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Cassie and Chloe's Captiva Cutlass Criminal Caper
Cassie and Chloe's Captiva Cutlass Criminal Caper
Cassie and Chloe's Captiva Cutlass Criminal Caper
Ebook183 pages2 hours

Cassie and Chloe's Captiva Cutlass Criminal Caper

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The adventures continue as the Mikenney sisters join their movie star mother in Florida where she’s filming a movie based on the life of a Robin Hood-esque lady Pirate known as Duchess Goldie. While staying at a hotel in the charming resort area of Sanibel, in order to help a family in trouble, Cassie and Chloe and Carlita become involved in a search for a hidden treasure. Along the way, the Mikenney family members face danger and sabotage from a high school rival of their hotelier friend. Aside from the excitement of being involved in an action adventure film, the sisters and their parents encounter a ghostly mermaid, a haunted lighthouse, clues to a hidden fortune, and a secret underwater complex where mysterious and bizarre experiments are taking place. Wherever the sisters go, adventure surely follows. You won’t want to miss the next installment in the Cassie and Chloe adventure series: Cassie and Chloe’s Captiva Cutlass Criminal Caper .

Release dateJan 17, 2013
Cassie and Chloe's Captiva Cutlass Criminal Caper

Trinisse Chanel

Hello, Bonjour, Although I am better known as the author of the Cassie and Chloe series of Children's Adventure fantasy books, I now have two cookbooks published which are geared towards adults. I was born in the United States of America, but I have been fortunate to have been able to travel to quite a few countries and experience many wonderful sights, many of which I write about in my books. I have lived on both the East and West coasts of the United States with my beloved canine "children".My favorite place to be in New York City is inside one of the theatres on Broadway. I have a great love for film, television and stage productions, and enormous respect, admiration, and appreciation of actors and actresses. I simply adore amusement parks, ghost stories, adventure activities, traveling, dogs,the paranormal, and of course the theatre. I have enjoyed white water rafting, surfing, para-sailing, mountain climbing,and sky-diving. I even studied piloting a single engine plane while I lived in New York. Dreams are fascinating to me, and I often incorporate elements of my dreams into my stories. I hope that someday I will have the opportunity to meet Goldie Hawn, and Robert Redford. I enjoy conversations about my favorite films , books, movie stars, and television series, as well as discussions revolving around any travel destination which I have had the pleasure of visiting. Oh, I also get a kick out of horror movies - particularly the older ones, and psychological thrillers. {So, if you ever meet me in person, these are sure fire conversation starters!} I encourage you all to spend more time reading and discovering the many fascinating and incredible worlds inside the imaginations of my fellow dreamers.

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    Book preview

    Cassie and Chloe's Captiva Cutlass Criminal Caper - Trinisse Chanel

    Cassie and Chloe's Captiva Cutlass Criminal Caper

    The adventures continue:

    While their Mother tackles the role of a lifetime on a movie set laden with mishaps, the sisters become involved in a hunt for the missing treasure chest of 18th century pirate Duchess Goldie. Their search brings them to a haunted light house where a ghostly mermaid and other spirits help and hinder their investigation.

    Join Cassie and Chloe as the sisters participate in the March Jamboree festivities, enter a talent contest, attend one of Florida's yearly Piratefest events, and endure a bizarre underwater encounter while cave diving beneath the waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

    You won't want to miss the excitement and thrills which befall the Mikenney sisters in Florida during their latest adventure!

    Cassie and Chloe's Captiva Cutlass Criminal Caperby

    Trinisse Chanel

    Copyright 2011

    ISBN: 978-0-9814668-1-1

    Published by Trinisse Chanel at Smashwords

    This book is available in print at most online retailers.

    All rights reserved. This book is a satirical work of fantasy fiction, with no malice intended.Some of the events depicted in this story are true; however the story itself is fictional.Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents contained within are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner.

    The author has invented all names and situations in the story, with the exception of instances when historical figures, public figures, public events, and historical landmarks are being satirized. Any other similarity or resemblance to actual persons,living or dead, or places, or actual events are accidental and purely coincidental. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. No part of this book may be reproduced or copied and distributed for commercial or non-commercial purposes. without permission in writing from the author.

    If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy.

    Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    I dedicate this book to my Aunt Frances Marino Berman. She has been an amazing inspiration throughout my life. She has accomplished so many admirable achievements, and I’m very proud of her. As a child,I always aspired to be more like my Aunt. I attribute my love of adventure, and travel to my Aunt. She not only stirred my curiosity about exotic places like Egypt, but she also took me on my first vacation holiday. When I was twelve years old, it was she who introduced me to the lovely and serene Sanibel. During our trip home from Florida, we faced our own little in flight drama. It was my first time on an airplane but definitely not my last time. In fact, I loved it so much that I learned how to fly a small plane - years later. I thank her sincerely for all she has done to enrich my life.

