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The Perfect Game
The Perfect Game
The Perfect Game
Ebook186 pages10 hours

The Perfect Game

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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Twelve year old Joey Coltasanti is ambivalent about playing baseball in his last year in the town's summer league. A shortstop, he loves the game and longs to realize his dream of making the town's all-star team, and then winning enough games to advance to the state's world series. However to reach this goal he must overcome his own anxiety that blocks his talent from shining through on the field.

Internal concerns are not the only obstacles in Joey's path. He also has to deal with Mr. K, the coach of his team for the past two years. Mr. K uses sarcasm and intimidation with his players, as well as favoring his own son over Joey and his teammates. Added to the mix is Joey's new neighbor and friend, twelve year old Mindi. A saxophone-playing member of Mensa, she is also a pitcher in the summer league who mows down opposing hitters with a blazing fastball and pinpoint control.

Joey decides to play, with events during early season contests testing his will to continue. Eventually a tumultuous game involving adults who can't seem to grow up leads to changes in the league. A benevolent new coach arrives in town, and things begin to turn around for Joey and his underdog teammates. Eventually joining forces with Mindi on the all-star team, Joey moves closer to fulfilling his dream. Advancing to the state's world series means finding innovative ways to win pressure packed games, which leads to Joey confronting his fears on the field. Ultimately he learns more about winning, losing, and the exciting game that is baseball.

PublisherChristopher J
Release dateDec 1, 2012
The Perfect Game

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    A lot of people recommended this book to me, but in the end, it wasn't for me.

    I enjoyed the beginning. It was a sexy game of cat and mouse. Jack was dominant and persistent. I think every woman would probably find him attractive. Once they got together though, the story just went downhill. At first, everything was great. They couldn't keep their hands off of each other and romance was in the air. When Jack leaves to go play baseball though, things change. He does things that are unforgettable and do you know what she does? .... She takes him back. How does a strong woman turn into a weak one? I will never know, but I couldn't believe she gave in after everything he did to her.

    While this book wasn't for me ... It could be right up your alley.

    Please keep in mind: Most of the book is based around Baseball (practice, games, the draft, leaving home to play, and so on) Also, there is cheating in this book and the worst kind.....
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    OMG I loved this book , Love the total get together , then slammed with total heartbreak and tears and then Love all over again in the end. laughing in between was just amazing. I found myself laughing out loud more then once at something that Jack had done

    This truly was an amazing read for me and I am a sucker for young love in books hahaha

    Jack was amazing in the end of this book and Cassie was amazing as well because she truly never gave up on her love for him .....
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    wow . this book was torture on me. it had a lot to do with this hitting close to home for me as it played out like my real life did...except I didn't take him back. I can't believe there are two more books. not going to happen
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Excellent read! Meeting as college juniors, Cassie and Jack seem to have it all. When his baseball career takes off, he has to leave Cassie behind. One reckless night ruins everything they have or could have had. This is a great story with tons of interesting twists. I highly recommend this one!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    You know I'm a pretty quick reader and have blown through some books here lately. But this is another one that I think will stay with me. I am ready for the next one to figure out how the story ends. But all in all a good book.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The Perfect Game was a predictable book for me. With the exception of one incident, I had it figured out from the beginning. That being said, I still enjoyed the book and give it a solid middle of the road rating. Enjoyable but not fabulous and not terrible. Not appropriate for young teens/tweens due to content sexual in nature.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    To be truthful, I liked this, in a way. I loved Cassie and Jack's story, but there was just too much, all over the place.

    Cass is a lovable heroine. I didn't mind a thing about her character. And what I really liked is that she knew when she had to get over her issues and fight for what she thought was important (even if it was a fruitless fight at the time). And even more so, when she decided to put herself first. It made perfect sense.

    Jack. I'm undecided on Jack. He cheated, lied, and hurt Cassie. I hate cheating heroes and heroines. They're irredeemable in my eyes. But not Jack. He knew he screwed up royally and accepted the consequences. I still liked him a lot. Honestly if that whole thing didn't happen, it would be unrealistic, out of character! Because no matter what, he is that person. He kept telling her he is that person. People don't just get a whole new personality when they fall in love. It doesn't work that way. I wanted to punch him when he kept trying to punish himself, though. It was self-destructive, and I cared. Ok, I'm decided on Jack. I loved him in the end.

    I liked their relationship so much. It felt realistic, they didn't just fall-madly-can't-breathe-without-you-in-love right away. At least the author gave them some time. And like I said, I kept expecting one of them to screw up. I wanted them to work it out so much because they made sense to me.

