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The Sound Of Shooting Stars
The Sound Of Shooting Stars
The Sound Of Shooting Stars
Ebook430 pages3 hours

The Sound Of Shooting Stars

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Jamie Grey grew up tossed around between foster homes. At an early age he shut the world out, deciding he wouldn’t care. Whatever life had to throw at him, he would look the other way. Now his senior year is about to start and he’s been forced into yet another new home. This will be the last time, he assures himself. When an unexpected curveball comes his way in the form of a certain stubborn seventeen year old girl, Jamie soon finds out that life doesn’t always work out the way you plan it.
Beckett Chase has been entitled her entire life. Living in the plush landscape of Palm Beach, Florida, she’s never wanted for anything. She’s always taken what and who she wants with no remorse. When she sets her sights on Jamie Grey and she’s met with rejection, her descent from the top begins.
With a twist of events causing Jamie and Beckett’s worlds to collide, will they be able to put aside their differences or will fate intervene offering an entirely different option?

PublisherHeather Allen
Release dateNov 14, 2013
The Sound Of Shooting Stars

Heather Allen

Author of The Just Breathe Trilogy, The Sound of Shooting Stars, and Storm of Ekkos- all self-published young adult novels. Also author of 3 adult novels published through Limitless Publishing- The No Regret Series and Feeling This. Heather lives in sunny Florida and enjoys any activity involving water!

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    Book preview

    The Sound Of Shooting Stars - Heather Allen

    Chapter One

    Jamie Grey

    Centaurus- The Centaur

    Chiron was the son of the Titan king Cronus and the sea nymph Philyra. Cronus seduced the nymph, but two were surprised by Cronus’ wife Rhea. To evade being caught in the act, Cronus turned himself into a horse. As a result, Philyra gave birth to a hybrid son.


    What the hell was that, Miranda?

    I don’t know what you’re talking about Joe.


    I flinch. The yelling on the other side of the door is starting to grate on my nerves. It always ends with some form of physical assault. I learned six months ago that the best thing to do is to stay out of it. Joe and Miranda were going through this when I arrived and I’m sure they’ll continue after I’m gone.

    I hear a shrill cry before the sound of another hit strikes causing me to wince. Immediately after the strike Miranda starts pleading through her sobs, No Joe, no, please, don’t hit me again.

    I push my ear buds in and turn the music up as loud as it will allow but I can’t ignore the sounds just mere feet away from me. My foot moves with the beat but a clap through the air forces me to stand up from the bed and clench my fists. As I near the door another sound of a hand connecting with skin echoes through the apartment. My body forges quickly and I whip it open to find Miranda cowering on the couch as Joe stands over her. He is yelling about something she said. Her tear streaked face looks to me as if calling out for help. I march up to him with my fists ready. He turns apparently surprised that I’d attempt this again. His mouth twists in a snarl. The dull light glinting off his shaved head as he scowls reminds me of a cartoon character. He’s dressed in a stained wife beater haphazardly hanging over ripped baggy jeans.

    Joe warns, I told you not to get involved. You head on back the way you came or you’re out on your ass.

    I stand still, glaring at him and refusing to move my gaze for anything. I don’t give a shit at this point. No woman deserves to be a punching bag.

    He turns his thin frame toward me, pushing his shoulders back, trying to intimidate me. I’m comparable in size and I think he knows it. My body is bulkier than his and I tower a few inches taller. I just don’t have the punching experience he’s collected over the years.

    Jamie, I’m gonna tell you one more time. Leave and go back to your shit life. This is between Miranda and me.

    He looks down, causing her to shrink further as if she is trying to roll up and disappear. I take the opportunity and force my fist to connect with his side. He arches at the contact and turns a swing at me in response. It lands across my jaw. I stumble back grasping the spot he made contact with.

    I told you to leave it alone. Now you’re out.

    Readying myself, I take a step forward. What do I have to lose now? I’m already out, I might as well try and help Miranda. She’s been pretty crappy to me but what the hell? I push my fist into his jaw. His face turns on impact, spewing blood across the glass table situated beside him. Before he can come back from it, I punch his side again. He falls into a chair nearby.

    I turn to Miranda and tell her, I’m sorry. Maybe you should leave too.

    I head back to my room slamming the door, making sure to lock it. We’ve been through this time and time again. Joe knows I can win if I put my mind to it. He’ll leave for a few hours, drowning his loser self at a bar. Tonight though, I won’t be here when he gets back.

    A long glance in the mirror reveals a bruise slowly surfacing along my jaw. I cringe when I graze my fingers along the shadow slowly surfacing. Tomorrow it will not be pretty.

    I gather all of my things, dumping them into my large, black duffle bag. Finally grabbing my cell, I dial the number I shouldn’t know so well but it’s ingrained in my memory.

