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Ebook278 pages4 hours


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Eighteen year old Lacey Hannigan always thought her human life was hard and unfair, but now that she is no longer human, her life is about to get a whole lot harder.
Taken away from the man she loves to a remote mountain so that she can learn to adapt to her new life as a newbie werewolf, she is forced to accept changes that she's not ready for, both with her body and her heart. She soon learns that there is alot more to Jesse and Cole than what she thought. The more she learns about them, the more confused and hurt she becomes. Added to the mix of things is the darkness in her mind that makes her think Cole might not have truly saved her after all.

Secrets will be revealed, lives will be lost and hearts will be broken. And Lacey will be in the center of it all whether she wants to be or not.

Release dateJun 9, 2013

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    Change - Elaine Pierson



    Elaine Pierson

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2013 Elaine Pierson

    License Notes: This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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    This book is a work of fiction. Any references to real events, people or places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Lacey Hannigan Novels




    Other books by Elaine Pierson

    Summers Curse

    Visit the author's website: or contact her at [email protected]

    Table of Contents

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen


    Where are they? Jesse growled and landed another punch to Kevin's ribcage. He spun around on the chain that held him suspended from the ceiling of the garage behind the warehouse that Jesse and his pack called home. His hands were chained above his head and blood poured down his face from the multiple gashes across his skin from where Jesse had been beating him for hours.

    I've already told you I don't know Kevin muttered and spit out a mouth full of blood. I haven't seen Cole since he left a few days ago.

    Liar! Jesse growled and hit him again.

    Kevin grunted as the air was knocked out of him.

    Maybe he really doesn't know anything, Jesse Scotty said.

    Jesse turned around and leveled a death stare at him. You stay the hell out of this, Scotty. It has nothing to do with you. Jesse faced Kevin once more and said, this bastard knows where Cole is keeping Lacey and he's going to tell me or I'm going to beat him until he takes his last breath.

    Scotty shook his head and let out a deep sigh. You can't keep doing this. You've already killed three of Cole's men and they all told you the same thing...they don't know where he is. It's time to face the fact that Lacey and Cole aren't here anymore. They must have left town. They could be anywhere and he obviously didn't tell his pack where they were going. Scotty lowered his head and kept his voice low as he spoke his next words and let's not forget that Lacey left on her own. Cole didn't force her this time. She's with him because she wants to be and...

    Jesse cut his words off by grabbing him by the throat. "She does not want him! he growled. The muscles in his jaw clenched as he glared angrily at Scotty. She had no choice but to leave with him. She was dying and I was too stupid to see it. I failed her...but I won't do it again. I will find her and get her away from Cole. I won't leave her to suffer at the hands of my brother."

    Scotty didn't even try to free himself from Jesse's grip. He just stared into the pain filled eyes of the man he used to think of as his best friend. The Jesse that he once knew was gone and in his place was a man filled with so much anger and rage that Scotty didn't even recognize him anymore.

    Jesse! Let him go! Trevor bellowed from the doorway of the garage.

    Jesse looked over his shoulder at Trevor then back to Scotty. The hurt on Scotty's face finally touched a nerve with him and he slowly loosened his grip and staggered back. Jesse sank down to the floor and looked from Trevor to Scotty with tired eyes. I'm...I'm sorry.

    Scotty stayed where he was a few feet away from Jesse but Trevor knelt down beside him and rested his hand on his shoulder. Jesse, you've got to stop this. You're hurting people that care about you and you are tearing the pack apart. You're our alpha and we're all worried about you.

    Jesse locked eyes with Trevor and thought about what he should say. The last few days had been hell on him. He knew that he wasn't being a good leader anymore. His pack really was falling apart.

    Trevor and Tonya were talking about moving out of the warehouse. Kindal avoided everybody and spent most of her time with the newbie, Steven. The cousin's: Devon and Tyron, hardly ever came home because they hated the mood at the warehouse - somber and sad was not their kind of atmosphere. And Scotty hadn't laughed or cracked one joke on anybody since Lacey left with Cole. Instead, he sulked around like he'd lost his best friend.

    Jesse couldn't help but think that it was all his fault. If only he'd noticed how sick Lacey was and changed her himself, she wouldn't have felt the need to leave with Cole. And his life wouldn't be falling apart.

    Jesse got to his feet. He knew what he had to do and it wasn't even a hard decision. It was what he should have done a long time ago. You're right, Trevor. I'm no good for the pack and you all will be better off without me.

