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Love Left Behind
Love Left Behind
Love Left Behind
Ebook509 pages7 hours

Love Left Behind

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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It's not everyday that you get to move to New York City and reinvent yourself. I was tired of being boring, predictable Emma Mills. I was convinced that my life would be totally different in the Big Apple.

And I was right.

Jackson Reynard was irresistible and I had no plans on resisting him. Jackson was the epitome of tall, dark and handsome and I was more than happy to let him sweep me off my feet. I expected a summer fling but instead I got a heart-stopping romance. I realized that I had met the love of my life. I just didn't realize that sometimes love isn't enough.

It's hard enough getting over an ex. It's even harder when he becomes Hollywood's next biggest heartthrob and his face is plastered on every magazine cover. But the hardest part? The hardest part is when he thrusts himself back into my life and won't let go of the past.

I survived losing the man I loved the first time. I don't think I'll survive it again.

*Contains some mature content.

PublisherS.H. Kolee
Release dateOct 8, 2012

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Angst, true love and more angst!
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    This book was going to be a 2 for me up until the ending. The ending was complete and utter shit. it basically skipped around in the future, and ended with them on a plane to LA eating food and talking. Emma got drunk and passed out, and when she woke up, she had an engagement ring on her finger. Then they decided to move to Bora Bora. I know that it seems weird and disjointed, but that's seriously what happened. It's like Ms Kolee just went "Fuck it, I'm done with this!" and threw a bunch of random crap together that really made no sense. The ending just ruined everything.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This started as a 4star, but by the end, I'm very inclined to give it 3-stars.

    At first I loved the book (well except for the initial depressing set up). I liked the flow, the writing, the characters, and the story.

    The thing I was most impressed with was that this author has an amazing ability to get you to FEEL the newness and giddiness of new love. She conveyed, like no other book I've read so far, how they were so into each other, and what they were experiencing physically/emotionally. You really felt the passion and intensity and the connection.

    But then I noticed that the book was written in summary mode, almost everything is told in hindsight, broken up by 'current' chunks of time, and I hate that.

    At first I loved the heroine, I even read some reviews that were bitching about her, and I was all like, "why? what the hell is wrong with her? She's intelligent, slightly fucked up, honest, forthright, and goes with the flow unless the flow goes against her). What's not to like?" But then, after the shit hits the fan, then I started seeing what the upset could be about her.
    >>>>>>>>>>>> spoiler <<<<<<<<<<<<<
    When they get back together after the break up, she keeps pushing down the Claire issue. I found that to be really upsetting. I really hated how she kept shoving it aside. It made me want to bitch smack her. Fucking TALK ABOUT IT!! for fuck sake!!! And her being bothered by spending his money on a dress, oh give it fucking up!! He's invited you to an evening out, let him buy the fucking dress! Enough with the "I don't want you to think I'm after your money" shit!!!
    >>>>>>>>>>>> end spoiler <<<<<<<<<<<<<

    The thing that actually bothered me the most about this book was how the author wrote the Sean issue...

    >>>>>>>>>>>> spoiler <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    Ok, I get that she left him, and he should figure out how to live without her. They are both adults and he needs to move on, yadayada.


    We're talking about two people who have been BEST friends since 15 years old! They've been together in one capacity or another for 10 years!!!

    As friends, why is it asking too much for her to spend time with him in his time of need? Why is it not ok that she goes down there and visits him and tries to help him get past the heartache of losing her and moving on? Friends are there for each other. He's been there for her for all her shit, and yet she shouldn't be there for him? And yes, I get that it's uncomfortable because he's tried to kill himself OVER HER, but still, they are friends more than anything, and she SHOULD be there for him.

    And the fact that the hero wasn't ok with that really bothered me. The fact that he was so selfish as to want her there so he could feel happy, while this other friend of hers is in the hospital after a severely botched suicide attempt, just really pissed me off. It was the only time I hated that character.

    Also, I felt the book kinda ended suddenly. They just make up and BAM book over! Half the book was of their suffering, and we don't even get a full breath of fresh air before the tale is over.

    >>>>>>>>>>>> end spoiler <<<<<<<<<<<<<

    So, there were some issues that I had with the book, I didn't like the summation quality to the book, and I didn't like a few character flaw moments. But aside from that, I did like the book. It was an interesting story.

