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True Stories on Road Ghosts and Phantom Hitchhikers
True Stories on Road Ghosts and Phantom Hitchhikers
True Stories on Road Ghosts and Phantom Hitchhikers
Ebook103 pages1 hour

True Stories on Road Ghosts and Phantom Hitchhikers

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Ever seen a hitchhiker on the road in the late hours of the night? Always wondered why he/she is standing out there in the late hours of the night? Well, do you pick them up? Just so you know, you take them in, you gotta be prepared to sit back and digest the inevitable if that happens to you because road ghosts can be menacing, mean and frightening. In this collection of stories about vanishing hitchhikers and road ghosts, you will find every kind of story to mull about. Some are not too frightening but there are others like the Baguio lady ghost who seems to send a chill down anyone's spine. She's so real that she's been captured on film and she doesn't like anyone messing around with her and if you try to intimidate her, the results are simply chilling, so be warned….

PublisherMary Devey
Release dateMay 21, 2013
True Stories on Road Ghosts and Phantom Hitchhikers

Mary Devey

Mary Devey writes historical fiction and everything Wicca. Her first book "Sold into Slavery: The Story of Adaku" addresses the effects of African slavery and its consequence for one woman and the people who surround her. Highlighted in three parts, the first part addresses Adaku's life as a kidnapped woman sealed away from the rest of the African world in a place called a baracoon where she meets other kidnapped tribal women like her. Part II on The Middle Passage will be available soon at Mary has also recently completed Part I of her Wicca Trilogy which promises the most unusual - Rebirth: The Gathering of the Witches. Other books written include, "In Her Mama's Shoes" - a coming of age book that addresses the tragic consequences for a young girl who instead of looking onwards, turns the pages of time to only learn too much about her Mama.

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    True Stories on Road Ghosts and Phantom Hitchhikers - Mary Devey

    True Stories on Road Ghosts and Phantom Hitchhikers

    By Mary Devey

    All rights reserved. Copyright © 2013 Mary Devey

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    The events in this book are based on facts. Some of the characters have been replaced with false names to protect their identity.

    Also by the same author in the following series:

    Haunted Africa: True Ghost Stories Part I

    Haunted England: True Ghost Stories Part I

    Haunted Ireland: True Ghost Stories Part I & II

    Haunted Singapore: True Ghost Stories Part I & II

    The Ghost of Daisy de Melker and Other True Ghost Stories


    ≈ 1: Preface

    ≈ 2 The White Lady of the Belchen Tunnel (Switzerland)

    ≈ 3 Who's Annie? (United States)

    ≈ 4 The Ghostly Hitchhiker (Zimbabwe)

    ≈ 5 The Devilish Passenger (Israel)

    ≈ 6 Beware the Malaysian Crone (Malaysia)

    ≈ 7 The White Lady of the Delhi Cantonment (India)

    ≈ 8 Strange Tales on Ireland's Fota Road (Ireland)

    ≈ 9 Peggy the Ghost Kisser (Zimbabwe)

    ≈ 10 The Restless Hitch Hiker (Australia)

    ≈ 11 Have you seen Mary? (United States)

    ≈ 12 The Phantom Woman of the Blue Bell Hill (England)

    ≈ 13 The Stanbridge Ghost (England)

    ≈ 14 Pluckley's Ghostly Hitch Hiker (England)

    ≈ 15 Beware the Bromyard Ghost (England)

    ≈ 16 Ghosts at the Caterham Bypass (England)

    ≈ 17 Who is Sheila Highway? (South Africa)

    ≈ 18 What did She Want? (Austria)

    ≈ 19 The Horrors at one Malaysia Highway (Malaysia)

    ≈ 20 The Disillusioned Monk on the M67 Highway (England)

    ≈ 21 The Scottish Ghost Road (Scotland)

    ≈ 22 Is there a Ghost on the A541? (Wales)

    ≈ 23 The White Lady of Baguio City (Philippines)


    You're driving in the late hours of the night, your eyes focused on the road ahead…you're alone and the next thing you know, you see this young woman standing on the side of the road looking so alone and terrified. You debate in the very few minutes available to you and ask yourself, Do I take her in? Do I stop my car for someone I don't know?

