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Of Covens and Packs
Of Covens and Packs
Of Covens and Packs
Ebook194 pages2 hours

Of Covens and Packs

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Terin Global is on the brink of exposure. Something Detective Raleigh Darch could do with a simple warrant.

Yet there are other problems. The increase of paranormal activity worries Jezryall and dregs up personal demons for some of her staff. A planned visit to the Spire-a forgotten relic from the ancient world leaves them with more questions than answers, along with a cryptic message from the spirit of a werewolf.

One thing is certain; something is stirring within the bowels of Hell. Jezryall and her team must discover the reason behind the increase in demon activity before things become too big for even them to handle.

PublisherDarke Conteur
Release dateJun 24, 2012
Of Covens and Packs

Darke Conteur

My passion for writing began in my mid-teens. At the age of sixteen, I wrote my first novel, CINDY'S SONG, a YA coming-of-age, where the main character deals with not only the social and peer pressures of that particular decade (early 80's), but the complex and often mind-boggling hierarchy of the teenage social structure. Unfortunately, due to negligence, the completed manuscript was lost during a gypsy period in my life. I hope to one day re-write the novel with a more scifi feel to it. It was this first completed project that sparked my creative energies, and at twenty-five, I was working on my second novel CHILD OF THE STORM. This was my first venture into the world of science fiction and proved to be a genre I liked writing. When I finished, I began plotting out a sequel STORM RISING, but due to ever changing computer technology, both the manuscript and the outline were lost to corrupt disks and non-compatible word programs. It would be another five years before I would begin writing more consistently. It was during this time that I became influenced by another genre--urban/dark fantasy. Sparked by shows like Buffy and The X-Files, I followed my imagination down another path, and between my love for science fiction and my new interest, I devised twenty or so novel ideas ranging from epics that could only be told in a series of novels, to short stories. Starting in 2007, I decided to become serious about writing, and began honing my skills with the goal of becoming a successful, published author. So far, I have written two novels, a military scifi called DRAGONSTONE and an urban/dark fantasy called THE SAINTS OF BELVEDERE ROAD, with the latter in revision. I have several short stories published online, and several more in various stages of completion. With the ever-changing face of publishing, one must keep up. I plan on self-publishing a series of paranormal novella's that will lead up to several larger books.

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    Book preview

    Of Covens and Packs - Darke Conteur

    Of Covens and Packs

    Written by Darke Conteur

    Copyright 2012 Dark Conteur Collection of Works

    Smashwords Edition

    For more information on the author,

    Please visit


    Special Thanks to:

    Calista Taylor for the cover design.

    Karen Lawson for editing services.


    Canadian Law Enforcement Officials

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    Chapter One

    Red sky in morning, sailors take warning...

    Barbara Dole touched the controls by the side of the picture window. With a low, mechanical hum, the custom-made blinds retracted across the glass, allowing the morning light to pour into the large living room of Terin Global. The fuchsia pink sky was dotted with grey clouds. Barb squinted as she held up one hand to block the glare from the windows of the neighbouring buildings. Small lines of frost fanned out from the sides of the glass and she ran her index finger along the length of one frost vein. The days were getting shorter now that autumn was in full swing, which meant the nights would become colder, longer. More time for shadow creatures to play with the lives of mankind. More time for them to interfere.

    Her mind drifted back to a memory. The vision she had weeks ago from touching the wood, still haunted her dreams. The Dark Sect was after Martin. She knew this. His life was in danger and she had no idea how to tell him, or if she should. Despite the months of working alongside them, Martin's acceptance of the paranormal world felt superficial, even though he was confronted with it on a regular basis. Considering nothing bad had happened, would he even believe her? As much as she liked him, the fact he walked away from two battles unscathed seemed to give him a false sense of invincibility.

    If only he'd move into the building, then none of this would be a concern!

    That was something else. Jezryall insisted with each of them from day one that they move into the building. It was for their own safety, and they agreed. Martin's refusal was understandable, but the boss lady's acceptance of his decision didn't make sense. If he was one of them, shouldn't he be here?

    A realization hit her. Maybe Martin Cunningham wasn't as special as she first thought and Jezryall knew this. Maybe Barb's 'feelings' about him were off and he was just…normal.

    Then why send a scrayling for him?

    Barb shook her head and walked to the kitchen. These kinds of conflicts drove her nuts. Is he? Isn't he? There had to be more to this. It was the only way she could understand Jezryall's willing acceptance of his absence and since Jezryall wasn't upset about him not living there, then she wouldn't be either. If he wanted to stay in his tiny apartment with noisy neighbours and a dog barking every night, then who was she to disagree? He probably wouldn't like it here anyway.

