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Alzheimer's Care - The Caregiver's Guide to Understanding Alzheimer's Disease & Best Practices to Care for People with Alzheimer's & Dementia
Alzheimer's Care - The Caregiver's Guide to Understanding Alzheimer's Disease & Best Practices to Care for People with Alzheimer's & Dementia
Alzheimer's Care - The Caregiver's Guide to Understanding Alzheimer's Disease & Best Practices to Care for People with Alzheimer's & Dementia
Ebook116 pages1 hour

Alzheimer's Care - The Caregiver's Guide to Understanding Alzheimer's Disease & Best Practices to Care for People with Alzheimer's & Dementia

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About this ebook

Alzheimer's disease affects about 13 percent of individuals over the age of 65 and about 50 percent of those over the age of 85. Almost 15 million Americans spend their time caring for a person with Alzheimer's dementia. If your love one suffers from this condition or starts to show early warning signs, you are probably very concerned and worried. You want the best for your family, and would do anything to help your loved one and your family cope as best as possible through this life changing situation.

You are probably wondering:

- How much time do you have before the condition would drastically impact and change your love one's life?

- How long would it be before your love one forgets who you are?

- Would he/she still be able to live on his/her own? Or is full-time care needed?

- Will your love one die earlier than normal due to the Alzheimer's?

"Alzheimer's Care" can help. It will teach you everything you need to know about the signs & symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, how to deal with your emotions, family life, caregiving, and more.

Here are just some of the things you will discover in this book:

- What are the early signs of Alzheimer's dementia?

- What are the 7 stages of Alzheimer's disease?

- Important safety issues in the care of Alzheimer's patients.

- How to help Alzheimer's patient keep their memories for as long as possible?

- What are the feeding & nutrition requirements for someone with Alzheimer's?

- How to make eating pleasurable?

- Ways to minimize the stress and frustration of family members.

- Questions you must ask before selecting a nursing home for long-term care facility for your love one.

- Simple techniques for communicating with Alzheimer's patient without getting frustrated.

- How to effectively deal with behavioral problems?

- How to improve the quality of life for your loved one?

- How to take care of yourself, reduce stress, & prevent burn-out as a caregiver?

- And much more...

Release dateMar 20, 2013
Alzheimer's Care - The Caregiver's Guide to Understanding Alzheimer's Disease & Best Practices to Care for People with Alzheimer's & Dementia

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    Book preview

    Alzheimer's Care - The Caregiver's Guide to Understanding Alzheimer's Disease & Best Practices to Care for People with Alzheimer's & Dementia - Nancy J. Wiles

    Alzheimer's Care

    The Caregiver's Guide to Understanding Alzheimer's Disease & Best Practices to Care for People with Alzheimer's & Dementia

    Nancy J. Wiles

    Copyright© 2013 by Nancy J. Wiles

    Smashwords Edition

    Alzheimer's Care

    Copyright© 2013. All Rights Reserved.

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    The information in this book is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content contained in this book is for general information purposes only. Always consult your healthcare provider before carrying on any health program

    Table of Contents


    Statistics on Alzheimer’s Disease

    The Science of Alzheimer’s Disease


    Chapter 1: Causes of Alzheimer’s disease

    Risk Factors


    Chapter 2: Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease

    The Seven Stage Diagnostic Framework


    Chapter 3: Safety in the Care of Alzheimer’s Patients

    Safety in the Home

    Wandering Behaviors

    When a Dementia Patient Drives

    Traveling Safely

    In Preparation for a Disaster


    Chapter 4: Caregivers for Alzheimer's Disease Patients

    Unpaid Caregivers

    Paid Caregivers


    Chapter 5: Feeding and Nutrition in Alzheimer’s Disease

    How to Make Eating Pleasurable

    How to Make Food Fun and Easy to Eat


    Chapter 6: Behavior Problems in the Elderly

    Medications for Behavioral Issues

    Medications for Depression

    The Use of Antipsychotics

    Hypnotic Medication

    Behavioral Suggestions for the Caregiver

    Why Do Dementia Patients Get Behavioral Problems?

    Tools to Evaluate Behavior Problems in Dementia

    Taking a Close Look at Behaviors

    Treating Dementia-Related Behaviors

    Helping Behavioral Issues without Using Drugs


    Chapter 7: The Nursing Home Environment

    Increasing Medical Needs

    Types of Long Term Care Facilities

    Making the Important Decision

    A Look at Long Term Care

    Finding the Right Nursing Home

    Nursing Home Checklist


    Chapter 8: Caring for the Caregiver

    Dealing with Special Events and Holidays

    Special Tips for a Happy Holiday

    Support Groups




    Alzheimer’s disease is a common, irreversible brain disease that progressively destroys one’s ability to remember and think clearly so that simple tasks become difficult or impossible to do. The usual onset of Alzheimer’s dementia is about age 60. It is the most common dementia among the aged.

    Dementia of any kind involves the loss of cognitive abilities so that thinking, reasoning, personality and remembering become impaired. It interferes with daily activities and the ability to take care for oneself. Dementia can be extremely mild and interfere with memory only or can be so severe that the individual needs help with even the most basic of needs like eating and toileting.

    In 1906, Dr. Alois Alzheimer had a female patient who had memory problems, language difficulties and problems with behavior. He examined her brain after her death and noted what we now call amyloid plaques, which were abnormal clumps of tissue, and neurofibrillary tangles, which were tangled bundles of fibers. These are the major brain features of Alzheimer’s dementia. In addition to these features, the brain loses its connections between the various nerve fibers.

    No one knows exactly what triggers Alzheimer’s disease to begin. We do know that evidence for the disease in the elderly can be seen up to ten years before symptoms begin. Changes are taking place in the brain even as the person continues to function normally. When the neurons become affected, the brain doesn’t function as well as it used to.

    When the hippocampus becomes affected by Alzheimer’s disease, the person becomes unable to form new memories and recent memory becomes seriously impaired. The brain then begins to shrink and, over time, the damage becomes widespread throughout the brain.

    Statistics on Alzheimer’s Disease

    More than 5 million US citizens have Alzheimer’s disease today and, in the absence of a cure or prevention, the number will likely increase to between 11 million and 16 million by the year 2050. It affects about 13 percent of individuals over the age of 65 and about 50 percent of those over the age of 85. Almost 15 million Americans spend their time caring for a person with Alzheimer’s dementia.

    Between the years 2000 and 2006, the deaths related to stroke, prostate cancer and heart decreased by about 12-18 percent; however, the death rate of Alzheimer’s disease patients has increased by about 66 percent.

    The Science of Alzheimer’s Disease

    Researchers have been doing studies on the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease in an attempt to understand plaques, neurofibrillary tangles and other things found in the disease. They can now identify these brain structures in living people, especially the beta-amyloid deposits. They are trying to understand the basis behind getting these brain changes. They want to know what exactly causes the disease.

    Researchers are trying to figure out why mostly older adults are affected by Alzheimer’s disease. They are looking at the normal changes that occur in the aging brain and how this differs from abnormal changes. They believe that normal age-related alterations

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