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Compete book from the three chapters written thur a ten year period.
Chapter 1 omega restored
Chapter 2 The Lord's
Chapter 3 The Lord of Host

Release dateOct 24, 2012


I live in SA, texas. Not much to say at the moment.

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    Immanuel - Jason


    The Lord/ Jason

    Copyright 2000-2011 by The Lord/ Jason

    Smashwords edition

    Chapter 1

    (Omega restored)


    All the Earth has heard My Name. Today I test the hearts of everyone that lives. Today Your heart is making a choice.

    Israel, you’ve prayed enough and to long you’ve waited for me to gather you. My children, my people I will no longer hide my face from the lost. Tell Jeremiah to rest easy for I come for the lost children of Israel. You’re cry has reached generations to generations and I’ll wipe the tears away my servant. Behold I come and I will turn my people back to me. They may not know me, but I know them. I know who they are and I come for my sons and my daughters. In every nation from the east, north, south, I will gather them and I will assemble my people from the west. Egypt, I will take your land in my hands and make it a sign and my people will pass thur the land once again. By the brooks of the Mediterranean and by many coastlands the waters will fear me. Let all the nations come and see the glory I have given to my people. No longer will they be lost; I am their shepherd. Israel, My heritage, I will break the waters before you and they will walk into the promise land and like in the days of my servant Moses, run to them with great joy when they appear in the wilderness. Israel, let the songs of praise be like the days of old.

    Proclaim to the children of Ishmael; son of Abraham. I made a promise to him that I would keep and protect you. A great people of many nations you have become. Ishmael loved me and called me Father and by no other name. I alone protected him when his feet where set to walk. I made a covenant with Ishmael and his children will know me as Father. You will know me today as Ishmael did. Let the children of Ishmael gather in one city in every Arabic nation and there by an altar of sacrifice I will send fire down by my hand. My servants will say, Today you know him. Our Father in heaven has spoken. Who is like the Lord of Host? Who is like the Lord of all the Earth? Ishmael, today rest is given to the spirit of our Lord. Ishmael, today they know him as The Great Father. I come says the Lord; the Father is coming.

    Proclaim they‘re coming and I will send them by two. Elijah comes and he will give rest to my Spirit at Mecca and they will know I am the Lord. Today I will tell about the other one that comes with Elijah. He is of your father’s and brother’s blood and his name is Moses. I have seen your ways and the way you look at a box. So I will knock down the wood that is made and crack the metal that covers all around. Many days will my servants walk the Earth and all water flowing to Mecca will flow in blood as the Nile flowed with fear. Until you have repented and you know that I am the Lord. My servants come and the waters will fear Me and My mercy is there.

    The hour is here; the dead will lay and awake at the banks of many rivers in many nations. The sick will flock and will come with deadly diseases and then their sickness is no more. What man and woman have said can not be done; will be done today. No words my servants will say; It will be done. Who comes to seek The Lord? They know the Lord is there.

    Proclaim to the nations that are to the east and north of My City. You will know I am the Lord. My servants will testify these words, The Lord Lives and still you will not believe My Words. They come to challenge your belief, your god’s that your fathers had made for themselves. They will bring fire down in my name on every altar and you’re father’s altar’s will not burn. Never have your gods brought down fire with their hand. I, the Lord will prove and leave my mark in all the altars of the Earth. So believe in My Works. Many nations will not see rain for many years and they will cry out loud to their gods. But they will not cry out to me and I am the reason there is no rain. So will there be rain? This is the question they should ask me? Until my servant’s are comforted.

    Proclaim they will even hear it in the nothingness. To My Four Angels buried by the Euphrates River. I command hell and your bound chains to release you. I’ve heard your cries my angels and the hour is here. I judged you in the beginning and the waters drown you. You fell from heaven in lust for the women of the earth and your brothers went with you. The women and men showed you to commit great sins before my eyes. They taught you their ways and my face turned away and I became angry. Now I have forgiven you and I’ve heard your cry and grant what you ask of me. I proclaim to all who live in the Earth. Your Ancestors come and they will shake the pride underneath your feet. They will judge the Earth as I judge them.

