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Our Oceans, Rivers and Lakes
Our Oceans, Rivers and Lakes
Our Oceans, Rivers and Lakes
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Our Oceans, Rivers and Lakes

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There are great reserves of Ocean waters on the earth. Around 97 percent of total water is found in the oceans and simultaneously 70 percent of the earth’s area is covered with Oceans.
World’s generally all sea’s, mountains, lakes and the snow and water emerging from the mountains, all get accumulated and meet in the oceans. In Hindu mythology Lord Vishnu has been said to be resting in the Ocean. Varun has been called as God of Oceans.
In our solar system, the oceans found on the earth are monism. No such Oceans are found on any other planet. Oceans have their own whole world filled with mysteries and diffusion. Every being of the ocean is there to create amusement in us. In spite of so many researches, yet several mysteries of the oceans remain unsolved.
Rivers and lakes are too very important to us and our environment as they provide us with fresh and clean water. Rivers flow from a number of origins. These origins can be lakes and mountains. Almost every river meets another river or ocean at the end of its journey. The river which meets the main river is called the Helper Rivers. The area from where a river passes is called its water accepting area. To maintain the level of the river and its flowing speed it is necessary to make sure that we don’t exploit the water accepting place.
Many rivers become a cause of flood in many places in the monsoon season. If the river is large then it can affect a large area. The rivers which carry a lot of top soil with them often form deltas.
Many forests grow on the banks of the rivers including a number of species. Many fishes have adapted to live in the rivers as well as the seas like the Hilsa and Salmon fishes.
From thousands of years rivers have been playing an important role in the lives of the human beings and this is the reason why many important towns and cities are located on the banks of the rivers.
We love our rivers, we pray to them but we also pollute them. We use the river water for drinking, bathing, as a means of transportation and entertainment, we also use them to generate electricity and then we throw the waste in the rivers. This is not taking advantage but in this way we are ruining our own future.
We started using rivers as a means of transportation 3300 years ago. This happened when people floated a boat for the first time in the river Indus. From that time till now we can see a number of rivers used as a means of transportation. Some of these rivers are Ganga, Nile and Mississippi Missouri.
We catch many fishes from these rivers while they also help us in irrigation. In the following book detailed information has been given about main rivers, oceans and lakes. Let’s know more about them.

Release dateApr 22, 2013
Our Oceans, Rivers and Lakes

Mahesh Dutt Sharma

Mahesh Sharma, a prestigious author and journalist, has written more than 1550 Hindi and English books. His book, "Mahatma Gandhi," won the M.P. Govt. Gandhi Darshan National Award in 2010. He also won Purvottar Hindi Academy, Meghalaya, Shilong Award twice, Natraj Author Award etc.. He is a freelance writer and writing is his passion.

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    Our Oceans, Rivers and Lakes - Mahesh Dutt Sharma

    Our Oceans, Rivers and Lakes

    By Mahesh Sharma

    Published by Mahesh Dutt Sharma

    Smashwords Edition

    © mds e-books 2013

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    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    There are great reserves of Ocean waters on the earth. Around 97 percent of total water is found in the oceans and simultaneously 70 percent of the earth’s area is covered with Oceans.

    World’s generally all sea’s, mountains, lakes and the snow and water emerging from the mountains, all get accumulated and meet in the oceans. In Hindu mythology Lord Vishnu has been said to be resting in the Ocean. Varun has been called as God of Oceans.

    In our solar system, the oceans found on the earth are monism. No such Oceans are found on any other planet. Oceans have their own whole world filled with mysteries and diffusion. Every being of the ocean is there to create amusement in us. In spite of so many researches, yet several mysteries of the oceans remain unsolved.

    Rivers and lakes are too very important to us and our environment as they provide us with fresh and clean water. Rivers flow from a number of origins. These origins can be lakes and mountains. Almost every river meets another river or ocean at the end of its journey. The river which meets the main river is called the Helper Rivers. The area from where a river passes is called its water accepting area. To maintain the level of the river and its flowing speed it is necessary to make sure that we don’t exploit the water accepting place.

    Many rivers become a cause of flood in many places in the monsoon season. If the river is large then it can affect a large area. The rivers which carry a lot of top soil with them often form deltas.

    Many forests grow on the banks of the rivers including a number of species. Many fishes have adapted to live in the rivers as well as the seas like the Hilsa and Salmon fishes.

    From thousands of years rivers have been playing an important role in the lives of the human beings and this is the reason why many important towns and cities are located on the banks of the rivers.

    We love our rivers, we pray to them but we also pollute them. We use the river water for drinking, bathing, as a means of transportation and entertainment, we also use them to generate electricity and then we throw the waste in the rivers. This is not taking advantage but in this way we are ruining our own future.

    We started using rivers as a means of transportation 3300 years ago. This happened when people floated a boat for the first time in the river Indus. From that time till now we can see a number of rivers used as a means of transportation. Some of these rivers are Ganga, Nile and Mississippi Missouri.

    We catch many fishes from these rivers while they also help us in irrigation. In the following book detailed information has been given about main rivers, oceans and lakes. Let’s know more about them.


    Table of Contents

    1. Five Major Oceans

    2. Some other Oceans and Seas

    3. Oceanic Layers

    4. Oceanic Currents

    5. Hurricanes

    6. Salty Oceans

    7. Life in oceans

    8. Importance of Oceans

    9. Oceans: Interesting Facts

    10. Amazon River

    11. Colorado River

    12. Congo River

    13. Danube River

    14. Yangtze River

    15. Hwang-Ho River

    16. Mekong River

    17. Murray River

    18. Darling River

    19. River Nile

    20. Zambezi River

    21. Lena River

    22. Ob River

    23. Mackenzie River

    24. Amu Darya

    25. Indus River

    26. Ganga River

    27. Brahmaputra River

    28. Narmada River

    29. World’s major Sea’s and countries related to Rivers

    30. Our Lakes

    31. Caspian Sea Lake

    32. Lake Victoria

    33. Great Slave Lake

    34. Lake Malawi

    35. Dead Sea Lake

    36. Great Bear Lake

    37. Tanganyika Lake

    38. Lake Titicaca

    39. Lake Assal

    40. Dale Lake

    41. Superior Lake

    42. Pushkar Lake

    43. Chilka Lake

    44. Bhimtal Lake

    45. Vembanad Lake

    46. Lake Baikal

    47. Interesting Facts about Rivers and Lakes

    1. Five Major Oceans

    Oceans affect the environment of the earth in depth. They especially affect the temperature and climate. It sucks the solar radiation thereby balancing the temperature of the earth. This solar radiation gets collected in the oceans in the form of calorie energy, to whom they always keep on distributing among the unsteady oceanic waves in the atmosphere, with this process the earth and the wind remains warm in winters and cold in summers.

    It is very interesting to know that all the oceans are interlinked with each other. Presently are five major

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