    A special thank you as well, to my Aunt by choice, Carol Agrillo.

    She too, introduced me to Fort Myers, Florida, and the Shell factory. I’ll never forget the way she made me laugh inside the real life ice-cream parlour - which served as inspiration for the one in the book.

    Thanks, Carol for always being a good friend, and for all the wonderful surprises you supplied over the years ….from Chinese food feasts, to movie memorabilia, to my favorite Audrey Hepburn collectible items!

    Thank you both my dear Aunts, … from the bottom of my heart!

    Cast Of Characters

    Cassie Mikenney

    Chloe Mikenney

    Carlita Mikenney

    Steven Mikenney

    Samantha Sommeil

    Captain Ted Dallas

    Moondoggie and Pierre

    Hayley Duncan

    Richard Duncan

    Kelly Duncan

    Riley Bonetti

    Sabrina Munroe

    Lawrence D. Zackun

    Tizianna Zackun

    Pete Lobumco

    Benny Bonetti

    Louie Applegate

    Bruno, the chauffeur

    Mike, the Diver


    Darius and the ‘frogmen

    Natasha and Igor

    Johnny D


    Craig Bonetti

    Nicky and Vicky


    Shana and Marilyn Swift

    Joe and Frank Dana

    The Sidoti Brothers

    The Amazing Aalbue

    Studs Strippollini

    Anna Marie G.

    Mr. Miller

    Gina and Jennifer

    D’Augier and Kajechian

    Table of Contents

    Chapter1-A Fearful Flight to Florida

    Chapter2-A Shot in the Dark

    Chapter3-Pirate Tales–The Story of Goldie

    Chapter4-The Lighthouse Mermaid

    Chapter5-A Dangerous Game


    Chapter7-The March Jamboree Talent Show

    Chapter8-A Day of Mischief and Mishaps

    Chapter9-The Shell Factory Find

    Chapter10-Guidance from Beyond

    Chapter11-Triple X Clue

    Chapter12-Welcome to Poseidia

    Chapter13-Slippery Eel


    Chapter15-Putting 3 and 3 together

    Chapter16-The Crimson Cutlass

    Chapter17-It’s A Wrap

    Cassie and Chloe’s Captiva Cutlass Criminal Caper

    Chapter 1

    A Fearful Flight to Florida

    Listen to this, it says …. during the early 1700's, a golden haired lass, to be later known as Duchess Goldie, sailed the seven seas reclaiming fortunes stolen by Pirates. She had one mission. To restore personal possessions, and loot which had been stolen by pirates to their rightful owners, Carlita disclosed. Sounds like a virtual pirate era Robin Hood replied her husband Steven.

    Carlita continued reading aloud from the historical book. "She sailed among the most menacing pirates, and fought, fenced, and outsmarted the majority of those notorious buccaneers. It is alleged that she also obtained a legitimate treasure of her own by trading precious items from the new world for jewels, pieces of eight, and doubloons from the other Old World continents. Of particular interest is the story of the Crimson Cutlass.

    According to descendants of the lady pirate, researchers have discerned that a spectacularly bejewelled Crimson Cutlass was bestowed upon the Duchess in 1713 by none other than her Majesty, Queen Anne, the Queen of England, and Ireland. It seems the lady in question helped restore a rather precious and sentimental article belonging to one of the queen’s favorite ladies in waiting.

    As a token of appreciation, and in recognition of the Irish gal’s bravery, chivalry, and extraordinary acts of heroism, her majesty gifted the priceless saber to Goldie. It was bedecked with hundreds of emeralds, sapphires, diamonds, and jewels of its’ signature color- red rubies."

    Fascinating character this gal Goldie chuckled Steven. That's Duchess Goldie, his wife corrected him. That cutlass would be worth a vast fortune, let alone all the other doubloons and treasure that the duchess secreted somewhere unknown, but which is suspected to be in the vicinity of Southwestern Florida.

    Mr. Mikenney was impressed. Remarkable. She’s certainly a woman to be admired. Indeed she was, smiled Mrs. Mikenney, I have been offered the opportunity to portray her! The studio has even hired a descendant of hers as a story consultant for the sake of accuracy. Here, Steven, do me a favor and read a scene's dialogue along with me, will you? She handed her husband the film script. I want to get a feel for her pacing and speech characteristics.

    The film star's husband summoned forth his best pirate growl and ran dialogue with his mate. It's the role of a lifetime! Carlita concluded, after stepping briefly inside the lady pirate's shoes .... so to speak.

