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Her Dreams Come True
Her Dreams Come True
Her Dreams Come True
Ebook57 pages47 minutes

Her Dreams Come True

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Shunning all that is holy, Annabelle's soul now hangs in the balance. A gift from a witch seals her fate and thrusts her into the waiting arms of an incubus. The incubus, not being quite as evil as his Master gives Annabelle a way out. She now has one night to save her family and her soul.

Rediscovering love and finding his soul is the last thing Roshan has on his mind. Out of curiosity he's worn the gifted necklace for months with no sign of his intended bride. So it was nothing for him to offer shelter during a terrible storm to a beautiful maiden. How surprising that the poor orphaned girl would turn out to be the one that would bring light into his soul. He has only one night to find the love he thought he'd lost all those years ago.

Release dateFeb 25, 2013
Her Dreams Come True

Miranda Heart

Miranda Heart writes BDSM erotic escapades with an edge and sensual historical that will keep you on a slow simmer. Miranda loves to bring tortured souls to their ultimate romantic conclusion by less than normal means.

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    Her Dreams Come True - Miranda Heart

    Her Dreams Come True


    Miranda Heart


    Published by eTreasures Publishing

    at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition

    ISBN 978-1-937809-13-3

    Copyright 2011 MIRANDA HEART

    All Rights Reserved.

    Cover Artist: JARED RACKLER

    eTreasures Publishing, LLC

    4442 Lafayette St.

    Marianna, FL 32446

    This book is entirely fiction and bears no resemblance to anyone alive or dead, in content or cover art. Any instances are purely coincidental. This book is based solely on the author’s vivid imagination.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Panic suffocated Annabelle. Her hand shook on the confessional door handle. Using her shoulder, she wiped beads of perspiration from her upper lip. The cramped tight space constricted the air in her lungs. Darkness so confining, she thought herself to be in a coffin. She wheezed. Pine - sharp and clean - assaulted her nose. She slid her damp palm down the door, praying for escape rather than consolation.

    Breathe, Annabelle. ‘Tis only a confessional. Slowly, she drew one breath, then another. Her skirts brushed something hard, and she gathered her gown. The braiding cord tangled around her trembling fingers. Annabelle dropped onto the thin, velvet cushioned bench. Unable to stay still, she released the cord to run her hand along the wall, searching for the sliding door. She stalled, not wishing to go down the path just yet.

    A barely audible click of the adjoining entry startled her upright. Cool air caressed her heated cheeks. Shuffling feet found their way inside the cramped space on the other side of the wall. Gulping in air, she forced alarm back. Nausea rolled her stomach. She leaned forward to rest her forehead against the panel. Calming lemon oil reassured her. Not dead. I can leave anytime I want. It is Momma who lies within the confines of the box. Aye, I can leave at any moment.

    She raised her head and murmured, Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. Her heart pounded.

    God will forgive all sins. What is it you wish to confess today?

    I’ve been having dreams.

    What sort of dreams?

    Her hands shook, holding her mother’s rosary tight within her fist. Sordid dreams. Lustful dreams. Sweat tickled a path between her breasts.

    Are these sinful dreams of a person in particular?

    Aye. But, no one I am familiar with.

    How long have you been having these dreams?

    Her voice broke. Months.

    Then you will go home and say one hundred Hail Mary’s. An idle mind breeds sin. Give yourself to your church. These dreams will nay plague you any longer. His voice remained calm, authoritative.

    My thanks, Father.

    Bless you child, you are excused.

    Annabelle held back an urge to lunge for the door. Instead, she opened it with decorum and grace. Her hand ran down her gray skirts to smooth them, giving her time to find a steady breath to calm her shaking limbs. She scurried toward the church’s door.

    A strong musty scent caught her off guard. Her heart raced as she turned to face the pulpit. Annabelle shuddered. Hot tears blurred the flickering candles, some lit in remembrance, others in prayer. A lump swelled in Annabelle’s, burning with emotion as the past played out before her. An imaginary fist clenched her chest, but she resisted the urge to run and grasped the pew in front of her.

    A brief image of the past played out before her. Pews filled with mourners, yards of black lace, loved ones saying a final goodbye. Repulsion washed over her, as strong as it had been that dark day a year before.

    She hadn’t stepped one worn slipper into church since her mother’s death. No one could bring her mother back, and no God, worth worshiping, would tear a family a part. What had she been thinking? There

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