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Montana's Magic: Montana, #2
Montana's Magic: Montana, #2
Montana's Magic: Montana, #2
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Montana's Magic: Montana, #2

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Had C.R. Whitmore been struck by lightning? Had the polar axes of the earth shifted? Or was it merely the smile of the exquisitely lovely Deanna Worthington that had doused him with the feeling that everything in his world had suddenly changed?

Whatever it was, C.R. needed to set his emotions aside as best he could. He had a secret mission on the Ruskin ranch, and nothing could deter him from reaching his goal.

Deanna had traveled from Peoria to Montana for two reasons: one, she wanted to help her sister Catherine with her new baby, and, two, she wanted to finish writing her Master's thesis.

Her plans for the summer had seemed simple enough--until she met Cade Robert Whitmore…

Hand in hand walks in the open meadows, horseback riding through pristine wilderness, moonlight swims in secluded waters…

Deanna supposed, when it came to handsome cowboys, it was okay for a girl to change her summer plans, but would it be worth the risk to her career and her heart?


Setup: C.R. is giving Deanna a tour when they end up at his favorite place on the ranch.

"You like to swim, don't you?" C.R. said enthusiastically.

He'd led her to a quiet lagoon which branched off the river. "I love swimming." She'd gotten rather warm during their hike--from the exertion of the walk and from being with C.R. A swim in this magnificent pond seemed mighty tempting.

"I had a feeling you would." He moved quickly to a nearby hollowed-out tree, lying on the ground and retrieved a duffle bag. He opened it up and pulled out a large towel. "I come here every chance I get so I try to keep extra clothes and towels around in case I want to come straight from the range. Nothing makes a person feel more alive than a swim in the river."

Deanna clapped her hands together. "Oh, what fun! How lucky you are to have a place where you can swim whenever you want."

"Well," he said, "it isn't always easy to fit a swim into my day. I'm usually awful busy with work during the warm months when swimming here is most pleasant."

"I'm sure you are." She walked right up to the water and stuck her hand into it. "Is it safe to swim here? The pond looks calm enough, but the river is rushing pretty fast."

He joined her at the water's edge. "It's perfectly safe."

Deanna stood up and tugged at the large, unbuttoned shirt she'd worn over her tank top and shorts. "Ooh, I'd love to jump right in, but I don't have a bathing suit with me."

He took her hand and gave her a naughty grin. "Neither do I."

She smiled back at him as all sorts of wicked thoughts raced through her mind.

She'd been skinny dipping before, but not since she was eight years old. She'd certainly never gone swimming in the nude with a man.

She pondered her situation a moment longer. Then, without further hesitation, and going completely against her usual cautious nature, she decided, why not?

"C.R.," she said, taking off her shirt, "I'd love to go swimming with you."



The Long and Short of It says: 4 Books. If you enjoy wide open spaces, hunky ranchers, you'll enjoy this read… Fran Shaff's writing style suits the sweet content of her story and lets her characters come alive on the page. For those looking for a sweet read, this is a book well worth considering.

The Romance Studio says: 4 Hearts. This is a fabulous novel…The sensual part of the novel is very nicely written, there are no vulgar parts in it…I like the fairytale image.

CataRomance says: "Fran Shaff is a wonderful storyteller, and she knows how to pull her readers immediately into the world of her characters. I like this author's writing style, and it makes for a fast-paced and entertaining read."

