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Guardian's Alliance
Guardian's Alliance
Guardian's Alliance
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Guardian's Alliance

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We travel to the farthest planetary system in the known universe. It is the Heledrium system. This system is comprised of nine different planets. They all have their own issues, gravity and climates. But they also share some of the same problems. Between pirating on the trade routes and attempted takeovers; the Council of Elders have decided it is time to form an elite fighting force known as the Guardian’s Alliance.

Each planet will provide one elite member selected for their unique abilities. The Alliance’s mission is to halt the piracy, negotiate treaties, and give assistance to any of their planets in need.

Follow the Guardians on their missions as they attempt to maintain peace throughout the Heledrium system.

Release dateSep 30, 2012
Guardian's Alliance

G. R. Holton

On a warm summer morning in 1962, G. R. Holton was born in a little town in Massachusetts. He is now happily married and living in eastern Tennessee with his wife Charlotte, his mom, and the family dog Pugston. He has two daughters, one son, a step-daughter, and a step-son. He is also blessed with four beautiful granddaughters.Becoming fully disabled due to Bipolar Disorder and after reading some screenplays for a friend, he knew what had to be done. He sat down at his computer and over the course of three months, he had written his first book, “Journey to the Edge.” He knew he couldn’t stop there, so he continued writing and before the year was up he completed, “Guardians Alliance.” After a split with his first publisher, He reworked “Journey to the Edge” and has now released “Soleri.” He is now an award winning author, actor, and screenwriter entitled “Teleported” based on his novella, “Soleri.”You can follow his works at and via twitter @GRHolton and on Facebook Author Bob GR Holton.

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    Guardian's Alliance - G. R. Holton

    Guardian’s Alliance


    G.R. Holton

    World Castle Publishing

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locations, organizations, or person, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    World Castle Publishing

    Pensacola, Florida

    Copyright © G. R. Holton 2012

    Smashwords Edition

    ISBN: 9781938961212

    First Edition World Castle Publishing October 1, 2012

    Smashwords Licensing Notes

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews.

    Cover: G. R. Holton & Karen Fuller

    Editor: Maxine Bringenberg


    We travel now to the furthest planetary system in the known universe, the Heledrium system. The system is comprised of nine planets, each with their own issues, gravity and climate; but they also share some problems. Because of the pirating on the trade routes and attempted takeovers, the Council of Elders has decided it is time to form an elite fighting force to be known as the Guardian’s Alliance.

    Each planet will provide one elite member, to be selected for their unique abilities. The Alliance’s mission: halt the piracy, negotiate treaties, and give assistance to any of their planets in need.

    Follow the Guardians on their missions, in their attempt to maintain peace throughout the Heledrium system.

    Chapter One:

    In the Beginning

    The Heledrium system was in dire straits due to other galaxies’ attempts to take over some of the Heledrium planets and their trade routes. In light of the increased number of problems, the Elders had convened in the Great Hall on the planet Woldem to discuss the creation of the Guardian’s Alliance. The Elders were comprised of one leader from each of the nine planets in the Heledrium system: Palotis, Ampremi, Jeonis, Soleri, Woldem, Tojinia, Tous, Retsnom, and Balles. They were all seated within their own specifically designed cubicle, which could control the gravity and provide the atmosphere that was needed by that member. The cubicles could be extended outward from the table, and rotated to face the others when a member needed to address the group.

    Kella Alezem, the lead member of the Elders, was from the planet Woldem, which had a medium gravity and a temperate climate. The Woldemians were a humanoid type with no specific abilities other than being the best manufacturers in the system. There were many factories on the planet and on the three moons surrounding it, which were Soles, Alava, and Selein. They were also the most technically advanced of the system’s inhabitants. Woldemians and others used Woldem as a travel hub between all the planets due to its central location. It had been decided that the moon Selein would become the home of the Guardians due to it being the least inhabited and the easiest to conform to their specific needs.

    Alezem stood in his cubicle as he faced the rest of the Elders with his arms extended outward and spoke with a very authoritive tone. Members, we have come together in a time of dire need. Our nine planets are always under attack, either from other planets outside our system or problems between our own worlds. It has come time for us to create the peacekeeping force that will be known as the Guardian’s Alliance.

