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314 Book 2
314 Book 2
314 Book 2
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314 Book 2

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Alma Harper and her friends are lost in Widowsfield. They're trapped in a lie created by The Skeleton Man, and even death provides no escape. As they struggle to discover the truth about the once sleepy town, a new evil emerges: The Watcher in the Walls. As the lies are exposed, the liars are revealed, and the only way out of the maze is to fall into the lies and disappear.

As Alma struggles to find a way out of Widowsfield, a new character comes to town. Her name is Nia, and she is a gifted young woman that can pull memories out of the world around her. Of course, the true memories of Widowsfield are lost behind the lies. As she gets closer to the truth, others will attempt to exploit her gift.

All the while, The Skeleton Man plans his escape. What if he gets out?

PublisherA.R. Wise
Release dateMay 24, 2013
314 Book 2

A.R. Wise

I am a podcaster, movie and music lover, owner of the Talkingship website, and long time secret writer. I decided to sit down and force myself to finally put together a story and get it into people's hands. That happened with the release of my first novella, Deadlocked, on November 9th, 2011. For updates on my writing, news about upcoming projects, and to see a ludicrous amount of other fantastic things, head over to

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    314 Book 2 - A.R. Wise



    Imagine waking up in the middle of a maze. The walls are too high to climb and the floor is too tough to dig through. You have no idea how you got there, or which way is out. No one answers when you scream, and you’re burdened by a sense of impending loss. You don’t know what it is that you’re afraid of losing, but the feeling is inescapable.

    Of course, the thing you’re losing is your sanity, which becomes more evident as you claw at the walls. Madness lingers in these long halls, and it’s only a matter of time before they close in on you.

    Now, do your best to imagine that the walls are made of memories. It’s a maddening thing to consider, but that’s the point. You’re probably visualizing the walls as television screens, displaying your past, but that’s wrong. There are no walls. Instead you’re walking consciously through a moment in time that has already passed, but is slightly different than it should be. You try to walk in the same direction that you did when the moment truly occurred, a slave to a recording, but it’s impossible to recreate every step. These little deviations, whether it be turning left instead of right, or saying yes instead of no, are all that is needed to start you in the wrong direction. Then, before you know it, you become lost in your own mind.

    The walls of your maze are made of your own past, but they’re tricking you. As your sanity fades, so too does your realization that the walls are false. These aren’t your memories, but that’s not the sort of thing a rational mind could ever hope to understand. Memories belong to us. They’re the only things we ever uniquely own. Thoughts and memories are what sanity clings to.

    To get out, you have to be just a bit mad; you have to accept the maze. The only way to find the exit is to understand the walls, but once you do, you’ve already lost.

    The Watcher in the Walls has won.

    Chapter One - Dead Again

    Lost in Widowsfield

    Alma Harper couldn’t speak.

    She was in Jacker’s van, seated between Aubrey and Rachel, terrified as the others stared in shock out the windows. It was a sunny, spring day in Widowsfield, and the people of the town were going about their business as if nothing was wrong. A UPS truck was parked outside of the corner book shop, and the driver was loading boxes onto a dolly at the rear. There was a long haired man switching discs on his Walkman as he passed the truck, and smiled at the driver as he went. Beside that building was a restaurant, called the Salt and Pepper Diner, and Alma could see a chubby man sitting in one of the booths beside the window with a young boy across from him. The child was staring at their van as they passed.

    What’s going on? asked Rachel.

    We’re in 1996, said Stephen as he nervously pivoted in his seat. He looked back at them, and then out his window. Look at the truck.

    What truck? asked Rachel.

    The UPS one, said Stephen. Remember how I told you a UPS driver disappeared at the same time as everyone else? And look at that car parked over there. He pointed at a green Ford truck parked on the side of the street, in front of the UPS truck. See the license plate tag?

    In the center of the plate, between the numbers, was a green tag that had the numbers 96 on it. Jacker put the van in park, even though the light had turned green. Holy shit, he said as he ran his hands through his hair. Holy shit, holy shit…

    This can’t be, said Aubrey. She had her hands on the back of Jacker’s headrest and stood, though she had to hunch over as she did. You guys are pulling some sort of prank on me. Right?