    Proclaim to my heritage Israel that the gentiles come to them. Enoch will set an altar at the Feast of Tabernacle and Jerusalem will morn when I send fire down with my hand. The God of Israel is alive and I will lay a lamb and five times will I throw water on the altar and fire will come down. All of Israel will rejoice and know I have spoken again. But I am not finished for I will lay no lamb and five times will I throw water on the altar. My servants will proclaim a Son of Man was given to the world and was killed and fire will strike the altar with my hand and all the streets of Jerusalem will rain tears for their Lord. They will cry saying we killed Our Lord and we knew not. They will cry in sorrow and tear their clothes for what had been done. They will cry out forgive us our Lord, Forgive us, my Lord. But the Lord will not turn away He will comfort Jerusalem in three days. In the third day, manna will pour like rain into My City. Never again will I turn away. All the tribes of Israel will celebrate My Name in this day; The Day of Forgiveness.

    To every city I send them they will say the Son of Man had come. A savior was given and today is a new day. They will try to gather many against my servants. They will say these men are not them; they can not be. These men you speak of are not of God. They will riot around them and shout Stone Them. I will say to everyone that lives. If you come against them, Plagues will come to you. My hand is with them and fire will come down and kill all who will threaten them. They have not come to teach but to proclaim the New Day. You have known the truth and still you believe in nothing. They come in My Name and they stand before me.

    Proclaim that The Lord says Five thousand will die and the kingdom will come shortly after. As I lay upon the ground to pass the time. The Lord said to me, what do you see? This is what appeared as his words entered my mind. I saw a man lay dead in his boat at sea and was taken away. As I followed where the body was going I saw that his life was given back to him. He stood up standing before a Saint. He said all that had happen and right before he said who had killed him. Three men stood before him and their life was taken away. Then I was taken to another place that I’ve never been before. It looked like a valley of wilderness and the wind moved with a light breeze. The ground was shaking and pushing out the dead it had inside and then I followed behind to where the body was to be taken. Then another Saint in a different land stood there before us and life was given back to the woman that was dead. Then a man and woman appeared before the Saint and their life was taken away. Then I was taken again but this time I was covered with very heavy smoke and then the flames died and the smoked cleared away. I saw the remains of people with dust covering all around. Not knowing the number of the dead as they were taken and I followed to where the dust went. I stood in front of a Throne, it was the Lord and he sat on His Throne. He said to me, turn around and look at the family. As I turned every bone was forming, every part being made and their flesh was given again. They were alive again. The Lord said, the fire happened while they were asleep. Proclaim to everyone who lives. Who dies in the hour? In the same hour, justice and salvation will be given. In the hour, it would be as if it never happened. I will watch over all the Earth. No sea or land or fire will hold the dead. Not even the wind will carry its ordure. In the same hour it is given to all. This I give and entrust to my saints. Then He said to me, come, Jason. I have more to show you. Open the door and look outside, what do you see? As I walked out I stood there near by the door and then a valley appeared around me and the Lord was standing next to me. I asked, what is this place, Lord? Then people began to appear all around. Many from nations I have seen before and many I’ve never seen. They were standing and setting up for war. As I walked to see what was ahead I saw a really strange carrier pass right in front of me. It was shaped like a tank but in the height of 40 feet and it float above the ground. I saw many glide off or fly out of the carrier and they carried weapons that I’ve never seen before on them. It looked like their armor was part of their weapon. But The Lord stood standing there. I wonder if they know that The Lord is standing there. Then I heard a loud voice say Let the day of Our Lord come. As I look up to the sky I saw many planes passing bye over me. Then I saw a cloud breaking apart and a voice said The Lord Lives. And I saw the Angels of the Lord coming down from the Cloud. One of the Angels stood in front of the others and said. Joshua, come stand with the Lord. They come against Our King. And Joshua stood next to the Lord. Life was given and youth was given to Joshua. He lifted his horn to his mouth and a great echo came to be when he sounded his horn. He said to the three suns in the sky to stay at their places and to not move and to the four moons he said to stay away. I saw time stop before my eyes as he commanded the Angels to kill everything. And the angels killed everything in the air and in the land. Then the Prophets appeared before Joshua and they ordered the birds to come to the valley and eat

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