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Date Night
Date Night
Date Night
Ebook28 pages16 minutes

Date Night

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About this ebook

Are you married? Have a boyfriend or girlfriend? A fiance perhaps? Maybe a daughter who needs a little guidance in the marital department?
Would you like to keep your love alive and full of life?
Marriage counselors recommend Date Night as a low cost remedy to doing just that. This guide guide will give you simple 1,2,3 steps to making your Date Night Jar for under $5.00 then tips to keep the love alive.
Over 100 ideas for your Date Nights
Make it simple and easy on both of you, yet fun and exciting as well!

Review: "I simply love this book, because all to often we forget, or don't take the time to remember the little things, and those little things are really very important in order to keep your relationship alive and thriving on-wards. I am going to use some of these ideas, because, many times can you do the same things and not get bored, especially when you are married for quite a number of years! My advice to anyone is to definitely jump on these ideas and use them. I really think it will spur some new life into any relationship, young or older." Ellen Levinas - Brooklyn, NY

Release dateFeb 13, 2013
Date Night

Lonna Weidemann

Lonna Weidemann lives by one motto..."Do what you love!" She does just that. As an online craft/retail business owner of 10 years, she has experienced the daily application of creating on a budget while mentoring others to do the same. Her experiences unfold into easy step-by-step publications. Why does she write? Over the years she has received emails of smiles through the net from many that have expressed their appreciation and excitement when it comes her easy to follow tips and clever ideas provided in her books. That in itself is her #1 motivation to continue her writing career. In addition to her online business journey, she has taught classes to other entrepreneurs with S.B.A, won the Home Based Business award in 2005, won the N.M.O.A. Hottest Products Contest in 2003 with one of her crafting creations, while raising two children. Some of her favorite times was being a Girl Scout leader, mentoring entrepreneurs, facilitating craft shows and fundraisers as well. Lonna believes life should be lived to its fullest, doing things for others without breaking bank and giving from the heart. If she can help make that happen for others, then mission accomplished! A snippet of Lonna's thoughts... Love - Family Favorite Material Item - Pen's Dislikes - When people don't say thank you when it should be said Favorite Downtime - Dr. Pepper with a lot of ice and Ellen Degeneres Favorite Sweet - Pecan chocolate caramel apple *Yum! Favorite Store - Second hand...Dollar's a toss up Can't Live Without - Friends Daily Ritual - Talking to mom

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    Date Night - Lonna Weidemann



    Lonna L. Weidemann

    Copyright 2013 Lonna L. Weidemann

    Published on Smashwords

    Formatted by eBooksMade4You

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