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Pawn: The Lilly Reed Series, #1
Pawn: The Lilly Reed Series, #1
Pawn: The Lilly Reed Series, #1
Ebook638 pages13 hours

Pawn: The Lilly Reed Series, #1

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Lilly is just an ordinary 29 year old woman living an ordinary and boring life in Toronto. Working two jobs doesn't leave her much time to do anything and that includes finding Mr. Right but she has met some Mr. Wrongs along the way.
Until one night her best friend drags her out dancing and Lilly meets Miles who in her eyes is Mr. Perfect.
Well she thinks he's Mr. Perfect, he's gorgeous, he's sweet, he treats her like a queen but there's a catch, Mr. Perfect isn't human.
Lilly's life goes from boring to adventurous with some life threatening and altering twists as she begins her new life with Miles.

PublisherVee Anderson
Release dateFeb 1, 2013
Pawn: The Lilly Reed Series, #1

Vee Anderson

Hi, my name is Vee and I published my first book Pawn by Vee Anderson in Fall 2011. I hope you enjoy my book as much as I enjoyed writing it. I love creating new characters and creating new worlds for them to live in. I'm hoping to make Pawn the first in a long series with the second book Masquerade, third book Shattered and the fourth book Lost out now. I am also currently working on a YA series named The Volkov Dynasty and the first of the trilogy Promised is out now. ​Author of Paranormal novels The Lilly Reed Series and YA series The Volkov Dynasty

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    Book preview

    Pawn - Vee Anderson

    Chapter 1

    Sitting on the subway I had my head in a book. In this book this loaner girl meets the man of her dreams who is the sweetest, the most loving, caring man she has ever met. I mumbled to myself Why can’t that ever happen to me?

    My name is Lilly and I just turned 29 years old. I live alone in a bachelor apartment downtown Toronto, Ontario with my cat Gertie. I work downtown at the Blood bank as a Phlebotomist plus I work at Blood Donor clinics all throughout the city at night for extra money. I’m not home much but that’s okay because I live alone, I don’t have to worry about finding time for my boyfriend because I’m single which has its ups and downs. The perk of being single is that it allows me to do what I want when I want but the disadvantage is my only companion at home is my cat and that can be very lonely sometimes.

    Sitting on the subway on my way to work I sat there and thought was this really where I thought I my life was headed. I’m almost 30, yeesh, and I’m alone. My brother is 25 with a gorgeous 3 year old daughter and a son on the way. That should have been me when I was 25 but it’s not. I sighed loudly and noticed that the little old lady seated beside me turned to look at me with an irritated look on her face. I flashed a forced smile and said Sorry, bad day.

    Well that’s kind of right, but it’s been a bad couple of years. Around three years ago I had a massive drug reaction the burnt all the skin off of my lower right leg from the knee down. I don’t fully remember everything that happened over the eight days I was hospitalized but what I do remember I’m never going to forget. So now three years later I have a huge ugly thick scar that goes from the bottom of my knee to the top of my foot. It’s not pretty looking even though it has faded a little over the years, it’s still thick and very noticeable which is why I don’t wear shorts or skirts. Because of the scar I am more hesitant about meeting any new guys but the thing is only one guy has the qualities that I’m looking for and I didn’t realize that he was the one until it was too late. I realized after years of looking for the perfect guy when I was in high school that I didn’t need to look too far because he was in front of me the whole time, he was my best friend, well he was until we were 22 then we lost touch which sucks. Sighing again I gave myself crap because I don’t want to think about him right now, it’s too depressing.

    A couple minutes later the subway pulled up to my stop so I got off of the train, as I was walking to the stairs to leave the station I took a quick glance to my right and saw someone looking at me, I thought who is that pale girl staring at me? I walked up closer and saw that it was me in a mirror, I stood there for another moment just staring at the bland grey eyes of someone who looks like a complete stranger; I don’t even look like myself anymore. I had my long medium golden blonde hair pulled back into a high ponytail which makes me look like a young teenager wearing pink scrubs, even though I’m 29 I don’t look it, I can probably get away with my early twenties. I’m pretty plain, there’s absolutely nothing special about me. I’m ordinary looking with an ordinary body. I have a bit of curves but not enough to be called curvy, I’m busty with a narrow high waist and a good set of hips that don’t make me look too top heavy, I’m actually happy with the body I have now because I was heavy my whole life until I lost 60 pounds when I was 25. I guess I could be called pretty if I tried by wearing makeup and cute clothes but I don’t, my appearance matches my mood, blah. I wish I was couple inches taller but over the years I’ve gotten used to being only 5’3". Staring in the mirror I look like someone who doesn’t belong here that I’m destined for something else. Sighing again I readjusted my black plastic framed glasses before I took off towards the Blood Bank.

    The Blood bank is located on one of the busier streets in Toronto so I kept up with the walking traffic and passed some of the other businesses before coming upon the Blood Bank which is in this really nice old big brick building that looks kind of cool downtown around all the new modern architecture, walking in the smoked glass front doors the Peggy Bundy look-a-like receptionist at the front door cheerily smiled at me and said Morning Lilly.

    Forcing myself to smile I said Morning Jo.