    It rings twice before it’s picked up. An alarmed voice on the other end answers, Jamie, are you okay?

    I think I’ve outstayed my welcome. Can you come and get me? I add as an afterthought, Sorry.

    Oh, Jamie. Just one more year, that’s all you needed to hold out.

    I remain silent. She doesn’t get it. She’s supposed to understand because it is her job, but in truth, no one knows what it’s like unless you’ve lived it.

    I’ll be there in ten minutes. Do the Stones know you’re going?

    He kicked me out.

    The phone clicks off. I know how this will go. She’ll call Joe who will be half drunk by now and he’ll give her some shit story that I attacked him. This is home number four not including my sorry ass beginning in the group home. It always plays out this way. It is never the parent’s fault. The reality is that I’m just a check, free money, that’s why they do it. Of the four, there has only been one where I wanted to stay. I was six when I moved in and the daughter, Sam, was my best friend for the six years that I lived there. I thought adoption was a possibility but it all came crashing down when her dad died in a car accident. It was the closest I’ve ever come to having a real family but it ended like everything always does.

    Jamie! Miranda’s piercing scream rings out. I can tell she’s still crying.

    I sling the bag over my shoulder and make my way out to the tiny living room loaded with oversized, worn out furniture. She’s sprawled out on the ripped couch, a round black and blue mark surfacing under her right eye. With black mascara running down her cheeks, she looks up when I come through the door.

    She spies my bag and apologizes, Jamie, I am so sorry.

    I cut her off, Miranda, you need to get away from Joe. He’s going to kill you one day.

    That’s all I have to offer as words of wisdom. A light knock echoes through the small room before she can respond. I reach for the handle and watch as Michelle’s face turns from resolute like she’s going to let me have it, to shock when the door creaks open. She pushes me to the side aiming for Miranda.

    How could you let this happen? He’s a minor Miranda. I‘m going to make sure there are charges pressed.

    Miranda sits up as if suddenly posing for a picture and wipes her cheeks. She explains slowly, Mrs. Ames, I don’t know what you’re talking about.

    She shifts her eyes to me glaring and then back to Michelle and calmly explains, Jamie attacked my Joe. I want him out so he doesn’t hurt Joe again.

    Michelle seems as if she’s trying to control herself, as if she wants to go and scratch Miranda’s eyes out. Through clenched teeth she utters, Is that so Mrs. Stone? Will your husband be pressing charges then?

    None of this should surprise me but each time, I’m still amazed at how low people will stoop to save their own ass or get what they think they deserve. I angle toward the door, tired of hearing Miranda’s lies. I helped her so she didn’t get her ass kicked and this is what I get.

    She stutters, I think, I think, you’ll have to ask Joe about that.

    Michelle nods, her fists still clenched. As she turns she mumbles, Count this as your last chance at fostering anyone.

    I follow her out, bracing myself for whatever she’s going to bestow upon me. I like Michelle and I don’t blame her for anything. She is pretty fair and understanding but she doesn’t get it. None of them really do. She is my fourth case worker. The rest of them moved on to bigger and better things when the time came. Each and every time, they talk like they get it and their sympathy oozes. In the end though, they go home to a family with kids and parents that love one another and matter. I only matter to those who can get paid for providing a place for me to sleep.

    She clops down the wooden steps from the apartment and through a heavy metal door out into the bright sunshine. I follow her down, knowing she won’t say anything until we are in the cool shelter of the car. When I slam the door closed on her silver Toyota Camry she sighs, Jamie, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know he was physically abusive.

    She frowns, picking up a manila folder that I know is my file as I sit staring out the front window.

    You’ve been there for six months, how many times has this happened?

    I watch the cars fly by on the busy street in the ninety degree heat but keep my lips in a tight line.

    Jamie, you have to tell me. If he’s hit you before, it could cost me my job for not pulling you out sooner.

    I turn to look at her, my eyes unwavering and tell her calmly, This is the first time.

    She breathes heavily, setting the file down and puts the car into drive. On to bigger and better things, for everyone, except me. School has just started; I have to make it through this year, probably at a new school now. May marks eighteen for me and then I’m done. Somehow I have to get through it.

    Chapter Two

    Beckett Chase

    Casiopeia – The Queen

    Casiopeia boasted that she was more beautiful than the Nereids. They were enraged by Cassiopeia’s comments and appealed to Poseidon to punish Cassiopeia for her boastfulness. Poseidon was married to one of the nymphs, Amphitrite. The sea god obliged and sent Cetus, a sea monster


    But Beckett, you promised you would stay away and let me talk to him. Trina pleads.

    What the hell is her deal? I can’t help it that I’m more desirable than she is. Nick Parsons would rather have this than that, who could blame him? Yes, she’s tall and exotic looking with her Mexican heritage but I’m sandy haired and blue eyed, Florida girl all the way.

