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Always At Odds
Always At Odds
Always At Odds
Ebook232 pages2 hours

Always At Odds

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About this ebook

this is book 2 of the against the odds series. Colwyn is a strong, independent woman who relishes a sedate, safe life. Brad is an arrogant, wealthy man who is accustomed to power and control, especially over the women in his life. When hidden forces draw them together, Colwyn is forced into a world of passion and desire and the challenges of trying to teach Brad that she will not be controlled.

PublisherSenna Fisher
Release dateAug 27, 2013
Always At Odds

Senna Fisher

Senna Fisher is a romantic fiction writer from Durban, South Africa. She has an affinity to things magical and spiritual matters.She is also interested in the power dynamics between women and men in a modern society. She loves to observe the world in nature and its connection to human experiences.Please feel free to connect with her at [email protected]

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    Book preview

    Always At Odds - Senna Fisher

    Always at Odds

    Senna Fisher

    Published by Kenaz Publications at Smashwords

    Copyright 2013 Senna Fisher

    Discover other titles by Senna Fisher at

    In this series:

    Book 1: Against the Odds

    Book 2: Always at Odds

    Book 3: Cheating the Odds

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Tables of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    About the author

    Excerpt: Cheating the Odds


    Chapter 1: Prologue

    Michael Adcock smiled as a feeling of peace and comfort came over him. The pain was all gone and his chest felt free and light. He sighed in relief and blessing, thinking how pleased he was that he had survived another heart attack. I will take care of myself from now on. I will definitely retire and hand over the business to Kenneth French. I will go for a slow jog every day and I will definitely eat that awful, bland food Tessa insists on. Today I will change my life. He smiled as he imagined himself healthier and fitter. He wondered though, why he felt so light. He looked around the hospital room and was surprised to see a man lying on his bed with a smile on his face. He stared for a while. He could have sworn that he was lying there. He shook his head to clear the cobwebs in his brain and convinced himself that he was over-medicated and having hallucinations. He shook his head again and shut his eyes tight, knowing that when he opened them his bed would be empty. But when he opened his eyes, the man was still there. He looked out of the window and knew he was in the right place, because he could a sliver of Rosen Bay and the tall, shiny building where Clayton Giles worked. He had been in that building many times and he watched as Clayton strode out the building carrying a briefcase. He was rushing as usual; take long, precise strides to his car. Fine, everything is normal. The medication will wear off and I will laugh at myself about this later. He turned when the door opened and two nurses walked in, looking gloomy.

    A pity he went so soon. His son hardly got a chance to say goodbye. The wife looks devastated.

    Yes, I saw that. I never thought a tough feminist like her would have a husband. I was surprised to see how upset she was.

    Yeah and I don’t know why. The whole time she sat next to him, talking to him, he was just cold to her. But when any of us walked in, he was charming and friendly.

    Let’s take him to the cold house.

    Michael mortified as he watched the women lifted his lifeless body and put it on a trolley. He followed them out, and was even more amazed that they did not seem to see him walking alongside them. He felt a tremor of anger and revulsion as he saw his body wheeled into a small dark tray. He slowly started to realize that he had not survived the heart attack. A cold, angry rage filled him as he realized that he was dead. He was furious at the sheer audacity of his life being taken when he still had so much to do. He felt disorientated and overwhelmed by a hard fury.

    He turned when he heard his son’s voice.

    Dad, hello. I am here to take you home.

    He turned to smile, thinking he really needed to take control, because clearly Bradford had come to take him home. His smiled froze when he saw his son Ashley standing with his arms wide open. He glared at him.

    Damn you, Ashley, you are dead. You have been dead a long time. What the hell stunt is this?

    Dad, I am here to help you transition. I am here to help you find the way to peace.

    You want to kill me? You want to kill your own father? What is wrong with you boy?

    Ashley simply smiled patiently at him, which infuriated him more.

    Get away from me. You are a ghost. This is a hallucination. Go away and leave me alone.

    Michael felt a power within him rise to the fore, and he raced away in a great gust of speed he never knew he possessed.

    He vaguely heard Ashley speak to some other person he had not noticed was there. We have to get him back now. He is consumed with anger and he will be lost. Please, get him before the anger leads him down there.