    Trevor started toward him with a worried look on his face. That's not what I said. We're just worried about you, that's all.

    Jesse ignored him and headed for the door. Trevor grabbed him by the arm. Where are you going? he asked through a lump in his throat. He was certain that Jesse's answer wasn't going to be something he wanted to hear.

    Jesse looked at him and for just a minute, Trevor saw a glimpse of the friend he knew and loved but then it was gone, replaced by the heartbroken glare of a man he barely recognized.

    I'm leaving...I'm never going to stop until I find Lacey. Do you understand that? This is my fight, not the packs Jesse paused and gave Scotty an apologetic look then continued, I want you to take care of everyone. I'm stepping down as alpha and turning the pack over to you.

    Trevor stared at him, unable to believe that Jesse was actually going to leave. He and Jesse had been the best of friends for almost twenty years and now he was going to just up and leave. Don't do this Jesse. Don't leave. We need you.

    No, you don't. Jesse shook his head. You are a much better leader than I am and we both know it. You could have been alpha of our pack all these years but you let me have the position. I never understood why, but you did. Now it's time for you to take your place and for me to find mine in the world. And my place is wherever Lacey is.

    Scotty approached them and rested his hand on Jesse's shoulder. If this is about what happened earlier, I know you didn't mean it.

    Jesse gave him a weak smile. You know what this is about and it has nothing to do with you, you egotistical bastard he teased to break the tension between them.

    That finally got a smile out of Scotty and he nodded his head in understanding. I know...I'm going to miss you, buddy. But you do what you got to do and when you're ready, come home.

    Jesse gave him a nod and Scotty left the room.

    Trevor cocked his head toward Kevin still dangling from the ceiling. What do you want us to do with him?

    Jesse spared a quick glance in Kevin's direction. I don't know. You're the leader what you want with him.

    Trevor nodded and held his hand out to Jesse. Be careful and come back soon.

    Jesse shook his hand then pulled him close for a hug. He was going to miss Trevor more than everyone else. He was like a brother to him. Without saying another word, Jesse let go and walked out of the room on a quest that he knew could possibly get him killed. But without Lacey, he had nothing to live for anyway. He stuck his hand in his pocket and wrapped his fingers around the crumpled piece of paper that held Lacey's last words to him. Her goodbye letter.

    Having already memorized the entire note, Jesse repeated the last sentences in his mind...I'll love you forever. Please forgive me.

    Jesse thought it was insane for Lacey to ask for his forgiveness when it was he who should be asking for hers for not keeping her safe. He just hoped that she meant what she said and would still love him when he found her.


    Black Hills Mountains of North Georgia...

    Lacey could hear someone moving around in the room with her. Unsure where she was or who else was in the room, she decided to let them think she was still sleeping.

    With her eyes closed, she focused her attention on the whispering voices across the room. She was startled to realize that she could pinpoint their exact location in the room without even being able to see them. What shocked her even more was the fact that she could hear exactly what they were saying just as clearly as if they were standing right next to her. They were talking about her. The conversation kept being interrupted by strong steady thumping sounds coming from the same direction as the voices.

    Lacey tuned out the voices and focused on the thumping noise. It sounded so familiar. She had heard the sound before, she was sure of it. A steady thump... thump...thump. Then it hit her, it sounded like heartbeats. How was that possible? How could she hear someone's heart beat?

    Without thinking, she discreetly lifted her nose in the air and sniffed. It was a strange action that she had never done before but it seemed like the most natural thing in the world to do. There was a scent in the air that seemed familiar... along with another that did not. But she knew them both instantly for what they were. Werewolves. Dangerous.

    Lacey sat bolt upright in the bed and looked around the room frantically. She saw two people on the far side of the room by a door. Relief washed over her when she recognized the man with only half his face turned toward her as he stood sideways talking to a woman with long chestnut colored hair. She'd recognize that face and smut black hair anywhere.

    Jesse? she called.

    The man turned around with an angry expression on his face and her heart nearly fell to her feet.

    No, I'm not Jesse Cole snapped.

    The woman beside him raised her brows questioningly and smirked. Am I missing something? I thought she was supposed to be your female, not Jesse's she said to Cole.

    Cole narrowed his eyes at her. She is mine he growled.

    The woman smiled but seemed to have her doubts. Very well then, I guess I should be going. Jeremiah will be back from his trip some time tomorrow. We'll finish our discussion then she said then glanced at Lacey, I'll bring her some clothes in a little while. The few outfits you bought for her won't last long, especially if she has difficulty controlling her shifting.