  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    2.5 stars. This book would have been so much better had it been 150-200 pages shorter. OMG I have never wanted to smack someone more than Emma (except maybe Ana from 50 Shades). Why did it take her so long to bring up Claire?! I get that she was supposed to be your friend, and you were upset, and you wanted to move on from the past and forget, but when you keep fighting about it, just FREAKING ASK ALREADY! God it was so frustrating, I wanted to put the book down and not finish, but I had to know if they ended up together. And then it ended kind of abruptly and went on to previews for a couple of other books. What the hell?!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I didn't know if I was getting sick or if it was the book but I had to take Pepto because my stomach was a mess and actually it didn't stop hurting until I was at the end of the book so beware it's an intense roller coaster of a book! There seems to be a lot going on with Emma's guilt for her past and the Love of her future but she needed to settle her demons I could totally see where she was coming from during time but it was so heart wrenching. Oh and then to go thru the second half of the book with this unresolved event it was enough to drive me crazy and my stomach crazy too. All I wanted was for Jackson and Emma to figure it out and stay together but every time I thought finally NOPE!!
    You will have to read it to find out if they ever do get their HEA.
    Fabulous Ending. Lots of Hot Steamy Sex!!!


    "I know it sounds crazy but the though of you engaged to someone else....
    it doesn't make me feel good."

    "There's nothing wrong with being sensible but dreams are what make you fly. And you're destined to touch the sky."

    "You and me, Emma. It's you and me against the world. There'll never be anyone else for me."

    "Emma Mills, I love you. You're my heart and my life, and I can't image breathing one breath without you by my side."
    read more on my blog

Book preview

Love Left Behind - S.H. Kolee

Love Left Behind

by S.H. Kolee

Smashwords Edition

Copyright 2012 S.H. Kolee

All Rights Reserved.

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.


























Chapter One

How far can obligation take you? It almost took me to the altar. Marrying the boy you started dating at fifteen is either a fairy tale or insanity. Sean Somers and I started dating our freshman year of high school. We grew up together through a parent's death, a divorce, proms and pregnancy scares. I loved Sean, although a part of me realized there was no passion in our relationship. He was like a trusted confidante, a best friend. But the love of my life? I wasn't so sure.

I assumed that college would be the wedge that would make us drift apart. I had accepted a partial scholarship to the University of Chicago and Sean was staying behind in Maryland to attend the local university. It wasn't for lack of trying that Sean didn't attend the same college as me. However, the University of Chicago had rejected him, and a small secret part of me had been happy. I could start over in Chicago and become a new person. I was tired of being boring Emma Mills; dependable daughter, straight-A student, church volunteer.

However, I had underestimated Sean's persistence and determination. Although we had promised each other that we would call and visit faithfully, Chicago was an expensive plane ride away. I didn't think it would actually happen. I hadn't realized that Sean had been squirreling away his paychecks from his summer jobs, saving enough money to be able to visit me every month.

And college hadn't been what I had expected it to be. I thought I would become a fascinating new person, with exciting friends and adventures around every corner. Instead, I realized I was still the same Emma Mills. I was still dependable. I was still earning straight-A's. I was still volunteering at church.

It became easier to go with what was comfortable. Sean was comfortable. He was dependable, just like me. So when he suggested that I move back to Maryland after graduation and take a job in D.C. so that we could start a life together, I agreed.

For three years, I was tolerably happy. Everyone envied our relationship. We both liked our jobs and enjoyed living right outside of D.C. in an up-and-coming neighborhood in Maryland. We rarely fought and I believed that I would spend the rest of my life with Sean. Therefore, when he proposed to me on my twenty-fourth birthday by stuffing a ring inside my birthday cake, I accepted with glee. My life was proceeding right on track.

But as the wedding day came closer and closer, I started to feel as if I was suffocating. We had our life totally mapped out before us. Sean was an analyst at a prestigious financial firm and was on track for a promotion to manager. I was a marketing executive at an ad agency, and we figured I would work there a few more years until we started having children. Then I would be a stay-at-home mom.

I tried to buy into the vision, but I began to realize that it wasn't the mapped out life that was really bothering me. It was the person I planned on spending that life with.

Sean didn't like to travel. He liked to stay home and watch television. Our sex life had been reduced to a chaste daily kiss with an obligatory roll in the hay once every couple of weeks. He bored me to tears, and I was sure I did the same to him. Yet every time I would question how happy he was in our relationship, he claimed that he was perfectly content.

The further we got into the wedding planning, the more my doubts grew, but it became harder and harder to think about calling it off. I had already sent the invitations out, for Pete’s sake. How tacky would it be to have to rescind a wedding invitation? So I went along and picked out our wedding cake, listened to different bands, and had long drawn-out conversations about which caterer to use.

Until my bachelorette party. My girlfriends and I had done the predictable thing and gone to Vegas. We squealed in mortification and delight over the Chippendale dancers, we lost money on the slots and we drank ourselves to oblivion.

