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Hands Free Mama: A Guide to Putting Down the Phone, Burning the To-Do List, and Letting Go of Perfection to Grasp What Really Matters!
Hands Free Mama: A Guide to Putting Down the Phone, Burning the To-Do List, and Letting Go of Perfection to Grasp What Really Matters!
Hands Free Mama: A Guide to Putting Down the Phone, Burning the To-Do List, and Letting Go of Perfection to Grasp What Really Matters!
Ebook300 pages4 hours

Hands Free Mama: A Guide to Putting Down the Phone, Burning the To-Do List, and Letting Go of Perfection to Grasp What Really Matters!

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About this ebook

Discover the power, joy, and love of living a present, authentic, and intentional life despite a world full of distractions.

If technology is the new addiction, then multitasking is the new marching order. We check our email while cooking dinner, send a text while bathing the kids, and spend more time looking into electronic screens than into the eyes of our loved ones. With our never-ending to-do lists and jam-packed schedules, it's no wonder we're distracted.

But this isn't the way it has to be. 

Special education teacher, New York Times bestselling author, and mother Rachel Macy Stafford says enough is enough. Tired of losing track of what matters most in life, Rachel began practicing simple strategies that enabled her to momentarily let go of largely meaningless distractions and engage in meaningful soul-to-soul connections.

Finding balance doesn't mean giving up all technology forever. And it doesn't mean forgoing our jobs and responsibilities. What it does mean is seizing the little moments that life offers us to engage in real and meaningful interaction. In these pages, Rachel guides you through how to:

  • Acknowledge the cost of your distraction
  • Make purposeful connection with your family
  • Give your kids the gift of your undivided attention
  • Silence your inner critic
  • Let go of the guilt from past mistakes
  • And move forward with compassion and gratefulness

So join Rachel and go hands-free. Discover what happens when you choose to open your heart--and your hands--to the possibilities of each God-given moment.

Release dateJan 7, 2014

Rachel Macy Stafford

Rachel Macy Stafford is a writer with one goal: to help people choose love as much as humanly possible. She is the New York Times bestselling author of Hands Free Mama, Hands Free Life, and Only Love Today; a certified special education teacher with a Master’s Degree in education; an in-demand speaker, and beloved blogger who inspires millions in her weekly blog posts at and through her supportive Facebook community, The Hands Free Revolution.  

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book is pretty good. Great message and great intention. After the 3rd or 4th chapter it becomes somewhat repetitive, but I guess that's the point, to really drill the Hands Free 'movement' so it sticks.

    1 person found this helpful

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Hands Free Mama - Rachel Macy Stafford


I KEPT TELLING MYSELF things would eventually slow down. Someday.

Who was I kidding?

That two-year period of my highly distracted life was a blur. There aren’t too many moments — good or bad — I can recollect from that time, but I’ll never forget this one.

I’d just arrived home from a community event I’d spent hundreds of volunteer hours planning. Although I knew my husband was about to tuck my kids into bed, I couldn’t join him. Instead, I collapsed on my own bed fully clothed. Sitting mere inches away on the bedside table was the substance of my life: a typed to-do list, a buzzing phone, a laptop computer, and a bulging daily planner. Every day, that stack of papers and duo of devices captured my heart, my focus, and my energy.

My smartphone’s flashing red light served as a tormenting reminder that none of these distractions were going anywhere. Information overload, electronic gadgets, packed schedules, and unachievable standards would all be waiting for me tomorrow — and the day after that and the day after that. Someday was merely a word I used to avoid facing the frenzied reality that had become my life.

Someday, I told myself, there will be a healthy amount of white space in my monthly planner. Someday, my daily agenda will be determined by my heart’s desire, not by tweets, beeps, and dings. Someday, I’ll say no to heading up bake sales and book fairs and the quest for spotless counters and perfectly styled hair. Someday, I’ll say yes to puddle jumping in the rain, disheveled ponytails, and extra bedtime stories. Someday, I’ll look into my children’s eyes and hear every syllable of their tender, silly words. Someday, I’ll close my laptop and kiss my spouse before he walks out the door. Someday, I’ll remember what it feels like to laugh, play, relax, and enjoy life. Someday, I’ll have time for what truly matters.

A life of simple pleasures was an elusive dream that, at full-throttle speed, I could not grasp. Each time I told my children, Not now, Mom’s busy, my chance for a meaningful, joy-filled life edged farther away. Even in that exhausted moment on my bed, as my children slipped into pajamas and chose bedtime stories just one floor above, a peaceful existence seemed little more than a fantasy.

