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Land Contract Homes for Investors
Land Contract Homes for Investors
Land Contract Homes for Investors
Ebook82 pages1 hour

Land Contract Homes for Investors

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About this ebook

This book addresses the use of Land Contracts in residential investment property. Some of the topics covered include the investment potentials of seller financing, as well as the ideal profile of an investment home.

It addresses basic aspects of Land Contract components, and how to keep records, screen applicants and stay organized as an investor. There is also information on the impact of capital gains taxation, and methods to defer taxation and still sell property.

Learn valuable tips on how to structure a Land Contract, select an ideal home for Land Contract and also make it a profitable venture for all concerned. The book offers a simple and concise set of tools that any investor can use. Learn how to avoid costly mistakes and at the same time add another invaluable option for buyers in selling investment property.

Release dateSep 24, 2013
Land Contract Homes for Investors

Michael Delaware

Michael Delaware is a Phoenix, Arizona native who now resides in Battle Creek, Michigan with his wife Margarita. He also lived in Georgia for 15 years before moving to Michigan. He is a member of the National Association of Realtors, The Council of Residential Specialists, and the Michigan Association of Realtors. He is also an active member of the Battle Creek Area Association of Realtors where he was awarded 'Realtor of the Year' in 2010, and served as Board President in 2011. As an author, his works include numerous non-fiction books on real estate, sales management, marketing and other self-help topics. He has also written and published fiction stories for children all independently published by the: 'If, And or But' Publishing Company.

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    Book preview

    Land Contract Homes for Investors - Michael Delaware

    Land Contract Homes

    for Investors

    Michael Delaware

    Published by Michael Delaware and 'If, And or But Publishing'

    Smashwords edition

    Copyright © 2012 Michael Delaware

    Copyright © 2012 by Michael Delaware and ‘If, And or But’ Publishing Company. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this publication may be replicated, redistributed, transmitted or given away in any form or by any means mechanical or electronic without the prior written consent of the author/publisher as relayed to you herein.  This includes photocopying or recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, or transmitted email without permission in writing from the publisher. Reviewers may quote brief passages in reviews.

    This book contains some original photographs which are the exclusive property of the publisher, and are subject to copyright. This book also contains clipart illustrations which were acquired by means of royalty free usage rights in 2013 and are copyright to

    While attempts have been made to verify all information provided in this publication, neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for: errors, omissions, or contrary interpretations of the subject matter herein.  This book is for entertainment purposes only.  The views expressed are those of the author alone, and should not be taken as expert instruction or commands.  Any perceived slight of any individual or organization is purely unintentional. 

    Whenever one is dealing with legal matters such as contracts and real estate, one should seek legal advice from an attorney, or other professional legal advisor in their country.  None of the information contained in this book is intended to serve as a replacement for seeking legal advice from a licensed attorney or other qualified legal counsel.  The reader is responsible for his or her own actions in using or applying the material presented herein.  Neither the author nor the publisher assume any responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of the purchaser or reader of these materials. 

    Michael Delaware, Author

    'If And or But' Publishing Company

    If And or But Publishing

    Title Page


    Chapter One: Profit & Purpose

    Chapter Two: Investment Potential

    Chapter Three: Finding Capital

    Chapter Four: Getting Started

    Chapter Five: Ideal Investment Homes

    Chapter Six: Marketing

    Chapter Seven: Screening Applicants

    Chapter Eight: Written Agreements

    Chapter Nine: Land Contract Components

    Chapter Ten: Protecting Your Asset

    Chapter Eleven: What About Default?

    Chapter Twelve: Staying Organized

    Chapter Thirteen: Selling Early

    Chapter Fourteen: Capital Gains

    Chapter Fifteen: Final Summary

    Links & Useful References


    About the Author

    Publishers Page


    Before proceeding, it is important to make a necessary disclaimer concerning legal advice.  None of the information contained in this book is intended to constitute legal or other professional advice. You should not rely solely on the information contained in this book for making legal decisions. It is recommended one consult with an attorney or other professionals for specific advice tailored to your situation in the area of which you are doing business. The information contained herein has been obtained through sources deemed reliable but cannot be guaranteed as to its accuracy.  Any information of special interest should be obtained through independent verification.

    After releasing my first book about Land Contracts in December 2012, entitled Understanding Land Contract Homes: In Pursuit of the American Dream I began to draft this book designed specifically for the investor. 

    The first book was directed at the subject of Land Contracts in general, and I would recommend reading that one first, before reading this one.  This book is a supplement to the first one, and will concentrate on the investor perspective on the subject.  Its focus is the use of Land Contracts as an investment tool.

    Land Contracts, also known as 'Contracts for Deed' and other names in various states across the U.S. refers to essentially seller financing.  The seller of the home holds the note for the property until all the terms have been met in the agreement, including payment and settlement, and then transfers full title to the individual buying.

    Understanding how to best use a Land Contract for

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