    I continued past the front desk off to the right which took me past the donor area which consists of recliners for the patients and little work stations for us, then past the enclosed lab area to our locker room to put my stuff into my locker. My best friend Ally is another Phlebotomist and she was already standing there leaning against her locker on her Blackberry texting away to one of her million boyfriends waiting for me with a coffee in one hand and her phone in the other.

    Waving my Grande Caramel Macchiato at me she said Geez Louise Lilly, smile for once.

    I gave her a half smile. She shrugged shoulders which made her pigtail braided brown hair bop up and down and rolled her bright blue eyes at me. She handed me the coffee and after I put my stuff in my locker we walked back to our stations. We are usually pretty busy at the Blood bank but today it was kind of slow which was a nice change.

    Hey Lil, do you have to work at any of the clinics tonight? she said out of the blue.

    Shaking my head I glanced over my shoulder at her and gave her a genuine smile as I said No actually I don’t. I finally have the night off and I also have the whole weekend off from both places which is a nice change.

    I could tell she was up to something because she was grinning from ear to ear but before I could say whatever the hell you’re thinking I’m not doing it she ended up saying Really, so what’s on the agenda?

    Turning back to my patient I gave a little nervous chuckle before I said The plan is to sit on the couch in my PJ’s with my kitty, with loads of junk food, and the first couple seasons of Supernatural. My goal is to relax and take it easy for the weekend.

    Completely ignoring her patient Ally let out this huge groan before she said No way, as your best friend who cares about you I am not going to let you do that.

    Please Ally; I just want to spend some time at home by myself with my cat, I said glancing back at her with a bit of a whine to my voice.

    She acted like she was thinking about it for a moment then she laughed before she said Ahhhh, no way. We are going out and I’m going to make sure you get laid.

    Shaking my head I went back to what I was doing, I happened to be drawing blood from this balding guy with hazel eyes in his maybe late thirties early forties, he looked up at me and smiled You’re cute I could help you with that.

    Rolling my eyes at him I said sarcastically Yeah that’s going to happen. Thanks but no thanks, turning around to look at Ally I said Al just shut up, stop telling everybody my business.

    I turned back to finish up on this guy and I could hear Ally chuckling behind me, after a moment she said I don’t care what you say Lil but we are so going out tonight.

    After I was done with my patient I turned back to her, narrowing my eyes I said You’re not going to drop this are you?

    Laughing even harder she said Nope.

    Knowing that I’m not going to get out of this I sighed Fine, whatever I’ll go.

    She did a little victory dance and said Sweeeeet. Shaking my head I went back to dealing with my next patient who was a sweet elderly woman. I love Ally and all but she can drive me absolutely nuts sometimes. If I tell her that I don’t want to do something she usually makes it so that I have no choice but to do what she wants. I ended up meeting her two years ago when I moved to Toronto and she’s been my best friend ever since.

    We were both done work at 4:30 so she said she was going to quickly stop off at her place to gather up some stuff then she will make her way over to get ready at my place. I’m really not going to get out of this am I? Jumping back onto the subway I waited out the couple stops before I quickly made my way home. I live in a nice newer building on the sixth floor on Spadina Ave which is a quick run from the subway station. After I grabbed my mail I did my exercise for the day which is running up the steps to the sixth floor. Once I was home I immediately jumped into the shower because I knew Ally would be here before I knew it to make me up like a doll. I made myself up some chicken noodle soup from a can once I was out of the shower because if I’m going to be drinking tonight I probably should at least have something in my stomach. Ally showed up at 5:30 and I could see in her eyes that I was going to be her makeover project for the night. Oh man. She got to work right when she got there. After she poured herself a drink from the stash she always leaves here she started on her own makeup. While she did that I curled up on the couch and watched some Supernatural, oh man those boys are hot.

    Maybe thirty minutes later Ally must have been done with herself because she stuck her head out of my bathroom and said It’s your turn Lilly. Groaning loudly I got off the couch, after dropping my bowl and glass off in the kitchen I headed into my bathroom. I tried to convince her to let me stay home but she just laughed when I asked so I just sat there and took the makeover without fighting. When she was finally done with me I really didn’t look like myself anymore. She straightened my long curly blonde hair. She made me put my contacts in and she smoked up my eyes which made my grey eyes very prominent and they kind of looked cool, toping it off she put some pink stain on my lips. Since I didn’t have anything to wear that Ally thought was up to her standards she brought over a bunch of her clothes. Out of all of the clothes I picked this cute navy blue strapless mini dress that has a ruched bodice and a flirty tiered bottom with black opaque tights and a pair of boring peep toe black heels I use for interviews that I got from Forever 21. At least the tights will cover my scar.

    Ally ended up looking stunning like usual, she curled up her normally straight hair into large ringlets to go with her red sleeveless silk woven top and black mini skirt with knee high black stiletto boots. Ally is a really pretty girl who works very hard to stay that way, she always has make up on and she never has a down day. She has these really light blue eyes that stand out because of her dark chocolate brown hair and she has perfect creamy white 25 year old skin with no imperfections. Ally is on the taller side but she still loves to wear heels which means she is always towering over me. Once we were we went outside to wait for the cab that I called for as Ally finished up.

