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Sandra A True Story
Sandra A True Story
Sandra A True Story
Ebook241 pages4 hours

Sandra A True Story

Rating: 1 out of 5 stars



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In the first years of her life, four-year old Sandra has endured TB, the death of her mother, and the abandonment of her father. It is 1938 and Hitler runs Sandra's homeland and much of the homeland of Germany's neighbors. Sandra is raised in the safety of her Grandmother's village until the British and Americans bomb the village and Sandra is struck by a piece of shrapnel and almost dies from infection. She witnesses Jews, being forced into boxcars, to be shipped to work camps or maybe death camps. She witnesses uncooperative Jews being mowed down by machinegun fire. Her lifelong friend and she escape in a harrowing chase by a Nazi patrol. But, later her beloved grandfather is sent to a work camp for hiring Jews to work in the markets that he manages. Her grandfather escapes the work camp and lives to raise Sandra. When her grandfather dies, Sandra's GI husband trundles her off to New York. Sandra is beautiful, energetic and intelligent, but will that be enough to survive being a German in America?

Release dateAug 23, 2012
Sandra A True Story

Alexander Hope

I'm an old man who is ever so astonished by the human brain. In my long life I have owned many businesses; from a potato farm, a pumice mine, and a gold mine; to a casino, an insurance company, and a bank. I knew very little about the products of these many companies, with the exception of an acting school, but I was smart enough to hire brilliant people to make my ownership delightful.

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