    Are we sure this is really necessary? Soel Tragus stood as his cubicle slid out from the marble table and turned to face the rest of the Elders. He angrily hit the table with his fist. We have come to peace with each other, and formed this council to ensure that our system would remain at peace! Tragus was from the planet Tojinia. The beings there were humanoid, and very muscular due to the battle training that each male had to go through as youngsters. The planet had a medium gravity and temperate climate, which was much less than what could have been said of the people there, for they were less than temperate. Tojinia was a hostile planet for many centuries; they had only recently signed treaties with all eight planets, though there had been incidents that pointed to some of the Tojinians that did not uphold their end of the treaty as the guilty parties. It had one moon, Telousan, which harbored some of the worst scoundrels in the known system.

    Giradious pointed his long, skinny finger at Tragus. Tragus, that is strange coming from you, after what you and your kind have put the Soleriens through in the past. Giradious the Seventh was from the planet Soleri, who were also humanoid type beings. Soleri had a medium gravity and three moons: Ueres, Welis, and Loures. It boasted a temperate climate, with the Soleriens being mainly peaceful farmers. They grew and traded setrinous, a hardy plant that was ground into meal for sustenance.

    We have signed the treaty and that is the end of the argument! Tragus crossed his arms and scoffed as he sat back down and moved his cubicle back to its original position.

    Alezem then sat in his chair. That will be enough from both of you. Yes, we all have treaties, but we have also seen some weaknesses in those treaties to the point of them being broken altogether at times. We also have seen a rise in the incidence of attacks and pirating on the trade ships from other galaxies. It is time to select from all the individuals that have been training, to find the most elite fighters and negotiators to form the Alliance.

    Neris Heleos raised his hand to get Alezem’s attention. Alezem, how are we to choose these Guardians? Heleos was a humanoid rock being from the planet Palotis. Palotis was the closest to the sun, which gave it a heavy gravity, and it was also made up of mainly rock and lava.

    We shall have a competition from each planet, and the winners of the competition will form the group. The candidates must not be married nor have any children. I don’t need to hear about being homesick. These missions are going to be dangerous, at times leaning on downright suicidal, but that is what it will take. They will all have to live together so there won’t be any going home on vacation; this will be their home. They are going to have quarters set up especially for them, and each will have the proper gravity, temps, and even scenery for their quarters.

    Alie Neligea was the next to raise his hand to speak. Elder Alezem, who will do the sssselecting, Your Honor? Neligea was from the planet Tous, the last of the middle gravity planets, whose residents were a lizard-like race. The Tousians were few, largely due to ancient attacks from other planets. As the generations passed, they developed very tough skin and lightning fast reflexes, which helped to make them great fighters. They lived in small colonies, each one self-sufficient, living on what they grew and the careel beasts that they raised for food and to work the fields.

    We will vote on each of the fighters, and then that group will go through training as a team. The group of Guardians will have their headquarters on the third moon of Woldem, and we will provide them with anything they need.

    Sanei turned toward Alezem. When do we get started?

    We will convene in three days in the Grand Theater. Each planet will bring their three top fighters, and from those fighters we will form the Guardian’s Alliance.

    * * *

    The three days had passed and the Elders had gathered in the Grand Theater to observe the challenge for the first Guardian spot. The theater was an auditorium that was commonly used for competitions. Once all the members were there, Alezem called the meeting to order.

    Elders, we have convened here today to pick the members of the Guardian’s Alliance. Each of you will call your fighters to order and they will compete. They have all gone through the same training and are expected to honor our rules of battle. Alezem stood with his arms spread wide. Heleos, your planet is first…would you call your fighters to order and begin?

    Heleos stood in front of his seat as he called in his candidates. Will Delenoy and Galess please enter the arena?

    First to enter was Delenoy; he was an excellent fighter, agile and well versed in the utilization of the berong. The berong was the laser tipped lance utilized by the Palotisians, and was the only known weapon that could affect their rock hard hides. The next to enter the arena was Galess, who was a bit larger than Delenoy and had a clubbed right hand that he had been born with and utilized as a weapon. Both were rock beings, which made most weapons void, except of course, the berong.

    Let the competition begin!