    I got out the door first then Ally came up beside me which made me look over at her, with a big smile she gave me a big squeeze as she said Lil you look so good the guys will be all over you tonight.

    I broke away and said Thanks Al but I’m not really looking to hook up tonight, I’m not in the mood. Anyway I think the guys will be all over you tonight, I can’t believe how long your freaking legs are.

    She gave me a little twirl as the cab pulled up then she chuckled as we climbed into the cab I know that’s what happens when you’re tall like me, and there better be guys all over me, that’s the whole reason for going out tonight.

    We sat there silently on our way to what Ally said is our first stop of the night. This is going to be a long night, isn’t it? We danced our asses off all night at different bars and clubs and like Ally said the guys were all over us but none caught my attention until the last club we were at. I was dancing on the floor with Ally when this annoying guy came up behind me and put his arms around me, I was really starting to get irritated with these pushy guys so I turned around and pushed him away from me. From behind the guy I pushed away I saw this tall guy with a nice suit on watching me as he leaned against the wall. I saw him chuckle as the guy fell to the floor. He raised his eyebrow at me which made me turn away from him quickly. I went back to dancing with Ally but there was just something about this guy that drew me in. I caught myself glancing in his direction whenever I had the chance and every time I looked over he was staring at me too with a little grin on his face. I knew I was probably beat red from blushing but for some reason I just didn’t care. He was leaning against a wall over to the side by himself watching me dance with all of these other guys but he never came over.

    Finally Ally hinted that she wanted another drink by hitting my arm and screaming at me, wow she’s drunk, so we started to make our way through the crowd over to the bar. As Ally placed our orders for a Sex on the Beach for me and a Cosmo for Ally I turned around to look around the bar and surprising me Mr. Mysterious was standing directly in front of me. I made a little gasp which made him smile, how in the hell did he get over to this side of the club that fast, since the music was so loud he leaned into me and whispered Hi, into my left ear.

    I could feel my heart speed up as I felt his cool breath on my ear and neck; he stayed lingering close to me so I squeaked out Hi, back to him.

    At that moment Ally turned to hand me my drink and I heard her say Oh my god, hello there Mr. Hottie. Lil here’s your drink I saw some other friends on the other side of the bar. Call me. I was going to yell for her but something in my gut stopped me.

    He pulled back from my ear so I kept my eyes locked onto Mr. Mysterious’ dark brown almost black eyes as I nodded at Ally. I saw her take off out of the corner of my eye with a huge smile on her face. The corner of his lips pulled up just a little as he held out his hand towards me. I looked down at his large hand and then back at his dark eyes. I saw the corner of his mouth go up into more of a smile as I hesitated so I slowly placed my hand into his. His hand was on the colder side which caused a shiver to go up my back and a little gasp escaped my mouth. Holding my small hand in his way larger one he turned away and started walking away from the bar with me walking behind him. I had no idea where he was leading me and for some strange reason I didn’t care at that moment.

    After weaving through the crowd we ended up at the roped off section of stairs that lead up to the VIP area. The attendant that works for the bar must have known who Mr. Mysterious was because he saw us coming and had the rope removed so we just kept walking through and up the stairs. The attendant gave him a quick nod as we walked by, it’s like Mr. Mysterious is a celebrity or something. I’ll have to remember to really look him over some more to see if I recognize him or not. After passing some curtained areas we made our way over to this empty secluded area that has this big black round comfy couch in the shape of a horseshoe in it and there were red throw pillows on the couch with a big white round table in the middle of the section. There is this big heavy black curtain that goes around the area so he closed it around us, separating us from everybody which made me a little nervous. He motioned for me to have a seat so I sat down, sitting down on the couch I felt extremely nervous so I started chewing on my lip and fiddling with my purse’s zipper with my free hand.

    He sat down really close beside me, he was so close that our knees were touching and he was still holding onto my hand. His gaze was so intense but I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. It’s a little bit lighter in this VIP area so I was able to see him better. If I had to take a guess I would say he’s probably in his early thirties and about almost 6 feet tall or more. He’s got shaggy straight dark sandy blonde hair that he has the bangs swiped off to the side. He’s got these really dark brown eyes that almost look black and these juicy pink lips that you would want to kiss all the time, wow I don’t even know him yet and I’m thinking about wanting to kiss him. He reminds me of that guy from Gossip Girl, the one that plays Nate but taller and muscular and his skin tone is pale but with a hint of maybe an olive skin tone. Mr. Mysterious had on this stylish black suit with a black dress shirt underneath, no tie and some nice dress shoes, a guy that knows how to dress and is incredibly good looking that’s a bonus. Letting my hand slip from his I took a drink of my Sex on the Beach but he kept gazing into my eyes as he finally said Thank you for coming up here with me. I saw you across the bar dancing with your friend and I just had to know you.

    His voice is deep and manly and flowed over me like butter, smiling nervously I said Thanks for inviting me.

    He slid a little closer to me on the couch before he held out his hand and said I can’t believe I forgot to introduce myself, how rude of me. My name is Miles.

    I placed my drink on the table then I placed my right hand in his to shake as I said It’s nice to meet you Miles my name is Lilly.