    She poured coffee into a flowery ceramic mug and walked toward the counter on the other side. A file folder lay in the center with the words 'Autumn 2011' written at the top. Barb sighed. She recognized Lucian's handwriting right away. Was it the beginning of the month already? She picked up the folder and headed to the couch. It felt thicker than normal.

    She placed her mug on the coffee table and settled into the plush leather couch. There wasn't a thing that went on in the paranormal world that Lucian didn't know about. As head of Intel, it was his department's responsibility to gather information on strange and unusual events around the world. The thickness of his folder didn't impress her, and neither did the advertisements for shoe sales inside. Lucian knew her too well. Shopping was her way of releasing anxiety about work; shoes in particular were her favourite, which meant Lucian figured she would think this report would be troubling.

    Ten minutes into the report she closed the file and threw it on the couch cushion next to her. She ran her fingers through her hair and leaned back on the couch. He was right.

    It's nowhere near to being ready, Daniel's voice came from the direction of the 'V' staircase. He was alone, scratching his head and gesturing with his hands. I've only got a couple more days left and the bloody room isn't anywhere near the right condition it needs to be!

    Barb didn't question who Daniel was talking to. In this building, it could be just about anyone, but if she had to guess, it was probably the old Alchemist that hung around his lab. Daniel had been quarreling with him for a few days now.

    She leaned forward and picked up her mug. Is he still on your case? she asked, as he passed by the couch and walked into the kitchen.

    Daniel took down one of the hanging coffee cups. We're at odds as to whether or not the gargoyle's room is ready. He picked up the coffee pot. According to Archemen, the room needs to be at 'ground temperature', but as my friend here, he gestured to the air, died before the invention of the Fahrenheit scale, our calculations are off.

    Barb snickered and choked on her coffee. Leave it to Daniel to get into an argument with a ghost. So why don't you teach him?

    He's a ghost, Barb. His capability to learn ended when he died.

    Barb frowned. I thought souls knew everything once they died?

    Daniel shook his head. Nope, gotta cross over first. He walked up to the counter and frowned. Okay, what's wrong?

    Nothing's wrong, why?

    Archemen says there are several papers next to you with pictures of shoes on them. He took a sip from his mug as he motioned to the couch. You never look at shoe sales unless you're upset.

    Barb rolled her eyes. Tell him to quit looking over my shoulder. That's just creepy. Barb slumped back into the couch. After reading Lucian's report, there weren't enough shoe sales in the country that could cheer her up. It's nothing. Just Lucian's way of letting me know his quarterly might upset me. She flipped open the folder and brought out the top sheet of paper. According to this, things have been more active than normal.

    Maybe a little more, but I don't think it's anything to get that upset over.

    Barb stood and read from the sheet as she walked toward Daniel. A river in Egypt was flowing backward during the last full moon. Weird flickering lights were seen over Mount Fuji in Japan. Bodies mysteriously appeared in the Hawaiian islands around Pele. She handed the paper to Daniel. All in the last few months, and all since the Embassy incident. There have been more reports of unexplained occurrences in the last few months, than in all of last year! She walked over to the couch and sat down on the edge of the cushion. This means something.

    Daniel looked over the page. You're getting yourself worked up over nothing. Most of these are common. It's just rare for normal people to see it.

    That last one isn't common. A chill ran through her body. You know Pele never gives up her trophies.

    Daniel focused on the report again. Witnesses stated that not only was Mount Pele expelling lava, but mutilated and skinned human bodies as well. He grimaced as he took a sip of his coffee. Well that's gross.

    Barb slumped forward. This day is beginning to suck.

    If it bothers you that much, then get Lucian to gather more information and we'll go from there.

    Barb nodded. Okay. A little pout formed on Barb's lips. Since this day is starting out so sucky, would you go to the corner bakery and get me one of those carrot cake slices I like?

    Daniel smiled. Nice try, but I'm immune to your pouts. Too bad Martin isn’t here. I’m pretty sure you could talk him into going for you.

    Yeah, well he's not.

    What about Aslin? He likes to get out and walk.

    No, he's been squirreled up in his room for days now. Barb leaned back on the couch and cupped her mug with both hands. Besides, pouting doesn't work on him. She took a sip. Nothing does. I could stand buck naked in front of that man and he wouldn't even bat an eyelash. She snorted as she imagined his reaction. He'd walk right by me and mumble something about me catching a cold.

