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The Lost Story of Christmas
The Lost Story of Christmas
The Lost Story of Christmas
Ebook44 pages20 minutes

The Lost Story of Christmas

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About this ebook

Claude Claus has a serious problem and needs to ask his brother for help. Will he be able to humble himself enough to forget why they split up? Will his brother be willing to talk to him? Depending on what happens, anticipation for the end of the year might be gone forever.

PublisherAnna Getz
Release dateDec 6, 2012
The Lost Story of Christmas

Anna Getz

Member of Black Diamond Writers' Network--VPParticipates in the organization of the yearlyWrite it Right writer's conference in Pennsylvania.

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    The Lost Story of Christmas - Anna Getz



    Anna Getz


    REVISED ©2020

    Published in the United States of America

    Cover by Anna Getz

    All Rights Reserved

    This is the work of fiction. Names, characters,

    Dialogue and incidents are either the product

    of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously.

    Any resemblance to actual events or locales or

    persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

    No part of this book may be reproduced,

    printed or redistributed using any form

    of technology, now or subsequent inventions,

    without the written permission of the author.

    Please purchase only authorized electronic

    editions. Your support of the author’s

    right is appreciated.

    Dedicated to

    those who


    the true spirit

    of Christmas.

    I would like to especially thank

    Al Wohlmuth, Dragon’s Dust,

    and Chris Nilson,

    for their help and support.

    Thanks also to

    the members of the

    Black Diamond Writers’ Network,

    a writer’s group located

    in Tamaqua, Pennsylvania,

    The Lost Story



    The Beginning

    Snow swirled through the air and around a man in a blue velvet suit with white furry trim. He stepped off a large blue sleigh with his booted feet and paused to pull the hood tighter around his head. The snow was deep and made each step a feat all its own. After a time, he finally approached the largest house in North Pole City.

    The man in blue couldn’t help but know the big house, since that is where he grew up so long ago. The large door was intimidating, and he gazed back in the direction of his sleigh with

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