    The writing is simple. I am yet to read Chance Encounters, so I didn't know what to expect. It's simple and straight to the point, and the dialogue is great.
    However, I felt like there was just too much? The story kept changing directions. You think it's going one way, and then the author just pulls out a completely different card and starts a new episode. It didn't sit well with me, but I won't let that ruin this for me because in the end, I loved Cassie and Jack.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Oh my this book was amazing!! The book was so interesting, I couldn't put it down. The characters are so cool. I love the main character because she is a nice, awesome normal girl. I like the whole story of the cocky jock falling for the one girl who didn't love him, like all the other girls. I like how the characters are in college because I don't read many books where the characters are in college. The book was different and predictable, which I liked. I wanted a simple, not over the top read. This book put a smile on my face, and had me cheering for Jack and Cassie. I also loved Melissa and Dean. This book gave me different emotions, and Chrystle was such an idiot. I really really recommend this book to anyone 17 or older, who wants to read a cute romance. What are you waiting for? Go read this book now!! I would be a great movie! I give it 5 stars!!!!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    overall, I did enjoy this book. It is not something I would rave to my friends about and insist they buy, but it was a good story. I wish we could have heard more about Cassie's history though. I don't think that what we hear of her past justifies the level of mistrust and overall "broken-ness" that she displays.

    This is a very angst filled book, which I do not mind, but the angst did not always feel genuine. Not to mention I spent about 80% of the book want to kick Jack in the face and shake Cassie until her teeth chattered.

    I really did not like the end at all. It felt so anticlimactic and rushed.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book seemed a lot like Beautiful Disaster to me.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I haven’t read a book that pissed me off so much in a long time.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Ugh. The heroine was annoying. The only reason it received 2 stars is for the amazing best friend and the heroes brother. The two main characters are frustrating. The way Jack apologized in the end was great and helped with the rating. I still would have kicked his ass to the curb, while appreciating his creative apology. I need to now go read something with a kick ass heroine to make up for the books with whiny and wimpy heroines I have been reading about lately.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I'd been itching to read this book since I heard it was about the fabulous Jack Carter, all round American badboy. A baseball player with a magic arm that wows everyone in his vicinity and looks that have girls dropping their panties without a second thought.

    I put it off. I wanted to savor it. I kept waiting for a quiet moment to read them, in my own time. Finally, I couldn't wait any moment and started reading it on the train. Was it good? Let's put it this way. I'm glad I caught the early train to work because I was so caught up in Jack and Cassie's story, that I missed my train stop.

    The Perfect Games tells the story of Cassie, one of the few girls who aren't ready to fall over themselves over the fabulous Jack Carter. Jack's intrigued. He's never had a girl who hasn't fawned over him. It's different. He's intrigued. So, he chases her.

    Cassie likes Jack, but she hates everything he represents. She doesn't trust his smooth lines, his good looks or the way he treats girls. She doesn't want to fall for him. She swears she won't, so what what does she do? She falls for him and falls hard.
    And it seems he falls back.

    Cassie only asks one thing of Jack - stick to her four rules. If he slips one of them, up he's gone.

    I really loved this novel on so many levels. Firstly, it's beautifully written. The flippant language between the characters made me laugh, grin and smile. It made it so real. And the hot guy didn't hurt either.

    I really loved the inside joke with the coins. It was just such a cute thing to do. I've got to admit there were times I wanted to bitchslap Cassie but seeing the damage her father did to her, and the way she distrusts guys because of it made me realise she really was just human. She loved a guy, saw him for what he used to be but still fell for him and it terrified him.

    Jack. Wow, words can't describe how much I love the arrogant hot pig that is Jack. He's no perfect. He's got issues that are destructive, but he's working to be better. And he's willing to risk his heart for her.

    There are people who won't like their relationship. They're hate Cassie because she didn't trust Jack. They'll hate Jack for the things he does, but that's what a relationship is about. It's learning from your mistakes and growing from them. And if you're strong enough, you will survive it.

    I can't wait to see with J Sterling does next. She's easily becoming one of my favorite new authors. I highly recommend her other novels to everyone.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Terrible, just terrible. Many things make this book awful, but the hero's brand of asshattery is particularly bad. There's not even one single redeemable part I can think of. If I keep reading books like this one I'll have to create a special "kill it with fire" shelf.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    ********Spoilers********************************The only problem I had with the story is that Jack cheated on Cassie and she took him back (not right away but I still doesn't change how I feel about it). The story is wonderfully written with drama and romance. A lot of time passes towards the end of the book without knowing what is going on with Jack. I would have like to hear more of his emotions and hear his regrets. I know Cassie was ready to forgive Jack but I wasn't ready to forgive him.