    The car behind them honked, frustrated that the van was still stopped at the light. Jacker put the van back in drive and yelled, This is no prank! He turned into the parking lot of the credit union that was beside the Widowsfield Emergency Service Center. The bank’s sign displayed the time, 3:14, and the green light flooded the van as they passed it.

    This place has been deserted for years, said Aubrey, her tone nearing panic. This is insane.

    Hold up, said Jacker as he parked at the entrance of the Emergency Services building. He rolled down the window and leaned out to speak with a woman standing near the glass door of the center. Excuse me, ma’am.

    Yes? asked the woman after she took the last drag of her cigarette.

    This is a weird question, said Jacker. But could you tell me what year it is?

    Seriously? asked the woman with a scowl. She dropped her cigarette to the pavement and stamped it out. Alma noticed that there was an ashtray several feet from the woman, apparently pushed away from the entrance to keep people from smoking near the door.

    I know it’s a weird question, said Jacker.

    It sure is, pal. The woman stayed near the door, annoyed, puzzled, and slightly fretful of the big man in the van who was asking such an odd question.

    Alma heard dogs barking and the noise caused her heart to beat faster. The sound was familiar, distinctive, yet she couldn’t fathom why she felt that way.

    Please? asked Jacker. Just tell me what year it is.

    Or who the president is, shouted Stephen from the passenger seat.

    Get a life, weirdos, said the woman as she opened the door to the building to go back inside.

    Smooth, said Rachel. Maybe she’ll call the cops on us and we can ask them what year it is. I’m sure they’ll be willing to listen to our story of how we time travelled here. Maybe they’ll ask about the flux capacitor you installed in the van.

    Just park in one of the spots, said Aubrey. Let’s get out and see if we can find a newspaper or something.

    Jacker pulled the van into a parking spot as Stephen took out his cell phone. Nothing, said Stephen as he showed the others his phone. There’s nothing on it. The damn thing won’t work.

    Is it dead? asked Rachel as she got her own phone.

    Yeah, said Stephen. It won’t turn on.

    Mine won’t either, said Rachel. What about the rest of you? Does anyone’s phone work?

    Alma was going to look for her phone when a thunderous noise shook the van. Rachel and Aubrey screamed as Jacker cursed, but Alma covered her ears. While everyone else was shocked by the sound, she somehow knew it was coming. It would precede the fog.

    What was that? asked Stephen.

    A shadow blocked out the sun for a moment, as if a plane had flown low overhead. Then the dogs started barking again, this time closer.

    He’s here, said Alma. We have to run.

    Who’s here? asked Rachel.

    The one that controls the fog, said Alma, near tears.

    What fog? asked Stephen.

    This fog? asked Jacker as he pointed out the window.

    Thick mist was rolling down the street, sweeping across the pavement as if made of liquid. Every shape caught within it seemed to disappear nearly completely, as if the fog was erasing everything in its path. Green electricity snapped within the cloud, carried across the features of the shapes that the fog had swallowed. Then they saw the silhouettes of creatures moving within the mist, short but fast, with canine heads. The top of the fog was draped with what looked like strands of black wire that twisted in and out of each other.

    Get us the fuck out of here! Aubrey grabbed Jacker’s shoulders and shook the big man.

    Yeah, yeah, okay, said Jacker as he put the van in reverse.

    No, said Alma. We have to run! Just get out and run. She climbed over Rachel’s lap and grasped the handle of the sliding door.

    What are you doing? asked Rachel, unsure if she should restrain Alma or let her open the door.

    We had to run! Alma was past desperation as she yanked at the handle.

    Had to? asked Rachel.

    He’s coming! Alma was frantic as she pulled up the lock on the door so that she could open it. Jacker had already put the van in reverse and was screaming back at Alma to shut the door. His window was open and she could see the fog advancing when she looked back at him. It was sliding over the cars in the lot, the green electricity furiously zapping along the metal as it came closer to them.

    Close the door, said Jacker.

    Alma paused and looked at him, dread and sorrow filling her as she saw the fog flow up to the side of the van. Goodbye, Jacker, she said as the fog seeped in.

