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Who Is Katie Holmes?
Who Is Katie Holmes?
Who Is Katie Holmes?
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Who Is Katie Holmes?

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Who is Katie Holmes we all wondered when she defied all odds and stealthy left her older, richer more powerful Hollywood husband with her celebrity daughter in tow arriving in New York City to welcome arms, and a starring role on Broadway. Where did she get that independent streak? How did we under-estimate her?
Who is Katie Holmes? fills in the blanks. It tells the classic Hollywood story of small town girl who comes to tinsel town, ultimately fulfills her every fantasy and discovers that there is a price to be paid for getting everything you desire.
Who is Katie Holmes? is more than another 'true Hollywood story.' It is the story of talent, tenacity and the will to succeed on her own terms. Katie Holmes speaks softly but, when pressed to the wall, she has proven that she can wield a big stick. Alternately insightful, dramatic and heartfelt, Who is Katie Holmes? is a straightforward look at the struggles and setbacks that only a person of character and compassion has the strength to overcome. Katie Holmes’ story is ultimately one of triumph and redemption - A true happy ending.

Release dateMar 17, 2013
Who Is Katie Holmes?

Marc Shapiro

Marc Shapiro is the New York Times bestselling author of J.K. Rowling: The Wizard behind Harry Potter, Justin Bieber: The Fever! and many other bestselling celebrity biographies. He has been a freelance entertainment journalist for more than twenty-five years, covering film, television and music for a number of national and international newspapers and magazines.

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    Who Is Katie Holmes? - Marc Shapiro

    Who Is Katie Holmes? An Unauthorized Biography

    Copyright (c) 2013 by Marc Shapiro

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes:

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    Riverdale Avenue Books

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    Cover by Scott Carpenter

    ISBN: 978-1-62601-017-8 Digital

    ISBN: 978-1-62601-018-5 Print

    First Edition March 2013


    My wife, the ever-understanding and patient Nancy. My daughter Rachael. Granddaughter Lily. Lori Perkins, the engine that drives Riverdale Avenue Books. The able support of Louise. Mike. Brady. Fitch. The time and the patience to get things right. Katie Holmes for surviving yet another True Hollywood Story. Tom Cruise for taking it like a man. Good books, good art, good music. The wit and wisdom of Henry Rollins, Patti Smith, Black Sabbath, Charles Bukowski, Rod Serling, Ray Bradbury, Harlan Ellison, Jackson Pollock, Jean-Michel Basquiat and all the beats, hipsters and just plain out there’s who have and continue to fight the good fight. And finally this book is dedicated to all the people who pursue the fantasy and the reality of life. Be careful what you wish for.
































    Is Katie Holmes the ultimate good Catholic girl? Could be.

    For the longest time, the worst sin she ever admitted to was using the word shit and she immediately felt bad about it. On her 21st birthday, when she could legally drink the hard stuff, she celebrated with a tall glass of water. Throw in a fondness for jelly beans and cookie dough and there you have it. Drugs? Never touched them. Sex? Not when she was under her parents’ roof. Because she was light years away from boys being more than a four-letter word.

    Katie Holmes is just too good to be true. But in that butter won’t melt in her mouth sort of way, there is no denying that she is as advertised.

    She’s been called genuinely nice and unfailingly polite. Soft-spoken is an accolade that often precedes any discussion of her character. So is sweet in a believable, non-sickening way. Katie has often had a good laugh at the notion that she is old-fashioned.

    Katie is tall, lean and lanky. A constant sense of cuteness has been her hallmark. It would be hard not to picture her as forever 16, even now, well into her early 30s.

    I am who I am, she once said in a Rolling Stone interview. I’m not that smooth type of girl.

    But it is those very attributes, coupled with no small measure of simmering virginal sexuality and tension, that have fueled young men’s dreams of what it would be like to be her first. And, yes, the small town attitudes that nurtured her early years have stood out to those in the business she’s crossed paths with over the years.

