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Get elle-evated
Get elle-evated
Get elle-evated
Ebook162 pages1 hour

Get elle-evated

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About this ebook

They say that International Speaker & Lifestyle Coach Elle Swan went from “the gutter to Gucci,” and in many ways it’s true. She has personally conquered depression, obesity, drug addiction, poverty and living on the streets. Today, she teaches thousands of women from around the world how to fight back when life knocks them down.

Just because you have setbacks don’t let that stop you from making a COMEBACK.


•It’s time for your comeback when your relationships have let your down.
•It’s time for your comeback when you want a better body.
•It’s time for your comeback when you hate going to work.
•Its time for your comeback when you’ve been putting off your dream.
•The time for your comeback is NOW!


PublisherElle Swan
Release dateSep 12, 2012
Get elle-evated

Elle Swan

For years Elle wanted to die and couldn’t. In her darkest days she was 67 pounds overweight, addicted to drugs and alcohol, homeless and penniless living on the streets in California. After five years of being a depressed drug addict and alcoholic she was desperate to escape from being alive. On May 29th 2000, during an overdose in an abandoned van, her misery merged with death and Elle Swan crossed-over into the pits of hell. “But, when your soul knows you belong here,” she says, “it won’t let you go.” It was in that moment that she began to “elle- evate” and has been soaring high ever since. Her miraculous journey from deprivation and despair, to elle-evation and abundance is nothing short of a miracle. They say she went from the Gutter to Gucci. This dramatic personal transformation unfolded into quest for knowledge in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Yoga, Nutrition, Quantum Physics, and Self-Hypnosis. The synthesis of these modalities combined with her near death experience shapes her uncanny ability to pin point lasting solutions to teach others how to elle-evate. Today Elle Speaks all over the world teaching women how to rise above mediocre living and “elle-evate” their lives. “I’ve dedicated my career to elle-evating the minds, hearts, and lives of every willing woman on this planet,” says Elle. “It’s the reason I was raised from the dead.” Elle’s elle-evation principles have been featured on ABC, FOX, NBC, PBS and The Wall Street Journal. She is the author of several books with the most recent release “Elle-evate: Change Your Life in 60 seconds or Less!” Elle’s mission is to put an end to mediocre living and show women all over the world how to "Get elle-evate" in Love, Wealth and Health!

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    Get elle-evated - Elle Swan


    Change Your Life in 60 Seconds or Less!

    Copyright © 2012 by Elle Swan.

    All rights reserved.

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by any means, electronic or otherwise, including photocopying, scanning, downloading, or by any data storage system, without written permission from the publisher.


    About the Author



    Chapter 1: Hitting Bottom

    Chapter 2: What’s Holding You Back?

    Chapter 3: Getting to the Truth

    Chapter 4: Melt Your Resistance… Fast!


    Chapter 5: Relinquishing the Pressure

    Chapter 6: The Point of Relief

    Chapter 7: It Takes More Than Affirmations


    Chapter 8: Making the Transformation

    CHAPTER NINE: No More Triggers

    Chapter 10: A Quick Fix That Works



    About the Author

    For years, Elle Swan wanted to die and couldn’t. Her darkest days left her addicted to drugs and alcohol, 67 pounds overweight, penniless and living on the streets of California. On May 29th, 2000, during an overdose in an abandoned van, her misery merged with death, and Elle Swan suddenly crossed-over into the pits of hell.

    But, when your soul knows you belong here, she says, it won’t let you go.

    Her miraculous journey from deprivation and despair, to elle-evation and abundance is nothing short of a miracle.

    Many use the phrase: from the Gutter to Gucci to describe her comeback story from nothing to worldwide success.

    Her dramatic personal transformation unfolded into a quest for knowledge in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Yoga, Nutrition, Quantum Physics, and Hypnosis. The synthesis of these modalities, combined with her near death experience, shapes her uncanny ability to pin point lasting solutions to teach others how to elle-evate.

    Today, Elle Speaks all over the world, teaching the benefits of rising above mediocre living. Her story and strategies have been featured on ABC, FOX, NBC, PBS and in The Wall Street Journal. She is the author of several books including Your Mind Over Habits.

    "I’ve dedicated my career to elle-evating the minds, hearts, and lives of every willing person on this planet," Elle says.

    It’s the reason I was raised from the dead.


    Elle Swan



    You’re reading this book because there’s something in your life that you want to fix.

    I know exactly how that feels. Back in 2000, I had to do something about my life. If I hadn’t, I would have been dead in less than 24 hours.

    You see, I suffered from a depression so deep that I became a suicidal drug addict, 60 pounds overweight, living on the streets, despite having a private college education. I no longer valued my body or what I put in it. I hated to see the sun rise and I hated being me. For years, I never smiled.