    Lola Locastro had to back out of the film at the last moment, and since I have been on hiatus since the birth of the twins, the studio executives know that I am not committed to any other project at present. They need someone who can jump right in and start immediately. Honey, I think this just may have the potential to become an Academy Award nominated role. The only drawback is that I would have to leave tomorrow."Well sweetheart, it's certainly a great opportunity. There's no doubt about that. Do you think you will be physically up to it so soon after giving birth? I mean from the way you described this character, she obviously was not the shy retiring type.

    A swashbuckling lady pirate from the 1700's who reclaimed stolen booty. Sounds to me as though it will be a very physically demanding role. Did you speak to the doctor about this? Aren't you still in a recovery period? Will such strenuous activity be safe for your health?"

    Steven, I know you're concerned about me. Don't think for one minute this won't be heart wrenching for me to be away from my newborn babies, but there are stuntwomen for the most dangerous stunts. My doctor gave me a list of do's and do nots. As long as I am careful, she gave me the green light.

    Steven did not remark. I really have a hunch about this role. I believe it's going to be important to my career. But, if you feel strongly that I shouldn't do this, .... then I will listen to your decision, and pass on the part.

    After a moment’s pause he replied, Sweetie, I can see you have your heart set on doing it. Please just promise me that you'll take every precaution.

    Oh, Steven, of course. You have my word. Thank you for understanding. Carlita pressed a great big kiss against her husband's cheek. She rushed over to her bedroom to telephone the studio to accept the role, and to start packing her suitcases.

    Mr. Mikenney headed over to the family's game room to break the news to their daughters, Cassie and Chloe.

    Back inside her sky blue and white bedroom, Carlita was on the telephone with the head of the movie studio, Lawrence D. Zackun. Yes, Mr. Zackun, she said, I would absolutely LOVE to do this role! Thank you so much for this opportunity.

    Yes sir, I will be ready at 5 A.M. when the limousine arrives. Thank you again. I won't let you down.

    With the travel arrangements finalized, she finished packing, then went to kiss Cassie and Chloe goodnight, and goodbye for now. She explained to her daughters the urgency involved in her leaving them right away. She assured them that she would make arrangements to see them again shortly. She hugged the girls, and then tucked them in their beds.

    She retired to her own bed for a little rest before rising at 4:15 A.M. in order to catch the early flight at the airport. Carlita caught a restful but brief night's sleep. When she awoke, she kissed her newborn twins, Nicky and Vicky, a tearful goodbye, then prepared herself to leave the Mikenney family villa.

    When the car arrived at five on the dot, the chauffeur escorted the film star into the back seat of the limousine, and on her way to the airport to fly to the film location.

    About two hours or so after she pulled away from the curb, her daughter Chloe woke with a start, and uttered a tremendous gasp.

    Being a light sleeper, Chloe's sister Cassie was naturally awakened by her sibling's alarming behaviour. What's wrong Chloe? Cassie, I just had the worst nightmare. I have to stop Mom from going to the movie set. Chloe bolted out of her bed, and ran directly into her parent’s bedroom. She found her dad snoring solo on his side of the luxurious king sized bed. Dad, dad, WAKE UP! Where's mom? We have to stop her!

    Steven Mikenney did not share his daughter Cassie's characteristic of being a light sleeper. His snoring merely paused briefly following Chloe's outburst.

    Chloe hopped on the bed, and started shaking her father as Cassie entered the room. Daddy, wake up, WAKE UP! Chloe shouted as she shook him briskly.

    Finally, Steven joined the conscious world, he rubbed at his face and mumbled, What's the matter Chloe?

    Mom's in danger, and we have to stop her from going to this movie set. I just dreamed something very bad was going to happen to her!

    Calm down pumpkin, it was just a dream. Here girls, lay down again, and go back to sleep. Your mom is just fine.

    No, dad. I'm telling you, this is more than a dream. Chloe knew from a recent experience that she had been through, that sometimes her dreams were able to warn her about impending trouble, or danger. Subsequently, she would not relent until her father finally arose from the bed, and began to dial his wife on her cell phone number.

    After three rings, Carlita's sweet voice answered and Steven put the call on speaker. You see Chloe, she's fine. Chloe was not convinced. Mom, please come home right now. I just know you will be in terrible danger if you go to that movie set.

    Chloe, baby, don't be silly, she said, You know I've been on film sets in places far more dangerous than Fort Myers, Florida. What's this all about?

    I had a dream, Mom. But it was more than a dream. Chloe felt her arm develop goose bumps as she continued, I can't recall exactly what the danger was, but I woke up certain that you would be hurt, or even worse if you make this movie.

    Chloe, try and calm down now. Please, sit down in a quiet spot, and try to remember more of what you dreamed. Steven, please take me off speaker for a moment.

    Carlita's husband took the phone off speaker, and carried it into the hall where he proceeded to have a more private conversation with his wife,

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