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Switek: Episode 3
Switek: Episode 3
Switek: Episode 3
Ebook29 pages21 minutes

Switek: Episode 3

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Welcome to the new ebook/escript hybrid fantasy series, The Mostly Odd Adventures Of Switek Of Springfield. This is the third episode, entitled Switek In The Lands Of Coke. In this episode, life has thrown Switek a serious change-up. Now we get to see how Switek adapts, if at all, to his new surroundings. Also, we meet some key characters in the Switek Series, like Midge of Soren, Fen and Kershaw of Pitney. Hint: if you like fantasy stuff, like Dungeons & Dragons and Lord Of The Rings and things like that, there a good chance you'll be into this episode.

Release dateJun 12, 2013
Switek: Episode 3

Michael Zinetti

Michael Zinetti is a writer/musician/artist based in Springfield, MO. He graduated from Missouri State University with a Bachelor's of Art in Creative Writing. Michael Zinetti has several titles under his belt, including the first two books from The Godbolt Book Series, the first season with nine episodes from the Switek of Springfield Series, three volumes for the Some Cool Ways Series, My Search For Love On Craigslist, and Going Postal, all available at Smashwords and other locations on the net. Also, Michael Zinetti has an album called Sweet Bloody Kisses. Be sure to check Michel Zinetti out in all his many silly incarnations.

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    Book preview

    Switek - Michael Zinetti

    The Mostly Odd Adventures Of Switek Of Springfield

    Episode 3: Switek In The Lands Of Coke


    Michael Zinetti

    Copyright 2013 Michael Zinetti

    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Lands Of Coke Map

    Episode 3: Switek In The Lands Of Coke

    Blackness. Enter the sounds of birds and other wildlife. Fade in to a forest in the early morning. Switek is naked, lying fast asleep on the forest floor. MIDGE, a young woman in her mid teens, in a disheveled blouse and long skirt, walks past Switek, not seeing him hidden in the brush. Midge looks around before she settles behind a bush and hikes up her skirt and squats down. Switek stirs.

    What the fuck? Switek says, as he looks up and all around. Where the fuck am I?

    Midge hears him. She ducks down.

    Switek stands up. A fucking forest? Are you fucking serious?

    Midge finishes. She looks up and around for the man. Midge stands up slowly. Then she sees the naked man. Particularly, she sees his nakedness. She instantly retreats behind a tree. She sees a large stick on the ground. She reaches down and grabs it.


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