On our last night, my best friend Trisha and I were at a club sitting at a table by ourselves while our friends gyrated on the dance floor. She leaned over to me and asked, Can you believe you're getting married in less than a month?

My answer was no. I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it. I couldn't spend my whole life being boring, predictable Emma Mills. It was selfish of me. It was horrible of me. But I knew I was saving Sean and myself from a mind-numbingly boring life together.

So I called it off.

The day I got back from Vegas, I sat Sean down in the living room of our apartment. The one we had spent months decorating together by going to estate sales and flea markets, trying to restore pieces of furniture ourselves to save money. It reminded me that for all the dull moments in our life together, there had been sweet moments as well. We were comfortable together. But comfortable wasn't enough for me anymore.

When I had explained why we didn't belong together, that we were no good for each other, Sean had been shocked and devastated. He didn't understand where this was coming from. He thought I had been happy all these years. And a part of me had been happy, but it wasn't enough.

Sean's coaxing and tears weren't enough to sway me. I had made my decision and was sticking to it. As embarrassing as it was to call off the wedding and return all the presents, I was relieved. I felt like I had narrowly escaped.

Now I was furthering my escape by moving to New York City. I had accepted a job as an executive assistant there. It was several steps below my position in D.C., but I was grateful for anything that would get me out of Maryland and away from the scandal of a jilted groom.

I was taking the train to New York since I had sold my car back in Maryland. I had no need for a car in New York and all my belongings fit into two big suitcases. Sean and I had broken the lease on our apartment and sold all our furniture, splitting the profits, so I was literally traveling with all my belongings. It felt freeing.

I was moving in with Claire Ranson, the daughter of a family friend who had been living in New York for a few years. Claire was an aspiring actress with a revolving door of roommates since they were also mostly actors and tended to go where the jobs took them. We had already talked on the phone several times and I was excited to meet her in person.

The train conductor called out the impending stop of Penn Station and I felt a quiver of excitement go through me. Finally, at the age of twenty-five, I was going to make a different life for myself. I was going to become a new person and embrace everything New York had to offer.

Before the train even came to a halt, people were jumping out of their seats to rush off the train, haphazardly pulling their suitcases from the overhead baggage compartments. I looked up at my two large worn and unfashionably burgundy-colored suitcases with resignation. Having never traveled much, I hadn't owned much luggage. I had bought these suitcases at a second-hand store when I made the decision to move to New York and had stuffed them to the brim.

Now I was unsure as to how I was going to get them down and lug them all the way to the East Village, where my new apartment was. When I had boarded the train, a nice man had helped me put them overhead, but he was long gone. I grimaced in determination and grabbed a handle to pull them down. The new Emma Mills was independent, a go-getter. She could handle anything, least of all two suitcases.

The thought was fleeting, as the first suitcase came crashing down. I wasn't able to support the weight of it, and it slammed into the aisle with a loud thud. Well, that was one way to do it. Reminding myself that I had nothing fragile in my suitcases, I hauled down the second suitcase using the same method.

I was finally able to lug the suitcases off the train and navigated my way around the station, pulling them behind me on their little worn wheels. I caught flashes of designer luggage and imagined I looked a sight with my huge shabby suitcases and disheveled hair. It really was true that New York was full of beautiful people, even in the train station.

Shrugging off those thoughts, I maneuvered the two suitcases up the escalator and squinted as I got my first sight of the city as a New Yorker. I had visited New York once before with my parents when I was in middle school but it was a fuzzy memory. Now I was one of them; one of those people rushing around with important things to do. If I was aware that I stuck out like a sore thumb, standing on the sidewalk and gawking at the view, I didn't let it bother me. New York was for everyone. And I was everyone.

Hailing a cab was easier than I thought since they were lined up outside the station. I had been prepared to step out into the street with bravado and hail a cab with a casual wave of the hand, like I had seen Carrie Bradshaw do so many times. But my Sex in the City moment would have to wait.

Where to? the cabbie asked brusquely after he threw my suitcases into the trunk and slid back into the driver's seat.

1st avenue between 8th and 9th street. I had practiced that line beforehand, not wanting to seem green and having the cabbie drive me through Brooklyn to take advantage of an unsuspecting out-of-towner.

The cab driver barely nodded as he sped away from the curb. I watched the crowded sidewalks, feeling a thrill go through me. Everyone seemed to be walking with purpose, coffee cups in hand and an air of determination. I, Emma Mills, was now a New Yorker.