    It came through his open window, tendrils creeping in like sentient roots digging for sustenance. They swarmed over him, wrapping coils around his neck and arms. He tried to scream, but the fog constricted until his voice was choked away from him. He struggled, but the force that collected him was too strong. It swept over his skin as the dogs barked outside, almost seeming to laugh at his pain.

    Stephen, Rachel, and Aubrey screamed in terror as they watched the fog consume Jacker, but Alma looked away. She knew what it looked like to see a man’s skin peeled off. Somehow, this all felt too familiar.

    The mutated dogs swarmed the van, their ravaged hands scraping along the side. What had once been children had become a twisted mix of human and beast, nude and bearing large gashes across their pale skin. The children’s hands had become shattered mounds of flesh and bone, as if they had been thrust into a grinder and smashed until useless. Their heads were not human, but canine, hairless and with wholly black eyes. Their teeth were too large for their mouths, sometimes tearing through the flesh of their own lips, seeming to grow larger as the creatures wailed.

    Alma saw the fog seep out from under the van and had to leap a foot away to avoid it. Then she turned and yelled at the others to get out. The town had erupted into chaos as the fog descended, bringing the mutated children with it. One of the creatures appeared at the rear of their vehicle, its eyes locked on Alma, and it started to howl. Others had crawled over the hood, scrambling to climb using their shattered hands, hooking bits of twisted bone into the crevasses of the hood to pull themselves up. They all stared at Alma, intent as they swarmed, and each of them howled after a moment of watching her.

    Jacker! Aubrey was screaming their dead friend’s name.

    Alma didn’t need to look to know what was happening. The fog had dragged Jacker’s head out of the window and the hideous monstrosities that swarmed the van were tearing his face apart as he squirmed in his seat. They didn’t eat him, but clawed at his skin with their shattered hands while biting at his eyes. He couldn’t scream, because the fog was choking him, but he could gyrate in his seat, fully conscious through the entire ordeal. That would happen until the fog decided to end his life. It would start by hooking into his skin, and then it would peel him apart, stripping his flesh away like the top layer of an onion.

    Get out! Alma backed away, and then felt someone grab her shoulders. She turned and saw the woman that had been smoking outside moments earlier.

    Get inside! The woman pulled Alma toward the door of the building as the fog swept over the van.

    My friends! Alma cried out as the woman grasped her.

    Rachel took Aubrey’s hand and yanked the girl out of the van to follow Alma. The fog reached out from under the vehicle in an attempt to catch them, but they were able to avoid it and make it to the door.

    Stephen! Rachel yelled out to her husband who was still in the van trying to help Jacker. Come on!

    His side of the van was already in the mist, and he had to crawl over the center console into the back seat. His face was splattered with blood, and he was terrified as he stumbled to get out the same door that the girls had exited. His foot fell into the fog below, and it swirled up his leg. It’s got me!

    Stephen! Rachel tried to run out to help, but Aubrey held her back.

    The howling pack of demonic children cried out with nearly human voices. Their guttural noises sounded like laughter as they crept toward Stephen, but their attention was still on Alma.

    Leave him alone! Rachel reached out to her husband as Alma and Aubrey restrained her.

    Stephen struggled to free himself from the fog, but it inched up his body, toying with him as it constricted tighter each second. Go, Rachel! Just go!

    No. She was trembling and crying as she yelled out to him.

    Alma was desperate to get into the building when she heard the chattering start. The Skeleton Man drew near, and he had seen her. The game was coming to an end now, and he would win if she didn’t flee.

    His chattering teeth echoed in her mind as he approached the building, hidden in the fog that surrounded them. It seemed as if the growing mist was avoiding the Emergency Services Center, forming a circle around it within which The Skeleton Man hid. His clicking teeth drummed in Alma’s head, a piece of the nightmare that only she could experience.

    My children want to eat your friend, said The Skeleton Man, his voice reverberating in her mind like a thousand echoes.

    Who are you? asked Alma.

    Who is who? asked the woman at the door.