    Delenoy moved first and struck with his lance, which had little effect on Galess. Galess moved closer to Delenoy and swung his clubbing hand. Delenoy ducked from the first blow, but was not quick enough to avoid the clubbed fist of Galess as it came back around and hit him squarely on the head and knocked him down. Delenoy got back up quickly and again used his lance in an attempt to render Galess unable to move. The lance had some effect this time, but Galess just laughed at his opponents attempts. Delenoy knew he had to hit the right spot, right behind the ears. He spun completely around, which allowed him to strike Galess in the ear area with the lance’s tip. This knocked Galess to the ground, but he got up quickly and shook off the effects of the berong. It appeared that the blow from the berong only made Galess mad. He jumped on top of Delenoy and struck one massive blow to Delenoy’s head. This quickly rendered Delenoy unconscious and unable to continue, which made Galess the winner. As soon as Delenoy was removed, the next combatant, Jeanib, entered the arena. Galess took no time in his attack, going straight after Jeanib before Heleos called them to order.

    Heleos slammed his hand on the marble table before him. Galess! You have been told not to attack until I call you to order! This will be a battle with honor!

    I am sorry, Your Eldership. Galess took a couple of steps backward.

    On the count of three you will begin…one…two…three…begin!

    Galess immediately rushed Jeanib, but Jeanib dove to get away from him. The two combatants rushed and hit each other with their berongs. Galess utilized his lance and his clubbing hand, while Jeanib had just his power lance. Galess came up behind Jeanib and brought his clubbed hand down upon his head, which stunned Jeanib, and Galess finished the job with a blow to Jeanib’s chest. This rendered Jeanib unconscious, which spelled the end for him. They removed Jeanib from the arena and called Galess to order.

    Heleos took his seat. Galess, please step forward. We, the Elders, would like you to become a member of the Guardian’s Alliance. Please tell us about yourself.

    As you can see I have a clubbed hand. I was born with this and my parents, being afraid that another child would be deformed, decided not to have any other children. I was ridiculed at school, which forced me to work out and become a great fighter, as I always had to defend myself. My parents have since passed away, and I have never taken a spouse. That is all, Galess stated to the Elders.

    Thank you, Galess. Will you accept the honor of being a Guardian and defend our planets? Understand that some missions could be dangerous, possibly even deadly.

    I would be honored; who else is going to be on this team?

    You are the first; there will be one from each of our nine planets. The Guardians will all train and live together on Selein, third moon of Woldem. Please gather what you have and we will provide all you need to live. We will contact you when it is time.

    Thank you Heleos. Alezem then pointed to Sanei. This is done! Sanei, you are next; do you have your candidates ready?

    Yes, Exalted One. I am quite sure you will be pleased with the candidates I have hand selected for our consideration.

    Very good Sanei, please have your fighters begin.

    Les Sanei stood up from his seat. He was from the planet Ampremi, whose inhabitants were a highly muscular humanoid form due to the planet’s very heavy gravity. The population was much larger than that of Palotis, thanks to its more temperate climate. Its two moons were Derio, which was the more temperate of the two, and Elip. Inhabitants of Ampremi lived off of plants and animals that were native to the planet. They also farmed gelious, a very tall and sweet plant, both as a food crop and for trade.

    With his hands outstretched, Sanei called in his first two fighters. Ampremians, please enter the ring!

    The two fighters walked in through the opening across from the Elders. One was called Orenth and the other, a smaller entry, was named Erthen. They both were combat tested, and were considered the most elite fighters their planet had in hand-to-hand combat. Orenth and Erthen went back and forth with lightning like movements, diving and spinning towards each other and hitting with blows from their cantence, the traditional weapon of the Ampremians, which was an electronic tazer device about six inches long. Orenth struck first, but being smaller Erthen easily ducked the blow from the cantence. Orenth stepped backwards and then lunged forward and struck Erthen’s ribs. Erthen went down on one knee, but recovered quickly enough to dodge a second jab. Orenth turned and jabbed Erthen in the neck, which shocked him into total unconsciousness. The medical team ran out to the arena and carried Erthen off the battlefield.

    Sanei stood back up from his seat. That was a very good fight Orenth. Lancled, enter now!

    Lancled, who was about the same size as Orenth, entered the arena. The difference between the two fighters was that Lancled had dabbled in magic and chemistry on his planet. One afternoon while he tested a potion, Lancled slipped and fell against the table, which caused a couple of large vials of different potions to fall at the same time. The contents completely covered him and seeped into his skin. When he stood he found that the combination of liquids gave him the ability to turn invisible at

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