    The smile on his face grew Ah Lilly what a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. I just smiled so he said I’ve never seen you here before are you new to the city?

    Shaking my head I said No, I’ve lived here for a little over two years now. I just don’t go out much I work a lot.

    Leaning in closer he looked interested as he asked What kind of work do you do?

    My body was starting to relax and my heart started beating normally as I answered him I’m a Phlebotomist at the Blood Bank downtown and I work at blood donor clinics at night at different locations throughout the city.

    His smile grew even more That’s really interesting. Do you enjoy what you do?

    Nodding I said Yes I do. What do you do Miles?

    Raising his left hand he motioned out to the club and said I’m the owner of this establishment.

    Well that shocked me, I really wasn’t expecting that, my eyes widened in shock as I said Wow really? This is a really nice club.

    Chuckling he said Thank you Lilly. You are welcome here anytime you want.

    Smiling I looked down at the floor blushing Thank you Miles.

    He placed a couple of his fingers under my chin and lifted my face back up. When I looked up I noticed he was even closer to me now so my breathing increased and the flirty smile slipped from my face. This guy is really good looking, what does he want with me? His face is flawless with a nice glowy olive complexion with well-defined cheekbones and a nose that looks like it was perfectly made for his face and only his face. Breaking me out of my admiring his face I felt my cell phone go off so I finally took my eyes off of him to reach into my purse. Grabbing my phone I felt his fingers slid off my face, looking down at my phone I saw I had a text from Ally saying ‘Yo Lil I got myself a hottie, I’m takn off call me tommoro, u better get laid 2nite. Ciao,’ Chuckling I tossed my phone back into my purse.

    His tone was a little different, almost tight when he asked Lilly was that your boyfriend?

    I looked up at him and it was like he was shielding me from seeing any emotions on his face, I shook my head before I said No, it was my friend that I came here with. She took off with some guy so she said she’d call me tomorrow.

    Still showing no emotion he asked I see. Is there a boyfriend waiting for you at home?

    Shaking my head again I said with a bit of a smile Nope, no boyfriend.

    His face went from no emotion at all to a huge grin very quickly as he said Well that works out for me then doesn’t it? I gave him a nervous smile so he said Would you like to get out of here?

    Standing he reached his hand towards me, I sat there for a second debating what to do so I squeaked out Okay. Do I want to go somewhere even more alone with someone I just met like twenty minutes ago? If I don’t go with him right now am I going to regret that I did or am I going to regret that I didn’t? I’m never going to find a man if I never take any chances so tonight I’m going to take that chance.

    I placed my hand in his and I allowed him to lead me through the club to the front doors. When we walked out the front doors the valet ran to the parking lot to get Miles’ car. It only took two minutes for them to get his car and while we waited he kept a hold of my hand which is sweet. As we stood there I was thinking I can’t believe I’m doing this. I’m not one of those girls that pick up guys at the bar and go home with them. As I was thinking that this really nice dark grey Porsche sports car pulled up and the valet jumped out of the car handing Miles the keys. Bowing his head slightly the valet said Here are your keys Mr. Reed. Have a great night sir, while he handed Miles the keys. Still holding my hand Miles led me to the passenger side door where the other valet had the door open waiting for me. He gave me a little nod while I was getting into the car as he said Ma’am.

    The valet closed my door while Miles was getting into his side. I took that second to look at the inside of the car and wow, the interior was really nice and looked expensive so I didn’t touch anything and the seats were heated and leather. Miles got into the car and he took off like a bat out of hell, I quickly put my seat belt on and after a couple of minutes I said Miles, where are we going?

    He smiled over at me as he said It’s a surprise, we are almost there. Sinking down into my seat even further I just watched all of the lights of the city flashing past me. After driving for 20 minutes or so he started slowing down. He turned into a cul-de-sac, turning my head back so I could look out the front window I saw we were pulling up to this massive house. I quickly looked around and saw we were on a cul-de-sac with only a couple houses and a path leading to a park. Leaning forward I gasped; I couldn’t believe the size of the house. It looked like a single level house with a horseshoe shaped laneway that veers off to a huge garage.

    Stopping by the front of the house he turned the car off. I looked over at him and he just smiled. Getting out of the car he came around and opened my door for me, awe how sweet. He reached into the car for my hand and once I placed it in his he helped me out gently before closing the door. Turning forward he led me from the car up a cobblestone front walk to the house, unlocking the door he led me into the house still keeping a hold of my hand. Stopping me in my tracks I just couldn’t believe it I’ve never been in a house like this before. Miles gave my hand a little tug so I looked up at him, he smiled towing me behind him he walked through the entry way and then he veered off to the right into a parlour like room that had a small chandelier, a small bar and a fireplace. On both sides of the fireplace were bookshelves that were built into the wall and they were filled with books that look really old. Smiling down at me Miles said Welcome to my home Lilly.

    I looked up at him and said Thanks Miles, it’s a very lovely home.

    He gave me a smile then he said Would you care for something to drink? I nodded so he walked over to a bar to pour me a glass of red wine. Handing me the glass I took a sip of the wine even though I’m not a huge fan of wine but I wanted to be polite.

    I’ve only ever had red wine that leaves a horrible left over taste in my mouth before but this one didn’t, I didn’t recognize the flavour of the wine, so I said What kind of wine is this?