    Alma let go of Rachel and clasped her hands over her ears to drown out the sounds that threatened to quiet the voice in her head. The chattering teeth got louder and she saw the man in the fog approaching from behind the van. His long arm wrapped around the corner of the van and he tapped on the side as the mist hid his features. He was tall and lanky, a corpse draped in clothes, and when the mist cleared enough to reveal any detail he shied away, drawing back as if unwilling to be seen.

    Who are you? Alma screamed at the shade.

    The air above them swirled, as if the eye of a storm had descended upon the building, trapping everything around it in a maelstrom of fog and lightning. Time seemed to flow differently for the others, and Alma was trapped in a world that The Skeleton Man controlled. She felt linked to him, blessed by his attention, and damned by it all at once. He laughed at her, and she tried to move forward but discovered that her body was caught in the same slowed movements as the world around her. Only The Skeleton Man seemed unfazed, and he tapped his fingers on the side of the van with the same cadence as he had when time flowed normally for all of them. His chattering teeth never slowed, and his laughter wavered in her mind as if affected by the beat of her own heart; swooshing in and out like waves on a beach.

    I will guide you, Alma Harper, said the demonic voice. I have waited so long to have you with me. Together, you and I will help Ben get free.

    Alma tried to speak, but felt the muscles in her throat react slowly to her wishes. What she had planned to say was lost by her inability to speak, so she stared at The Skeleton Man and tried to communicate with her thoughts instead.

    ‘Leave my friends alone.’

    The demon didn’t respond. He just continued to linger in the fog, tapping on the side of the van as his minions took slow steps toward Stephen. Alma could see the muscles of the children tense as their feet propelled them with each step, but they didn’t move any faster than the swirling mist, or Rachel’s grasping hands. All of them were caught in the flow of time, a trap that The Skeleton Man was free of.

    You have to help me save Ben, said The Skeleton Man. Ignore the liars, and save your brother.

    A woman’s shrill cry drowned out the demon’s voice. It was a sound unfettered by the restraint of the slowed flow of time, resounding at the same bone-chilling depth that The Skeleton Man’s chattering teeth did. He tensed, his fingers settling on the side of the van, and Alma saw that he was frightened.

    She’s found us, said The Skeleton Man. I have to leave. He looked directly at her and Alma saw his skeletal face revealed as a flash of green electricity skipped across his arm. Alma, run! Then he retreated and the mist seemed to swallow him as time returned to normal.

    Stephen! Rachel screamed to her husband as the demonic children overtook him. They leapt through the mist and it moved to accommodate them, happy to hold onto their victim until the creatures got to him.

    Run! said Stephen as the demons started to bite into him. The dog-like creatures clamped their jaws on his exposed flesh and then shook their heads back and forth, tearing the skin like a starved hound. Blood cascaded down his body, but he couldn’t fight them off as the tendrils of fog held him still.

    Christ! said the woman that had been smoking at the front door. What’s going on?

    Nancy, said another woman from inside the building. Get in here!

    Aubrey tried to hold Rachel, but the strawberry blonde reporter was too devoted to her husband. She writhed free and ran into the mass of undulating flesh that had swarmed over Stephen. She gripped one of the children by the neck and threw it aside, but then they turned on her.

    The mist engulfed her, as if pulling her in for an embrace, and dragged her closer to Stephen. She slapped into her husband’s wet body, the blood splashing away from her as she did, and then her cries were silenced as the demons tore her to pieces.

    Rachel! Alma was horrified to see her friends die, but knew there was nothing that could be done to save them. Only fear of pain convinced her to even fight for her own life. She was cursed with a sense of inevitability to this entire nightmare, as if she already knew they were doomed.

    Someone call 9-1-1, said Aubrey as she grabbed Alma and pulled her into the building.

    We are 9-1-1, said the woman that had been smoking outside when they arrived.

    Then fucking do something! Aubrey pulled the door shut once they were all in.

    There was a large, older woman in the building. Her blue eyes were wide as she stared out the window. She didn’t look away as she screamed at another person in the building with them. Darryl, did you get anyone?

    I can’t get through, said a man’s voice from somewhere within the maze of fabric dividers that housed each desk of the call center. The station’s lines are all busy.

