herself, and the fascinating walk through history held her in complete wonder and delight.

    The deep greens of the jungle and the dense grass contrasted sharply with the greyish-white of the crushed limestone walking paths. So many bright, vibrant colors that Danielle feared her memory card would fill before the day’s end. She had just adjusted her baseball cap over her moist brow and crouched to take a photograph of one of the numerous iguanas lounging in the sun when it happened. There was no hint, no warning.

    Yet, from that moment on, her perfect vacation consisting of sleeping in late, languishing on the beautiful beach, and exploring the ancient Mayan ruins in Mexico came to a screeching halt. One minute she was strolling along the dirt walking paths of some of the most majestic ruins in the world, and in the next she was being tackled from behind, roughly thrown to the ground and ordered: Stay down!

    Landing face first in the dirt with a startled cry, Danielle ignored the stinging in her cheek and the throb where the camera dug into her wrist and hastily tried to rise. It was a futile effort, for the body that held her down was hard and strong, and she was completely pinned underneath a very solid man. His voice was serious, and the loud buzz of warning in her ears advised trouble. Still, in her confusion she noticed two things: he was American, and he smelled strangely of lemons.


    Stop struggling.

    Because of the lightning speed with which it all began, she did not immediately comprehend that the rapid popping sound off in the distance was gunfire. She was only aware of the crushing pressure of the man lying on her back and the seriousness of her predicament. Where were all the other tourists? Why was she hearing screams?

    We have to move.

    Before she could protest, or even catch her breath to scream, the suffocating weight was gone, and she was roughly lifted from behind to her feet. The hands at her waist were as hard as the rest of his body, and his grip was firm when he pushed her into the thick jungle growth ahead.

    Hey! Danielle continued her struggles, growing more panicked as she was forced out of sight of any tourists. She knew then that she was facing danger.

    For a moment, her life flashed before her eyes. She saw her parents and her brother standing over her body at a Mexican morgue, solemnly and tearfully identifying her dead body. Then she remembered her mother telling her not to go off to Mexico alone and recalled her bitter response, well, who is there for me to go with? It was all so surreal that it took her that brief moment of insanity to remind her of what was important. That was when she realized she would never do that to her family – ever. Not without a fight at least.

    In a voice that was in direct contrast to his actions, he replied calmly. We have to get out of sight.

    Like hell, she thought. Spinning around, she used her beach bag as a weapon. Complete with towel, wallet, passport, cell phone, bottled water and sunscreen, it was not exactly an effective deterrent, but it was all she had available. Definitely a valiant effort on her part, but his hand was faster. Almost as though he sensed her plan before she started to move, he released his grip around her waist and snatched the bag in mid-strike. His other hand shoved her roughly forward, and she fell headlong into the thick blanket of green foliage. Her knees squished in the mud when she landed, and to add insult to injury he pressed her all the way to the ground. Overheated muck seeped through her clothing and stuck to her damp skin.

    I’m not going to hurt you. This time his voice showed a trace of annoyance, making her flinch even more. I’m trying to help you.

    He dropped to his knees beside her and tossed her bag down while she fought to get up. Before she could catch a glimpse of her unknown attacker, he placed his hand on her back and thrust her back down.

    Please, she gasped hastily, just take the bag. You can have it.

    His hand increased the pressure to hold her prostrate in the undergrowth, leaving her arms pinned beneath her and making it difficult for her to breathe. She wanted to scream, but she could not take a deep breath.

    They’re firing, even on the tourists, he said harshly. People are hurt out there. Just shut up and hold still. I’ll do what I can to protect you.

    Who? What?

    Please, lady, just stay down. I can’t help you if you draw them here.

    His voice was surprisingly earnest, and Danielle cautiously lifted her head to hear the commotion beyond the trees. It only took an instant to realize that he was right, and her panic rose to new levels of fear. People were screaming near the entrance, an area that was thick with tourists. Although she had wandered off to a less populated region beyond the magnificent ruin of El Castillo, the sounds of panicky voices and trampling feet became louder as more people flocked her way. Though many of the voices were speaking in Spanish, she could also hear several in English, and what she heard made her blood go cold.

    To the entrance!

    Get out of here now!


    The voices mingled, but the meaning was clear: they needed to flee.

    The sobbing of children echoed through the dense vegetation, and Danielle’s heart began racing in response. Hot rivulets of sweat began dripping down her face. It burned her eyes, and she blinked several times to clear them before struggling to free one mud-streaked arm to wipe the drops away. Her hand came away wet, and for a few seconds she wondered if it was just sweat or tears there as well. She needed to flee. She had to get out of there, but her body was suddenly frozen with fear.

