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Astrology Realized: Your Journey to Understanding Astrology
Astrology Realized: Your Journey to Understanding Astrology
Astrology Realized: Your Journey to Understanding Astrology
Ebook294 pages4 hours

Astrology Realized: Your Journey to Understanding Astrology

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Astrology Realized: Your Journey to Understanding Astrology introduces you to the foundational knowledge of astrology, ensuring a solid understanding for a lifetime practice. Developing a personal relationship to the cosmos is a vital step to significantly enriching your astrological journey. Regardless of your starting point, roots can always be made stronger and new bridges can be built. Astrology Realized invites you to look above and within to inspire you to develop your own special connection with the sky.

This book began as an online course by Nadiya Shah. Student feedback and questions helped to refine the lessons, bringing together some of the most keen areas of interest for the astrology student.

Beginning with a historical and philosophical look at astrology, you are encouraged to explore ideas of important astrological thinkers as well as critics so you can better articulate and understand your own reasons for connecting with the sky.

By introducing you to exploring your birth chart, Astrology Realized personalizes astrology and brings the cosmos to life. A holistic approach to understanding astrology is emphasized while important astrological concepts are enhanced by accompanying charts and diagrams. Astrology Realized is intended to help you understand the fundamentals of reading charts as well as predictive techniques so you can feel confident and self-aware in your growing practice as an astrologer and enthusiast.

Nadiya Shah is an internationally syndicated Sun Sign Columnist and the first Canadian to hold an M.A. in the Cultural Study of Cosmology and Divination, from the University of Kent, United Kingdom. As producer and host of her own WebTV show, Nadiya is one of the most watched astrologers on Youtube and has interviewed many of the world's most renowned astrologers.

PublisherNadiya Shah
Release dateJul 8, 2013
Astrology Realized: Your Journey to Understanding Astrology

Nadiya Shah

Nadiya Shah is an internationally syndicated Sun Sign Columnist and the first Canadian to hold an M.A. in the Cultural Study of Cosmology and Divination, from the University of Kent, United Kingdom. As producer and host of her own WebTV show, Nadiya is one of the most watched astrologers on Youtube and has interviewed many of the world's most renowned astrologers. Nadiya comes from a long ancestry of healers and mystics. As a very young child, she became aware that she had an intuitive voice that was strong and life led her to foster the connection she displayed. At 14, she began as a professional Diviner and has continued studying the various aspects and practices of divination since then. Along with learning and practicing various divination methods through family members, Nadiya has also studied aspects of intuition, energy, and divination at East-West School (1998), George Brown College (2002), Transformational Arts College (2006), and most notably, The University of Kent (2008). Nadiya has achieved Level 1 Certification with the Canadian Association of Astrological Education (CAAE). In addition to her credentials in the areas of astrology and divination, Nadiya also holds a Certificate as a Teacher of Adults from Centennial College (2007) and a B.A. in Contemporary Studies from Ryerson University (2007). As a workshop facilitator and public speaker, Nadiya speaks regularly at events and has facilitated workshops internationally, on topics ranging from Astrology, Divination, and Spirituality. Speaking engagements have been sponsored by such distinguished organizations as Bath Astrologers Forum, Humanity Unites Brilliance (HUB) Toronto, Astrology Toronto (ATI), and The State of the Art Conference (SOTA). In addition to teaching independently sponsored workshops and classes, Nadiya has also taught classes online with As a creative soul, her work has been presented in various forms. She is regularly interviewed by many print publications, and has been interviewed on radio and television. As an astrologer, she has been interviewed on Canadian Television by ATN and OMNI TV, and on Radio by CBC Radio and was a regular featured guest on CKLN Toronto's popular radio show "Masala Mix". Nadiya has contributed to the Sign Show, a New York City based dating show inspired by astrology, who said "Nadiya is an Awesome Astrologer". Viewers quickly considered her a "Sign Show favorite". In a revi...

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    Book preview

    Astrology Realized - Nadiya Shah

    Astrology Realized

    Your Journey to Understanding Astrology

    By Nadiya Shah

    Copyright 2013

    Published by Synchronicity Publications

    Smashwords Edition

    All Rights Reserved.

    Editor: Ryan Kelson

    Cover Art Caricature of Nadiya: Yaviz Basalamah

    Graphic Design, Cover: Ryan Kelson


    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Table of Contents

    Introduction and Welcome

    Chapter 1: A History of Divination and Philosophical Considerations

    Chapter 2: The Planets

    Chapter 3: Elements, Modalities and Signs

    Chapter 4: Houses and Chart Points

    Chapter 5: House Rulerships

    Chapter 6: Aspects and Delineation

    Chapter 7: Transits and Prediction

    Chapter 8: Additional Topics


    Acknowledgments and Gratitude




    Introduction and Welcome!