My first experience as a New Yorker was trying not to throw up as the cabbie made abrupt stops and weaved his way in and out of traffic as if we were in a video game. I had to hold on to the door handle to prevent myself from being thrown against the plastic partition. By the time the cab stopped on my street, I was taking deep breaths and willing myself not to regurgitate the bagel I had eaten that morning.

The cabbie dropped my bags on the sidewalk after I had paid him and took off. I looked up at my apartment building, feeling a bit of trepidation at the dilapidated sight before me. The building looked worn and outdated, obviously not having been well maintained. Claire had emailed me pictures of the inside of the apartment and it had looked cute and cozy. I hadn't seen the crumbling brick on the outside or the steps that were in desperate need of repair.

I took a deep breath, reminding myself that the new Emma Mills took all these things in stride. With that thought, I pressed the buzzer to apartment 4C.

Hello? said a female voice.

Claire? It's Emma. I made it!

Great! I'll buzz you up! Do you need help with your bags?

I paused, looking down at my gigantic suitcases. I definitely needed help, but the last thing I wanted was to have my new roommate lug them upstairs.

No, I'm fine. See you in a sec!

The front door buzzed and I pushed it open, dragging my suitcases behind me. Looking at the stairs before me, I figured it would take more than a second to get upstairs. The apartment was a walk-up and I wasn't relishing having to drag the suitcases up three flights of stairs.

By the time I made it to the fourth floor, sweat was dripping off me as if I had just run a marathon. Since it was a warm May afternoon, the corridors of the apartment building were hot and muggy.

The door to 4C was ajar and a gorgeous girl with long blonde hair and stunning blue eyes was looking at me with her mouth open.

Oh my God! How did you lug those things up by yourself?! You should have told me you needed help!

She stepped out from the doorway and grabbed the handle of one of the suitcases. Her attempt to lift it was laughable. The cheap plastic sides of the suitcase strained up with her effort, but remained unmoved.

Pull, I wheezed as I tried to catch my breath, the exertion of dragging my luggage up the stairs taking its toll. I waved towards the bottom of the suitcase and was able to sputter out, Wheels.

Claire took my direction and started pulling the suitcase towards her and inside the apartment. After we managed to drag the suitcases inside, we both plopped down on the couch.

Well, I said after I caught my breath. That was an inauspicious introduction. I guess I should say nice to meet you.

Claire laughed as she sat up on the couch. I'd give you a welcome hug, but I have to admit that I'd rather settle for a welcome handshake.

I looked down at my sweat-drenched t-shirt and jeans that were sticking to my legs like wet cement. I don't blame you, I'm a mess.

Claire grinned as she swept her hand, indicating the apartment. Welcome to your new home.

Even though we had only talked on the phone, Claire and I had immediately hit it off. She was a year younger than I was and seemed as laid back as I was buttoned up. I decided that I would definitely let her rub off on me.

I surveyed the apartment, pleased that it looked just like the pictures she had sent me. The living room was small but comfortably furnished with a few knickknacks and pictures. The kitchen was more of a wall with a counter and appliances lined up against it rather than a separate room. A small breakfast table separated the kitchen from the living room. I knew the bedrooms were small too, but my room came furnished so I had one less thing to worry about.

The main feature that I had loved about the apartment was the small balcony off the living room. I stood up to look out the sliding glass doors. It looked out onto 1st Avenue and I could see people hanging out on their stoops.

I love it! I said with enthusiasm as I turned my head to look at Claire. I can't believe I'm finally here. I always dreamed of living in New York, but now it's actually a reality.

I'm happy you're here. The last roommate I had snored so loud that I could hear her through the bedroom wall. The only thing that saved me was stockpiling earplugs.

Claire rose and stood next to me, peering out the sliding glass window as well. She was much taller than I was with a willowy figure. I figured she had to be about five nine even without any shoes since she was barefoot. With my dark brown hair that was escaping my messy ponytail and a figure that had hips showing my love of junk food, I felt squat and average next to her.

But I wasn't here to compete for attention. The last thing I wanted to do after having just broken off my engagement was to start dating again. This time was for me, to establish myself as the person I had always imagined I could be. And I was grateful that I wasn't doing it alone. From our phone conversations, I already felt as though Claire was a friend.

Let me show you your bedroom.

Claire opened one of three doors off the living room, ushering me inside. I know it's small but mine’s the same size. I barely spend any time in mine anyway.

