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The Wish
The Wish
The Wish
Ebook109 pages2 hours

The Wish

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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Yesterday, Ava's days were spent carefree gathering flowers, searching for Faeries and chasing after Wishes, (the down of a thistle). As a human, she did not know the light, fluffy, floating seed, was the key to saving the entire Enchanted world. Not until a tiny faery and the household Brownies informed her of its importance, was her purpose determined.
Upon her steed, Ava's heartbeat as loud as the footfalls of her thundering horse. Carthya was less than a days ride away and at sundown of that day, the entire Faery world would perish if she was late.
For in her pocket was a Wish, and the seed for a new Elpitha Tree, the life source for all the Enchantlings. If the seed did not touch the Enchanted Carthyan soil by sunset on the Summer Solstice, all the Seelie court would die, Faeries, Brownies, Unicorns and the likes.
The Elpitha Tree bore but a lone seed in its lifetime, and this tree's seed was stolen many years ago by a Goblin. Hoping it would give him power and wealth had planted it in the human world where it spawned the Milk Thistle plant and not the Mystical Tree the he had expected.
The seed of that thistle, still had the magic of the Elpitha Tree in it, non the less and since that time, the Enchanted world had waited for the winds to bring a seed back to Carthya. Almost four centuries had passed without any luck. The breezes were not kind to the Enchantlings, thus the hopes of them all, were nestled in a pillbox in Ava's pocket, as she rode with determination to Carthya.
The tiny nine year old slammed her heels into the ribs of her horse to get to the Enchanted World in time, all the while, unaware that the Underworld was closing in on the Faery stronghold, en masse, with the news of the Elpitha Tree's state. After countless, unsuccessful attempts, over the centuries, to take Carthya by force, this would be their time. A victory over the Faeries before their fate was sealed, was the only way to win...with honor. Led by the Goblins, allied with dragons, giants, griffons and the entire Underworld, a full on battle would ensure their place in history.
Ava's arrival at Carthya would put her in the midst of the advancing tide of UnSeelies pressing on the Enchanted lands.
This brave, young, girl,determined to save the creatures she loved, was on a collision course to a violent end, and although she had the Wish in her pocket and a Faery chaperone alongside, it would take more than a miracle to save them all.

This is not your average light and fluffy fairy tale. It is full of adventure and suspense and can be very dark at times. That being said, my daughter, at age seven, enjoyed the telling of it at bedtime.

PublisherVan Pornaras
Release dateNov 9, 2012
The Wish

Van Pornaras

I am a writer. I do a ton of other things, but I AM a writer. Have been one since I was in my teens. I am not a a single genre kind of author. I am slave to the muse, it talks, I write. It's that simple. Sometimes fantasy, sometimes suspense, sometime juvenile, political thriller, Christmas stories. I have written poems and screenplays and all are gems in their own right. And so, here I am, married with kids and living in Canada's largest city...and writing.

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    The Wish - Van Pornaras

    Chapter 1

    The Finding

    Somewhere in the Far East, a butterfly had flapped its wings, and perhaps further along the continent it would indeed become a hurricane, but here, in a secluded dale of the New England’s, it was a lilting breeze, aimless and lazy and having no particular purpose. It played the lulling melody of this glorious summer day, carrying the scent of lavender upon it as it meandered without a care.

    It was a day borne in the minds of poets. One that indicated that nature was in a wonderful mood. A splendid day, where no clouds fought with the sun, where butterflies danced with their shadows and birds sang their songs softly in harmony with the breeze.

    Here, by a little stream, atop a group of rocks, a young girl sat and watched the water glide along its merry way. Ava was the only child of the O’Connor’s. Only eight years old and as innocent as that summer day. Tiny for her age, petite her mother insisted, but that didn’t stop her from anything. With a spirit strong and a will of cast iron, she had proved to all in the town that being born two months early would not deter her from changing the world. When she put her mind to something, wild horses could not keep her still. She was gentle and childlike most of the time and headstrong when called for. But here, basking in the glow of the summer sun, her golden hair danced in the gentle breeze which shifted wisps across her cheeks and tickled her nose as if to tease her into motion. In her frock her mother had sewn for her, she sat with her knees curled up as only her bare toes were exposed to the warm sunlight. She sat motionless staring at the glistening rocks in the creek, hoping to catch a glimpse of something that might spur her to move.