As I lay there, too drained to cry and too ashamed to ask for help, I realized just how bad my condition was. I was buried — buried beneath the weight of my distractions. I was no longer living. I was just barely existing.

I knew I’d come to a crossroads. I could continue my distracted ways, separating myself farther from my idyllic someday existence, or I could start digging — digging for air, for hope, for life.

I chose to dig.

Because someday is nowhere to live your life.

That undeniable truth hit me hard during a morning run shortly after I acknowledged my buried state. The realization was so painful that it caused a physical reaction that literally brought me to my knees. For the first time, I honestly answered the question that for years had given me a great deal of pride: How do I do it all?

I miss out on life — that’s how I do it all. I miss out on what truly matters; and what I miss, I can’t get back.

This breakdown-breakthrough moment propelled me into my life-changing Hands Free journey. In that moment, I looked to God for help. I’ve felt his presence throughout my life, particularly in my work as a special-education teacher and in my writing, but this was different. I knew I couldn’t overcome my distracted ways without his guidance and strength. With a renewed spirit, I began implementing simple strategies that enabled me to let go of my daily distractions and grasp moments of loving connection.

With each step, I grew increasingly free of my buried state. Through every touch of my child’s hand, every meaningful conversation with my spouse, every glimpse of the beautiful world I had been too busy to notice, the addictive grip of distraction began to loosen. Over time these efforts proved powerful enough to transform my distracted life into one of meaningful fulfillment and connection. I was no longer putting off life until someday. For the first time in a long time I invested my time, focus, energy, and love in today. And that’s when I discovered the power of living Hands Free.


Change begins with a spark of recognition within one’s heart. And when this newfound awareness is shared, this spark has the potential to spread. That is what happened when I started blogging about my daily struggles and triumphs toward a less distracted life. Using my passions for teaching, writing, and encouraging others, I shared my attempts to live joyfully and presently in a fast-paced, overly pressured, media-saturated world.

As stories from my journey fell into the hands (and onto the screens) of others who also felt trapped by their distractions, I suddenly had companions on my Hands Free journey. As a means of providing my readers with tips on unplugging and connecting to loved ones, I created The Hands Free Revolution Facebook page. Little did I know it would become more than a page, but an entire movement for mindful technology use and grasping the moments that matter. A community of people who were determined to reject societal pressures to live a hurried, fractured, and disconnected existence grew organically. The Hands Free Revolution quickly became more than a community of like-minded people; it became the means to a more meaningfully connected life.

When members of The Hands Free Revolution began sharing their stories and experiences, I discovered it wasn’t just stressed-out moms who were struggling. I heard from a Fortune 500 company executive, a stay-at-home dad, a single mom living in a battered-women’s shelter, a homeschooler, a grandmother, a blogger, and a teen — all of whom were implementing Hands Free strategies and experiencing the life-altering results. That is when I realized anyone can become a Hands Free Mama. Anyone who feels buried, regardless of background or circumstances, can let go of distraction and grasp what really matters. If there is hope for me, there is hope for anyone. The pathway to a Hands Free life is accessible to all and begins with a single step.


The chapters of this book reflect the step-by-step progression of my journey to a less distracted life. The twelve chapters encompass the letting-go actions I used to break free from distraction and live a more present and fulfilling life. Each chapter contains stories from my journey that illuminate steps in the transformation. After each story, you will find a weekly Hands Free Intention section, which offers a practical way to incorporate each letting-go action into your life. At the end of every chapter, a Hands Free Reflection encourages introspection as you move forward in your journey. These short passages can be used as a meditation, prayer, mantra, or reminder as you reflect on the themes of each chapter.

The book is formatted for a yearlong transformation, one chapter a month, although your journey may well take on a life of its own. You may proceed faster or slower. You may decide to begin journaling as a means of deepening your experience. You may embark on this journey with a friend, a family member, or a small group to provide support and accountability. Feel free to work through the book in the manner that most benefits you, your family, and your circumstances. My hope is that this book will be become lovingly worn with dog-eared pages and coffee stains, that it will not be just a one-time read, but a reference for daily focus and resolve. May this book be your tool to start digging — digging for the life you want to live now, not someday. May letting go to grasp what really matters soon become the practice of your life as it is for mine.