PublisherFran Shaff
Release dateAug 21, 2012
Montana's Magic: Montana, #2

Fran Shaff

Just about all of us want to get away from the demands of everyday life from time to time. Unfortunately, most of us don't have the luxury of being able to take off to some new, exciting place whenever we feel the urge--unless we like to read. A book can take us anywhere we'd like to go. For readers who enjoy living vicariously in pastimes or in modern times Fran Shaff provides a great escape in the more than twenty novels she's published over the years. Fran's fictional books have won awards from readers, reviewers and fellow authors, and her non-fiction has been acknowledged in this way too. Love is the main focus of all of Fran's books, whether they're contemporary or historical, serious or humorous, written for adults or teens. Love between men and women and among friends and families is featured in her books because there is nothing most of us want more than to love and be loved. Happy endings abound, but the journey to reaching that joyful final moment is always a rocky struggle, just the way we want our fiction (even though we could do without the drama in our real lives). Look for new, full-length historical romance novels from Fran Shaff in the ten-book "Tender Mysteries Series," available now and debuting throughout 2013 and 2014. The first novel in the series "Resurrected" is available as a free download at most Internet bookstores. The series is available in single e-book and two-pack paperback formats. Reviewers say: "Ms. Shaff is a gifted writer that always delivers in her stories." (The Romance Studio) "I have discovered a great new author in Fran Shaff. She writes with depth and understanding and digs deep into the emotional lives of her characters bringing the reader with her all the way." (A Romance Review) "Fran Shaff is a wonderful writer whose prose speak with passion from her heart." (Fallen Angel Reviews) "Ms. Shaff writes about characters that warm your heart and give you a good chuckle as well." (Coffee Time Romance)

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    Book preview

    Montana's Magic - Fran Shaff


    By Fran Shaff

    Classic Contemporary Romance

    Montana’s Magic by Fran Shaff

    All rights reserved

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2012 by Fran Shaff

    Characters, names and incidents used in this story are products of the imagination of the author and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the author.

    Discover Fran Shaff books and short stories available in e-book, paperback and hardcover by visiting her website at:

    E-mail Fran Shaff at: [email protected]

    This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    For DiAnna whose friendship is warmer than cocoa, and, as always, for JC.


    Chapter One

    Mr. Ruskin?

    C.R. turned toward the sweet feminine voice calling behind him. I beg your pardon?

    A shapely blonde wearing sexy denim shorts and a large plaid shirt over a red tank top walked up the stairs and joined him on the porch of Jake Ruskin’s house.

    You aren’t Mr. Ruskin, are you? she said demurely.

    It seemed the beautiful blonde was looking for Jake, causing him to wish he were Jake. He’d enjoy very much being the object of this lovely woman’s attention.

    Jake’s in the barn. I’m his foreman, C.R. Whitmore.

    She gave him a hint of a smile. I’m sorry for my mistake, but it is nice to meet you, Mr. Whitmore. She extended her hand toward him.

    A jolt of electricity shot up his arm the moment he took her hand. Call me C.R.

    Her deep-green eyes twinkled when she smiled at him. It’s lovely to meet you, C.R. I am Deanna. She released her grasp on his hand.

    He reluctantly pulled back his hand and shoved it into the pocket of his jeans. A pleasure to meet you, Deanna. Would you like me to get Jake for you?

    Her full blonde hair danced about her shoulders when she shook her head. I’m here to see Mrs. Ruskin. You see, I’m visiting my sister and her husband who live on a nearby ranch. I thought while I’m here perhaps Mrs. Ruskin might consent to help me with my master’s thesis. I need to finish it before I return to Peoria.

    She laced her hands together in front of her. I’m completing a degree in sociology, and I’m writing a thesis titled ‘Coupling.’ It’s about courtships and marriages and why they usually don’t work. Since Mrs. Ruskin was a matchmaker when she lived in Chicago I thought I might be able to get some insight from her perspective. She cocked her head. Are you married, C.R.?

    No, I’m not.

    She waved a hand toward him. Then you probably know what I’m talking about. Deanna looked him over carefully. You’re a very attractive man, tall, handsome, approximately twenty-five years old, aren’t you?

    I’m twenty-four.

    Of course, she said as she nodded and continued her assessment. I have no doubt women have been flocking toward you since you reached puberty, yet you remain unmarried just as I am.

    Miss…Deanna…my personal life is none of your business. He folded his arms and gave her a stern look.

    She immediately began to turn six shades of red. I’m sorry. I’m afraid I get carried away when I start talking shop. I’ve had my head in my work constantly these last few months. Because of that, I sometimes rudely go off on tangents which either bore my listener to death or delve into his personal business far too deeply. Please forgive me.

