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Gina's Gang
Gina's Gang
Gina's Gang
Ebook159 pages2 hours

Gina's Gang

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Gina was a victim of child sex abuse that started at the age of 2. She never learned what a normal life should be and what a normal relationship between a daughter and father should be. With the help of her first two husbands, she turned to a life of prostitution and promiscuity. All the while, Gina was developing 18 personalities (her gang) to help her cope with the horrible things that happened to her. She eventually went through more than 10 years of therapy to get her life under control. Those years in therapy included the painful reintegration back into one personality. But once she conquered her demons, she had to fight for her life. Her psychologist calls her one of the strongest women he has ever seen. Gina needed every bit of that strength.

PublisherLee Creek
Release dateApr 8, 2013
Gina's Gang

Lee Creek

Lee Creek, 65, is a retired newspaper and wire service writer and a web designer. He now works as a ghostwriter. He and his wife, Becki, live in the woods in Southern Indiana.

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    Gina's Gang - Lee Creek


    by Lee Creek

    Genre: Non-fiction

    ISBN: 978-1-300-90610-0

    Copyright ©2013 by Lee Creek

    Published 2013 by Lee Creek

    on Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced without written permission, except for brief quotations to books and critical reviews. This story is a work of fiction. Characters and events are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    NOTE: This is the story of a child sexual abuse victim and her trip through promiscuity and prostitution with the aid of 18 personalities—her gang. This book is not recommended for people under the age of 18. Rated: Adult Only.

    The contents of this book are true. The names have been changed to protect people’s privacy. It contains explicit sexual content. That includes child molestation, bestiality, rape, incest, and prostitution.

    As a child, Gina was sexually abused, and became promiscuous through her teens and early adulthood. Gina suffered from dissociative identity disorder (DID), known more commonly as split personalities. She spent more than 10 years in therapy and now leads a normal life. This book is Rated Adult Only and should not be made available to children.


    This book is dedicated to my therapists, Alice Clements (for saving my life), and Richard Coomer (for putting it back together), the people who love me unconditionally, Max, Kelly, Deena, cousin Leon and to my author Lee Creek, and to my Alters, for getting me through life.


    Robert pulled his pants and underwear down around his ankles, then pulled Gina close to him. He pushed her head toward his lap, and when she opened her mouth, he pushed her forward so she had to engulf his penis.

    That may sound like the start of a graphic novel, but it is not. It was the start of a true story about a lifetime nightmare for Gina: Robert was her father, and she was 2 years old.

    That scene, repeated many times in the next few years, took place in the basement of their home. Gina’s mother, Betty, would often yell down the stairs, What are you doing down there?

    Robert never answered her, and she never pursued the issue. Betty knew what was happening, but she suffered from schizophrenia and other illnesses and feared Robert. Betty knew that if she set him off, she and the family would have hell to pay.

    As for Gina, she had no concept of what had just happened, no concept of social mores, no concept of inappropriate adult behavior, and no idea that the same thing did not occur in every home.

    Gina knew that when she did something right, she was rewarded with smiles and friendly voices. She also knew what every kid knows: the stern sound of the words no and stop.

    Typical 2-year-olds enjoy stories, rhymes and songs. They can usually put together 2-3 word sentences. They want to be independent and play make-believe. [footnote 1]

    Gina was no exception. She did not realize that she had just entered a dark place for children, a place no child should have to endure. Gina also did not realize that this was just the start, and that her coping mechanism would eventually include 18 friends – friends that existed only in her mind.

    Chapter 1

    Fatherly Love Gone Awry

    Robert would bounce the nearly 2-year-old Gina on his leg, a seemingly innocent activity until you realize that he was a sexual predator. He liked children much differently than is normal. He would hold her in his arms like people hold tiny babies.

    Many years later, with the help of a therapist using visualization, Gina could recall that it was scary.

    I didn’t know what was going to come next, she said. He was totally in control, and I was just helpless.

    Her mother was very jealous of Gina, which seems odd until you consider that she suffered from mental illness and did not think like most people.

    When he got done bouncing Gina, Robert would take her to the basement and continue torturing her to make her go along with his planned assault. He would open the stoker furnace and scare the child by acting like he was going to throw her into the fire.

    There were also large water bugs in the basement, and he would sometimes threaten her with those. She was frightened of them as well, and Robert would use that to his advantage. Robert would throw a water bug on her. She would scream about it, and he would take it off, saying If you don’t do what I say, you get that bug on you again. Gina would do what he wanted.

    He would then force the child to perform oral sex on him, something he did at least twice a week. Sometimes, Robert would make her do that up to four times a week.

    He would make me lick him, Gina, now 60 years old, said. That’s where the Kitty came into being.