It's perfect, I said, looking around the room. And it was. Even though it was small and cramped, it was mine. I could do whatever I wanted to it without having to check with someone else to see if they were okay with it. I still thought of Sean every now and then, and a part of me missed him. He had been a part of my life for ten years and I still loved him and wanted the best for him. As dull as I had found Sean in our relationship, he had always been kind and considerate. He was a good person. I was the one that had changed the rules mid-game.

After Claire showed me the bathroom and helped me lug my suitcases into my room, she plopped down on my bed. I was grateful that she seemed to consider me a new friend, instead of someone just sleeping in the next room. As excited as I was to start my new life, it made it a lot less scary to have a ready-made friend.

So, what do you want to do on your first official day as a New Yorker?

I practically jumped up and down in excitement. I don't know. Maybe we can just walk around and explore the neighborhood. I can't even think about unpacking right now.

Sure. I'll show you around the 'hood, and then we can stop by Max's Tavern. It's a bar a couple of blocks away.

I looked at myself in the mirror that was above the dresser in my bedroom and grimaced. Let me try to make myself look like a human being first. My hair looks like I stuck my finger in an outlet.

Claire laughed as she walked out of my room. Sure, take your time.

I opened one of my suitcases and fished out my toiletries as well as a fresh pair of jeans and a tank top. Claire was flipping through a magazine when I made my way into the bathroom. It was a relief to change into clothes that weren't sticking to me. It was even more of a relief to wash off the grime of traveling from my face and put on fresh make-up.

Tada, I announced as I stepped out of the bathroom. This is as good as it's going to get today, but at least I don't feel gross anymore.

You look fine, Claire replied as she dropped the magazine and stood. She was wearing shorts that accentuated just how long her legs were and a cute little tee that looked like it was sized for a toddler. It was a good thing that Claire was such a nice girl. It could be easy to be jealous of someone so effortlessly gorgeous.

Claire took me to all her local haunts and she seemed to know everyone on a first name basis. She had that easy charm that made everyone want to smile and talk to her. Claire was a good guide, explaining the different neighborhoods in New York and showing me where all the important places were, like the nearest grocery store and pharmacy. It was exciting just to walk around and soak up the atmosphere. And the East Village had plenty of atmosphere. It was a little grittier and a little dirtier than the New York I had seen through Carrie Bradshaw's eyes, but it didn't make me love it any less.

We walked over to Union Square and wandered through the farmer's market, stopping to buy cups of cold apple cider to quench our thirst. We sat down on a bench to take a break and watch the people walking by.

So how do you like your new neighborhood so far? Claire asked, leaning back on the bench.

I know I keep saying I love everything, but I do. I love it. It's so different from Maryland, or even D.C. It sounds clichéd, but it just seems so alive. I feel like I can be a different person here.

Claire raised her eyebrows. What's wrong with the person you are now?

I sighed as I thought it over. Claire's mother was friends with mine through some women's charity group back in Maryland, so I was sure Claire knew about the failed engagement. We both came from Merrittsville, a small town in Maryland, although we had never met growing up since Claire had gone to boarding school. In Merrittsville, my running off had apparently been breaking news.

Well, you know about Sean and me, right? I continued when Claire nodded. It's not that I didn't love him. I did love him. I mean, I still do. It just wasn't the right kind of love. It wasn't the kind of love that made me excited to see him, the kind that made me miss him when we were apart. We were together since we were fifteen years old, and not once did I get butterflies around him. I mean, I liked Sean and I was attracted to him. I used to think that was enough. Now I know it isn't.

Well... Claire said, drawing out the word. I can understand that. But what does that have to do with you being a different person?

The person that was resigned to living a life with no passion was boring. She followed all the rules, did all the right things. She almost got married to someone just because everyone expected it, including herself.

I turned to Claire. I can't be that person anymore. I'm not sure who I'm going to be now, but I know I'm definitely not going to be her.

Claire gave me a small smile. There's nothing wrong with trying to change things you don't like about yourself, but I don't think you need to wipe the slate clean. I know we've only talked on the phone a few times and we just met today, but the Emma Mills I know seems pretty okay.

I looked up at the trees overhead, the branches swaying with the slight breeze. I didn't want to be just pretty okay. I wanted to be someone that would make my mark in this world.

I laughed as I turned back to Claire, shaking off my serious thoughts. Enough with all this heavy talk. You'd think I was going through an identity crisis or something. Tell me about you. You're in a Broadway show now, right?

Claire gave a wry smile. It's so off-Broadway that even saying it's off-off-Broadway would be a stretch. But it's a great role in a play about a woman who can't decide between two men in her life and how she figures out who to choose.

And you play the woman?

Claire nodded. It's playing in a small theater not too far from our apartment. That's what I mean about it being so off-Broadway. You should come see it sometime. It runs every Friday and Saturday night.