    Her contrition seemed so heartfelt he found himself giving her a smile as well as his forgiveness. Forget it, Deanna. You’re passionate about your career. A man’s got to admire a woman’s dedication to her work…as long as it doesn’t interfere with his personal business.

    Her cheeks turned even redder which only made her more beautiful. Thanks for understanding my unbridled enthusiasm. All I was trying to say was perhaps you are much like me--both of us in our twenties and unmarried, which is quite the opposite of the generations who came before us. Why? Because today’s courtships and marriages do not work. There are dozens of reasons for this observable fact such as--


    She slapped her fingers over her mouth. Sorry, she said, wrinkling her nose into the cutest little button he’d ever seen.

    Perhaps I should see if I can get Miss Becky for you. I was about to knock when you came up behind me.

    If you’ve got business with Mrs. Ruskin, I should go. I don’t want to intrude. In fact, I sat in my car quite a while trying to decide whether or not I should bother Mrs. Ruskin at all. When I saw you bound up the stairs, I was sure you’d seen me waiting in my car. I couldn’t just drive away after you, who I thought were Mr. Ruskin, saw me. So I came to the porch to talk to you…or, rather, to Mr. Ruskin.

    C.R. noted Deanna trying to explain herself was even cuter than Deanna apologizing for a mistake she’d made. I didn’t see you.

    I beg your pardon?

    When I rounded the corner of the house and climbed the stairs, I didn’t see your car. I’m afraid I was focused on something else.

    Oh, she said, forming her sensual lips into a perfect crimson circle. She smiled. I guess I could have chickened out and driven away, and no one would have been the wiser. She waved her hands in front of her. Why don’t we just forget the last few minutes ever happened, and I’ll drive back to Catherine’s and Lucas’s ranch.

    The door to the house opened. C.R. turned around and looked at Becky Ruskin. The soft pink tee shirt she was wearing with her jeans really set off her dark eyes and her lovely bronze skin. She was quite striking for a woman in her early forties.

    Cade, I thought I heard your voice. She looked at Deanna. Who is your friend?

    She’s not my friend, Miss Becky. Deanna and I just met.

    Deanna? Becky said, tossing her long black hair over her shoulders as she looked at her. Are you Catherine’s sister?

    Yes, ma’am.

    Catherine Rolland’s sister? C.R. asked.

    Yes, Deanna said, looking at him. Didn’t I make that clear?

    No, you didn’t. You introduced yourself only as Deanna. You never mentioned your last name. It wasn’t until a second before Miss Becky opened the door when you said you were going back to Lucas’s ranch I realized you must be Catherine’s sister. We’d all heard her sister was coming for a visit this summer.

    Does it make a difference what my last name is?

    She seemed a bit put out, though he had no idea why she’d feel that way.

    Of course not.

    May I interrupt? Becky said. "After all, we are standing on my porch."

    C.R. looked at her. Sorry, Miss Becky. Maybe I should leave you to your guest and come back later.

    That won’t be necessary. She looked at Deanna. I’m terribly pleased you took time to stop by so we could chat for a while. We don’t get a lot of visitors in this isolated area, and I love to see new faces, particularly ones from back in Illinois. Please, go to the kitchen and have Sam, our housekeeper, pour you a glass or cup of whatever you want. I’m sure my business with C.R. won’t take long. Isn’t that right, Cade? she said, looking at him.

    Absolutely right, Miss Becky.

    Okay, then, Deanna said. I’ll see you inside shortly, Mrs. Ruskin. She went into the house and closed the door.

    C.R. looked at Becky when Deanna was gone. I can come back later, ma’am.

    She waved a hand casually. This won’t take long, Cade. Jake said I should help you access the computer files for the last three months of buying and selling of cattle, the health records of the herds, current and past grazing locations, feed supplies, and so on. He wants you to know as much as possible about his operation.

    I’m pleased he has confidence in me.

