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Ebook75 pages57 minutes


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When Sissy's abusive husband leaves her and their son, she is forced to go from a reclusive stay at home mom to a working career woman. Her life now consist of taking care of their ill son, dealing with her overbearing mother, and co-workers at the law firm she works at, who make it clear they don't want her there.
Sissy Hall is weak, broken, and starving for affection. She needs someone to take care of her.
Her life takes an unexpected turn when her estranged husband shows up after being away for two years, and is insisting on seeing their son.
Asking her boss, a lawyer in the firm for help could be her answer.

Will Sissy be strong, or fall into her co-dependent ways?

PublisherHope Walker
Release dateNov 19, 2012

Hope Walker

About the Author Hope Walker, a stay at home mother, resides in Washington State with her husband and daughter. When she's not writing, she's taking care of animals on their small farm located in Snohomish County. She enjoys watching chickens and ducks on their farm run and play. There's something funny about watching flightless birds run. Busily involved with her daughter's activities with school, sports and Girl Scouts, she is learning to pencil time in for herself by taking up running, and now putting her love of suspense, with just a taste of erotica, out there for others to enjoy. She hopes her first stories will just be the beginning of her childhood dream of becoming your favorite author.

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    Co-Dependent - Hope Walker



    Hope E Walker


    Copyright 2012 by Hope E Walker

    Smashwords edition

    This is a work of fiction.

    Cover Design Copyright 2012 by Hope E Walker

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    Thank you for downloading this free ebook. Although this is a free book, it remains the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be reproduced, copied and distributed for commercial or non-commercial purposes. If you enjoyed this book, please encourage your friends to download their own copy at, where they can also discover other works by this author. Thank you for your support.

    This story is dedicated to Scott Walker, my supportive husband who is my foundation.













    Sissy grabbed her purse and headed out to her car. Already on her boss’s radar for tardiness, she knew today would be no exception. Knowing that she was going to get another lecture made her cringe.

    He doesn’t care that she’s a single mother with a sick five-year-old. He doesn’t care that her over-baring, bitch of a mother is the only one she has helping with her son because she can’t afford real daycare. And he definitely doesn’t care that her husband left her with all the bills when he ran off with his twenty-something blonde bimbo.

    Her mother’s help came with condescending comments, know-it-all attitudes, and let’s not forget the cynical criticism she dishes out daily. She constantly reminds Sissy how lucky she is that she’s willing to drive the two blocks to her home to accommodate her allergy prone child.

    Pulling out of her driveway, Sissy makes a mental note to pick up Taylor’s allergy medicine on her way home from work. Not able to take any more days off from work, she had no choice but to leave her sick child home with her mother today. Her mother would take Taylor to his doctor appointment this afternoon, promising to call Sissy once they were finished, even though she bitched about the inconvenience it caused her.

    Driving down the traffic-jammed freeway, Sissy checks the time on her stereo, there would be no way around it today, she’ll be late, and forced to listen to Randal’s sermon on punctuality. Being a mother, she’s learned to tone him out as he blabbers on.

    It’s been two years since her husband left, forcing her to go from a stay-at-home mom to single-working mother where she works as Randal’s assistant. Technically Randal wasn’t her boss, the lawyer they both worked for was their boss, but he didn’t pay her any attention. Randal made sure their boss didn’t because he was always busy kissing his ass.

    Randal hoped to become a lawyer himself one day, so he gives Sissy all the little meaningless work while he takes on all the big cases trying to prove himself to the boss. Sissy watches him brown nose and ass kiss all day long. It was the only humor she had in her life. She supposed that he also was so harsh to her because he was a gay man who had been bullied much of his life. In this office, he’s fairly treated and never harassed.

    Now that Sissy was stuck in traffic, she would no longer have time to stop for her normal cup of coffee at her favorite espresso stand where Alejandro makes the best with his Latino accent, and delectable lips. Instead, she will be stuck with the thick black mud Christina, the receptionist, makes every morning for their boss. After adding creamer and a few packets of sugar to it, it isn’t so bad. It’s not Alejandro’s cup of heavenly java, but it’s better than none at all.

    Realizing that she’s going to be five minutes late, she steps on the gas, and then speeds the last few miles to the office. Risking a ticket is better than listening to Randal reprimand her in his stern, less than manly voice.

    She turns into the lot at her office building, and scans for a parking place. Due to her tardiness, she’s forced to park behind the building in the last space. Of course, it’s not the first time she’s ended up in this spot. She should have her name on the curb showing that it’s reserved for her. Crap! Still late!

    Sissy slams her car door, fumbles with her keys, and then locks it. When she looks up, she sees him standing on the other side of her blue Hyundai with his sexy smile. He’s leaning on the roof of her car gazing at her with his

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