    You look at her again. She seems tired, scared and desperate. You think again, a little harder this time. Really, she shouldn't be standing so alone in the dark hours of the night. What if someone gets to her, someone like a serial killer looking to kill an innocent girl quite like the one you see? All these chilling thoughts creep up your mind and you realize just maybe you had better give the girl a lift. Just this once and so you stop the car. You're the good Samaritan and you're not letting the baddies get her. You stop right by her, wind down your screen and sound some general questions. Just a test to see what she wants…

    She seems okay and so you let her in but you notice something immediately. She looks pale and she seems frightened but you smile your best and tell her it's alright. So, she gets into the back seat and you lock the car. You're ready to go but a couple of miles down the road, your passenger seems awfully quiet. She says nothing. Absolutely not a single word comes out of her and you wonder why the silence. Is she uncomfortable? Really, she has nothing to worry about and you tell her. You look into the rearview mirror suddenly and that's when you gasp.

    Where is she? you scream almost swerving to the side of the road. You stop the car and turn around to see the back seat. She's gone but how did she get out? The car was all locked and you know so well that at the speed you're at, there is no way she should have gotten out without you knowing. It is the safety lock that you paid extra for and nothing now makes any sense at all. You look bewildered and who wouldn’t be?

    Where are you? you ask aloud but there's nothing really, just the sound of your own voice in the still of the darkness. You can't get much out of that now and you know quite well there's no one around at all. You're completely shaken and shocked and you know what it was that had come to you. You had just seen a ghost!

    Without waiting, you rush off to the police and you sound your terrifying experience right before a cop who knows all about the road you've been at. Yeah, they know about the pale young woman in the white dress, they tell you. People come in looking so muffled and terrified and they tell them to forget it and just go about their lives but they want to report. Like the good cops they are, they log it down as a report but the truth is nothing really gets done on a complaint about a ghost really…not out here, it doesn't. How do you track a ghost? But the cop listens anyway, then tells them to calm down and get the story with what they were doing right before they picked up the stranger on the road. Then you know the routine. They will slowly chirp in a couple more words with a reassuring smile, You're not alone Mr. Smith. Don't worry too much. You're not losing it but just be careful the next time… People have picked the white lady by mistake and she always comes during the full moon…

    That's what's she called? you ask.

    Yup, sounds the cheerful cop, That's what they call her out here.

    What does she…?

    …you mean want? Tell you what, he cuts in rather quickly. He knows the routine. They come and they gasp telling you they saw something and they don't know very well now but he knows what the next questions are and so he says, we do not know what she wants. Just go home…everything will be alright, he finishes. Some things are best not known.

    You nod your head and you leave reluctantly. Your job is done with the cops but you know what you did a couple of minutes ago. You picked up a ghost and now you know that ghosts exist!

    In this collection of phantom tales, you will find stories about road ghosts and the strange hitch hiker who comes with all the tricks ready and handy. He will disappear, he will tell you a morbid story predicting something that will not necessarily occur or he will be there just to finish up an act that doesn’t seem to have an ending. Be prepared for chills and thrills as you walk your way into this edition of the ghostly hitch hikers from all across the world including stories about Resurrection Mary, Highway Sheila and about the horrible old crone who sucks on the last bits of life left of the living….

    The White Lady of the Belchen Tunnel:

    There are stories about many phantom hitchhikers told in Switzerland the popular one being mentioned constantly is the Weisse Frau or white woman (white lady). The White Lady is said to appear in front of motorists driving into the Belchen Tunnel which forms part of the A2 motorway joining the populous Swiss city of Basel to the municipality of Chiasso. Sometimes she is seen within the tunnel where she hitches a ride from an unsuspecting driver.

    Those who have seen her well have described her as an older woman who dresses in white and she is so real it is hard to believe she is a ghost. Some drivers claim she speaks in a tone that is so telling that it almost grips you. Most often, she uses

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