    And he’s pleased to have a man working for him who is insightful and creative when it comes to ranch management.

    Thank you, Miss Becky.

    Not at all, Cade. She went to the door and opened it. Jake’s office is upstairs. I’ll help you access the files you need. Once you’ve finished your work, you can show yourself out, if you’d like.

    Thanks. If it’s all right with you, I’ll take my time studying things. I’m sure I’ll print out a few things too. I’d like to have all the facts I need before I make recommendations to Jake about whether or not to expand the herd, which ones to sell and so on.

    Becky crossed the living room with him and started up the stairs. I like thoroughness in an employee and so does Jake. You do whatever you think necessary, and take as long as you need. She glanced up at him. I’m glad you came to us, Cade. In only four short weeks you’ve already been a huge asset to our ranch.

    He smiled at her. It’s very kind of you to say so, Miss Becky.

    They reached the top of the stairs, and Becky took him down the hallway to Jake’s office. I’m speaking no more than the truth, C.R. She sat in Jake’s chair and moved the mouse which brought the computer out of its slumber. Considering the quick study you seem to be I’ll bet you’ll know everything there is to know about the ranch within the hour.

    We’ll have to see about that, he said. As he sent her a friendly smile, he pondered what she’d said and agreed with her assessment. He would know everything about the ranch in very short order. And why shouldn’t he?

    This ranch was just as much his as it was Jake’s, though no one knew that but C.R.

    Chapter Two

    You don’t look much like Mrs. Rolland, Missy, Sam told Deanna for the third time. She surmised the elderly gent must be experiencing forgetfulness common to men his age. If he wasn’t seventy already, he had to be closing in on it, judging by his white hair and heavily-lined face.

    No, I don’t. Blonde hair is about the only thing we have in common, she said from her seat at the small kitchen table.

    Sam leaned against the kitchen counter and folded his arms over his red and blue plaid shirt. You both have right pretty hair, but she’s a might taller than you are. I bet you’re not a thread taller than five-two.

    By the time I joined the family all of the height had been doled out to my kin.

    Sam laughed heartily. You’re good natured, Missy. I like that.

    Deanna smiled at him. When you’re the youngest in a big family, you’ve got to have a sense of humor, or you’ll die crying from harassment.

    Your family teased you a might, did they, Missy?

    They were relentless.

    Sam scratched his fingers through white stubble. I guess that is the way it is with big families. I never had no brothers or sisters, and my wife and me never had no kids. I got to watch Mr. Jake grow up, but he never had no siblings either. All I know about brothers and sisters is what I hear, and I hear they like to tease each other.

    Well, Deanna said, according to my experience, you hear right.

    Becky walked into the kitchen. Did I just hear you tell Sam he is right about something?

    Yes, you did.

    I see. One thing you should know, Deanna, Sam is a very wise man. Her dark eyes sparkled when she smiled at him.

    That’s true, Miss Becky, and I’m most usual right when I give an opinion.

    Sam, you’re often right on a good many matters, Becky said as she and Sam exchanged a look indicating they were referring to something only an insider would understand.

    You bet I am. He gazed at Deanna. Ain’t no one who knows just how right I can be like Miss Becky does, he said, winking at her.

    Deanna surmised these two definitely had a secret or two going on between them. They seemed rather close for an employee and a boss.

    Sam, perhaps you should take a sandwich to the barn for Jake. He’s been working awful hard. I bet he’s hungry.

    And thirsty too, Sam added. It’s a might warm for May. I’ll put a sandwich together in two shakes and get him a jug of water. I been takin’ care of Mr. Jake most of his life, and I ain’t about to shirk my duty now.

    Deanna watched as Sam withdrew a slab of ham from the refrigerator and slapped it between two pieces of whole wheat bread. No mayonnaise today, he said as he completed the sandwich by adding tomato and lettuce. I seen Mr. Jake put on a couple of pounds. We’ll have to keep him away from butter and mayonnaise for a while, Miss Becky.