    The phone on the wall rang and Daniel jumped up to answer it. Hullo? He paused for a moment then held the receiver out to Barb. It's Lizzy. She says there's a Detective Raleigh Darch down in the lobby asking for you.

    Barb rolled her eyes and stood. Not what I needed today. She grabbed the phone from Daniel and placed the earpiece to her ear. What does he want, Lizzy? Is it important? ...No, don't send him away. I'll be right down.

    She hung up the phone. After their last encounter, she was pretty sure this wasn't a social call.

    What does he want?

    How should I know? she said, and headed for the 'V' staircase.

    Aren't you going down to the lobby to find out?

    She frowned at him as she stormed up the stairs. You want me to go down in my pajamas? Really?

    Barb's got a boyfriend, Barb's got a boyfriend, Daniel sang from the living room.

    Oh grow up.


    Barb kept her arms crossed as the elevator descended to the lobby. If there was a cop here, it couldn't be good. In her experience police showing up at a workplace never was. She did entertain the thought of coming down to personally send him away under threat of another paintball assault, but a part of her was curious as to what he wanted. They hadn't crossed paths with the police department for a few months and, thanks to Martin, were again just another benign money-hungry company in the eyes of most of the press.

    A rush of cool air blew into the small compartment as the elevator doors opened. A slight shiver raced through her body. The lobby was always chilly. Daniel said it was because all the souls that lingered around the front desk and the foyer. There were no 'real' people working in the building, only souls waiting for their turn on the List. The illusion helped to establish Terin Global as looking like a business to anyone snooping from the outside. Barb never understood why the three buildings were in the middle of a busy downtown core, but she guessed the old adage of the perfect place to hide is in plain sight, was what Boss Lady was after.

    She wrapped the thin jacket of her loungewear close to her body and stepped out of the elevator. Several employees noticed her and smiled. The lobby was packed today with souls racing from one side to the other. Quarterly reports were due all over the buildings. It amazed her how efficient the afterlife was. It was so business-like, or maybe that's the way Jezryall modelled it. Keeping track of tens of thousands of souls was difficult at the best of times. Good thing there were former civil servants on the List. There was probably more order here than in the real world, but then these employees had to stay in line. The consequences for causing trouble could be an eternal punishment.

    She stopped by one of the kettle palms and peered out between the fronds. Detective Darch was standing on the other side of the lobby staring up at a picture. She snorted. That had to be the exact same outfit he was wearing the last time she saw him.

    She ran her fingers quickly through her hair and checked herself out in the reflection of the dark marble. Her heart raced and she took a few deep breaths to calm down. Her anxiety level was a bit high for a non-confrontational visit, but considering her history with cops, she was impressed she was holding it together so well.

    Feeling a bit more relaxed, Barb stepped past the kettle palms, and headed across the foyer toward the receptionist. Lizzy looked up from some paper work on her desk and gave her a concerned look.

    He's been waiting for a while, she said and took a quick glance in Darch's direction. Was pacing back and forth outside for an hour before he came in. I guess he thought he could catch you before you went to work.

    You didn't tell him I lived here, did you?

    No, it's none of his business. She pointed a boney finger at Barb. Remember that, if he starts snooping around and asking questions.

    Barb forced herself to keep from rolling her eyes. I know the protocol, Lizzy.

    Lizzy held up her hands. I didn't say you don't, but he looks like one of them fast-talking characters. You have to watch yourself around those, Miss Dole.

    Barb nodded and fiddled with her outfit again before walking away from the desk. He was still staring at a painting on the wall. He was looking so intently at the painting, she guessed this cop rarely visited art museums. As she approached, the strong odour of stale tobacco lingered in the air around him and she waved her hand in front of her nose to remove the smell.

    Her anxiety suddenly reared up. It's a depiction of Dante's Inferno, she said. There was a slight squeak in her voice and she hoped her apprehension wasn't noticeable.

    She examined Darch carefully from behind. At the police station and the warehouse, he came off as a hard ass cop with a permanent scowl, but up close, he was attractive with his short, dark brown hair, and the days old stubble on his face gave him a rugged look. She traced a few lines etched on his face with her eyes and figured from his matureness, he was probably around the same age as her.

    Barb let out a little snort. She was fawning over him? He was nothing like the guys she was attracted to. In their two brief encounters, he'd been too brash and rough around the edges. She preferred well-dressed and groomed gentlemen, but there was something about him that she found appealing. She felt safe around him. Like

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