    It’s a personal blend, I make my own wine. Do you like the taste of it?

    Nodding I said Yes I do. It has a unique flavour to it, it’s delicious. I’m not usually a fan of red wine but this is good.

    He flashed me a very sincere smile as he said That’s excellent I’m so glad you like it. He grabbed a hold of my hand again and led me over to his couch. I took another sip of the wine nervously and placed the cup onto the table and that’s when he leaned into me. I closed my eyes expecting him to kiss me, but I heard him take a deep breath in through his nose then he said Mmmm my dear Lilly you smell so delicious.

    Keeping my eyes closed a shaky breath left my mouth as he lightly placed his lips on the left side of my neck. My breathing quickened as he kept pressing his lips all along my neck and jaw. Oh my god, I want, no I need to have his lips on mine right at this moment, a whimper escaped my mouth then I whispered his name Miles as I reached my left hand up to his face pushing it up to mine. He completely understood what I wanted so he pressed his lips to mine gently at first and then more forcibly the second time.

    He pulled back just enough that I could feel his cool breath on my lips Lilly open your eyes. Slowly opening my eyes he smiled You are a very good kisser Lilly.

    You’re not too bad yourself Miles, I said as I gave him a sly smile.

    He chuckled and moved in to kiss me again, I don’t know how long we kissed for but his lips broke away from mine, he was quiet for a second which made me open my eyes, he looked nervous as he asked Lilly would you be opposed to staying the night? I couldn’t find my voice so I just shook my head telling him that I want to stay and he kissed me. Wow this is so not like me, I don’t usually do this. I felt him smile with his lips on mine, he broke away again which made me open my eyes. Smiling he stood up and reached for my hand and slowly I placed my hand in his. I followed him up a couple of stairs leading out of the parlour to a short hallway; we turned left passing a huge kitchen and followed the long hallway that led to this massive bedroom.

    Walking in the door I noticed he had this huge king size bed with a black comforter and blue sheets. Gulp. I started freaking out on the inside, giving my head a shake I said Miles, um, where’s your bathroom so I can, um, freshen up.

    Smiling he led me over to the door for the bathroom and said Right through here, take your time.

    He gave my hand a kiss before he let it go. Walking into the bathroom I quickly closed the door and I couldn’t believe my eyes, his bathroom combined with his bedroom is the size of my whole apartment. After giving my head a shake I took a seat on the toilet and sent a text to Ally ‘Hey I’m freakin out. I don’t know if I can do this.’

    While I was waiting for her to text back I stood up to check my hair and makeup in the mirror. I took a brush through my hair and reapplied my lip stain with a little bit of clear gloss on top of it. Ally messaged me back saying ‘Dude seriously the guy is hot, where r u now?’

    ‘@ his house, I’m in the bathroom. I’m supposed 2 b freshening up.’

    After another moment she messaged back ‘U need 2 get your ass back out there & let him fuck u. Lil go now.’

    ‘Fine, wish me luck.’

    ‘Good luck. Call me later I will want 2 know all the juicy details.’

    Chuckling I took one more look in the mirror and headed back out to the bedroom. Miles was sitting on the corner of his bed facing the bathroom typing on his Blackberry waiting patiently for me. He must have heard me open the door because he smiled up at me as he saw me walking out of the bathroom. With my heart pounding like a jackhammer I tossed my purse onto a really nice black winged chair and I slipped my shoes off as I made my way over to him. When I got to him he looked up at me and said Hi there.

    Since he was tall and he was sitting I didn’t have to look down at him much but I smiled down at him as I said back Hi. I became a little daring and walked up closer to him, he separated his legs allowing me to move in closer. With our eyes locked onto each other’s he placed his hands on my shoulders and lightly dragged his fingers down my bare arms which gave my arms a tingly feeling finally stopping at my waist where he quickly pulled me to him. My heart feels like it is going to pound right through my chest, I can’t believe I’m doing this. Miles moved his eyes down to my breasts and I saw him smile, he started kissing my chest as he slid his hands up my back to the zipper of my dress. I heard the zipper being undone so if I’m going to back out I better do it now. Even though I told myself if I wanted to back out to do it now but truthfully I didn’t want to back out, I want to be with him, I need to be with him.

    Once the zipper was down I stepped back grabbing the bottom of my dress to slide it down to the floor pulling my tights with it. I’m so happy I decided on wearing a nice strapless black bra and panty set from La Senza. Standing up I saw him looking at me and I saw in his eyes that he wanted me which made me smile. He let go of me to slip his jacket off and once that was off I stepped forward and started working on his shirt. After undoing the last button I slid my hands up his cool temped chest slipping the shirt off. Wow he’s ripped, and he’s not as big as I thought he was, maybe it’s his personality that made him seem huge but he is very defined, he’s so defined I could wash my clothes on his abs if I needed to. His whole body is on the colder side which is kind of odd but that didn’t matter once I saw him without his shirt on. Taking a couple steps back I raised one eyebrow as I did a good once over of him, he chuckled once he saw what I was doing then he asked Do you like what you see? Because I’m looking at you and I absolutely love what I see.