    A very warm hello and welcome to those of you who are beginning your own astrological adventure! For those of you familiar with astrology I am pleased to be part of your continuing journey.

    Before I begin, I would like to express my gratitude for your interest in this book.

    I am grateful that you are here and are open to learn the first steps to what can be a fascinating practice of self awareness. Regardless of your starting point in this adventure, foundations can always be made stronger. Astrology is a journey of a lifetime. The learning can continue infinitely.

    I am grateful that your path has led you to a place where you would like to learn more about astrology. It is a practice that has been part of my life for more than two decades now.

    Your interest and trust allows me to do what I love and share what I have to give, and for that I am truly grateful. It is my highest wish that you learn something meaningful about yourself through the exploration outlined in these pages. I hope the self-knowledge you gain allows you to feel that you have a better grasp of what it is that you uniquely have to offer the world.

    My intention is to make this a journey where you feel inspired to explore and expand your astrological insights. Hopefully, you will relate personally to what is being indicated in your own chart and in the charts of other people in your life. I also hope you feel that my tone and methods are personable and respectful. In writing this book, my intention is to offer you ideas and insights in a manner that is affirming and encourages your personal self-growth.

    I can remember as a little girl looking up at the sky and feeling the stars and planets deep in my heart. As astrology found its way into my life, I came to articulate that feeling in symbolic and archetypal ways. I still feel the stars in my heart and continue to love looking at the sky. They never cease to leave me feeling totally inspired and moved by their sight. I am always seeking to deepen my appreciation of their symbolism and mystery.

    Astrology is deeply personal for me. It is a spiritual practice that allows me to consider my place in the world. It affirms my belief that there is intention and purpose in all of life’s events. I know I am happier when I take an integrated approach to my environment, and the cosmos are one of the most dramatic reminders of our natural world. It is said that our bodies and lives are the microcosm to which the cosmos is the macro. Therefore, the entire Universe is within us. Astrology speaks to this understanding. I believe that everything in life happens to teach us more about ourselves. As such, I take a very esoteric and psychological approach to my interpretations.

    The purpose of this book is to make the planets, the zodiac, and the cosmos come alive for you. I encourage you to create a personal connection to the energies, for they are already within you. I suggest you connect to the core energies I describe in the book rather than looking to lists of all the possible manifestations of a given symbol. You will come to understand how these energies relate to you by creating your own relationship to the sky and will benefit from your new comprehension. Eventually, so will the friends and clients you serve with your readings. The conclusions you draw will be deeply revealing and can aid you on the road of self-discovery. I believe these are some of the greatest gifts of astrology.

    As you connect with the core energies, as exemplified in the planets, know that they are already within you. Tap into them first. You will then be introduced to the signs as expressions of these core energies. These are within you as well. When you understand yourself and all these parts of yourself, you will also understand the different ways these inherent energies are expressed in the world. Use your creative imagination and trust yourself on this journey. Coming to know the sky more deeply within yourself, and your fellow travelers, is a part of the journey of a lifetime.

    My greatest intention with this book is for you to be able to say, I learned a lot about myself. I realize this is going to require not only owning this book, but for you to do the work. Getting to a place where you feel that this journey was well worth the time and effort requires your willingness and curiosity. However, go at your own pace. Trust your life, your intuition, and return to these pages as it feels right to you. There are no demands here. There is only your growth to consider. I trust you know the pace that is right for you.

    I hope you learn much about yourself through these pages. I do believe we all have wisdom within us, and the answers you need arise from many sources, as you need them.

    If you understand and apply the techniques you learn here, by the time you finish this book, you can consider yourself an astrologer. If you grasp the historical and philosophical implications of what you do, your practice takes on reverence. We come from a special tradition, practiced by all the worlds’ ancient and contemporary cultures, developed by priests who were considered intermediaries to the gods. This holds a certain sacredness and ethical responsibility. You have been brought here by your soul to awaken knowledge that can change you, your understanding of your place in the Universe, and therefore your entire life. Astrology is a reminder that as you look above and look within, you realize that everything and all things are sacred and connected. That includes you and every aspect of this exact moment in your life.

    I thank you for allowing me to be a facilitator of your growth in some way and I wish you much personal evolution and success on your journey.

    It will be a great journey, enjoy!


    Why Astrology Realized?

