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The Final Divine Religion ISLAM
The Final Divine Religion ISLAM
The Final Divine Religion ISLAM
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The Final Divine Religion ISLAM

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Islam invites all human beings and jinns. Everyone, regardless of race, skin color, gender, or national origin can become a Muslim. Islam classifies humanity according to their responsibilities and rights, and it considers that only two human nations exist: believers and unbelievers. It is by no means logical that a system sent for the bliss and salvation of humanity by Allah Whose mercy encompasses all creation be allotted to a handful of people while all others are left devoid of this bounty. This situation contrasts with the Rahman and Raheem attributes of Allah. The Noble Quran and the messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) said: God Almighty shows mercy to those who show mercy. Show mercy to those on earth so that those in the Heavens shall show mercy to you. (Abu Dawud, Adab, 58/4941; Tirmizi, Birr 16/1924; Ahmad bin Hanbal, II, 160) (O Muhammad!) We sent you not but as a Mercy for all creatures.

Release dateNov 2, 2012
The Final Divine Religion ISLAM

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    The Final Divine Religion ISLAM - Murat Kaya

    The Final Divine Religion ISLAM

    Dr. Murat KAYA

    Published by Erkam Publications at Smashwords

    Copyright © 2012 by Dr. Murat Kaya

    Tel: (90-212) 671-0700 pbx

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    1. Man, Universe, and Creator

    2. Man and Religion

    PART I


    1. Its Essence is Oneness of God (Tawhid)

    2. Islam is a natural religion, it does not clash with reason

    3. No priest intermediates between God and His Subjects / There is no Clergy Class in Islam

    4. Islam establishes the balance between the World and the Hereafter, the Material and the Spiritual

    5. Islam Encourages Learning which Encompasses Science, Wisdom, and Religion

    6. Islam Considers Justice the Prime Virtue

    7. Islam is a universal religion

    8. Islam Holds All Human Beings Equal

    9. Islam Considers Freedom of Religion and Conscience Paramount

    10. Ease (in religious duties) is One of the Principlesof Islam

    11. Islam Plants Optimism and Hope

    12. Islam Upholds Social Solidarity

    13. Islam Places Utmost Value on Human Beings .




    1. Belief in God (Allah)

    2. Belief in Angels

    3. Belief in the Books Revealed to Messengers of God

    4. Belief in Prophets and Messengers of God ..

    5. Belief in the Hereafter

    6. Belief in Destiny


    1. Ritual Prayer and Its Wisdom

    2. Fasting and its wisdom

    3. Mandatory Alms (poor-due), Charity, Aid and their Wisdom

    4. Hajj and its wisdom


    1. Interest

    2. Drinking Alcohol

    3. Fornication


    1. The Environment

    2. Cleanliness

    3. Water



    1. Its Revelation and Preservation

    2. Its Miraculous Nature

    a. It Informs Us of the Unknown

    b. It Sheds Light on Scientific Discoveries



    1. His childhood and youth

    2. The Period of Prophethood

    3. The Era of Medina

    4. Examples from His Unmatched Morals

    5. The Endless Love that He Elicits

    6. His miracles




    1. Man, Universe, and Creator

    Let us stop and think for a moment. Let us search out where we come from and where we are going. Let us shape our lives accordingly. Before everything, we must think and explore the details about our own creation, our physical and spiritual form, the superior traits that we have, and the universe. Our life be-comes more meaningful this way.

    As an example, let’s think about the earth. Although they are nourished with the same water, thou-sands of different kinds of plants grow on earth providing fruits and vegetables in different colors and shapes. They do this in perfect form and order. Is it not extraordinary that foods that grow on the same land and are nourished by the same water can be superior to and different from each other?

    Let’s turn our eyes to the sky and contemplate this glorious and magnificent system. Take the sun for example. The distance between the sun and the Earth is 150 million kilometers. The sun, one of the inter-mediate-sized stars, is large enough to contain 1,300,000 Earth-sized planets. Its surface temperature is 6,000°C, the interior temperature is 20,000,000°C. Its orbital velocity is as fast as 720,000 kilometers per hour. This shows that the sun travels about 17,000,280 kilometers a day.

    In the sun, 564 million tons of hydrogen transform into 560 million tons of helium every second. The difference of four million tons of gas radiates in the form of energy. In other words, the sun loses four mil-lion tons of substance a second, or 240 million tons a minute. If the sun has been producing energy at this rate for more than three billion years, the matter lost to date is 400,000 million times a million tons, which is still about 1/5,000 of the sun’s total mass as of today.

    Our world has been placed at such a well-calculated distance from this magnificent and enormous source of energy that we are neither vulnerable to its scorching and destructive effects nor destitute of the useful energy it produces. The sun with its magnificent power and energy has been created with such a perfect power and volume that it is most beneficial to every life form on earth, humanity above all, and sends its rays to earth prudently; and this, moreover, for millions of years!

    This magnificent sun that we mentioned is only one of about 200 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy. In the same manner, the Milky Way is also just one of a couple of hundred billion galaxies that can be seen with modern telescopes. And it takes 100 thousand light years to travel from one side of this Milky Way to the other side. (Light travels at 300,000 kilometers per second.) One must travel 300,000 trillion kilometers to go from the earth to the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way.

    A person who thinks long enough along such lines about his surroundings realizes that there is an om-niscient and all-powerful creator and that he was not created in vain, but rather there is a reason for his creation. Research shows that all types of religions, from those of primitive societies to the most advanced ones, uphold belief in an all-powerful being.

    There are many signs that prove the existence of Allah. Examples of some of those signs that can be ob-served by everyone would include:

    ✓ The formation of a baby, his birth and growing up, having intelligence and cognition, and most im-portantly from what he was created and into what he transformed.

    ✓ The lightning bolt that scares and gives hope, accompanying rainfall from the sky and the return of dead earth back to life.

    ✓ The blowing of the wind heralding the rain and transporting the clouds to various places, the forma-tion of lakes and seas, the flotation of mountain-like ships weighing thousands of gross tons, the cruising in oceans of ships that are like mini-cities on which hundreds of planes land and take off.

    ✓ The provision of sustenance to all living beings on the earth and in the sky.

    His Excellency Mawlana said: O my son, does it make more sense to think that there should be a writer that has written the writing or that it was written by itself? (Mathnawi, vol. 6, verse: 368)

    "O unskilled man, tell me, does it make more sense to think that there should be builder – an architect that has built the house – or that the house came into existence by itself without a builder? Would a beautiful artwork be the product of a blind one-armed person or a skillful person who can see and feel? (Mathnawi, vol. 6, Verses: 369-371)

    "Embroideries, paintings, whether they know it or not, are products of their producers! A pot-maker bus-ies himself with pot-making; he remolds it, shapes it, and makes a pot! Can a pot without its maker get into shape? Wood depends on and becomes the subject of a carpenter! If this was not the case, would it get cut and be added to another piece? Without a tailor, how can clothing cut and sew itself? O intelligent person, without a water-carrier, how can a water bottle get emptied and be filled up by itself? Youm as well, get emptied and filled

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