    Cole opened the door and the woman left.

    Lacey stayed where she was, never taking her eyes off of Cole as he sauntered toward her. She tried to remember how she came to be with him again. The last thing she remembered clearly was being with Jesse and his pack at the warehouse. Everything after that was a blur. Only bits and pieces came to mind. Where am I? she asked and looked around the room that appeared to be a small cabin. One made out of actual logs.

    The furniture was wood and rustic looking, like it had been carved by hand. The table at the front of the cabin, which she assumed was the kitchen area, was nothing more than a large slab of wood that had been cut in a single piece from a very big tree. It definitely fit in with the rest of the décor. The three windows in the room were small and filmy. It was clear they hadn't been cleaned in a very long time.

    Cole grabbed a chair from the dining table and carried it over to the bed and sat down. We're on a mountain.

    Lacey's eyes widened. She jumped up from the bed and ran over to the door. The rapid movement made her feel a little dizzy and disoriented. A mountain? There are no mountains in Carol Springs. She opened the door. Sunlight sprayed into the room and cool fresh air hit her in the face. The sight before her made her speechless. Tree's. Nothing but a lot of very tall tree's. No roads. No grass. Just tree's.

    We're not in Carol Springs anymore Cole said as he came up behind her. We are in the Black Hills Mountains of North Georgia he paused and stepped out onto the porch. This is where I was born.

    Lacey followed him outside and glanced around at the forest that surrounded the cabin. She had to admit it was beautiful, but also a bit terrifying. She was now isolated from the rest of the world.

    This mountain has been the home of my birth packs ancestors for centuries. There are trails all over that lead to other cabins just like ours where the members of the pack live. And about two miles that way, Cole pointed in the direction to the right of the cabin, is the community area. It's kind of like a small village really. There's a cluster of six cabins that form a circle around a clearing in the trees. Two of the cabins are used as schools, one as a store, one as a medical center and I'm not sure what the other two are used for anymore. It's been a very long time since I've been here. He tilted his head to the side and gave Lacey a slanted look, and just so you know and don't try anything stupid like trying to run away. There is only one way off this mountain and since you're not familiar with the territory, you will never find it. So don't even try.

    Lacey crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him. Why am I here...with you?

    Cole's brow furrowed as he took in her confused expression. You called me to pick you up from Jesse's. Don't you remember?

    Lacey looked at him skeptically and tried to remember. Bit by bit the events of the last couple of days came back to her. She remembered Jesse coming to rescue her from Cole's hideout. She remembered the party at the warehouse and dancing with Jesse. She remembered feeling like she was slipping away. The brain tumor. Slowly, more memories surfaced. She remembered looking up at Cole in his wolf form as she laid on a hard surface barely able to draw air into her lungs. I remember. I remember dying she said sadly.

    You didn't die, Lacey. I got to you in time.

    Lacey let out a deep breath. I feel better, stronger. She glanced at Cole, so I take it that you kept your end of our little changed me? I'm a...a werewolf now? she muttered uneasily.

    He nodded. Yeah, and it wasn't easy. You should have called me sooner. Why did you wait so long? he asked with an edge to his voice.

    Lacey looked away as an image of her and Jesse dancing came to mind. She had never felt happier in her entire life than she did at that moment. But she had a feeling telling Cole she waited to call him because she wasn't ready to walk away from Jesse was not the best thing to do. She already knew how much he hated his brother and the fact that she was in love with him. I thought I had more time she whispered.

    Cole shook his head. I should have changed you in the hospital as soon as you told me about the tumor. I knew that sorry ass brother of mine wasn't going to do it. I tried to tell you but you wouldn't listen.

    Cole's words made Lacey's heart ache at the reminder. When she had talked to Jesse about changing humans, she left out the part about the human being her and that she was dying from a brain tumor. Jesse's response was not the one she wanted to hear and it broke her heart. And gave her no other choice but to agree to let Cole change her even though the conditions of their agreement meant she would have to become his mate, which was something she did not want to do.

    Just leave Jesse out of this she snapped and leaned back against the front of the cabin. An overwhelming heat suddenly consumed her, despite the cool air that was blowing all around her. She started fanning herself with her hand. Why did it suddenly get so hot? She asked as an intense warmth spread throughout her body, making her feel like she'd just stepped into a steaming hot sauna.

    It's not hot. It's just you. Your temperature is rising. Your body is getting ready to go through its first shifting.

