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The Shaman
The Shaman
The Shaman
Ebook37 pages31 minutes

The Shaman

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“The Shaman’s Ancient Knowledge”

“ARCHIE” the main character comes across and “OLD MYSTICAL” man that lives on his own far up north in the WILD!
He possesses “SECRET” ancient knowledge past down for centuries.
He is shown another “WORLD” that he did not know even existed!!
A strange unusual “MAGICAL WORLD” that is full of intrigue and mystery.
An “EVIL BIRD WOMEN” crosses there path casting a “DEADLY SPELL” OVER a Giant Kauri Tree slowly “KILLING” it!
The “SHAMAN” decides that he will make a stand “WITH HIS LIFE!!”
“A DEATH DEFINING SCREAM IS HEARD” deep in the forest it has BEGUN!

Release dateAug 29, 2013
The Shaman

Alasdair K Duncan

Hi there everyone if you want a review for one of your books e-mail me on [email protected] currently hang out in mystical New Zealand. I live among the hills on the wild west coast with my magical big black cat karma.Living in nature is great for writing.The beautiful location inspires my imagination when writing my second novel in the blue wizards series.I also practice yoga which helps you stay focused.I have run a yoga schools and have currently written De-aging Yoga book,Amazing Yoga Diet on smashwords.Anyway follow your passion and just keep going. It is not easy sometimes but doing what you love is way better than settling for what you don't like.On long hot summer days you can find me cooling off surfing. Then writing my second novel The Blue Wizard and the Rainbow Serpent. NAMASTI MY FRIENDS BIG SMILE ALWAYS.

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    Book preview

    The Shaman - Alasdair K Duncan

    ARCHIE the main character comes across and OLD MYSTICAL man that lives on his own far up north in the WILD!

    He possesses SECRET ancient knowledge past down for centuries.

    He is shown another WORLD that he did not know even existed!!

    A strange unusual MAGICAL WORLD that is full of intrigue and mystery.

    An EVIL BIRD WOMEN crosses there path casting a DEADLY SPELL OVER a Giant Kauri Tree slowly KILLING it!

    The SHAMAN decides that he will make a stand WITH HIS LIFE!!

    A DEATH DEFINING SCREAM IS HEARD deep in the forest it has BEGUN!



    By A K Duncan


    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2013 by A K Duncan

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.







    Reference Books


    I was travelling far up north in one of the wild untamed places of New Zealand. The day was hot, it was summer time and the sun beat down turning the road to dust as I drove along. Blue sky spread out in all directions as far as the eye could see.

    Beside me was the magnificent coast with its white silica sand and the glistening aqua marine sea. The tall dusty pines stood like sentries along the windy road guarding the hidden secrets of this mystical part of the coast!

    There were wild horses that roamed this untamed area allowed to run free untouched by the hand of people. But a while back the department of conservation decided to cull the horses of this area suppously for some important reason.

    They sent one of their men up to cull them as they termed it or you could just say kill if you were honest. But people feel better if they use terms such as cull. After a while the man had killed a few horses but one night he could not sleep he tossed and turned, restlessness engulfed him.

    A strange ringing in his hears occurred

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