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The Day I Spent In Heaven
The Day I Spent In Heaven
The Day I Spent In Heaven
Ebook34 pages30 minutes

The Day I Spent In Heaven

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The Day I Spent in Heaven, by author Michael Williams, is an inspirational book that gives an account of the day that he went to Heaven.
This book tells you what happened to him and how he went to Heaven. It tells about who he met when he made it to Heaven, and attempts to describe the things that he saw while there.
Follow him on his journey from how he drown when he was just five years old while his family was camping at a campground. And read about all the things that he saw when he arrived at Heaven's gate, and the people that he met while he was being shown around the city.
Imagine in your mind as you read, and experience all the sights and sounds that he experienced as a young boy.
Find out what answer he was given when he asked about staying there, or what he had to do in life to get back to Paradise.

Release dateFeb 3, 2013
The Day I Spent In Heaven

Michael Williams

Michael Williams (PhD, University of Pennsylvania) is Emeritus Senior Professor of Old Testament Studies at Calvin Theological Seminary, a member of the NIV Committee on Bible Translation and the Chairman of the NIrV Committee. He is the author of Deception in Genesis, The Prophet and His Message, Basics of Ancient Ugaritic, The Biblical Hebrew Companion for Bible Software Users, How to Read the Bible through the Jesus Lens, Hidden Prophets of the Bible and is editor and contributor of Mishneh Todah. His passion is to provide curious believers with knowledge of the Old Testament and its culture so that they may grow in their comprehension and appreciation of redemptive history and be adequately prepared to promote and defend the faith through word and action. Michael resides in Florida with his wife, Dawn.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Simple & easy reading.A must read to all, easy to understand.

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The Day I Spent In Heaven - Michael Williams

The Day I Spent In Heaven

Michael Williams

Copyright 2013 By Michael Williams

Smashwords Edition

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The day I spent in Heaven, I hope is an inspirational book intended to strengthen your faith in God. If you are not sure if there is a God then I hope it will inspire you to seek out the answers and find the cosmic truth that there is a God, and that he loves you and wants you to join him one day in Heaven.

The day I spent in Heaven is a book that attempts to relay to you the experience that I had when I was but a young boy, all of about five years of age. It tells the story of some of the sights, sounds and experiences that I went through.

Even though I was young, I still to this day have the experience in my mind as if it had just happened yesterday. It is a story that I will carry with me until the day that I am reunited with those that I had known before my days upon this earth.

Chapter 1

It was a hot summer day in June, the year was 1974. Our family was camping in a nearby campground with our uncle's and aunt's, and cousins. I remember I was all of about five years of age. I really liked going camping and spending the time with my family. I was quite the little boy, I loved being outside and hated being locked up in the house like during the cold long winters.

I was usually up with the sun and playing in the living room before anyone else was even thinking of getting out of bed. I had two brothers, but I was really most happy doing things on my own. I guess you could say that I was a loner, I preferred to do things by myself and I could easily entertain myself.

I remember playing out in the living room and my father was just getting up and getting around preparing to head off to work. He owned his own business, and his business was just across the street from our house, so he did not have to go far

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