    The gods need us to remember them. The gods live when we remember them. – Geoffrey Cornelius

    In graduate school, I was particularly influenced by a distinction articulated by my professor, Geoffrey Cornelius in The Moment of Astrology. Geoffrey considered a speculative reading to be the kind you get used to doing in the beginning of your practice. Those first stages involve learning the textbook techniques, interpretations, specifications illustrated by other astrologers and authors. There is an element of experimentation as you take what you learn, apply it to your own chart and see if it resonates before you continue on to learn more. This is also geared towards the more left-brained, math oriented astrologers, who enjoy specific calculations as part of their practice.

    All the information you learn and apply step by step is part of a speculative reading. All communication is infinite. Everything you expose yourself to forever becomes a part of your unconscious, called forth when it will serve you best. Learning and exposure to different techniques becomes a part of a wide base of learning.

    However, Geoffrey believed that in order to do a reading that touches on truth and provides a glimpse into the mystery we all a part of, it involves a kind of forgetting of all you learned. The best readings occur when you let your rational, intellectual self relax so your unconscious knowledge can take over. That’s when all that learning pays off because you have exposed yourself to the language you will need, but those exact words need to come up spontaneously.

    Geoffrey articulated a realized reading as an experience in truth, a bodily sensation that lets you know you’ve hit on the message this person is meant to hear. You know a part of you is riding with magic, fueled by inspiration, guided by kind spirits towards uncovering the omen that you are meant to deliver. Getting to this space, this high of opening yourself to that electric, divine, buzzing energy, involves releasing attachments to a specific outcome. Just get out of the way and let the message come forward. Do enough readings long enough, and you’ll become passionately captivated by these moments of a realized reading.

    It took a conscious decision, practiced consistently, to avoid the temptation of writing a cookbook style book. I knew it would be easy for all involved if I just told you what the different placements mean, how to interpret them, or gave you a set formula.

    However, that would not have been rewarding for either of us. I believe my purpose is to remind you that The Universe is Wise and Loving. The only way I know to do that is to encourage you to develop a personal connection to the sky as an expression of your participation in the cosmic unfolding. Lofty I know, but totally available to you!

    With willingness and an open heart, eventually something will click within you. No one will have to spell out what a Sun in Gemini, or a Moon in Sagittarius, or Mars in Aquarius, or any other planet in any sign or house means. You won’t need to be bound to interpretations based on memorizing listings. With the right state of heart and self-trust, eventually, a door opens, you come to a realization and it all makes sense. This is when you have forged the connection to the archetypes, see how all the sky is within you, and let all the knowledge you hold go beyond when you started studying astrology. This is knowing what has been building all your life, (or longer in some paradigms). You can’t help but know it, as the whole sky is a part of you.

    A Serbian proverb states, You are made of the same stuff as the stars. Trust that. Know that. Sit with this knowledge and breathe it into your bones. As much as I hope to engage your intellect with history, philosophy, and stories about the symbols, ultimately, I see my role as facilitating awareness within you. Consider me a cheerleader encouraging you to trust yourself and open yourself to the symbols, forging a personal connection with them and therefore to yourself. This is the practice of a lifetime, where one lifetime isn’t enough to know all there is. My hope is to nurture the enthusiasm that brought you to these pages and help you build a foundation of reverence, basic skills, and the self awareness to grow from so you can experience a truly rewarding journey.

    About the Lessons

    This book introduces the foundational information of astrology, ensuring a solid understanding for a lifetime practice. In many ways, every astrologer is always a student. There is always more to learn and ways to grow because this practice is so rich.

    The format of this book is designed to facilitate your learning of astrology in an organized manner.

    1. Lesson: Each chapter is a lesson that focuses on a specific area of astrological understanding and relevant information for your learning. Each lesson builds upon the previous chapter.

    2. Questions and Considerations: Following each lesson are questions and considerations to assist you in your study and contemplation. The purpose of this book is for you to understand astrology.

    As with most things, the more you give, the more you get out of it. Trust your instincts and your curiosity. The lessons and questions are always available for you to refer to whenever you wish.

    You will need a copy of your natal chart to fully explore and answer the questions and considerations. Chart examples are provided in the book as part of the lessons, however a copy of your own chart to refer to and become familiar with will help you to better understand and personalize the lessons. Throughout the lessons, we will be returning to your natal chart again and again, as we learn more about astrological symbols and apply them.

    There are many free online resources that allow you to generate a chart. Some are listed at the back of this book in the References and Resources section.

    If you are already familiar with the process, or have your natal chart handy, wonderful. If there is a website that offers a style you prefer, please feel free to utilize it.

