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There is no Shia who has not heard of Kerbala and of the events leading up to the Ashura day. Also, many people know that a personality called Mukhtar had managed to avenge (in this world) the people who were responsible for the massacre at Kerbala.

However, many people are not familiar with the historical details as to how Mukhtar came about to avenge the Kerbala perpetrators. This book sets out to explain just that.

The book is written in a narrative points form, in short chapters and story-like fashion. This is done purposely to make the reading easy and interesting.

Release dateJul 30, 2012

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    Mukhtar - Mahmood Datoo


    How He Avenged The Karbala Perpetrators (61 – 67 AH)

    Mahmood Husein Datoo


    e-mail: [email protected]

    MUKHTAR: How He Avenged The Karbala Perpetrators (61 – 67 AH)

    by Mahmood Husein Datoo

    Smashwords Edition

    Published by:

    The World Federation of

    Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheri Communities

    Copyright 2012 Mahmood Husein Datoo

    Registered Charity in the UK No. 282303

    Islamic Centre

    Wood Lane


    Middlesex HA7 4LQ

    United Kingdom

    Third Edition 2012

    ISBN: 978-0-9570985-6-5

    British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

    Digital edition created by Go Published

    For Islamic propagation (Tableegh) purposes, any or whole part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers or the author.



    1 Who Was Mukhtar

    2 Mukhtar’s First Imprisonment

    3 Imprisonment and Release of Kumayl

    4 Kumayl Smuggles Pen and Paper to Mukhtar

    5 Kumayl Meets Abdullah Umar

    6 Kumayl Meets Yazeed

    7 Mukhtar’s Release

    8 Rampage in Madinah

    9 Yazeed’s Death

    10 Mukhtar’s Permission from Imam Z Abideen (as)

    11 The Tawwabun (The Penitents)

    12 Ubaydullah Ziyad Flees Basra

    13 Ubaydullah Ziyad in Damascus

    14 The Tawwabun’s Mission

    15 Mukhtar’s Second Imprisonment and Release

    16 Abdullah Muti Tries to Imprison Mukhtar

    17 Mukhtar Teams With Ibrahim Malik Ashtar

    18 Mukhtar Becomes Governor of Kufa

    19 Mukhtar Rules Over Kufa

    20 Abdullah Muti Joins Forces with Masa’b Zobayr

    21 Ibrahim Malik Ashtar Captured and Escapes

    22 Control for Mosul

    23 Attempt on Mukhtar’s Life

    24 Mukhtar Gors After the Perpetrators of Karbala

    25 Tracking Down Ubaydullah Ziyad

    26 Mukhtar Martyred

    References & Bibliography


    The book begins by introducing Mukhtar and traces his life from the moment he first welcomes Muslim Aqil, the cousin of Imam Husein (as), who was sent to assess the situation in Kufa.

    Mukhtar is subsequently imprisoned by the authorities because of his love and support of Imam Husein (as). Mukhtar manages to get himself released through the help of a Kumayl Hamadani. Meanwhile, the atrocities of Yazeed continues and because of the Karbala effect, the political situation in the region also changes dramatically.

    After Yazeed’s death, and parallel to Mukhtar’s activities, a group called the Tawwabun (the Penitents), led by Sulayman Surad Khuzai, organise themselves to punish the Karbala perpetrators. The Tawwabun decide to first punish Ubaydullah Ziyad, one of the leaders of the planning of the Karbala massacre. However, the Tawwabun are heavily crushed by the forces of Ubaydullah Ziyad.

    Mukhtar tries to form an alliance with a friendly governor in the region in order to start avenging the Karbala perpetrators, but is rebuffed. He therefore teams up with another valiant supporter of the Ahlul-bayt, Ibrahim Malik Ashtar. Together, they lead a group of people in taking the control of the Governorship of Kufa.

    Once in power, Mukhtar has to defend himself from his enemies who want him dead, for the fear of being hunted out for their part in the atrocities they carried out at Karbala.

    Having consolidated his power and his hold in Kufa, Mukhtar begins his mission in earnest. He starts searching for the perpetrators of Karbala, puts them on trial and punishes the guilty.

    Finally, the booklet traces the events leading to the martyrdom of Mukhtar.

    1 Who Was Mukhtar?

    His full name: Mukhtar Abu Obaida Masood Thaqafi of Banu Hawazin tribe; he was born in 1 AH.

    His mother’s name was Husna (some sources say Hilya) and his father’s name was Abu Obaida Thaqafi.

    He had one sister named Safiya who was married to Abdullah Umar, the son of the second Leader Umar; another sister was married to Umar Saad, the chief commander of Yazeed’s army in Karbala; one of his daughters was married to Imam Zainul Abideen (as) to have a son named Umar.

    Due to his successful mission of avenging the enemies of Imam (as), there were many false accounts and distortions of his life at the time; for example, that he was of a low family, not to be respected, etc; but some eminent people of the Banu Hawazin tribe are:

    Maimoona – wife of Prophet Muhammad (saww)

    Ummul Baneen – wife of Imam Ali (as), mother of H Abbas

    Laila – wife of Imam Husein (as), mother of Ali Akbar

    Labeed – a great poet of Arabia; author of one of the seven poems at one time hung at Kaaba

    Abu Obaida Thaqafi always wished for a son who would do an honourable and memorable deed in this world, and only marries when he is convinced of the right partner to give him such a son; once he has a dream to choose a certain girl from a brave family of his tribe, named Husna.

    During the pregnancy of Mukhtar, Husna dreams of a horse rider descending from the sky and congratulating her for a brave son to come; on the night following the birth of Mukhtar, Husna dreams again of the same horse rider descending from the sky and congratulates her on the actual birth of the baby that would grow to be a firm follower of the Prophet Muhammad (saww), the Ahlul-bayt and avenger of Imam Husein’s (as) killers and enemies.

    Abu Obaida, Mukhtar’s father, was the commander of an army unit which invaded Iran under the orders of Leader Umar; the Iranian troops had elephants which Abu Obaida’s people never saw before and were frightened of them, thus affecting their battle performance, but Abu Obaida fights gallantly and makes inroads to the territory; Abu Obaida dies in this battle in 13 AH when Mukhtar is 12 years old.

    The battle command is then taken over by Abu Obaida’s brother, to finally win the whole battle and bring the area fought under his influence.

    Meanwhile, Mukhtar is brought up by his mother and uncle; his uncle is made governor of Madayn by Umar; during the time of Muawiya, when there is a cease-fire between Imam Hasan (as) and Muawiya, Mukhtar’s uncle, till then the governor of Madayn, is transferred to the governorship of Mosul. (Madayn is where Salman Farsi, Jabir Abdulla Ansaree and Huzayfa Yamani are buried; also in Madayn is the

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