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Pax et Nyx
Pax et Nyx
Pax et Nyx
Ebook10 pages8 minutes

Pax et Nyx

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About this ebook

Pax et Nyx is a short story, which addresses some of the spiritual and philosophical topics.

PublisherMaura Trocan
Release dateMay 10, 2013
Pax et Nyx

Maura Trocan

I have 12 years of experience in music, 9 years experience in martial arts, 6 years experience in video and photo editing, 4 years experience in photo and movie shooting, 3 years experience in computer sciences and 3 years experience in marketing. I am highly adaptable to new situations and types of people. I poses good diplomatic skills and I enjoy working in teams. I enjoy researching new marketing techniques and applying them.

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    Book preview

    Pax et Nyx - Maura Trocan


    I do not have a God complex. I could be a God, but for this to happen, I must accept the help of the real God. It's there for everyone, regardless of gender, religion or ancestry, known by over 9000 names, the one entity that created all, whose existence every religion attests to. Some call this devoid of gender entity Yahweh, others Jehovah, Adonai, Allah, Budhha, some refuse to name him, but most men - simply God. Kid, I gave up everything that you might think normal, my life is now in his hands.

    If you're so great, then why didn’t you stop this!

    "Hey, it’s your

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