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New Girl (Anti-Heroes Book I)
New Girl (Anti-Heroes Book I)
New Girl (Anti-Heroes Book I)
Ebook40 pages37 minutes

New Girl (Anti-Heroes Book I)

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New Girl (Anti-Heroes Book I) by Louise Bohmer & K.H. Koehler

Get Ready to Root for the Villain...

Serena is the new girl in a school that caters to not just "Norms," but the sons and daughters of the world's greatest Superheroes. The problem? She's the daughter of the Night Witch, a cardinal member of the League of Extreme Evil. She'd love to join the other super teens and prove she isn't the villain that her mother was, but it isn't long before she falls in with a group of Supervillains that the school calls the Geek Squad, which includes a biochemically created vampire named Nikki, a genetically altered jock named Isaac, and Jinx, the son of Satan himself!

She's immediately attracted to Jinx, but Serena has vowed to do what's right. But there are secrets buried deep within Serena's past that threaten to kill her, and even rock the foundation of Earth itself! An evil decay is reaching out from a distant star, and the Supers and Geeks will need to work together in order to defeat it--if they can keep from killing each other. The Supers thought the greatest battle for control of Earth had been fought and won, but a cosmic war is coming, and it isn't long before it's difficult to tell the difference between hero and villain.

Book I in a new online serial!

PublisherLouise Bohmer
Release dateSep 7, 2012
New Girl (Anti-Heroes Book I)

Louise Bohmer

Louise Bohmer has over eight years experience in editing and publishing. She edits for Permuted Press, and has edited for many publishers and authors in a variety of genres including general interest, romance, erotica, mystery, horror, and speculative. Her writing experience extends across fiction, ghost writing, ad copy, web content, SEO copy, and press releases. Her latest release is the Anti-Heroes serial written with K.H. Koehler (Anti-Heroes Press) and you can read her short fiction in Detritus (Omnium Gatherum), The Red Penny Papers, and Old School. Plus her debut novel, The Black Act, is now available once again in serial form. She offers freelance services in editing, book cover design, ghost writing, and ebook as well as print formatting. She loves to hear from her readers via email and reviews. Her home base is New Brunswick, Canada, where she lives with a tattooed giant. You can pay her a visit at or email her at [email protected]

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    New Girl (Anti-Heroes Book I) - Louise Bohmer


    Book I



    Louise Bohmer & K.H. Koehler

    Copyright © 2012 Louise Bohmer & K.H. Koehler

    Smashwords Edition

    Published by Anti-Hero Press

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be distributed, shared, resold, posted online, or reproduced in any electronic or hard copy form.

    This book is a work of fiction. Any similarities between actual persons or events is entirely coincidental.

    Cover art design by K.H. Koehler


    Special thanks to Jerrod Balzer for allowing us use of his character Isaac.



    Book I


    Serena Swanson knew the first day at a new school was apt to suck on a cosmic level, but she had no idea that someone would set the lunchroom on fire.

    The problem had begun in first period Algebra, which was fitting somehow, seeing how nothing good had ever come out of Algebra. Being the new girl, she had picked a seat a little behind the exact middle of the class. That was important, she reasoned, since sitting in the front told the world that you were a suck-up who would be shooting her hand up in the air every three-point-five seconds and trying to win brownie points with the teacher, and sitting too far in the back just pegged you as a troublemaker.

    Since this was her first day, she was hoping for blessed anonymity.

    Of course, that didn't happen.

    She was down in her seat for no more than three minutes before Mr. Washington singled her out. Miss Swanson, would you like to stand up and tell the class a bit about yourself?

    In that moment, Serena decided that Sky City High had a massive mean streak running through it. I'd rather not, she said as politely as possible. Several of the suck-ups in the front snickered at that, the troublemakers muttered solemnly among themselves in the back, and the ones in the middle—the fans of blessed anonymity like herself—pretended to look elsewhere. She had a feeling this was the beginning of trouble.

    Serena wasn't necessarily afraid of trouble. But in a place like Sky City High, trouble took on a whole new meaning. Maybe if her mom hadn't died in that car crash six months ago, maybe if she'd had even one relative that Serena knew was still alive, she might have wound up in a place like Seattle, Portland or Minneapolis. She could have even been happy in a little, anonymous backwoods town in Nebraska or Iowa.

    But no. Her mom's only friend Macy lived in Sky City, home of the nation's Superheroes, and Aunt Macy had been the only one to contact her after the funeral and offer her a place to stay. So, of course, Serena wound up in the one place she hated more than any other—the one place she neither wanted nor needed to be.

    She knew even without asking that there were at least

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