    It was a few days before Michael Adcock started to accept he was dead. He wondered the streets of Rosen Bay and eventually realized that no humans could see him. But he did notice that there were a lot of others like him, wondering around aimlessly. He did not stop to talk to any of them, instinctively feeling that they were out to cause harm. So he wondered around observing their behavior and their powers. He realized that since he was going to be in this state for a while, he needed to learn how to be as powerful as possible. He learnt how to go to Bradford’s house and it near broke his heart when he saw how his son grieved for him. His son was hurting and he could nothing about it. He felt helpless and inadequate and went to visit his wife Tessa for comfort. He watched as John Spencer held her and rubbed her back. He was furious. That bastard dares to walk into my house and touch my wife? Tessa, do you remember that I forbade you from having anything to do with that boyfriend of yours? You do remember that we agreed that you are never to communicate with him, ever? He screamed out at her, but she was smiling at some silly joke John was telling her.

    Thank you, John. You always knew how to make me feel better. I know that you are right, but I have carried the guilt of our relationship for so long. It destroyed a part of me, you know, because I let Michael bully me and terrorize the boys in some effort to try and atone. I know there is a great part of me that is relieved that he is gone. The burden of that guilt is over, but I will miss him, even with all his faults.

    Michael felt an explosion inside him. He swiped his fist across at her and then at John, but he achieved nothing except to create a slight breeze that faded in the air.

    Michael was outraged. I knew you were lying all those years. You were sleeping with John. I knew it and you lied to me for thirty years. Tessa, how could you? You promised you never loved him, that he was just teenage fling. How could you lie to me? How did he know to come and comfort you? Have you brought him in my house and fucked him while I was at work? She was smiling at John, oblivious to his ranting. The anger burnt cold and strong inside him and he left in a puff of outrage, knowing that he would make her pay dearly for betraying him. He knew that he would hurt her in the deepest way he could. The only thing she cared about was Bradford and keeping him happy. He decided that moment that he would destroy the only that really mattered to her: her precious son Bradford.


    Chapter 2

    Brad watched her as she walked into the room. Her dress was tight and passionate against her body, hugging her snugly like a desperate lover. He liked the way she swayed slightly with her hips moving in rhythm with her legs. Her legs were bare and her thin strappy sandals looked like they could barely hold her feet. Her black dress was everything he imagined ‘a little black dress’ to be and she was everything he imagined the owner of the dress to be, except her hair. It was wild and curly and seemed to have gone on a raid on her head. Large curls moved in chaotic disarray on her head and the curls moved in an uncoordinated fashion around her shoulders. Her hair was a bright red, the color of her lipstick. He looked at her breasts, so warmly relaxed against her chest and he wished he could lay his head there. She walked confidently across the room, apparently unaware to the curious stares of the men in the room. She stopped when she saw Jeremy Krause, the host of the party. He was at least 80 years old and he turned slowly to her. His weathered face lit up when he saw her and he embraced her and kissed her cheeks. She whispered something to him and they both laughed. She threw her head back and her defiant curls did a wild dance on her shoulders.

    Brad tried to reign in the horny thoughts that flew through his mind. He had a flash of her hair bouncing wildly in rhythm with her breasts as she straddled him. He could not take his eyes off her back and watched the way she leaned forward to shake hands with Jeremy’s friends. Jeremy wondered off to get her a drink at the bar and Brad noticed how she shifted from one leg to another impatiently as she made conversation. Good, she is a little bored. I think I can do something about that. He forced his eyes off her and decided to join Jeremy.

    Jeremy was standing at the bar, ordering a glass of white wine for her.

    Bradford, how are you? I didn’t realize you had already arrived. How is your dear mother?

    Hello Jeremy. I am fine and so is my mother. She sends her regards. She asked me to tell you that she is so sorry she could not attend today, but that she will make it up to you later.

    Good, good. I am so pleased that you made time to be here. I know how you young people hate attending these book launches. Thank you, my boy.

    Sure, no problem. I am always happy to be here.

    Who did you come with, the usual crowd of young lions?

    Brad laughed.

    Yes, I am afraid. We have plans later, so I dragged all my friends here. Mother said she was not sure there would a large attendance, because the book is so unusual. So I thought I would bring the boys. Is it alright?

    Yes, of course. I am pleased that you tried to help. But as you can see, things look pretty good. I had better get back to my special guest. An old family friend.

    Alright. I will speak to you later.

    I would like to introduce you to her. Perhaps you lads can take her out later. She is visiting her father, a friend of mine. He is not well, so she has come to see him. You know John Spencer?

    Oh yes, I know him. He is a friend of my mother. But I don’t think I met the daughter. Where is she?

    She is standing over there with the black dress. That is Colwyn Spencer. He indicated with a nod.

    Oh yes, she is very exotic, isn’t she?

    I would not describe her in those terms. She is a very sweet young woman who takes life too seriously. She is an architect out there in Oakmore City. She likes the noise and commotion and fancies old buildings. She is exotic, you say?

    Yes. There is something unusual about her. I noticed when she walked in. She is highly confident.