    Another scream, this one from a child, made Danielle’s blood go cold. The hand on her back tightened briefly when she shuddered, and she wondered if the Good Samaritan was trying to be supportive or preparing for renewed struggles.

    As the sporadic gunfire grew closer, her trembling became increasingly more violent. In response, the man threw his entire arm over her back and squeezed her gently in a partial hug. She would have laughed at his chivalrous attempt to console her if she was not so terrified, but then he surprised her even more by scooting closer.

    His lips brushed her ear as he bent to speak. It’ll be okay. Just stay quiet and stay down. I’m not going to let anyone hurt you.

    The next thing she knew, the hand was gone. It was replaced by the touch of several loose, decaying palm fronds. They were scratchy and damp, just like everything else in this godforsaken jungle. She stiffened in terror when she comprehended that he was actually burying her with the foliage. It was not a blanket she wanted.

    Fighting the rising panic again, she squeezed her eyes shut when he leaned in close again. Stay here and don’t move. I’ll be right back to get you out.

    Her eyes opened wide. He was leaving her? What?

    But he was already gone. Straining to hear him slip away over the sound of the commotion, Danielle quickly realized that he was stealthy as well as strong. Knowing she should do the same, she almost came to her feet when she grasped that he might not return at all. After all, who was this guy anyway? Why would he go out of his way to help her? She knew better than to trust a complete stranger, and she called upon her recently deserted practicality to gather courage and flee with the others.

    She was about to thrust the fronds away when a new round of gunshots held her in place. They were loud and chillingly close. The gunmen were following those who tried to flee. Despite wanting to run, like a child she squeezed her eyes closed hoping that if she did not see them they would not see her. Though she itched from the feel of the leaves against her sweaty and muddy skin, she was unable to move or even shift away from the nervous pressure of her bladder. She remained as still as the air, which was now heavy with the sounds of terror and panic.

    What on earth was going on? What happened out there?

    Long minutes passed, and Danielle wondered if she would be found shot to death somewhere in a Mexican jungle far away from her family and friends. Her ears ached with the sounds of the terrorized screams followed by the cold, hard report of intermittent gunfire.

    The sounds were horrible, but the fear was worse.

    Squeezing her eyes shut again, Danielle pressed her hands over her ears to block out the sound of the gunfight and tried to think of other things. Memories of the previous two days spent on the beach did little to ease the discomfort of lying on the muddy ground. She longed for a drink from her water bottle but was too afraid to move to fish it out of her bag.

    Finally, the pattering of frantic footfalls decreased in intensity, and Danielle felt safe enough to raise her head slightly. She desperately needed water. Her throat was parched, and the amount of sweat dripping off her body warned her that she was rapidly becoming dehydrated. With a hand that trembled as violently as her body, she reached for her bag and eased the bottle out as slowly and quietly as possible. Before unscrewing the cap, she raised her head a little more and looked back over her shoulder to the trail beyond. Through the darkness of the thick jungle cover, the trail was a slash of bright light. There appeared to be no one else headed her way.

    Was it over? More importantly, was she the only one left?

    Aware that her terror was on the verge of taking over the last of her reason, Danielle took another deep breath and forced her attention to the water bottle. She pressed it to her lips, almost choking when the warm water flowed down her throat. Not knowing how long she would be in hiding, she satisfied herself with the single gulp and replaced the cap. While it did little to quench her thirst, it kept her occupied enough to regain some composure. She needed to think rationally now. She had to figure out a way to get out of there alive.

    Having always prided herself on her ability to handle stress, Danielle assumed she had mastered her emotions. Yet she had to admit that her situation was nothing short of crazy and beyond anyone’s expectations. On the television, sure, but there in a popular tourist attraction? It just did not make any sense. It was not normal that a stunning archaeological site would become a battlefield. With that in mind, she forgave herself for her momentary loss of control and focused on pulling it together so she could take stock of her situation.

    Before she could think any further, a sudden movement on the trail caught her attention. Still semi-seated, Danielle froze. A man had rounded the corner, pausing only five yards away from her hiding spot. He was not dressed as a tourist with shorts, flip flops and sunglasses. Nor was he dressed as one of the natives of the area. He was dressed elegantly, more suited for a day in one of the fancier resort’s golf courses with his tan slacks and white button-down shirt. His thick black hair was slicked back, and dark sunglasses covered his eyes. They hid most of his medium-complexioned face, but what she could see appeared handsome. His goatee was neatly trimmed and framed full lips that were currently compressed in what appeared to be regret.

    Another man joined him, carrying a semi-automatic rifle with both hands. Dressed more like a gangster from an American inner city than a tourist, his bandana covered most of his head and was darkened by a thick swath of sweat. His body was hidden behind a loosely hanging shirt and jeans.

