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Uncharted Frontier EZine Issue 10
Uncharted Frontier EZine Issue 10
Uncharted Frontier EZine Issue 10
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Uncharted Frontier EZine Issue 10

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Welcome to the May 2013 and tenth issue of Uncharted Frontier! Our current issue brings you the very best of the soon-to-be-famous, and features several returning contributors! With our Open theme for the month, you'll find anything in here, but you can be sure it's something awesome.

Richard Lawrence continues his Merlin Saga with "A Disastrous Day." If you haven't read Satanspawn, the first episode in the saga, download our April 2013 Issue and catch up today.

Charles Mathers makes his authorial debut with the chilling tale, "Sacrifice"!

Mark Zipoli brings us his first appearance in Uncharted Frontier with "Miss Wimbish."

Ross Baxter also appears in UF for the first time with "Salvation."

Regular contributor W. Jack Savage returns again with his story, "Andrew."

All of these reads were great, and stood out amongst the fantastic submissions we received for the month of May!

We hope you enjoy the new issue! Welcome to the Frontier!

PublisherAllan Kaspar
Release dateMay 28, 2013
Uncharted Frontier EZine Issue 10

Allan Kaspar

Allan is the Chief Editor and Publisher of Uncharted Frontier EZine, the premier EZine for the soon-to-be famous creative artists, writers and photographers who deserve to have a voice to the world! He is a life-long writer, RPG fanatic, and video game afficienado, whose video game reviews have appeared in Games for Windows Magazine, Mentality Magazine, Gamespot featured community reviews, and more. He spends his time in Pennsylvania frequenting old book stores, coffee shops, and Guitar Centers.

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    Book preview

    Uncharted Frontier EZine Issue 10 - Allan Kaspar

    Uncharted Frontier EZine Issue 10

    May 2013

    Published by Allan Kaspar at Smashwords

    Copyright 2013 Allan Kaspar

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    Thank you for downloading this free ebook. You are welcome to share it with your friends. This book may be reproduced, copied and distributed for non-commercial purposes, provided the book remains in its complete original form. If you enjoyed this book, please return to to discover other works by this author. Thank you for your support.


    Table of Contents

    Sacrifice by Charles Mathers

    Miss Wimbish by Mark Zipoli

    A Disastrous Day by Richard Lawrence

    Salvation by Ross Baxter

    Arctic Misadventure by Richard Lawrence

    Andrew by W. Jack Savage

    Contributor Feedback from W. Jack Savage

    Contributor Bios


    Letter from The Editor

    By Allan Kaspar

    Hello again everyone! Welcome to the May 2013 issue of Uncharted Frontier EZine! We find ourselves once again completely blown away by the talented creative artists that choose Uncharted Frontier to show off their ability to the world. We’ve been even more blown away by the positive feedback we’ve gotten from past contributors that contributed their first published works to us.

    One particular past contributor, W. Jack Savage, has found significant publishing success ever since he published his first contribution with us months ago. I still remember receiving that first story, The Ticket, and I also remember how much we all loved it here at UF. It’s one of the first stories we set aside for our first Best of the Year on the Frontier anthology issue that we will be preparing for August! Look for Jack’s letter to us inside the issue you’re reading, and see how publishing in Uncharted Frontier helped Jack’s writing career as a whole!

    Oh, yeah, that’s right, our one year anniversary is right around the corner, and what an amazing year it has been! We have SO much to choose from in our catalog from the previous year! Look for the final accepted list in July at We hope you enjoy this month’s issue! Til next time, Welcome to the Frontier!



    By Charles Mathers

    Mike, Jim, Allison and Bret had just come off their best gig yet.

    Allison, your vocals were amazing! Jim said as they were walking into the convenience shop that they always stopped at after a gig.

    Well, it helps that you actually tuned your bass this time. Your usual Yoo Hoo and Pizza Combos which makes no sense to me? said Allison as she grabbed them for him.

    You know it. Jim said and headed right into the bathroom for his usual round of vomiting from too much (free) booze served during the gig.

    Mike and Bret were outside finishing their smokes before they came in for their usual. No offense Mike, Bret said through a puff of blue smoke, But one thing you’ve really got to work on is giving me signals for when you want to wrap up your guitar solo. This way I can time my crash to finish with you.

    K, Mike nodded.

    As they were about to walk into the convenience store, a beat up old junker of a car pulled in and parked across several spots.

    Hey, isn’t that that bitch who’s tits were practically falling out of her shirt during your guitar solos? Bret asked. I can’t believe she fucking drove here.

    Yeah that’s fucked up, Mike said, again with a nod.

    They watched as she stumbled out of her car. Mike had already been holding the door to the shop open, so he continued to do so as Mandy tromped clumsily between them.

    Hey, it’s the band dudes! She exclaimed. You guys ruckin focked!

    Mandy stumbled into the store and nearly tripped as she neared the counter, Pack a Reds shorty. Mandy said, sticking her tongue out at the vertically challenged clerk.

    The man behind the register put a pack of Marlboro’s on the counter and smirked at the intoxicated mess in front of him.

    Is that all? The clerk asked.

    Yes, that’s all. Mandy answered in a high-pitched poor attempt at a Munchkin-From-The-Wizard-Of-Oz impression.

    The four band members were standing together now, watching the scene unfold. Concern showed on Allison’s face as Mandy tripped and collided with a display of postcards, scattering them all over the floor. Allison nudged Bret and asked if they should let her drive out of there, given how obviously wasted the girl was.

    She’s kind of a bitch. Don’t you think? Why should we care what happens to her? Bret asked.

    Yeah, but she comes to all our shows. She brings friends sometimes. And her drunken dances probably attract even more of a crowd. She might even thank us… you know, by putting up some flyers or something. Plus, I’d hate for something to happen to that rack. Mike argued while staring at Mandy’s chest.

    That’s one way of saying it’s the right thing to do. Allison added.

    Do we even have room in the car? asked Bret.

    Well, we’re right near my house. So I can just walk from here. Jim offered.

    Without even waiting for a conclusion to their discussion, Mike put an arm around Mandy and offered to drive her home.

    Wow, I get to ride with the band? What a freaking honor. Mandy said, and no one was quite sure if she was being sarcastic.

    Guys, this is Mandy. Mike says as he’s walking her to their car.

    Pushing some gear aside, they throw her purse in the trunk (which oddly had plenty of room for a gig

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