    Thanks and yes I do like what I see.

    He turned towards the bed and climbed on, kneeling there he looked back at me he said with a warm smile Lilly are you going to join me? Nodding I climbed onto the high bed with him. The second I was on there he was wrapping his arms around me, he gently laid me back as he pulled himself up on top of me, he moved his face down to mine with a smile on it as he whispered You feel so good, then he kissed me. His kisses became more forceful with his tongue moving in time with mine. His hands were traveling all over my body from my thighs to my ass to my waist to my breasts. With one hand he undid my bra as the other hand started trying to remove my panties. While he did that I undid his pants and belt.

    Groaning in frustration I said I need those pants off, so I lifted my legs hooking my toes into the waistband of his pants and boxers I slid them off while I dragged my nails down his back.

    His eyes rolled back in his head letting out a loud moan of pleasure, when his eyes refocused I glanced up and saw him do a little eye brow raise; with a big smile he chuckled I see someone is flexible.

    With a huge smile on my face I said You have no idea.

    As he kicked his pants off from around his ankles he removed my underwear and started kissing down my neck while his hands worked their fingers around my breasts. Since his hands are on the cooler side it felt amazing as he rubbed his fingers over my hardened nipples. I started moving my hand down amazing body to his throbbing penis; I couldn’t wait to touch him. The moment I touched him I let out an exhilarated moan, wrapping my fingers around his enormous length I guided him to the right spot. Holding himself above me he lightly rubbed his tip over my opening teasing me. Panting I couldn’t take it any longer I needed him inside me now. I felt him stroke my nether region and once he realized I was ready for him he entered me quickly; biting my lip I let out a loud moan. Immediately I wrapped my legs around him, at the same time I took both of my hands and grabbed onto his fine ass pulling him into me as far as he could go. Breathing heavily I arched my back trying to get as close as possible to him as I started moving my hips with his deep thrusts. Biting my lip again I tried to keep my moans under control as Miles kissed my neck. I was closing my eyes but I stopped because he said No Lilly please look at me.

    Getting close to climaxing I opened my eyes to look at him and I moaned out Miles. Harder. His thrusting quickened and deepened as his mouth clamped down onto mine giving me a very intense kiss. Pulling away from his mouth I gasped for air. He laid little kisses all along my jaw and finally he ended up back on my neck. Right at the exact moment that I cried out with my orgasm I felt a painful pinch on my neck so after I screamed out his name I yelled Ow.

    In a soothing muffled voice I heard him say against my neck Just relax Lilly everything is okay, then he continued kissing and nibbling my neck. Feeling him shudder above me as he got his release he moaned out Lilly, as he let go of my neck and at that point I had another orgasm which made me scream out again. When his mouth found mine again his grip on me tightened as he shoved his tongue deep into my mouth. The moment the deep kiss ended he slid out of me and rolled off of me to lie down beside me so we could relax; lying down on his side he rolled me over to face him. He leaned in to give me another kiss and I obliged. I laid there trying to calm my heart rate and breathing down while Miles just laid there staring into my eyes not breathing heavily at all. Feeling a little self-conscious I started to pull the sheet up around me as I gave Miles a sly smile. He reached forward placing a couple fingers under my chin stopping me, he lifted my face up so I was looking at him when he said No need to be self-conscious you were amazing. Your body is exquisite, I want to feel, I want to worship every inch of your extraordinary body.

    I don’t know how to take that. I’ve never really ever had anybody tell me that I was pretty or that my body is exquisite. It’s just strange having someone talk to me like that. Smiling I said Thanks Miles, but I think you are the one that’s extraordinary. Those were the most intense orgasms I have ever had.

    All I’m going to say is Ditto.

    Chuckling he pulled me closer to him. I was starting to feel pretty tired but I could feel he was ready for round two. Reaching down I started stroking him as I said "It seems like you are Up for round two," I raised my eyebrow to emphasize the word Up.

    Licking his lips he closed his eyes as I continued running my fingers over his member, he let me play with him for a minute then he managed to whisper out Oh yes I’m so ready. Before I knew it he had his arms around me rolling on the bed so I was on top. Still holding on to his penis I lifted myself up and guided him into me. With my hands resting on his chest, I sat there for a moment looking down at him and thought for a second why did he pick me out of all those women in that bar. My hair was hanging down almost completely covering my breasts, I looked into his eyes and he smiled up at me and said Lilly you are so beautiful. Smiling I looked down and away from him as my face flushed, I felt him move then I felt him touch my face and turn me back to look at him, my eyes met his and saw truth in those eyes Really Lilly you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. He grinned at me then he laid back and moved his hands onto my hips, we sat there for a second then we started rocking back and forth. Once we had a good rhythm going I started moving my hands up and down his chest down to his fabulous abs. I bent forward placing my hands above his shoulders as he lifted his head to my breasts. He placed his mouth on my left nipple which he started sucking and that’s when I felt that sharp pain that I felt in my neck but this time it was on my nipple. Letting out a bit of a pain moan he said Don’t stop Lilly, keep going.