    Richard Coomer, a licensed Clinical Social Worker who has treated Gina for many years, explained to the adult Gina that it was her way of coping with the situation, using the non-verbal alter personality Kitty to remove herself from the situation.

    Kitty was black and white; it was very playful, Gina said.

    She had found a way to cope with events in her life at a very early age. Before Gina was done, she had 18 alters that would help her deal with things that happened. She was—and is—glad she had them, but eventually that would have to change.

    Gina next developed the second alter, the one she knew as Baby to help her deal with her father’s attacks.

    He used to play with my vagina a lot and put his finger in, and it woke me up sexually, she said. "I mean that’s why my (later) sexual experiences, I believe, were so grand, was because I was awakened so early.

    I believe it actually made sex better for me, but I wouldn’t recommend it. ‘Baby’ took my place—I couldn’t do it. It was excruciating, so there was a baby that came in and had very sexual feelings.

    In addition to the fire and the bugs, her father would lift her up high and threaten to drop her to force her to comply with his demands.

    I carried phobias with me for the rest of my life, Gina said. He damaged me so bad in that way. It was horrible. No one should ever be treated that way.

    When he was not after sex, Robert was almost indifferent toward her.

    He petted me on the head a lot, Gina recalled. "When I did something good he would pet me on the head, training me to be good. I thought I was a good girl if I went after his penis.

    I adjusted to it, and he brought out so many (sexual) feelings, she said. I just felt like this is the way life is. This is what daddies do.

    When Gina was in her 20s, her mother told her about the assaults by her father. Gina had no recollection of those events, but she knew Betty had not done anything to really protect her.

    He would put his finger inside of me, and would also put himself inside me, Gina said. "It was painful, but then they (the alters) took over, and there was no pain. I wasn’t there; it was like I was watching from above. I was there, but I wasn’t there. That went on for I don’t know how long because I didn’t have memories of it.

    At an early age, I didn’t know any better, I thought all fathers did that to their little girls, and I thought that it was normal, she said. Of course, I became splintered, but I grew up that way and I thought that’s how it was—you snuck around the mom so the dad could have you, and that’s what made me know that men desired sex, because my father did.

    Gina developed a fondness for men’s hands.

    They’re very sexual to me, she said. I used to kiss his hands.

    Betty did try to help Elise, Gina’s younger sister, a bit by turning her against her father at an early age. She did so by telling her to stay away from her father and that he was a mean person who would hurt her.

    That helped to a degree, but only for so long. As Gina got older—by age 7 she was too old for his taste—he turned his attention to Elise.

    One day Betty had left to go shoplifting with my aunts, and Robert took the 1-year-old Elise into the bathroom, Gina said. "‘Baby was under the table telling her to just do it and get it over with. It’s OK, you’ll like it.’

    I remember Elise crying and screaming as he locked the door, and I remember Mom came home and caught Dad in the locked bathroom with her.

    Let her out, you son of a bitch! Betty yelled.

    Gina said, Mom knocked on the door real loud and kicked it, and he came out in a matter of minutes. I knew what Elise was going through because I had been through it. I felt like it was just something we had to do.

    As far as I know it was the first time (he had attacked Elise), Gina said. "I remember my mom saying for him to stay away from her. She protected Elise.

    She was so jealous of me and dad’s relationship. She did not want Elise to have that relationship with him because of jealousy. She would even say, ‘You’re not getting her.

    With the one exception, Elise did escape the sexual abuse that Gina had faced because she stayed as far away from her father as possible. Betty made sure of that and kept a watchful eye on her at all times when Robert was around. If she took a nap, Elise would be sleeping right beside her so she could protect her.

    By the time Gina turned 7 years old and started school, she was too old for Robert, and Elise was not available, so he turned his attention to Gina’s 1-year-old brother Nick. He and Nick would frequently go to the basement. That lasted until Nick turned 3.

    Gina’s first experience in school was pretty difficult, too. Her alters, Katrina, Lila, and the kitty cat, would take over in school.

    Gina made excellent grades. People with DID generally have high IQs, but even if she had not been so smart she would have done well. Gina’s parents expected her to have good grades and not be involved in any foolishness.

    In fact, if any of the children had trouble in school, Robert and Betty would shun them and beat them, too.

    Betty did not want the children socializing in school all the way through elementary and junior high. They also could not stay after school, so that eliminated extra-curricular activities.

    Gina played basketball during school in junior high, but she was not allowed to participate on school teams.

    All of the children were also ordered to not discuss things that happened at home, including beatings, being cursed at, Betty throwing things, throwing them into furniture, and, in the case of Gina, Elise, and Nick, the sexual assaults on them by their father.

    Before Gina turned age 8, Robert would end up in the mental hospital after having a nervous breakdown.

    He was shop steward at a packing house at the time and people came to him with problems all the time, Gina said. "Then, molesting us, it was too much

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