I must tell you, however, that my house is not what it used to be; my social calendar is not what it used to be; my filing system is not what it used to be; my daily agenda is not what it used to be; my gold-star supermom status is not what it used to be. I am not what I used to be. I am now living life with open eyes, open heart, and open hands — and I never want to go back!

My friend, there is life to be lived. There is hope to be found. There are moments to grasp. Come on — take my hand. After being tied up for so long, it’s finally free.



I’m becoming Hands Free.

I want to make memories, not to-do lists.

I want to feel the squeeze of my child’s arms, not the pressure of overcommitment.

I want to get lost in conversation with the people I love, not consumed by a sea of unimportant emails.

I want to be overwhelmed by sunsets that give me hope, not by overloaded agendas that steal my joy.

I want the noise of my life to be a mixture of laughter and gratitude, not the intrusive buzz of cell phones and text messages.

I’m letting go of distraction, disconnection, and perfection to live a life that simply, so very simply, consists of what really matters.

I’m becoming Hands Free.

Chapter 1



One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon — instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today.

Dale Carnegie

MAYBE IT WAS THE RECURRING DISAPPOINTMENT in my children’s faces when I told them I didn’t have time. Maybe it was the superficial hellos and hasty goodbyes offered to my spouse. Maybe it was the persistent feeling of unease — like I was missing something important. Maybe it was a combination of all these troubling factors that finally made me ask, Is this really how I want to live?

The first and most critical step in this journey is gaining awareness. I had to acknowledge all the precious moments I was missing and would continue to miss as a result of my distracted ways. Taking this difficult look inward was a prerequisite to beginning my transformation. If I hadn’t first made an assessment of the irreparable damage caused by my tech-obsessed, multitasking ways, even my most sincere efforts to let go of distraction would have never happened (or lasted).

The pages that follow include three stories from my journey, which I hope will enable you to gain valuable awareness about the cost of your distraction. Then a Hands Free Weekly Intention offers a list of practical ways to help you curb your distracted tendencies and initiate meaningful interactions with the people you love. These intentions correspond with the letting-go action illustrated in the story. The intentions in this first chapter encourage you to take an honest look inward to assess the cost of your distractions.

Despite the pain you may experience while reading this chapter, do not let it discourage you. On this journey to grasp what really matters, discomfort often comes before growth; hurt before healing; regret before promise. By going to the darkest places in our soul, we find light. This first and most difficult step in the journey offers the chance of a new beginning — a chance to grasp the moments that matter from this day forward.


I still have the envelope. It’s nestled among my most valuable documents, along with my marriage license, passport, social security card, and birth certificate — documents that prove I exist. It’s not the content of the oversized envelope, stamped with the logo of our local zoo, that’s worth saving — it’s the message scribbled on the outside.

The words were written on the very day I vowed to stop missing the precious moments that make life worth living. Like rushing water from a swollen stream, the words filled my mind with such force that I was unable to hold them back. I scrambled through a kitchen drawer, looking for something to write on — as if my life depended on documenting these words.

At first glance, the uneven trail of words looks like a grocery list jotted while driving — imagine one hand holding the steering wheel while the other scribbles eggs, milk, and broccoli. There’s no capitalization. The t’s aren’t crossed. The sentences have no punctuation. But all that only reveals my haste. I was certain I must remember every single word of this epiphany, which changed the course of my life. Here is a polished version of what I wrote:

What if you missed hearing the best part of your child’s day because you were on the phone?

What if you missed a chance to inhale the sweet scent of your energetic child because you insisted on folding that basket of laundry before bedtime?

What if you missed a chance to console your worried spouse because of your mile-long to-do list?

What if you missed hearing an unknown childhood memory from your aging parent because you were too busy to call?

What if you missed a divine cloud formation in the sky because you were racing to the bank, the post office, and the dry cleaner before you had to pick up the kids?

What if one day you realized that all the opportunities you missed couldn’t be retrieved?

But it was already too late.

What if one day you realized the best moments in life come in the mundane, everyday moments? But you were only fully present on special occasions.

What if, instead of rushing through the minutiae of your daily life, you occasionally paused and offered your presence?

What if you turned away from the distractions that monopolize your time and attention and grasped the sacred moments passing you by?

Turn off the music in the car.

Sit next to your child as she plays.

Lie in bed with her after you say good night.

Hug her and don’t let go right away.

Tell her something you have been meaning to say.

Bend down and look her in the eye when she talks to you.

Do these things and see what might unfold. And once the moment is over, reflect back on that moment and realize this painful truth: If I had not paused, that precious moment is what I would have missed.