    Then, one day while overdosing in an abandoned van, my heart stopped and as I gasped for air—and for life, I promised that if I was granted another breath, I would do the impossible, I would make a comeback.

    Unfortunately, I had to hit rock bottom before I figured out how to stop making life so incredibly hard—but you don’t have to. It’s not necessary to become estranged from your family, ruin your career, and end up homeless before you can reinvent your life. And once you get the momentum going, it doesn’t have to take years of pain and hard work to do it.

    In this book, I tell you the incredible things I learned the day my heart stopped. I’ll also share how to quickly move from I can’t to I can and from stuck to unstuck.

    This book isn’t about overcoming food or substance addictions. It’s more than that. It’s a book about moving from settling to success, from mediocrity to distinction, and from hopeless to happy in the areas you need to the most. I’m going to show you the three steps I used turn my life around and create miraculous opportunities every day.

    This process will demonstrate how the women I have taught are making big changes faster than they ever thought possible. Despite what you may currently believe, sudden transformations aren’t for only a lucky few. As long as you have breath in your body, you can experience your very own COMEBACK.

    Are you ready? Of course you are…let’s go!

    Part One

    Frozen Solid


    Chapter 1

    Hitting Bottom

    Out of nowhere, I heard BOOM! Police! Put your hands on top of your head and get down on the floor, NOW!

    There was shouting coming from the front of the house. I was in a bedroom down the hall, near the back of the house.

    I was scared, but I knew why the police were there. The other bedroom was packed with stolen car parts, computers and guns. I was living with thieves and the police had come to arrest us all.

    My shirt was soaked with sweat. I had never been to jail before, what was I going to do?

    I crawled to the door and peeked through the small opening. Six policemen wearing riot gear scattered quickly and took control of the living room. Next, they yelled and told everyone to lay flat on the floor with their hands behind their backs. Then they began to put plastic bands around everybody's arms as their faces rubbed against the floor. The sergeant then directed one of them to clear the rest of the house. One officer was moving cautiously down the small narrow hallway.

    As I tiptoed down the hallway on filthy steel blue carpet, my heart pounding more with every step. One thought kept running through my mind: If my mother knew where I was it would kill her.

    A private-college degree with my name on it stood on a fireplace mantel in her suburban home. I once had a promising career in journalism. After I started abusing drugs and alcohol, all of that went away. She had no idea that, at age 29, I was a full-blown addict living in a rundown shack filled with thieves.

    Our feet met in the middle of the hallway. I looked up and saw a tall Hispanic officer with coal-black eyes. I braced myself knowing that I would soon be on the floor in the living room with my hands bound behind my back. But, for some reason, instead of taking me to the living room with them he nodded toward the side door.

    I may not have been sober, but I wasn’t crazy. I ran out of that door and kept running until I couldn’t run anymore.

    Still scared, I started to cry as I slowed to a walk. But no one I passed seemed to give a damn about my tears until I met a prostitute named Sylvia. She was walking out of a yard at the very moment I crossed by the gate. Our feet just fell into the same flow. We glanced over at each other and she asked me where I lived.

    "Nowhere," I told her.

    "So where are you going?" she asked.

    "I don’t know," I said, and I started to cry harder.

    Sylvia was a six-foot dishwater blonde with dark roots, cracked nails and a short pink dress full of stains. Her southern accent balanced her large persona. It was obvious that life for her had become really hard.

    She put her arm around my shoulder and said, It’s gonna be all right. I don’t live too far from here I’m sure it will be okay if you stay for a while.

    Sylvia led me to an abandoned, broken down van that she and two others called home. The van had two wheels up on bricks and it was so rusty you could barely tell it had once been green.

    I couldn’t pass judgment. I was too broken to care. I simply climbed in and made peace with this lesser version of myself. Five years of drinking and drugs had left me with nothing but a corner of the dirty, smelly mattress inside.

    Be Careful What You Ask For

    I lived in the van for the next few months, each day bleaker than the one before it.

    But then something extraordinary happened.

    It started on a Sunday evening, the night before Memorial Day 2000. A guy Sylvia knew went out for a while and scored something big. When he got back he brought a lot of street drugs, vodka and beer.

    Even though I was an alcoholic, that night I did everything he provided. Eventually, I slipped away.

    They thought I had passed out. But I wasn’t sleeping; I was falling. The pain that I’d been living with for five years intensified, turning into a deeper, darker doom. It was suffocating me. I couldn’t breathe and I tried to call out, but they couldn’t hear me. And then there was no one there. The darkness was pulling me away from my body.

    It took less than a minute for me to realize that I was getting the wish I’d had for years—I was dying. I was finally facing what I thought was the only solution to my pain. But it was nothing like I had hoped it would be. I thought death would free me from the daily pain of living. But the pain was far worse than living had ever been.

    It Hit Me Like

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