I'd love to come see it! My first show in New York!

Claire laughed at my excited expression. Don't get your hopes up. We don't come out singing and wearing cat masks.

I scrunched up my nose in protest. "I've never even seen Cats."

Claire took the last sip of her apple cider and crumpled up her cup. What about you? When do you start your new job?

Tomorrow, bright and early, I groaned. I had tried to come a few days earlier, but my mother had insisted that I stay in Maryland until the last possible second. She feared that I was going to be raped and killed in some alleyway of New York. When I explained to her that New York didn't have any alleys, she had changed the scenario to a gutter. As a result, I didn’t leave until Sunday morning and now I only had one glorious afternoon and evening until Monday.

Where's your office?

It's on Lexington and 45th, I answered. Is that easy to get to from our place?

You're lucky. Since it's on the east side, you can just take the green line up.

I bit my lip as I thought about the complicated subway map I had perused for hours before. I've mapped my route out already. I have it memorized since I obsessed about it so much. I'm just paranoid that I'll take the wrong subway and end up in Queens or something.

Relax, Claire said laughing. The subway system is super easy. I'll go over it with you later. She gave me a wink. Queens isn't such a bad place to go anyways. It has some killer Indian food.

"I love Indian food. I frowned as I thought about it. Actually, I love all food. That's the problem."

I don't think you have anything to worry about, she replied, glancing at me. Curvy is in. I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed at her perusal. I would never boldly look someone over and comment on their figure.

Thanks, I guess.

Claire laughed loudly. It was supposed to be a compliment. You have a tiny waist and great curves. That's a good thing.

I relaxed although I didn't agree. I would kill to be tall and thin like Claire. Oh well, I guess we couldn't all be ravishing beauties. I gave myself a mental shake at my thoughts. This wasn't the time to compare myself to others and find myself lacking. The new Emma Mills was confident and secure in herself, body image included.

Well, this curvy broad would love something harder than apple cider. Didn't you mention a bar near our apartment?

Claire jumped up, throwing her crumpled cup in a nearby trash can. Max's Tavern. I go there most Sundays. It's a laid back bar and a great place to just hang out. Let's go.

We walked back to our neighborhood at a leisurely pace, enjoying the last rays of the Sunday afternoon.

This is it, Claire said as we reached a bar with dark wood paneling on the front. Max's Tavern looked like it had been there since before prohibition, looking well worn, but still gleaming with obvious care. This isn't a hipster bar, but that's why I like it.

The bar was decently full when we stepped inside and Claire waved at the bartender, calling out a greeting. Of course she would know the bartender.

There they are, Claire said as she grabbed my arm, dragging me over to a table that was already occupied. There were two guys and one girl sitting there and they smiled when they caught sight of Claire. The girl was a replica of Claire, except she was the dark-haired version. With flowing dark brown hair and large hazel eyes, I was beginning to think that I was going to get a complex. I guess that's what happened when you hung out with actors.

The guys were nothing to sneeze at either. One was blond and stocky, bulging with muscles that were clearly evident from his tight t-shirt. His nose looked as if it had been broken a few times, but instead of detracting from his appearance, it added to his rugged masculine good looks.

The other guy sitting at the table was movie-star handsome. His dark brown hair was a little shaggy, but instead of making him look unkempt, it added to his appeal, making him seem boyishly charming. His nose looked as if it had never come close to being broken and his dimples were in clear view as he smiled at our approach. He wasn't muscle bound like his friend, but his lean frame was more appealing. More my type.

I shook my head at the thought. I hadn't moved to New York to fall into another relationship. This was my time to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. Besides, who was I kidding? This man before me was way too beautiful for comfort. With Claire and the leggy brunette around, I was sure I wouldn't have to worry about him being overly interested in me.

Hi, guys, Claire said as she approached the table. This is Emma. She's my new roommate, the one I told you about. She turned to me as she made introductions. Emma, this is Jackson, Nathan and Mia.

I smiled as everyone greeted me enthusiastically. Jackson, the Grecian god who apparently had manners as well, pulled over two chairs from another table for us.

Hi, Emma. How do you like New York so far? Mia asked as we sat down. She was smiling widely and despite being drop-dead gorgeous, she seemed sincere and friendly. I had to stop equating beauty with cattiness. It was just as bad as someone judging me for not having legs that went on for miles.

I love it! I couldn't seem to stop gushing about my new city. Maybe the pretty new sheen of it would wear off after awhile, but at the moment, I was still enjoying the novelty of it all. Claire's been taking me around the neighborhood and showing me around. I can't believe I'm finally here.