    Becky smiled, but he didn’t see her. He was focused on placing the sandwich in a plastic bag and filling a jug with water. "You can try to keep butter away from him, but whether or not you’ll succeed remains to be seen."

    Sam clutched Jake’s lunch bag and looked at Becky. We’re both determined men as you know. In our struggle of wills one of us wins as often as the other. And as long as I’m in charge of the food in this case, I reckon I’ll win this round. He nodded toward her and headed for the door. I’ll see you two ladies in a little while.

    When Sam left the kitchen Becky pulled a chair from the kitchen table and joined Deanna. I’m so pleased you came for a visit. It’s always good to see someone from back home.

    She was surprised to hear Becky refer to her as being from back home. Peoria isn’t anything like Chicago, Mrs. Ruskin. You could hardly be accurate in saying I’m from back home when I’m from a farm near Peoria, and you’re from Chicago.

    Believe me, Deanna, when you live in Montana about as far away from a city as you can get, Peoria, simply by being in the same state as Chicago, seems like home. So tell me all about the things I’ve been missing. What sort of productions are the theaters doing this summer? Have you seen the latest exhibits at the art museums? Are the history museums having any outstanding programs? Have you been to a symphony this season?

    Deanna was taken aback by Becky’s questions. She seemed terribly homesick. This was quite different from what she’d found with Catherine. Her sister didn’t miss Illinois at all.

    I’m sorry, Mrs. Ruskin, I’m afraid I don’t keep up with museums, the symphony or the theater. Even if I usually did, I wouldn’t be able to do so this year. My studies have consumed most of my time, and they’ll continue to do so. I’ve got to finish my master’s thesis in order to complete my degree by the end of the summer.

    Oh, yes, of course, Becky said, leaning back in her chair. I remember Catherine saying something about you being a student.

    I’ve got a bachelor’s degree in social science. Hopefully, perhaps with some help from you, I’ll soon have my master’s in the same field.

    Becky sat forward. Help from me? How on earth could I help you?

    Deanna looked at her carefully. Speaking from a professional point of view, and having observed you for the last few minutes, I’m beginning to wonder if perhaps there aren’t a good many ways you can give me insight into my field.

    She raised a brow. Such as?

    Well, she said, shifting in her chair, initially I wanted to question you about the matchmaking business you had in Chicago. You see, I’m writing my master’s thesis about romantic relationships between men and women, and I figured you might be able to give me insight into this subject which I could never find in books or psychological reports. But now, after seeing a look of homesickness cross your eyes when you spoke of Illinois, I wonder if you’d like to talk about how it feels to give up big city life to live in the country. It can’t be easy to leave a vital city like Chicago to live on a desolate ranch in Montana. You’ve made quite a sacrifice for your husband.

    Becky’s eyes darkened. I’m not homesick, she said, tossing her hair over her shoulders. "I’m sorry if it sounded that way to you. While I love the culture Chicago has to offer, I don’t love it nearly as much as I love my husband. When it came to making a choice between life in the city and life with Jake, there was absolutely no contest. And I’ve never for one moment regretted my decision.

    Jake is wonderful. He’s strong, gentle and very thoughtful. We’ve been together for almost five years now, and every year he takes me back to Chicago for two weeks. We go to the ballet, the theater, wherever I want to go. We dine in the finest restaurants and stay at the best hotels in the city. We take a cruise on Lake Michigan, go to a Cubs’ game and shop until Jake’s arms are full of packages. We call the excursion our annual honeymoon.

    Wow, Deanna said on a sigh. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything so lovely.

    As I said, Jake is wonderful.

    Deanna leaned into the table on her elbows. As impressive as this annual trip sounds, I’m guessing from the questions you asked me a few minutes ago that this visit to Chicago doesn’t sate your appetite for the cultural tastes you developed in the city.

    Becky smiled at her and leaned back in her chair. No woman’s life is perfect. But mine is about as close as any woman can come to bliss.

    "Ah, yes, bliss. Complete happiness, Utopia, a bit of heaven on earth. An illusion,

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