    We are using a standard calculation method, but if there is any doubt, here are some specifics about the chart you generate:

    House System: Placidus

    Zodiac: Western geocentric (tropical)

    If it isn’t automatic, you might have to mark Pars Fortunae under additional objects or its equivalent.

    Also listed in the References and Resources section are books and articles for further reading which you may be inspired to refer to for continued learning and exploration at a time that feels right to you.

    As part of beginning the personal journey, take a moment to jot down your answers to the following questions. Your answers will clarify your motivation for undertaking this practice:

    Introductory Questions

    Here are a few introductory questions to get you thinking about your personal relationship to astrology.

    1. How do you understand your relationship to the sky right now?

    2. What do you know about astrology?

    3. Why do you want to learn about astrology?

    4. How do you think an astrology book like this will help you personally?


    Chapter 1: A History of Divination and Philosophical Considerations

    Astrology has a rich tradition and a distinct history, interwoven with developments in religion and philosophy. This first chapter introduces you to past and contemporary developments of the astrological community you are now joining.

    Astrology is a living practice. Over the centuries, it has had to constantly reinvent itself in light of the cultural context it found itself within. As we have come to know what it means to be human more expansively, astrology has integrated our experience of life more thoroughly. In becoming a more individualistic, secular culture, so too has astrology traversed this tide and evolved along with how we understand our free will and our place in the world.

    Understanding the historical and philosophical developments of our practice will lead you to a deeper love of astrology while solidifying its personal significance for you. Take it slow, piece by piece, if you prefer. Here I present historical ideas as well as cultural assumptions that have been at the foundation of what we do. By understanding our history and philosophy, we create an interweaving thread that can support a thriving practice, to grow forward for many years to come.

    Astrology as divination can be considered one of the most contentious areas of consideration among astrologers. What are we doing when we do an astrological reading? This exploration will provide you with an opportunity to clarify for yourself what a reading really is, as we consider the philosophical implications of your new practice.

    I have found that many of us who practice divination do so because we are sensitive people. Divination gives us an outlet for our sensitivity, allowing us to bring awareness to others. Understanding the ideas presented in this chapter has allowed me to keep my sensitivity channeled in the right way, towards a practice that empowers.

    We will begin with a historical overview of astrology, followed by the ideas of key thinkers in astrological philosophy. Astrologers and philosophers from ancient Greece up to the Renaissance, as well as the contributions of Christian and Islamic astrologers, are considered. We will begin by exploring some key thoughts of Plato and Ptolemy, and follow with others important to the development of the philosophical understanding of a meaningful cosmos. We will then look at contemporary thinkers, and finally we will consider the key criticisms.

    Please keep in mind that I am only touching on these areas in this chapter in order to introduce you to these ideas and developments, and also to stimulate your exploration. I have included many more references for further consideration at the end of this book.

    The Origins of Astrology

    Astrology has been practiced by the oldest civilizations we know of, and the sky has long been representative of The Divine in some way. Constellations, stars and planets have been correlated to myths about ancient gods. Cultures around the world have conceived of this very differently at times, but their observations did find some similarities, which gave way to other cultures picking up on that knowledge and developing it in a way relevant to their time.

    Western Astrology began, as far as we can tell, around 4500 BCE in Ancient Sumer, which was a part of Mesopotamia, now present day Iraq. The Mesopotamians documented, to a certain extent, the movements of the planets, but more significantly, they created myths around the constellations. When a comet or some other bright object would show up briefly within a constellation they would note it and consider what it could mean, then document the events which unfolded. Clay artifacts of circular disks, depicting a snapshot of the sky and documenting specific astrological events, survive from Ancient Sumer.

    This knowledge was picked up by the ancient Egyptians, who understood the sky differently than we do today. They saw the cosmos as a complete unit, whereas we see the individual movements of each star and planet as significant in its own right. To the Egyptians, the entire sky was the body of a single goddess, Nuit. Later they separated the sky goddess into a nighttime goddess and conceived of a Sun god, Ra, who ruled the day. This marked an important point, when each celestial phenomenon started being understood as an isolated occurrence, with its own individual symbolism.

    Documents of the earliest known astrology charts have been dated to around 2000 BCE. They were created to record specific births and events. The wheel is similar to what we look at in the natal charts of today. They looked like a square divided into 12 parts, an aesthetic style some astrologers still utilize. Around the same time, nearby cultures started creating jewelry known as birth rings to document the sky at the time of one’s birth. Priests, who were the intermediaries of the gods, were responsible for observations and documentation. The priests were almost always in

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