    Danielle felt her heart leap back into her throat. While still partially concealed under the palm fronds, her hat and sunglasses had fallen off when her strange rescuer had thrown her to the ground, leaving her exposed in the shadows of the trees. She hoped her blond hair would not give her away.

    We got the three.

    All dead? The man she had studied spoke in fluent Spanish, a language she understood but could not speak well.

    Yes, sir.

    "Excellente. He followed up with an approving nod. They will speak to no one."

    But sir, Tango is missing.

    The handsome one let out a sharp curse, and the approval on his face was replaced with a dark anger. Danielle shivered at the ferocity of his outburst. No sign of him?

    No sir. The second man shifted the weight of the gun. He’s not here.

    I saw him from a distance. Did he tip those men off to our meeting and then run? Pit us against the enemy?

    I don’t know, but he’s not here now.

    Obviously he’s been lying to us all along. The treacherous snake! The deal is dead. When I find him, I’ll tear him limb from limb for ruining this. Now I have to report this to JW, and he won’t like it.

    Yes, sir.

    The handsome one shook his head with some form of remorse, but Danielle had a hard time understanding his sympathy when he was so cold just moments before. He clucked his tongue. "Such a senseless waste… Collect the others and get out of here. The policia will be here soon."

    With an abrupt nod, the second man turned around and jogged back down the trail. Making a final sweep of the jungle around him, the well-dressed man seemed to pause and make eye contact with her. Fearing the worst, Danielle bit her lip to keep the scream rising in her throat at bay when a small, cold smile appeared on his lips. Remaining as still as a statue, she watched him hesitate then casually stroll down the path in the direction of the exit. She heard him whistling.


    Danielle ignored the goose bumps rising on her arms in response to his emotionless cruelty. How could he whistle when people were injured and even dead? So cold, so heartless. She was certain that the whistling, coupled with the horrified screams and gunfire, would stay with her forever.

    As soon as she could no longer hear movement, Danielle decided to move. She was no longer safe where she was. If he had seen her, he could backtrack at any moment with one of his guns and do away with her. Glancing right and left, she took stock of her options. The exit was covered by the handsome one, the trail by the gunman and the cliff was not a viable option without stairs. That left the thick jungle. Though unappealing, she knew she could not take the chance and stay.

    First returning her water bottle to her bag, she then thrust the palm fronds away from her legs. It took her a moment to come to her feet, and her legs nearly buckled under her weight when she did. Nevertheless, she forced herself to move forward.

    The jungle behind her was thick with vegetation and root systems, and within three steps she was regretting her decision. Each forward motion through the dense mass of plant life threatened to topple her, and Danielle was reminded of the doomed characters in a horror movie. They would stumble, fall and turn to find their stalker above them. She shivered despite the oppressive heat. That could not happen to her.

    Scanning the jungle before her, she picked her way forward. Roots protruded from the moist ground, perilously placed to hide amid the undergrowth and catch her unaware. Rocks, the same limestone that caused the ruins to gleam brightly in the sunlight, loomed dangerous in the shade of the growth. Within minutes, she had gone as far as she could and threw her arms up in surrender. She could no longer see the trail, but she was already out of breath and sweating so profusely that she felt weak.

    She would never make it out on her own, and she wondered where her mysterious savior had gone. Had he escaped safely without her while she battled with the jungle? A strange feeling of loneliness and despair filled her with the thought, but even worse was the idea that he had been shot too.

    As if on cue, a shout followed by two sharp gunshots caused Danielle to startle violently and loose her balance. She fell to the ground, feeling the wetness of the swampy area soak through her ruined shorts. After the silence of the past several minutes, the noise frightened the birds in the branches above, and they flew off with a sudden flapping of wings. She glanced up and watched their flight as anguish overwhelmed her, wishing she could do the same. Without knowing how, she was certain her savior was the recipient of that last gunshot, and her vision blurred with the tears she had struggled to hold back.

    She knew he would not be back. Now she was truly alone with no idea how to get out of the jungle alive.


    Shaking his head with regret, Hayden Evans returned his gun to the holster secured in his waistband and spun on his heel. One well-placed shot was all it took to remove the threat remaining at the site. The inexperienced kid went down quickly. Now all he needed to do was go fish the girl out of the trees. They needed to move quickly, for he already heard the sirens. Although they were still a good distance away, he and the girl needed to be long gone before the local police descended on the site. He could not be seen, especially now that everything had gone to hell.