    Dawson’s Creek. Which came first? Katie Holmes or Joey Potter? That one is still too close to call. But to hear those around her talk, Katie and Joey are literally one and the same.

    James Van Der Beek, her co-star on Dawson’s Creek, offered in a Detour interview that I think that Midwestern sweetness will always be a part of Katie. Actress Sarah Michelle Gellar echoed those sentiments in the same article when she stated, She’s not going to pose nude on a magazine cover to scream ‘Hey, I’m sexy!’ Yet another actor, Dawson’s Creek co-star Joshua Jackson, joked in a Jane interview, Katie is very clean-cut. I think the only thing that’s changed is that she’s been in a bar.

    No, this is not turning into a Katie Holmes lovefest. Katie has occasionally crossed the line. God knows she has been the brunt of a lion’s share of tabloid press, especially in the last five years and through no fault of her own. She has admittedly been uncomfortable with the kind of attention she has received and, at its zenith, was probably longing for the days when the toughest questions she had to answer were her favorite color and what she had for breakfast. Even the bumps in the road had been relatively minor, albeit blown extremely out of proportion.

    Against all logic, a very inexperienced Katie dated her castmate Joshua Jackson for a year during the run of Dawson’s Creek and then had to suffer a post-breakup story arc in which their on-screen characters were lovers. As Katie has grown in life and in her career, she has toughened up, gotten braver and has taken on new experiences and is taking risks. Her love life has been lived largely below the radar. Even her very public breakup with Chris Klein was in and out of the public eye in a flash.

    Although she followed the path of least resistance professionally, doing a string of obvious teen flicks to capitalize on her small-screen stardom, she knew enough to say enough and to eventually go off in the direction of more serious work. Work that was considered minor and largely noncommercial, which often had the critics speculating on just who was pulling her strings and her seeming lack of progress up the ladder to stardom.

    And we’re being honest here. Even at this late date, Katie Holmes is still largely a work in progress. Her acting skills are better than average in the right situation. But nobody is ready to compare her to Hepburn. The reality is that while ultimately profitable, nothing she has been in (with the exception of Batman Begins, in which she was far removed from the lead) has been a blockbuster.

    But she never strayed too far from the right side of God that came from a good Catholic upbringing. She was quietly confident and determined that she was doing the right thing at all times. Even when her principles were compromised and blurred...

    ...As when she crossed swords with Tom Cruise and Scientology.

    Early on it was all about the fantasy, the flash and the fairy tale. Cruise’s infamous couch jump on The Oprah Winfrey Show seemed like so much false bravado and fake emotion. But to Katie, lost in the idea of being in love, it was all so cute and romantic. She was convinced that they would live happily ever after.

    But then slowly but surely the trap was sprung.

    Katie was in love and, because of that, went against her principles to make her husband happy. She put Catholicism on the sidelines and actively pursued the tenants of Scientology. Her daughter Suri was home-schooled. The happy family was out and about on a regular basis, literally throwing themselves at the paparazzi, smiles growing more and more forced. And although she denied it, there was no getting around the fact that Katie’s career was stagnating under the alleged guidance and influence of her husband and his religion. The good roles in good pictures were becoming rare. Any hint of a controversial role and Katie was suddenly not interested or too busy. Rumors ran rampant that Cruise was dictating what kinds of roles in what sorts of pictures he would be happy with Katie doing.

    This is the guy who reportedly nixed her involvement in a Dawson’s Creek reunion she so desperately wanted to do.

    Benign control might have been her future if it had not been for the fact that she had Suri. More and more, she could see her daughter melding into the education that was part and parcel of the religion conceived by a pulp magazine science-fiction writer. She was slowly coming around to the idea that Scientology was more about rules and control than it was about religion and God. Well into 2012, her marriage to Cruise and the shackles of Scientology had become more than she could stand.