    That’s just fucking great, said Aubrey. What are you supposed to do when even the 9-1-1 operators can’t get through to the police?

    It’s okay, darling, said the older woman, although her quaking tone revealed the falseness of her calm. We’re linked to their system. They know we need them. They know we need help. I’m sure they’ll be here any minute.

    No they won’t, said Aubrey. Because this is happening all over. Because this is 1996, isn’t it? Isn’t it?

    Yes! The smoker screamed out at Aubrey, her nerves frayed. Why do you people keep asking what year it is?

    Because everyone in this fucking cursed town dies today. Aubrey’s face turned red as she screamed. Every single one of you!

    What are you talking about? asked the older woman.

    Alma saw a man rise up from between the fabric dividers in the call center. He had a headset on and his mouth was agape. He was overweight, with no discernible chin if not for the way he trimmed his beard, and his neck was jiggling as if he were trying to speak. Help, he finally managed to say. Then he seemed to shrink a foot and jerked forward. His face shook as if he was in pain, and then he lifted his hands to reveal that they were covered in blood. He said again, Help, but his voice was weaker than before.

    Darryl? asked the older woman as she started to head toward the man’s desk.

    Claire, don’t, said her coworker.

    Claire reached the aisle where Darryl’s desk was and then let out a high pitched cry as she stared at him. The rest of them rushed to see what had frightened her and were stopped in their tracks. The middle aged man had sunk partially into his own desk, his belly fused to the table and keyboard, like some sort of grotesque magic trick.

    Help, he said again as he dug his fingers into his stomach in an attempt to free himself. He tugged at his skin, but it ripped away from the top of the desk and blood seeped out. It looked as if he had grown into the inanimate object and only his flesh could move, but every time it did he was ripping himself to apart.

    That’s when they saw a woman’s arm reach out from the desk and grasp Darryl’s shirt. She clawed at him, like a drowning victim reaching out to be saved, and with every tug she pulled his body further into the desk. He choked as she pulled at him, and then vomited blood. The gore spewed from his mouth, at first just liquid, but then fleshy strips began to fly out. His face smashed into the top of his computer monitor as if he was suffering a seizure, and more of the strands of flesh slipped away from between his open lips. He gripped the sides of his cubicle and tried to pull himself up as his head continued to shake. They heard his bones breaking, but he continued to pull as his body separated.

    The woman’s hands tugged at him until her face was revealed within the desk itself. Her eyes bulged and were only white, with no pupil or iris in either of them. Her skin was badly burned, and her cheek bone was revealed as if her skin had melted away. The specter’s teeth were mostly gone, and the ones left were loose and bleeding as her mouth gaped open. It looked as if someone had been trying to pry her teeth out.

    Aubrey gasped and covered her mouth.

    The specter’s formerly milky eyes rotated, revealing two irises that had been rolled back in her head. She focused on Alma, and then jerked on Darryl’s body to pull herself further out of the furniture.

    Flesh dripped from her face as if made of a slimy, crimson liquid. Her mouth gaped, and then snapped shut on her bulbous, purple tongue. The creature screamed, Alma Harper!

    Holy fuck! Aubrey fell back against the wall in fright.

    Look what you did! The specter dragged herself out of the table as if emerging from a secret door. She pushed against Darryl’s writhing body until she was able to fall to the floor. Her body splashed, covered with red and white ooze, and then she coughed up a mixture of foam and bile that hung in strands from her lips. Look what you did! Her words were accented by the wet flapping of her shredded, bleeding lips.

    The creature was on her belly on the floor, ten feet from Alma. She clawed at the floor and dragged herself forward while screaming Alma’s name. Every inch she moved tore away bits of her flesh that were left behind on the Berber carpet like a snail’s trail.

    Let’s go, Alma! Aubrey and the other two women had already fled, but Aubrey returned to pull Alma away. What the hell are you standing there for?

    Look what you did! The woman on the floor screamed out again.

    Alma turned to look back at Aubrey, lost for words, and then looked back down at the creature on the floor. To her horror, the specter was gone. Her trail of slime and gore was still there, as was Darryl’s writhing body, but the woman had vanished.