    This was her favorite spot. Where the stream curved around Rhinoceros rock, as she called it because of its sheer size, and it picked up speed as it danced over the rocks in the shallow spots. She started coming here when her father had died, two years ago. It was a magical spot, not far from her home but a million miles away, and it gave her comfort in knowing that it had always been there and would always be there. Some things must stay, forever. Her Daddy was gone, forever. Mother had said he had died while working on the new railway. They said that the project was supposed to join the country, not separate her family. Talk in the town was that he had died at the hands of the savage Indians, but she tended to believe her mother than town hear-say.

    Every day she would come here and sit and think and dream. The trees would let ribbons of sunlight shine on her and the many varieties of birds serenaded her with songs of lazy summer dreams. As she sat alone on the rocks, that gentle breeze seemed to stop all at once and brought before her, a fluffy seed of a milk thistle plant.

    A Wish! She cried with delight as she bolted upright and tracked the white floating globe. As if a gift from Mother Nature herself, Ava pinched it carefully from the air and held it in her cupped hands. With the breeze still calm, she opened her hands to look at the Wish. It was absolutely perfect.

    Oh my!! It’s a fresh one! She exclaimed gleefully, as she carefully inspected it. Being an authority on Wishes, she knew exactly what to look for in it. It was perfectly round, pure white and soft as an angels sigh. She cupped her hands gently, as the breeze stirred to life again. She was not about to lose such a pristine specimen. She closed her eyes and thought for quite some time as for what to ask for. She knew that this Wish was new and had no other child's wish in it. If the wind was right, it had a good chance of getting to the Wish-Master’s world to start working on making her wish come true.

    It took her quite some time to come up with a wish worthy of such a wonderful find. After a few moments her face lit up with her desire. With a smile on her face and her fancy in her mind, she opened her hands and pushed the Wish free with a soft breath.

    It danced in front of her for a moment and then skirted away on the warm breeze. She watched it dip and rise, shift this way and that. She got off her rock and chased after it through the thicket behind her.

    Good luck Wish. Have a safe trip! She watched it as it picked up speed and dashed around the trees, as if playing tag with her. It stopped for a moment, as if to say goodbye and then flitted off deeper into the forest. Ava ran after it but lost sight of it soon after.

    Goodbye Wish! Be careful! She said as she stopped running and tried to see where the Wish went.

    The Wish was happy now, carrying the dream of a little girl. It skipped along the breeze, through the thicket and over a creek, along the bank and up into the air high above the trees as if saying, here I am! It twirled in a little eddy and dove back down, just over a field of tall grass. The breeze picked up and the Wish gained speed as it flew over a vast field of sunflowers.

    From out of nowhere, three objects joined the Wish’s flight. One took the lead and seemed to guide the Wish. Another winged creature flew above the Wish and last followed close behind. With every twist and turn the Wish took, so too did the three sparkling winged creatures, the guardians, protectors of the Wish; Faeries. They danced in the sky as if playing follow-the-leader, whatever the Wish did, so did the faeries.

    Ylika was the faery in the lead. She was the eldest and the strongest of the three, from the oldest family of enchantlings in Ireland. She was clothed in soft shades of lavender and mauves and her wings were three segments of the sparkliest gold. She had the gift of speed and sight and led the rest of the faeries, all who kept watch over the Wish’s path. It was a long way to travel to get to Carthya, the land of enchantment and many dangers could be expected. As she surveyed the flight path, she would look back occasionally to check on the Wish and the others.

    Flying beside the Wish was Anixi. She was a very slight faery, but with strength of mind and heart. With the finest silk from trips to India, Anixi was dressed like a princess on her wedding. So many colors made up her clothes, yet they looked so beautiful. Her only adornment was a small gold chain she wore around her neck which held a small lock of hair from a unicorn she had for luck. She always wore it on Wish flights. Her wings had no color and appeared almost invisible, as she flew above the

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