    Staying low, Hayden hurried back along the trail. He did not encounter any other stragglers, and he was grateful he was in the remotest part of the site. Two bodies, an older man and woman, lay across the path directly ahead. They were obviously deceased, so he did not linger. Time was of the essence now, no matter how much the sight tugged at his heart.

    He spied the girl’s hat and glasses and scooped that bit of evidence up as he passed. The foliage he had hidden her in was just a few feet away, and the sounds of the sirens were even closer. Jogging the final few steps, he pushed his way through the trees and halted in surprise. The spot was empty. The palm fronds had been hastily discarded and now rested in a small pile, an indication that she had moved on her own rather than being snatched, but Hayden felt a moment of fear. He had told her that he would be right back, but it had taken him longer than he expected to get a good look at the remaining shooters. There were three in total, plus Rocky. Four men hunting him... no, three now that he had shot the fourth. If she was running around on her own, she was in serious danger.

    Sighing heavily, Hayden placed his hands on his hips and took a moment to reflect upon what happened so he could plan his next step. Things had fallen apart too quickly; something had gone seriously wrong.

    His meeting was to take place at the Casa de las Columnas where they would set up a time to make the exchange. He arrived ready to make the deal and fly back to the States with the cargo despite the warning trickle down his spine that started immediately upon waking that morning. It was one of those suspicions of dread he could not shake.

    After years of learning to trust these feelings, he accepted that his intuition was on fire.

    He did not cower in fear, but he did heed his instincts. As planned, he dressed the part and mingled with the tourists with the full intent of going forward with the deal. It only took him a moment to locate a worthy target to use as cover. Following the only alone young woman off the tour bus from Cancun, he kept far enough away so she would not notice but close enough that he could be mistaken as her companion until he could break off at the signal. All had gone according to plan.

    Unfortunately, the woman he chose ended up being far prettier than he imagined. Though her face was partially hidden behind the baseball cap and sunglasses she wore, he noted the small, straight line of her nose and pouty lips when she raised her camera to take a picture. She was attractive, tall and lean, with long, tanned, runner’s legs and round breasts covered in a bikini and a pink tank top. While he trailed her from a safe distance, he focused on her narrow waist and wondered how she could be alone. Surely there was a pack of men hounding her.

    Regrettably, his distraction had momentarily taken his mind off the matters at hand, an error that had been paid for with the blood of the innocent. Somehow the tenuous bond of trust between him and Rocky had been shattered, and he had no clue how or why. That he did not know what started the shootout was unacceptable. Their tardiness evidently had been deliberate. Their arms and eagerness to shoot, sloppy. Normally Rocky was more cautious than that, a sly man who covered his tracks well. There were far too many unknowns, especially considering there were three other gun-wielding men dead in the plaza. Who were they? Why were they here? Were they officials? Only one thing was clear: things had fallen apart and he had screwed up when he shoved that girl into the trees.

    Returning his attention to the crushed vegetation, Hayden studied the area around it. He could not see any returning footsteps in the mud, nor could he see where anyone else had entered their makeshift hiding spot. Spinning in a slow circle, he noticed a single print going deeper into the jungle. She had moved into the heavy darkness, and she was still alone. Not sure why that gave him such relief, he made a quick decision to follow and began to move. Although he knew his predicament was perilous and he should ditch her now, he foolishly had involved her in this mess as soon as he tackled her to the ground. There was no way he could abandon her yet despite all the unknowns.

    Following the trail of footprints and bent vegetation, Hayden was nearly on top of her location before he saw her. It had grown steadily darker under the canopy of trees, and he immediately saw the wisdom of her move. Unless someone was specifically looking, they would not quickly find her in her current spot.

    She was seated partially in a puddle, her sneaker-clad feet almost completely submerged. Her head rested on her hands, and her elbows were propped on her bent knees. The way she had curled into herself made him suspect her initial shock had worn off, leaving fear in its stead. The twinge of pity struck him as odd when so many others had fallen out in the deep green expanse surrounding the ruins, but he could not resist the sympathetic feeling from rising. Maybe it was because he had a little sister, or maybe it was because he had nearly scared her to death when he reacted instinctively and forced her to the ground. Either way, he had no time to ponder it. Knowing they had to get out of the area, he closed the distance and reached out to place his hand on her shoulder.

    Before he could speak, she was swinging again, her mouth opened in a startled gasp. Their eyes met, his brown and hers pale blue, and the look of horror she gave him reminded him of his appearance.

    Wait, he whispered, catching the same bag she had attacked him with previously. Despite her attempts to yank it back, he easily disarmed her and replaced her dropped belongings. It’s me, it’s me.

    The panicked look in her eyes remained, so he dropped to his haunches and handed her back the beach bag. "It’s okay. I’m

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