You moved up from Maryland, right? Jackson asked, looking genuinely inquisitive. I found it hard to look directly at him. It was like looking directly at the sun and I almost needed to squint my eyes against his good looks. I really needed to get a handle on myself.

Yup. I grew up there and was living near D.C. for a while. It's so different from New York.

What made you decide to move up here? Mia asked, unknowingly bringing up an uncomfortable topic. The last thing I wanted to do was spill my messy history to strangers.

I just felt like a change of pace. I've lived in the Maryland and D.C. area my whole life, except for when I went to college in Chicago. I thought it was time for something different.

The waitress came over to take our drink orders, interrupting the conversation.

Hi, Claire. What do you want?

I'll take a Yuengling. Claire turned to me. Maggie, this is my new roommate, Emma. She just got into town today.

Maggie, who looked about our age, gave me a wide smile. Welcome! Hopefully you'll become a regular here just like these guys. I can't seem to peel them out of those seats most Sundays.

Thanks, Maggie. I'm not sure if I can measure up when it comes to drinking. Two beers and I'm on the floor. And on that note, I'll take a Yuengling too.

As Maggie walked away to get our beers, Nathan slammed his hand down on the table, startling me, but he just grinned at me. Now that's what I like. A cheap date. How come every girl I meet can drink me under the table? He patted his pocket. It hurts me right here.

Claire rolled her eyes. And they said chivalry was dead.

It's not dead. It was just trampled on by unappreciative women. Nathan was attempting to sound lighthearted, but I could hear a trace of seriousness in his tone.

Jackson leaned in, quirking his mouth. Don't pay attention to Nathan. He got dumped recently and he's still processing through his 'women are evil' phase.

Sorry to hear that, Nathan, I said sympathetically, happy that I hadn't fueled the fire by revealing I had broken my engagement less than a month before the wedding.

Nathan sighed dramatically, crossing his arms against his chest. I should've seen it coming. When Sandy told me she wanted to take tennis lessons, I should've stopped it.

Nathan, how many times do I have to tell you? Claire groaned. Maggie came back with the beers and she paused to take a long swig. Sandy didn't cheat on you just because she hired a tennis instructor. She cheated on you because she's a skank.

Nathan shook his head emphatically. Nope. It was the tennis instructor. He was some European douchebag who charmed her with his accent. If it wasn't for him, we'd still be together. He turned abruptly to Jackson who had been listening to the conversation with a half-grin on his face. "If you start dating a girl, don't let her take tennis lessons, especially from a douchebag European instructor."

I tried to suppress a laugh, but unfortunately, it caused me to snort loudly. Everyone at the table looked at me, Jackson with amused raised eyebrows and Nathan with a frown.

I nodded vigorously, wanting to appease Nathan. I agree. No European douchebag tennis teachers.

Nathan nodded in satisfaction, while the rest of the table laughed.

Poor Nathan, Mia said sympathetically, patting him on the hand. He can't pass a tennis court without getting all worked up.

It's been three months, Claire said, apparently not sharing the sympathy. How long are you going to pine after her?

I saw Mia give Claire a warning look, to which Claire just shrugged. Claire didn't seem to have any patience for Nathan's moping about his ex-girlfriend, which was at odds with my earlier impression of her. She seemed so laid back that her lack of patience with Nathan was surprising.

Nathan seemed to deflate at Claire's words, falling back against his chair with a defeated look. I felt bad for him, even though I had just met him. And a part of me felt a little guilty too. Although I had never cheated on Sean, I could see his crestfallen expression in Nathan's face.

It's okay, three months isn't that long, I offered, wanting to comfort him while trying to lighten the mood. When my fifth grade boyfriend dumped me for Shelly Dupree because she had a swimming pool and her mom made amazing cookies, I was still poking pins into a doll with a picture of his face on it in sixth grade.

Claire shot me a look that I didn't understand, making me feel uncomfortable. I didn't know the dynamics of this group yet and hadn't really thought about her reaction when trying to comfort Nathan. I hadn't meant to contradict her, but she had seemed a little harsh towards Nathan.

Remind me never to cross you, Jackson said, seemingly wanting to lighten the mood as well. I'd hate to think of you having a doll that looks like me and doing some voodoo magic on it.

Don't worry, I laughed. I only save that for serious transgressions. Don't ever jilt me for some floozy with a pool and chocolate chip cookies and we'll be fine.

Jackson grinned at me widely, his dimples in full view, and I blinked at him, nonplussed. I hadn't meant to imply that there would ever be anything between us for there to be a possibility of being jilted, but Jackson just seemed amused by it.