    I put on my best smile and tell her sweetly, lowering my voice as if whispering a secret, Truthfully, he wasn’t very good. Think of it as me doing you a favor, Trin.

    Her eyes widen and she glares at me before huffing off down the hall in her two inch wedges. I frown at her reaction. Maybe I’m losing my touch. Usually my girls wouldn’t be mad at me for something so petty. I turn back to my locker trying to shove my irritation at her away.

    Dani walks up and leans against the locker beside mine. She looks down her perfectly straight nose at me. She’s a full foot taller than me with jet black, shoulder length hair. Her skin is the opposite of Trina’s, paler, almost as white as the walls that surround us.

    Beckett, you know that you told her you’d stay away. Actually, I think your exact words were, ‘Nick Parsons is off limits for this girl’ and you followed it with encouragement for her to go for it.

    I squirm and shift from one heeled foot to the other. My hands move to my lock turning the dial to allow me access and avoid her chiding stare. Once it clicks open, I move my gaze to Dani’s waiting eyes.

    A sigh escapes my lips. I know. He just… what could I do? He came onto me and my hormones took over. It wasn’t even worth it. She just needs to get over it.

    You know this isn’t the first time Beckett. It may be for Trina but you’ve done this before. Remember Jessica and Samantha?

    I look into my locker choosing to ignore her accusatory words. I reach in and pull out my history book. When I slam the locker closed, my eyes meet Dani’s again. The green in them seems to pierce through me. Yes, I’m feeling guilty and I shouldn’t. I push my hair back and grasp the book close against my chest.

    Okay, maybe I should have walked away. But it’s not like I’m going to date him or anything. Ewww! It was a one- time thing. She can go for it now.

    You know she can’t now that you’ve slept with him, girl code, remember?

    I shrug and turn uncomfortably to go to my next class. Whatever, Trina will get over it. I really did do her a favor. His kisses are slobbery.

    I slide into a desk close to the back of the class in the middle row. When I’m settled, I turn around to see Trina still stewing. She is staring down at her desk as if she can bore a hole into it with just her gaze. Her long brown hair is pushed back into a ponytail at the nape of her neck. She glances up and glares as she holds a pencil between her fingers tapping the desk harder than necessary.

    Trina, I’m sorry, okay? Really, I didn’t do it on purpose.

    She stares for a minute before a slow smile spreads across her face. Her slight accented voice whispers, Was he really that bad?

    I nod my head giggling while pushing my hair back off my shoulder.

    It’s okay Beckett, I forgive you but just this once.

    Her nose pinches when she tells me, You have to let me at least try Beckett.

    I turn in my seat as our teacher calls for attention. Thank God that ordeal is over. Trina has always been the sensitive one of our trio. I met Dani two years ago. She lives on the same street as me. We’ve practically spent every day together since we met. Trina joined us last year. She moved to Palm Beach when her parents died in a car accident. She had to adjust to living with her grandparents across the island. It was quite a feat for with her eccentric personality. She lives on the north end where the houses are closer together and a tiny bit smaller.

    We made the ‘girl code’ last year when Dani and I liked the same boy. He ended up liking neither of us. But we felt it was important that we had rules to keep us together regardless of boys. If one of us hooks up with a guy, he’s off limits to the other two, no matter what. I’m glad for it most of the time but right now it annoys me. If she wants to go for it she should but I know she won’t. This in the end makes me feel like garbage. I hope she didn’t really like him.

    As soon as class is over, I walk with Trina back to my locker to find Dani waiting for us. She smiles acknowledging that Trina and I have made up.

    The three of us walk to the cafeteria avoiding the lunch line, and head straight to a wide table already filled with football players and other girls scantily pushing the limits with the school uniform. One turns and glares at me as I find a spot between Jackson and Brett. I ignore her because in the grand scheme of things, she’s nothing. Brett turns his focus on me ignoring her suddenly. She gets up and stomps off. Dani chuckles as she sinks into the newly vacated spot, on the other side of Brett. Trina sits across from me and starts flirting with Brandon inching closer by the second. Maybe Brandon will save my face with Trina.

    Brett whispers, Hey Beckett, when are we going to have that date?

    I bat my lashes at him, You know I don’t date Brett. Besides we already went out.

    He scoots closer I know but that was last year. His long finger reaches out to twirl a piece of my hair. I was hoping we could have a repeat date.

    I smile widely, Ahhh, how about I think about it and let you know? I pull the strand of hair from his fingers and turn to talk to Trina who is laughing at something Brandon said to her. Brett gets up muttering under his breath, You are so frustrating.