    Moving in time with him he released my breast from his mouth which allowed me to sit back on him, we rocked back and forth a little longer then I threw my head back looking up at the ceiling screaming out as I came. That’s when I noticed he had mirrors on his ceiling and not trying to sound conceded I looked pretty damn hot riding him. Miles shuddered under me as he found his release at the same time as me. Being completely exhausted I collapsed onto him and laid there for a second or two as he ran his hands over my hair and back. Using what strength I had left I lifted myself up and slid him out of me, the moment he was out I rolled off of him. I plopped back down onto the bed tired and sweaty but glowing. I laid there thinking ‘OMG I just had sex twice with the hottest guy ever’, then I thought why did he pick me over every single girl in that bar last night? What’s so special about me?

    While I was busy thinking Miles pulled up the blankets around us; through my heavy eyes I saw and felt him stroke my face as he said Sleep now my love. You need to rest. Nodding my head I immediately fell asleep.

    Chapter 2

    That night I had a strange dream, I had a dream of babies and happiness, hmm I wonder what that means? I yawned and after a couple stretches I heard a knock on the door. Opening my eyes I sat up in bed to look around and that’s when last night’s events came back to me. I remembered Ally dragging me to various clubs to go dancing; I remember meeting Miles and me going home with him. I can’t believe I did that, I’ve never done anything like that before, he could have been a serial killer but there was just something about him that drew me in, I feel completely comfortable with him and I know it might be too soon to say but I want to spend as much time with him as possible to get to know him more. Interrupting my thoughts someone knocked on the door again and this time it was followed by a woman’s voice Excuse me Miss are you awake?

    Pulling the sheet up around me I looked over to see if Miles was still sleeping and he wasn’t there so I said Um, yeah I am.

    Opening the door this little lady probably in her fifties came walking towards me holding a tray; she gave me a small smile and said Morning Miss. I have some breakfast for you. She has a kind face, she’s probably around my height or shorter with dark blonde hair with lots of grey through it. She reminds me of my grandma who passed away in 2006, which made me a little sad because I miss her every single day.

    Smiling I said Thank you, um excuse me could you tell me where Miles is?

    Placing the tray in front of me on the bed she said Mr. Reed is in his office working. He told me to tell him once you were up so he will be here soon to see you, pointing to the food on the tray she continued Please eat up. She saw me looking at this glass full of red liquid hesitantly so she said It is pomegranate, acai berry and strawberry juice. It’s Mr. Reed’s favourite.

    I smiled at her again and said It looks delicious thank you. Picking up the glass I took a huge swig. Wow the flavour is incredible; tilting the glass back I drained it quickly in just a couple gulps. I didn’t realize that the lady was still standing there. Holding up the glass I said Um, excuse me is there any way I could get another glass of this.

    She gave me a little nod and walked over to grab the glass. I noticed that she wouldn’t look me in the eye which is kind of weird. Placing her hand around the glass she said I will get that for you right away, Miss there’s a robe for you in the bathroom so if you would like to take a shower or bath I could start that for you.

    Shaking my head I said I will have a shower but I can start that myself thank you.

    Nodding again she said As you wish. I will get that drink for you and I will bring your wash back up here.

    I glanced down at the floor and noticed that my clothes were gone so she must have taken them to the wash so I just said Thank you.

    Still keeping her eyes away from mine she left the room closing the doors behind her. What a weird lady. I looked down at the food which consisted of French toast and some fresh fruit, I felt a little nauseous looking at it, I guess my stomach isn’t ready for solid food yet after a night of heavy drinking. I moved the tray of food to the end of the bed then I slid off of the bed to make my way to the shower.

    With the flat sheet still around me I walked into the bathroom, I turned the shower on and hopped in once it was hot enough. His shower is one of those cool walk in showers that are all tile and shower head is shaped like a square and is adjustable, it’s one of those rain showers. While I was standing there under the hot water I closed my eyes remembering everything about last night. I thought about how soft his kisses could be one minute then the next they could be so aggressive to the point of almost bruising my lips. I thought about how good it felt when his hands touched my body and how wonderful it felt when he entered me, it was like I finally found what I’ve been missing in my life. I know it’s too soon to think that way since we just met last night so I gave my head a shake and focused on enjoying my shower.

    Letting the water run down my face I found focusing on the shower didn’t work long because my mind wandered back to last night and I really wish Miles was here with me right now. Turning around to face the door of the shower I opened my eyes and to my surprise Miles was standing there. He gave me a huge smile as he opened the door to the shower, he paused watching me for a second and said Is it okay if I join you? Nodding I chuckled so he said What are you laughing about?

    Truthfully I was just thinking it would be nice if you were here with me right now.

    Grinning he said And here I am.

    Walking into the shower he closed the door behind him. Moving extremely quickly he picked me up pushing me into the corner of the tiled wall. Before I was even able to gasp in a breath he was already in me. I could feel myself slipping so I placed my one foot up on the ledge and the other on the wall behind me, I knew I was still slipping but Miles wouldn’t let me fall. Our bodies jerked every time he thrust into me which made it feel incredible and you could hear our wet flesh slap together with every thrust. I don’t usually like it rough like this but I don’t want him to stop. I twisted my hands into his hair as I forced my mouth onto his. I pulled back to breathe and that’s when Miles moved onto my neck. Again this time I felt that painful pinch on my neck and him sucking where the pinch was as I got hit with my orgasm. Great I’m going to have one hell of a hickey. As I was climaxing I screamed out Miles, and Yes, over and over again.

