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When He Changed (#3) (The Fire Journal)
When He Changed (#3) (The Fire Journal)
When He Changed (#3) (The Fire Journal)
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When He Changed (#3) (The Fire Journal)

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New Adult novella

Uriz’s plan is simple: when he arrives at the location the judges send him to, he finishes his punishment. That’s it. Everything else isn't his concern.

When he and Evie join with Hamill, a fellow fire elemental also carrying out his own sentence, it becomes apparent that the people in the city are being used for sinister purposes. Shades of dead air elementals wander through the halls of buildings, intent on killing those they come across.

It soon becomes evident that unless he wants to continue repeating his punishment, he’ll need to help everyone. The first step is destroying the tower before it cracks the Ibix Code.

Release dateApr 4, 2013
When He Changed (#3) (The Fire Journal)

Danielle Kazemi

Danielle Kazemi is the author of the YA series Dragon's Fire, The Fire Journal, and The Phoenix Token. She's a native from south Louisiana and spends her day balancing between kids and writing.

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    When He Changed (#3) (The Fire Journal) - Danielle Kazemi

    The Fire Journal

    When He Confronted the Past

    Danielle Kazemi

    Copyright 2013 Danielle Kazemi

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    The Fire Journal

    When He Confronted the Past

    Danielle Kazemi

    Table of Contents:

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 1

    The hanging brass fixture twinkled with the glow of energy spouting from it in all directions; the static in the air rising with it to a feverish level. Sparks flew about, attempting in vain to light the room into an inferno. A few latched onto the wooden walls and began cackling with their intent. A well-dressed gentleman extinguished the small fire with a deft movement of his hand, the clump of dirt coming from his hand remaining solidified in the wall.

    I’m not sure about this, a younger man standing next to him said, his voice seeming to crack as he spoke, I mean, what if someone finds out? He looked around as he spoke, fearful it was too late.

    The older man turned towards the second. Who would find out? Are you going to tell anyone? His eyes dared the young man to say yes.

    The man shook his head. Well no…

    Then that answers the question. He walked closer towards the fixture, his hand reaching up to grab hold of the device. He felt the energy flowing from it into his body, filling him with pleasure. In his current state, he felt able to destroy entire civilizations at a glance.

    The second man looked around the room, almost as if expecting to see someone appear from the corner and confront them about what was happening. Every slight noise triggered his guilty conscious. I mean, I hope we can crack this. Do you know if we break the Ibix code, we can do almost anything? He laughed a little. We could take over worlds without leaving the room.

    The first man nodded his head as he started walking around the room. It’s something I look forward to. He stopped at the first person he came across, a young woman strapped to the machine in front of them. Her eyes remained vacant as she stared ahead.

    Long, thick wires connected atop her head and with the machine above her. The energy he felt earlier was going into her, filling her and then taking what it needed. The strong electrodes stimulated her brain beyond what was possible for humans. He could only imagine how much information was being exchanged. Wordlessly all the knowledge she ever possessed was being transferred into the new device – and she’d never remember.

    I heard Uriz was around here, the second man said shifting the subject onto one he knew was uncomfortable for both of them. For the past few days, they had been dealing with the former fire elemental lord interfering with their plans. It seemed he maintained his determination in doing what the judges wanted him to finish.

    Almost every elemental knew about his punishment. He was forced into completing whatever task the judges sent him out on, usually to stop other elementals from accomplishing their deeds. It was primarily retold in an effort to get them to understand the severity of the punishments the judges were capable of dealing.

    The older man scoffed. His hands gently touched the wires, adjusting them to make sure they remained in place atop the woman’s head. You think Uriz knows what he’s doing? I’ve heard talk about how he plans on destroying the telescope. He scoffed and pulled his hand back, a small spark having slightly singed him.

    The younger man pushed his way through the people connected to the wires and made his way closer to the older one. But we need that. Otherwise, we can’t replenish the shades.

    As he spoke, one of the creatures passed close to him. It always sent up shivers when he saw one. Its pale body hovered past them, avoiding them because of the brass buttons affixed to their clothing. It felt uncomfortable knowing they saw everything happening.

    We have enough here for a while. I dare say we may even have more than we need. Once Uriz leaves, no one will be around to stop us. We’ll be able to crack the Ibix code before anyone knows what happened.

    He couldn’t have planned it better himself. The judges must’ve sensed something was happening out here and decided to send their star prisoner over. While they believed the problem was solved, he’d continue increasing his power with none of them watching. In a few short years, he should soon be within range of cracking the code without any worries.

    The shade passed by him once more, a slight chill rushing through the air. Let’s get back to our party, he said as he started towards the door, Besides, it’s not as if our guests are leaving. He cast a glance back at the woman in the room connected to the machine. Looking further around, he saw the other twenty three in there connected as well – each one of them a powerhouse fueling his creation. Things were changing in his favor. There was no way he could be stopped. With a smile, he closed the door as he headed downstairs.

    Chapter 2

    Keep running, Uriz said as he and Evie made their way through the underground tunnel. Rats scurried out of their way as the footsteps continued encroaching upon them from behind. Water randomly dropped onto their heads, likely mixed with other things none of them wanted to consider.

    Evie moved her feet as fast as possible, knowing a trip would put her directly in harm’s way. She pushed her dark hair out of her face, needing to see what was in front of her. As long as she remained somewhat consistent in her stride next to Uriz, she figured she should be safe. After all, he was a fire elemental lord. No doubt he knew how to deal with these problems. This was a normal day.

    Halt! The voices behind them seemed to stretch out all around them, echoing off the solid stonework. A strong gust of wind blew into Evie and Uriz, nearly knocking them off their feet. Holding onto the wall for support, they waited a few seconds until the strong tornado passed.

    Uriz turned around for a brief moment and saw the men chasing after them. Their outfits shone clearly in the small torches lining the tunnel. Bright shiny buttons easily indicated where they were. He had hoped they put enough ground between their attackers for them not to use their powers. He must have calculated wrong. His pace was slipping.

    He and Evie continued running down the tunnel, slime making the way treacherous. The long ball dress Evie wore was tattered on the edges, the shoes barely holding onto her foot by their straps. Strands of her dark hair stuck out randomly instead of remaining in place upon her head. Running through the sewers wasn’t pleasant.

    How much longer? She wasn’t sure she could keep up this pace for another fifteen minutes. Already she felt her lungs beginning to grow tired.

    He cast a glance at her and smiled. Don’t tell me you don’t like running through slick tunnels?

    She shook her head. Never did.

    Reaching a grating on the ground, he grabbed onto the rusting iron with his hands. Channeling his inherent fire ability, he watched his hands turn bright red from the intensity. The iron began melting and made pulling the grate much easier. He opened a hole heading downwards.

    Get in there, he ordered, unsure himself of where it went. There was no time for them to worry about the possibility of something when the inevitable was clearly present behind them. The footsteps continued advancing.

    Evie hiked

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