    I shrug my shoulders and avert my attention to Jackson who watched the whole thing between Brett and me. His eyebrows rise as his hands raise in surrender, Oh no Beckett Chase, don’t come barking up this tree. I have a girlfriend, remember?

    I sputter out, Well, where is she then? His blond hair falls down into his eye. I swiftly reach out to move it away and he flinches. Rachel Blake’s voice rings out, Oh no, you didn’t.

    Jackson cringes and glares while he gets up trying to smooth things over with his angry girlfriend.

    I look over to Dani and smile. Her amusement is apparent but she warns, Beckett, one of these days…

    She leaves her sentence unfinished.

    I finish for her, One of these days, I’ll meet my match right? Fat chance, that’ll happen.

    Actually, I was going to say, one of these days you’re going to burn someone really bad and it won’t end well.

    I shake my head at her implication. I’ve gotten this far and it’s my last year of high school. I have every intention on having the best year possible. If that means angering girlfriends in the process, so be it. They’ll get over it.

    The rest of the day breezes by with the usual glares from girls and flirting with their boyfriends that carry me through my days.

    As the bell rings to signal another day over, I leave my books in my locker and head to my black BMW in the front row of the lot. Brett is leaning against it. His broad frame makes my car look tiny. I smile inwardly enjoying this game of playing hard to get. He is clothed in the usual khaki pants and light blue chambray shirt. His sleeves are rolled up to his elbows showcasing his muscular arms. His brown hair is spiked haphazardly and his angular face is serious as I approach him. Wide brown eyes question me but I ignore them and walk straight to the driver’s side door holding tighter to my Louis Vuitton shoulder bag.

    As I reach for the handle, his hand darts out and grabs mine. He raises it to his lips gently grazing my knuckles. When he lowers it he looks into my eyes, the deep brown penetrating mine. I pull my hand back as a smile spreads over my lips.

    Beckett, why do you do this?

    I implore innocently, Do what Brett?

    You know exactly what. You’re playing hard to get. It gets old after a while.

    Suddenly I’m bored with this. My voice turns firm, Brett, I think maybe you are reading too much into things. I thought I made myself clear at lunch. We had fun and it’s over. I’m not looking for anything more.

    His arms cross as he leans forward to his full height which is a foot and a half above mine. He shakes his head and walks in the direction of the football field. It’s cute that he risked being late for football practice to try and convince me of his intentions but I’m not interested.

    My phone brings me out of my thoughts. A text lights up the screen. I glance down to see Marla’s name.

    Beckett, please come straight home today. We need to talk. - Mom

    Great. What’s new? I climb into my sweet little baby and start her up. I drive out of the lot and notice that Brett is still staring at me from the entrance to the gym. What is his deal?

    Chapter Three

    Jamie Grey

    Puppis –The Stern of the Argo Navis

    Puppis is part of the Argo Navis which Jason and the Argonauts sailed to capture the golden fleece.


    After the incident with the Stones, Michelle dropped me off at a temporary home. Thankfully that allowed me to go to the same school where I started the year. Unfortunately, she doesn’t know if it will remain that way. The year I had to go back into the system from Sam’s house, I realized that things could change in the blink of an eye. I worried every time I went to a new home whether I’d be with the same friends or even in the same school. Now, I could care less. One more year is all there is left. Then I will be able to live on my own, legally.

    I’m closed up in a sky blue room complete with cars and planes plastered all over the walls. My current residence is only two miles from the Stone’s in Lake Worth. I feel bad that the family had to make room for me in this tiny apartment but Michelle assures me that it is definitely a temporary placement. I finish my homework and glance at the clock, 10:00. I reach and turn out the light putting my ear buds in to block out any noise. I’ve found that sleeping with my music helps to calm my nerves from the constant change. I lay back and close my eyes, letting the music flow.

    Jamie, Jamie, wake up.

    I open my eyes at the gentle touch on my arm. A Cuban woman stares down into my face waiting for me to fully wake up. I pull the buds out of my ears and give her a slight smile to assure her that I’m aware of the time. She turns, closing the door on her way out. I take my time in the shower and getting dressed. When it’s time to leave, I open the door to the woman and her husband with three small kids situated around a small table. The mother looks up with sympathy in her eyes. She hesitates, Do you want breakfast?

    I shake my head and aim for the door. There’s no point in making any connections with these people. My stay will be brief. I take the city bus to the stop half of a mile from the school. The ocean breeze blows the brackish smell toward me as I walk through the thick heat.

    I listen in each class trying to keep my mind off of the life changing events that happened yesterday. The day drones on and I check my phone often to see if Michelle has found a new place. When she dropped me off yesterday she said I would be her first priority this morning. I frown, realizing that maybe she forgot because it’s already two o’clock.

    When the bell rings signaling the end of yet another day, I trek across the parking

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