    When he found his moment a second later he let go of my neck moaning out My sweet Lilly. I could feel him softening and sliding out of me. Moving his arms from my ass up to my waist I put my feet back down onto the shower floor, the moment my feet touched he pulled me close to him so he could kiss me. Forcing his tongue into my mouth I massaged his tongue with mine. His hands moved up from my waist and were stroking my breasts focusing mainly on my nipples; pulling away from my mouth he said Your breasts are amazing. I just can’t take my hands off of them.

    Reaching my hand down I grabbed his cock and said I could say the same about this part of you.

    Turning off the shower he scooped me up into his arms and raced off to his bed. Even though we were soaking wet he tossed me onto the bed, I heard a giggle escape my mouth as I flew through the air before I hitting the soft bed, I laid there staring up at the ceiling mirror when I felt him grab both of my legs pulling me to him so my butt was just resting on the edge of bed. Glancing toward my feet I saw him kneel down in front of me where he took both of my legs and spread them as far as they would go. I could feel my hips groaning with being so far apart but I knew what he was planning on doing and I just couldn’t wait for it. First I could feel him parting and stroking my nether region with his fingers and then I felt his tongue lick up the whole length of me. I screamed out some unintelligible noise as I threw my head back on the bed in pleasure. Closing my eyes I felt his cool breath in-between my legs as he chuckled then he said Lilly do you want me to stop?

    His fingers started touching and tickling down there, shaking my head I moaned Oh god no, don’t stop baby don’t stop.

    He chuckled again before he shoved his face back into my nether region; he started licking, sucking, pulling, and nibbling on me. He really knew what he was doing which was great, I’ve only had a guy go down on me once before and he had no fucking idea what he was doing. I felt his fingers touch my opening and I was expecting him to insert a finger but he surprised me by sticking his tongue in me. I cried out in ecstasy and because it felt so amazing having his tongue in me I reached my hand forward grabbing a handful of his hair as I guided his face more into me. Arching my back it only took moment before I started climaxing and that’s when I felt that all too familiar pinch which sent me over the top adding another orgasm. Feeling overwhelmed with exhaustion I closed my eyes. I felt him let go of my legs before he climbed up onto the bed, he wrapped his arms around me pulling me up with him, and even if I wanted to help him move me I couldn’t because my body is made completely out of jelly right at the moment. My eyes started drooping and I tried to keep my eyes open but I just couldn’t fight it anymore. I could feel Miles stroking his fingers down my face as he said Sleep my sweet Lilly, sleep. He pulled me closer to him as I fell asleep.

    I’m not sure how long I was out for but I heard someone saying my name over and over again. Yawning loudly I slowly opened my eyes and I found Miles propped up on one elbow watching me; he flashed me a smile and said Hi there beautiful.

    Smiling I said Hi, how long was I out for?

    Just a couple of hours no biggie, so the reason I woke you up is that I have to get to The Club. Wow what happened to the day? I knew it was too good to be true, he’s asking me to leave after he got his booty call. I shouldn’t have gone home with him.

    My smile slipped from my face as I sat up in bed, I wrapped the sheet around me and said Oh I’m sorry. I’ll just quickly get dressed and grab my stuff so I can get out of your hair. Can you call me a cab please?

    Laughing at me he shook his head which made my eyebrows furrow in confusion, he smiled No, no Lilly that isn’t why I told you, I don’t want you to leave. I mentioned it because I want you to join me at The Club tonight. I could feel myself blushing but before I could say anything there was a knock on the door so Miles said Enter Ruby.

    Opening the door Ruby came walking in with a tray holding two glasses of that juice and over her one arm she had a couple garment bags and a couple of regular bags; giving us each a nod she said Sir, Miss, I brought what you asked for Sir is there anything else?

    No Ruby that’s fine, thank you. She gave us each a nod as she handed Miles the glasses and she placed the bags on the end of the bed. She left as quickly as she could, she is one odd lady. Handing me one of the glasses Miles said Drink up Lilly. Grabbing the glass I gulped down the juice. It’s so delicious; I mean I have never tasted any juice or anything that tasted as good as this stuff. Once I was done Miles grabbed the glass away from me and placed his and mine on his nightstand. In one fluid jump he got off of the bed and walked over to the bags; going through the bags he took two, a garment bag and a regular bag and placed it on the side of the bed I was on. Smiling he said pointing at the bags Since I want you to join me at The Club tonight I took the liberty of getting Ruby to pick up some clothes that I thought you would like.

    That’s really sweet of you.

    I slid off my side of the bed and tied the sheet around me; looking across the bed at Miles I smiled as I walked over to the garment bags, his eyes never left mine as he said Lilly it would be wonderful if you could just wear that sheet because you look like a goddess.

    Chuckling I said I will leave that for just us, opening the first bag I continued Let’s see what we have in here. I opened the dress bag and saw that there was everything and anything that I might need; like bras, underwear, a slip, and quite a few dresses. While I went through the dress bags Miles got up and got himself dressed. He looked amazing when he was

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