    Yes, very much so. She is a loner. She is nothing like her father. Come, let me introduce you now, otherwise she will be stuck with all my old friends for hours, talking about her daddy.

    Bradford smiled in satisfaction. Great stuff.

    He turned to follow the old man and realized she had been watching the interaction. She looked straight at him and he smiled slightly. She smiled back politely.

    Colwyn, I found some young people for you. Let me introduce you. Bradford Adcock, Colwyn Spencer.

    They shook hands and gave each other a courteous smile.

    Mr. Adcock. It is a pleasure. Are you a writer?

    Oh no, but my mother is. I am representing her here today, as she was otherwise detained.

    Do I know her?

    She is Tessa Adcock, a feminist writer.

    Oh, of course, I love her work. She is vibrant and insightful. I would love to meet her. My father always talks about her magical beauty and sharp tongue.

    Brad laughed.

    That is the best description I have heard of her. So what brings you here?

    The same reason as you. My father could not attend and I was in the area, so I thought I would attend. Jeremy is an old family friend. I believe his new work is controversial and provocative, so I could not resist watching him squirm.

    She smiled at Jeremy who laughed out loud.

    Sorry to disappoint you my dear, but this audience is too cultured to utter a single cynical word. Brad has kindly offered to introduce you to some of his friends.

    Yes, please, come and join us. Brad held out his arm to her.

    Colwyn hesitated, ignored his outstretched arm and walked alongside him.

    Thank you.

    When they arrived at the far end of the room, Brad and Colwyn were being carefully appraised by group of well-dressed young people. Salina, his closest friend, smiled, Brad always knows how to get the ladies. Marcus, one of his partners smiled too. Good. Bradford is bringing a beauty over. Good work, old chum. He patted Brad on his back with approval.

    Colwyn politely greeted all of them and knew she would battle to remember all their names. She knew she would remember Marcus, because of his deep blue, laughing eyes and because he spoke in a soft, seductive tone.

    Brad dragged us here and promised we would not be bored. I am very pleased that he did, so I could meet you. Colwyn smiled. So, he is the charmer. But her mind was on Brad, the way his tall body leaned down attentively to listen to what Salina was saying to him. She was disturbed by the way he placed his hand on her arm and laughed when she said something. She was even more disturbed by the way Salina looked at him, teasing him. Damn, what a pity. I would have liked to get to know him better. I could look into those dark, brown eyes forever. He turned suddenly and looked at her. Their eyes locked for a moment and then he smiled suddenly and moved towards her.

    Is Marcus behaving? Are you alright?

    She laughed. Yes, I am fine, thank you. And yes, Marcus is behaving very well.

    Ah, and I thought I was being naughty. I am very hurt, Colwyn, that you dismiss my efforts so lightly.

    He clutched his chest and tilted his head in a mock pain.

    Colwyn laughed.

    Perhaps you can try harder next time.

    No Marcus. I promised Jeremy that we would behave, I’m afraid.

    Ah, I see.

    Marcus smiled at his friend and knew that he was saying, back off, she is mine. He looked at her and wondered if she felt the same way. He could not tell, because her head was slightly bent downwards, averting eyes contact. We shall see, Bradford, my friend. You just keep talking to Salina like that and you won’t have a chance in hell.

    Colwyn sensed a slight tension sneaking between the men, and she looked up at Salina.

    Has anybody read Jeremy’s book? I’m afraid I haven’t had much of a chance.

    Yes, I have. It is a refreshing tale of magic and gypsy lore. It is probably the best work he has done yet. Brad said seriously.

    It sounds intriguing.

    Yes. But I think some of the Christian lobby thinks it offends their morals. Jeremy has just laughed it off.

    Oh, I must read it, then.

    She smiled.

    Marcus realized at that point that he would not have her. He noticed the way she listened eagerly to Brad as he spoke and the way she clasped her hands as if to restrain herself. Yes, she wants Brad, as much as he wants her. Damn, I had hoped she would be available for me. She is extraordinary in her beauty. A bundle of red love so enticingly displayed to me.

    When he spoke again, he watched her grey eyes reluctantly drag themselves away from Brad. I haven’t read it either, but you are right, Colwyn. It sounds intriguing. I am sure Salina has read it. Salina, have you read Jeremy’s book?

    But of course, you know I love anything with magic in it. I already have my signed copy. Brad took me over to his house to have it signed. It is a brilliant piece of work.

    Colwyn, you have no idea what you are missing. He does this delicious theme about lust and passion. All his characters are shaped through their different lusts. It is enchanting. But I guess we are all shaped by our lust and passions, don’t you think?

    Salina was smiling at Brad.

    "I didn’t

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