    Come on, said Aubrey. There’s a back entrance. We have to run!

    Alma nodded, the shock of what she’d seen still silencing her. The demon that had appeared and killed Darryl had known who Alma was, and for some reason Alma knew that she would. Alma was scared of the woman, but not because of what she’d just seen, but rather that she felt as if she had been frightened of her for years. It was like a recurring nightmare had finally come true.

    Aubrey led Alma to the back door that the other two employees had escaped through. The fog lurched around the corner of the building, and sneaked over the roof, but it didn’t descend over them. Aubrey staggered as she saw the fold of mist lurking over the exit. She was aware of how it had captured Stephen minutes earlier.

    Should we just run? asked Aubrey as she stared at the lingering mist.

    I don’t… Alma was interrupted by the screaming specter that had killed Darryl.

    Alma! Look what you’ve done! The ghost materialized in the wall behind them, her face at eye level, pushing through the white paint and causing blood to slide down across the surface. One of her teeth fell to the floor as she oozed through the wall. Her eyes were rolled back in her head, and her fingers protruded from the wall, clawing as if she was desperate to pull herself free.

    Aubrey screamed and took Alma’s hand as they ran out of the building. There was a small patio out of the back door and a sidewalk that led around the building to the parking lot where Jacker, Stephen, and Rachel had died. To the side of the walkway, away from the building, was a ditch that led up to a black wire fence, past which was another, similar office building. Aubrey pulled Alma along as she tried to escape.

    Come on, Alma! Aubrey jerked at Alma’s arm to try and snap the girl out of her docility.

    We’re already dead, said Alma.

    We will be if you don’t move your ass. Aubrey tried to go left, toward the street, but Alma held her back. Come on!

    Don’t go that way, said Alma and she pointed toward the rear of the building. We need to try and go that way.

    Why? asked Aubrey.

    Alma couldn’t explain herself, and just said, Because we die that way. She pointed at the street as if waiting to be proved right.

    What are you talking about? asked Aubrey. Okay, fuck it. I don’t care. Let’s just get out of here.

    Aubrey and Alma ran along the side of the building as the fog stayed above them, looming over the lip of the roof as if ready to descend, but kept at bay. Alma glanced back and saw that the white fog was sliding off the roof beside the exit, willing to cover their tracks as Aubrey guided them forward. Then the electricity popped within the cloud and coincided with an explosion somewhere on the street, now hidden by the mist.

    Alma didn’t need to see the accident to know what happened. A truck had plowed into the cars parked on the side of the road, and that’s where Aubrey died once, pinned between the vehicles. Alma could see her pained expression as if a poignant memory had been revealed. She was reminded of how thoughts of her brother, Ben, had returned to her in the kitchen of the cabin when her mother had scrawled the symbol for pi on the floor.

    Alma could hear the scrambling, bony hands of the children as they crawled across the roof of the Emergency Services building. The fog hid them as they scurried toward Aubrey, but they were revealed as menacing shadows when the green electricity sparked.

    Come on, said Aubrey as she saw that Alma had slowed down. The fog rushed around the building and toward the young girl. The Skeleton Man’s hand came around the corner just as Alma was about to scream in warning. His fingers tapped, one by one, on the brick before he appeared. He spied on them like a devious child sneaking into his parent’s bedroom at night, his chattering teeth ever present in Alma’s head.

    How should we bleed her? asked The Skeleton Man. His demonic horde scurried across the roof and Alma heard their steps slow down. The fog swirled at a lethargic pace, and Aubrey’s movements became caught in the mire of The Skeleton Man’s hold on time. The blonde bartender tried to scream, and perhaps in a different sliver of reality she could be heard, but Alma’s mind was trapped by the will of the demon that lingered in the fog.

    Should we be quick about it? asked The Skeleton Man.

    He stepped away from the wall, revealing his skull face, the bones held together by the fog itself as the green cloud slipped in and out of his features. A single eyeball sat within his left socket, lazily rolling in the bottom until the fog carried it up to focus on Alma. His jaw was wrapped in what appeared to be a strip of human flesh, stitched with wire that tied it to his cheekbone. His teeth chattered, and when he spoke his jaw

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