    Lacey's eyes widened as she glared at Cole. She pushed away from the cabin. What? No! I'm not ready for that. I thought it would take a few days before I would start to change.

    Cole nodded. It does, but we've been here for two days already. You've been unconscious the whole time. I wasn't even sure that you were going to make it. He winced at the memory of how weak and lifeless she was before he bit her.

    Lacey shook her head in denial. This is happening too fast. I was able to hear your heart beating from across the room. I could smell you and the woman that was here. How was that even possible? It's not normal she babbled. This is too much too fast. Fear settled in her chest causing a shudder to rip through her.

    Cole could see that she was starting to freak out. Calm down, Lacey. It's too late to turn back now. There's nothing you can do to stop it. The change is going to happen whether you want it to or not.

    She glared at him, mouth opened, ready to cuss him out. But instead, she snapped her mouth closed and ground her teeth together as a sharp pain hit her in the spine. She let out a blood curdling scream and crumpled to her knees. Cole quickly picked her up and carried her inside. Don't fight it, Lacey! he said and laid her down on the bed. Just relax and let the change happen. It'll hurt less if you don't fight it.

    She screamed again, the sound echoed off the walls of the small cabin. Cole looked wearily around the room, half expecting things to start flying and crashing around him. Lacey's telekinetic powers had been a bitch to deal with when she was human. She would throw things across the room with her mind, including tossing him around a few times. But there was no movement anywhere in the room except for on the bed where Lacey was tossing and turning in agony.

    Make it stop! she yelled as another pain hit her. All the bones in her body felt as if they were breaking. Stress lines creased her brow and her face reddened as she held her breath to keep from screaming again.

    Cole reached for her hand but she rolled to the other side of the bed away from him. You did this to me! she screamed.

    The anguish on her face ripped at Cole's heart. He hated to see her in pain. He wanted to make the change easier for her so he stormed across the room and retrieved his bag from atop one of the dressers. He pulled out a syringe filled with the same sedative that he had given her when he kidnapped her in Carol Springs. He started for the bed again.

    Sweat poured off of Lacey's face as she struggled against the changes her body was undergoing. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Cole coming toward her. She saw the syringe in his hand and quickly rolled off the bed, landing on the floor with a thud.

    Cole walked around to the other side of the bed and looked down at her. She managed to get to her hands and knees but was disorientated. Shaking her head, her eyes met his. "You are not going to drug me again!" she said with a ragged breath.

    Cole held the syringe out in front of him and slowly approached her. It'll make the pain stop. You'll fall asleep and your body will finish the change without you having to feel anything. He hoped, but considering he had never given pain medication to a werewolf before, he wasn't really sure that it would work.

    Lacey tried to get to her feet but another pain sent her back to her knees. She tried to think of a way to get away from Cole but she couldn't think straight. Her body and mind were at war with one another. Her body was still human but she was starting to think like an animal. She felt caged. Dangerous.

    Cole took another step toward her with the syringe, ready to inject her. She let out a loud, fierce growl that was almost animal- like and jumped back on the bed. The pain erupting throughout her body was unbearable. Stay away from me! she warned through gritted teeth.

    Cole ignored her and tried to grab her arm. She growled again and swung her fist out at him. He backed up just in time to avoid being hit in the face. Lacey then lunged in the air toward him. Her body changed in midair, her fair skin gave way to a beautiful pelt of thick white fur. She tackled Cole to the floor, holding him down with her front paws. She stared at him through her new wolf eyes and growled.

    She was filled with so much rage and confusion that she didn't know what to do. One second she was a human with human thoughts and the next, she was an animal with wild, uncontrollable thoughts. She wanted to run and hunt. The need to have prey between her teeth was instinctual. And at the moment her sights were set on Cole. She snarled and nipped at his face, her teeth mere inches from his nose.

    Stunned, Cole grabbed her head and tried to keep her from biting him. She was stronger than he had expected and much more aggressive. Lacey! Stop! Control yourself! he yelled as she tried to bite at his hands.

    She ignored him. The urge to fight was too strong. She managed to pull her head free of his grip and bite down on his forearm. Cole grunted from the pain and grabbed the syringe he had dropped on the floor and stuck it in her neck. She snapped at his hand again before staggering away.

    Cole jumped to his feet. He never took his eyes off of Lacey as she walked around in a small circle. She lost her footing a few times and nearly fell to the floor as the drug started to take effect. She made her way to a corner of the

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