    Six years after her marriage to Tom Cruise, it was time for Katie to take back her life and, figuratively, cut the cord. The couple fairly amicably divorced amid torrents of screaming tabloid headlines in July 2012. And once the dust settled, the girl who had grown up a Catholic returned to her roots.

    Suri began her first formal education at The Avenues Academy in September 2012. That same month, Katie became a registered parishioner at the Saint Francis Catholic Church. And in the truest sense of making up for lost time, Katie took Suri on the first of what would be many trips back to Toledo, Ohio, to meet her cousins and extended family, many for the first time. Katie Holmes was moving on with her life.

    But in a sense, she was going home.



    Toledo, Ohio. Jamie Farr, Klinger in MASH. The Toledo Mud Hens, one of the oldest minor league baseball teams in history. Beyond that?


    Lots of athletes, writers and musicians have called Toledo home; such diverse figures as actor/philanthropist Danny Thomas, jazz musician Artie Tatum and pioneering feminist Gloria Steinem. Toledo’s a nice, conservative town that survived the downturn of the economy and has prospered on a number of blue- and white-collar fronts. It’s a bedroom community done up as a thriving Midwestern city without the hustle and bustle. So perfect and middle America to a fault, it was like Toledo was a city cut off from the march of time.

    Katie Holmes’s parents seemed to like it well enough.

    Martin Joseph Holmes and Kathleen Holmes were ideally suited for each other and the small town, family values of Toledo. Very traditional in their outlook and possessed of solid morals and ethics, their marriage was very much a byproduct of another time and place, when your word was your bond and the good life was couched in simple pleasures.

    Years later, Katie offered up her assessment of her parents in a Dolly interview. My dad was very aggressive but, underneath, he was a teddy bear. My mother was tall, beautiful and very ingratiating.

    Martin, a Toledo Law School graduate, was already making a name for himself in and around the Toledo legal community. He quickly gained the reputation as a two-fisted lawyer who insisted that it was his way or the highway when it came to the legal system. In contrast, Kathleen was less rigid, elegant in an old-school way and very much an adherent to the finer yet simple things in life. It was the classic confluence of styles, principles and morals that would add substance and style to their budding relationship.

    When Kathleen and Martin married, the outlook for the couple was considered bright. It would be a traditional, comfortably ‘50s-style marriage, with Kathleen staying home and raising what would ultimately be four children; three daughters, Tamera (born 1968), Holly Ann and Nancy Kay (born 1975), and a son, Martin Joseph Jr. (born 1970).

    It was a contented time of conservative values and education. Sports and community activities were important for the children at an early age. The family’s life and beliefs revolved around the Catholic church. Any problem could be quickly resolved around the dinner table.

    The growing brood increased again on December 18, 1978, when Katherine Noelle Holmes was born. It was a fairly hectic moment. Katie was born two months premature and, at birth, weighed merely four pounds. There was some concern with Katie’s early arrival and weight. But Katie was a fighter from the word go and, to this day, her parents insist that her strong-willed personality was part and parcel of her premature birth.

    Katie was in a big hurry to become part of the world.

    She would be baptized Roman Catholic and be introduced to the family’s religious tenants at church services at Christ The King Church. While quite enamored of her religious upbringing, Katie often acknowledged that being raised Catholic did come with a certain amount of baggage. Being raised Catholic, you do have the guilt and fear, she told Interview.

    But her upbringing was not all hellfire and brimstone. Katie’s parents were true to their faith. However, they also knew that to live a totally insular life was not the way they wanted their children to live. Consequently, Katie remembered being encouraged to always look outside herself, as she revealed in a Biography Magazine story.

    My mom and dad taught us that there is a life outside of what we know, she said. "We were taught that we could do anything we want and if we worked very hard and treated people the way we wanted to be treated, it will work out.

    Katie’s earliest memories were of a close-knit and outgoing and boisterous family who eagerly embraced their daily lives from the confines of their four-bedroom brick house. It was all good-natured and not too overbearing. Things

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