Speaking of being jilted, Claire said, interrupting my thoughts. Do you still talk to Sean?

I paled as Claire cocked her head, looking at me innocently. Her question had taken me aback, making me tense and confused. I didn't understand why Claire was bringing up Sean. It felt like an attack, like she was punishing me for disagreeing with her. This didn't seem like the girl that had been so likable on the phone and had shown me around today, treating me like a friend instead of just a roommate.

Uh, not really, I replied, my mouth dry. I saw Mia and Nathan look at me with interest while Jackson glanced at Claire with a frown.

Who's Sean? Mia asked, seemingly oblivious to the growing tension.

He's my ex. We broke up recently, but he's back in Maryland.

Enough of all this depressing talk, Claire said smiling at me. I looked back at her confused. I could have sworn that she had meant her comment about Sean as a dig, but now she was looking at me guilelessly. No more talk of exes. Let's talk about something more interesting. Mia, how did your audition for that commercial go?

Mia sighed. Okay, I guess. It's just so tiring going to all these casting calls for jobs that I have absolutely no interest in. But I need to pay the bills somehow.

Mia is actually a trained ballerina, but she decided to throw out her pointe shoes for the life of an actress, Claire explained. I gave myself a mental shake. Claire seemed completely friendly and open now. I wondered if I had just misunderstood her earlier comments. I decided to forget about it. The last thing I wanted to do was alienate my roommate and one friend in New York.

A ballerina. That's impressive. I took ballet when I was a little kid, but I kept ripping off my tutu and running around instead of going into first position, so they asked my parents to withdraw me from class. I smiled ruefully. I think that was a polite way of kicking me out of class.

Mia laughed. I got a little further than that, but I realized I didn't want the life of a ballerina. Plus I like to eat. She frowned before continuing, Although the life of an aspiring actress isn't that much better. I spend most of my time working at the Mac counter in Bloomingdale's and going on casting calls. I haven't had much luck.

I looked around the table. Are all of you actors?

Not me, Nathan answered. I'm a painter. I'm having a showing at a small gallery next weekend. You should come.

Wow, a painter, I said, impressed. Everyone here seems so creative. I would love to come to your showing. I turned to Jackson. What about you? What do you do?

Jackson still looked a bit unsettled by the earlier conversation and Claire's gibe, but his face cleared at my question. I'm one of the masses of struggling actors too, which means I spend my days working as a trainer at a gym while I wait for my big break.

Jackson is actually in the play that I was telling you about, Claire said. She smirked as she glanced at Jackson. He's one of the two men vying for my hand in marriage.

I'm looking forward to seeing it, I said. So, do you end up with the girl or not?

Jackson grinned, his green eyes sparkling. It was getting easier and easier to look at him for longer periods of time. His gorgeousness was taking a backseat to his open friendliness.

You'll have to find out for yourself. I can't give away the ending. It’ll ruin the show for you.

What about you? Mia asked. What do you do? Do you have a job here yet?

Fortunately, I got a job before I moved up here. I'm an executive assistant at Mass Communications, a marketing firm. Unfortunately, it's not really want I want to be doing, but for now it's a paycheck, so I'm happy about that.

Emma was a marketing exec at an ad agency in D.C., Claire said, surprising me with the pride in her voice. I'm sure she'll move up in the ranks at her company in no time.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, but for now I'll be happy if I'm able to answer the phone and make copies without messing up.

I'm sure you'll be a master copier and phone answerer in no time, Jackson said with a wink.

Just what I always dreamed of being as a little girl, I replied with a wry grin.

So you and Claire grew up in the same town? Mia asked.

I took a sip of my beer and nodded. I really was a lightweight and had been nursing my drink, but I saw Nathan motion to Maggie for another round. I was going to have to be careful around this group. Drinking more than a couple of drinks always made me a little more animated than I wanted to be.

Our mothers are friends through a charity group in our town. It's a typical small town where everyone knows each other's business. I smiled ruefully. It's fantastic.

I went to boarding school, so Emma and I never met before, Claire added.

It really was a lucky break that Claire was looking for a roommate at the same time I was looking to move here, I said. Do you guys live around here?

Nathan and I are roommates and we live over on 2nd Ave and 1st, Mia answered. I was surprised that they lived together, but I reminded myself this was New York, not Merrittsville where coed roommates would have raised eyebrows.

I live around here too, Jackson chimed in. Over on 14th and 3rd Ave.

Claire stretched, raising her arms above her head and arching her back. I need a smoke. Anyone want to join me?

Nathan and

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