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Embracing Nature's Wisdom: 4 Exercises for Peace, Joy & Creativity
Embracing Nature's Wisdom: 4 Exercises for Peace, Joy & Creativity
Embracing Nature's Wisdom: 4 Exercises for Peace, Joy & Creativity
Ebook32 pages28 minutes

Embracing Nature's Wisdom: 4 Exercises for Peace, Joy & Creativity

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About this ebook

Nature's wisdom offers us a doorway back to our true selves and a deep communion with the flow of life. In this free e-book Simon Paul Harrison offers four deceptively simple, yet remarkably powerful exercises to cultivate peace, joy and creativity. The wisdom of Nature is simple and timeless. Discover just how easy, but also profoundly life-changing this can be!

Nature moves to a different rhythm than modern society. When we feel a cool wind blowing and let its spirit move within us, our anger dissolves. When we become the goose as it flies overhead, our fears dissipate. As a single raindrop hits the palm of our hand, our true nature is revealed to us. Nothing to chase, nothing to run after, nothing to fight. No struggle, no tension, no conflict. We are peace. We are freedom. We are life. We are the spirit-that-moves-through-all-things. Nature shows us the path back home.

Release dateSep 4, 2012
Embracing Nature's Wisdom: 4 Exercises for Peace, Joy & Creativity

Simon Harrison

Simon Paul Harrison is the author of The Truly Alive Child, and the founder and director of Wild Earth's Children. Simon's life work and vision is supporting people to re-connect with the very deepest flow of who they really are: peace, joy and creativity. Simon uses the power of nature to create the space for people to embrace deeply life-changing experiences. Simon began working with children as an elementary school teacher in his native England. After a number of years he came to America to learn from world renowned tracker and survivalist Tom Brown Jr. Simon fell in love with the natural world and never looked back. He worked for Tom Brown's Tracker School before becoming the director of The Children of The Earth Foundation (COTEF), a non-profit that Tom founded to lead children back to the Earth. Simon enjoyed a number of successful years with COTEF, teaching all over North America, including Alaska, New England, and the Cree Nation in Quebec. Simon felt the calling of his vision urging him westwards where he founded Wild Earth's Children and wrote The Truly Alive Child. He lives in Colorado with his wife Katherine. For more free resources, upcoming programs, audio downloads and the book, go to

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    Book preview

    Embracing Nature's Wisdom - Simon Harrison

    Embracing Nature’s Wisdom:

    4 Powerful Exercises for Peace, Joy & Creativity

    by Simon Paul Harrison

    Published by Fox Walking Publishing at Smashwords

    Copyright 2012 Simon Paul Harrison. All Rights Reserved

    Discover other titles by Simon Paul Harrison at

    The Truly Alive Child: For Those Who Seek a Grander Vision for Our Children

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    Thank you for downloading this free ebook. Although this is a free book, it remains the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be reproduced, copied and distributed for commercial or non-commercial purposes. If you enjoyed this book, please encourage your friends to download their own copy at, where they can also discover other works by this author. Thank you for your support.


    Table of Contents

    Ch. 1

    Nature’s Wisdom Shows Us The Path Back Home


    The Sit Spot


    Exploring The Senses


    Mindful Walking




    Everything Is Within

    About The Author & Other Books


    Chapter 1

    Nature’s Wisdom Shows Us the Path Back Home

    Rivers flow, birds sing. The wisdom of Nature is simple and timeless. In the simple experience, we find true peace. In the timeless experience, we discover deep joy.

    If we wish to experience our true selves: Peace, Joy, and Creativity, it is clear we require a different quality of wisdom, one that cuts through the countless layers of illusions we have created in modern society. In Nature we find the ultimate teacher. Wherever we look, there she is, pointing to the truth in every direction. The wisdom held by rivers reminds us of our inherently peaceful nature far more effectively than any classroom. Bird song reminds us that we are free far more effectively than any war. The wisdom contained within a single acorn reminds us that we are all one far more effectively than any government initiative. Society tells us who we should be; Nature shows us who we truly are.

    We have a deep connection to all life. But more than this, we are life itself, just as an individual wave is at the same time the vast ocean. There is no conflict, nothing to chase, nothing to fight, and nothing to compete with, for when we experience ourselves as connected, we no longer feel compelled to chase and fight.

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