After covering the front and back of the envelope with my thoughts, I stared at it. Although not sure what I was supposed to do with what I’d written, I simply could not put the envelope back in the drawer. This once-ordinary envelope now exuded significance, so I set it on the counter with a sense of expectation — as if waiting for it to come to life.

I didn’t have to wait long. Less than an hour later, the purpose of what I’d written became clear.

As I was making lunch as usual for my younger daughter, Avery, my laptop was open on the kitchen counter and my phone was an arm’s length away. The devices battled for my attention with their respective dings and beeps. I answered their demanding summons with instant obedience.

Between incoming texts and email messages, I hurriedly applied peanut butter to a slice of bread. The sooner I could make my child’s lunch, the sooner I could address a few pressing matters on my to-do list. My mind was preoccupied with an upcoming baby shower I was hosting, the low air pressure on the front right tire, and making copies of a community-picnic flier.

For some reason, I looked up. I knew my child was there, but this time I noticed her, really noticed her. My precious curly-haired daughter sat on the sofa sucking her thumb while gently rubbing her nose. Suddenly, I felt like I couldn’t breathe. For the first time, I felt a new kind of urgency — an unsettling, uncomfortable, downright painful kind of urgency. Time was running out.

Then I did something atypical of my productive nature, something foreign to my type-A why-do-it-later-when-you-can-do-it-now mentality. Without even joining the two pieces of sandwich bread, I balanced the gooey knife on the open jar. Without closing the open bag of bread, without giving thought to the time, without contemplating the next item on the agenda, I went to my child. I felt God’s presence encouraging me to let the other stuff go; nothing was more important than being with my daughter.

I sat down next to her and placed my arm around her small shoulders. She looked into my eyes, her whole face brightening. Her wide eyes instantly transformed into joyful slices of happiness. Quickly filling the space between my body and hers, she scooted over and melted into me.

What happened next was something no one had ever done to me.

She brought my hand to her pink lips and ever so gently kissed my palm.

As my eyes filled with tears, I knew this was it. My confirmation. My divine sign. In one simple, beautiful gesture, my daughter cemented my newfound pursuit to live Hands Free. I realized with clarity that this — this pausing when the whole world keeps on going — is living.

I wanted more tender moments like this. But first I had to admit that they wouldn’t be so rare if I would simply stop for a moment. The truth is: No matter how much she wants to, needs to, or would love to, my child cannot kiss a moving target.

Living distracted had cost me countless precious moments, but thank goodness I didn’t miss this one — because it changed everything.

My moving-target days had officially come to an end.


Go Hands Free for a Specific Time Period Each Day

Living Hands Free does not mean giving up technology altogether, and it does not mean ignoring your job responsibilities, volunteer obligations, or home duties. Living Hands Free means making a conscious decision to temporarily push aside distractions and give your undivided attention to someone or something meaningful in your life.

I started my journey by designating time periods when I unplugged from my devices and connected to my loved ones. Because I was so dependent on technology, I had to start with short, ten-minute increments. Although that doesn’t seem like much, the results were profound. Here are some of the revelations I experienced during my initial Hands Free periods:

• A feeling of peace and contentment came over me when I was fully engaged with a loved one. I felt assured that I was exactly where I needed to be at that moment.

• Within minutes of spending time in meaningful connection, online activities and household duties suddenly lost their urgency. Emails, phone calls, dirty laundry, and scrolling newsfeeds would still be there after I finished nurturing my relationships — but time with my loved ones was fleeting.

• Opportunities to connect to loved ones became more apparent. My Hands Free inner voice began to grab me and gently encourage me by saying, Come on, put the phone down. Turn off the computer. You’re missing your life! I realized that even in the midst of a busy day, there are countless opportunities to pause and connect with the people who matter most. I had just been too distracted to notice.

• Being constantly available to people outside my family and trying to stay current on all the latest online happenings was sabotaging my ability to live and love. The only person who could protect my time was me. And to do so, I had to create boundaries between technology and life.

As a result of these positive effects, I was motivated to increase the duration of my distraction-free time increments. With each experience of loving connection, my ties to daily distraction weakened.

This week, incorporate a designated Hands Free Time Period into your daily routine. Turn off your electronics — phone, tablet, laptop, or whatever — and then put them in a drawer or lock them in your car if you have to. Do whatever it takes to disconnect from devices and initiate meaningful connection with a loved one at least once a day. Here are a few examples of distraction-free time frames:

• first thing in the

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